Models in which the covariance matrix has the structure of a sparse matrix plus a low rank perturbation are ubiquitous in machine learning applications. It is often desirable for learning algorithms to take advantage of such structures, avoiding costly matrix computations that often require cubic time and quadratic storage. This is often accomplished by performing operations that maintain such structures, e.g. matrix inversion via the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula. In this paper we consider the matrix square root and inverse square root operations. Given a low rank perturbation to a matrix, we argue that a low-rank approximate correction to the (inverse) square root exists. We do so by establishing a geometric decay bound on the true correction's eigenvalues. We then proceed to frame the correction has the solution of an algebraic Ricatti equation, and discuss how a low-rank solution to that equation can be computed. We analyze the approximation error incurred when approximately solving the algebraic Ricatti equation, providing spectral and Frobenius norm forward and backward error bounds. Finally, we describe several applications of our algorithms, and demonstrate their utility in numerical experiments.
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The deep neural network (DNN) models for object detection using camera images are widely adopted in autonomous vehicles. However, DNN models are shown to be susceptible to adversarial image perturbations. In the existing methods of generating the adversarial image perturbations, optimizations take each incoming image frame as the decision variable to generate an image perturbation. Therefore, given a new image, the typically computationally-expensive optimization needs to start over as there is no learning between the independent optimizations. Very few approaches have been developed for attacking online image streams while considering the underlying physical dynamics of autonomous vehicles, their mission, and the environment. We propose a multi-level stochastic optimization framework that monitors an attacker's capability of generating the adversarial perturbations. Based on this capability level, a binary decision attack/not attack is introduced to enhance the effectiveness of the attacker. We evaluate our proposed multi-level image attack framework using simulations for vision-guided autonomous vehicles and actual tests with a small indoor drone in an office environment. The results show our method's capability to generate the image attack in real-time while monitoring when the attacker is proficient given state estimates.
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Pre-trained Transformers currently dominate most NLP tasks. They impose, however, limits on the maximum input length (512 sub-words in BERT), which are too restrictive in the legal domain. Even sparse-attention models, such as Longformer and BigBird, which increase the maximum input length to 4,096 sub-words, severely truncate texts in three of the six datasets of LexGLUE. Simpler linear classifiers with TF-IDF features can handle texts of any length, require far less resources to train and deploy, but are usually outperformed by pre-trained Transformers. We explore two directions to cope with long legal texts: (i) modifying a Longformer warm-started from LegalBERT to handle even longer texts (up to 8,192 sub-words), and (ii) modifying LegalBERT to use TF-IDF representations. The first approach is the best in terms of performance, surpassing a hierarchical version of LegalBERT, which was the previous state of the art in LexGLUE. The second approach leads to computationally more efficient models at the expense of lower performance, but the resulting models still outperform overall a linear SVM with TF-IDF features in long legal document classification.
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我们将后处理应用于音频事件分类模型的类概率分布输出,并采用强化学习来共同发现后处理堆栈的各个阶段的最佳参数,例如分类阈值和所使用的中间过滤算法的内核大小平滑模型预测。为了实现这一目标,我们定义了一个强化学习环境:1)状态是该模型为给定音频样本提供的类概率分布,2)操作是选择后处理的每个参数的候选最佳值堆栈,3)奖励基于我们旨在优化的分类准确度度量,即在我们的情况下,这是基于音频事件的宏F1得分。我们将我们的后处理应用于两个音频事件分类模型的类概率分布输出,这些模型已提交给Dcase Task4 2020挑战。我们发现,通过使用强化学习来发现应用于音频事件分类模型输出的后处理堆栈的最佳每级参数,我们可以改进基于音频事件的宏F1分数(使用的主要指标在DCASE挑战中,将音频事件分类精度比较4-5%,与使用手动调谐参数相同的后处理堆栈相比。
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