我们对通过歧管(例如球形,Tori和其他隐式表面)描述的复杂几何形状的学习生成模型感兴趣。现有(欧几里德)生成模型的当前延伸仅限于特定几何形状,并且通常遭受高计算成本。我们介绍了Moser Flow(MF),是连续标准化流量(CNF)系列内的一类新的生成型号。 MF还通过解决方案产生CNF,然而,与其他CNF方法不同,其模型(学习)密度被参数化,因为源(先前)密度减去神经网络(NN)的发散。分歧是局部线性差分操作员,易于近似和计算歧管。因此,与其他CNFS不同,MF不需要在训练期间通过颂歌求解器调用或反向。此外,将模型密度明确表示为NN的发散而不是作为颂歌的解决方案有助于学习高保真密度。从理论上讲,我们证明了MF在合适的假设下构成了通用密度近似器。经验上,我们首次证明了流动模型的使用从一般曲面采样,并在挑战地球和气候的挑战性几何形状和现实世界基准中实现了密度估计,样本质量和培训复杂性的显着改善科学。
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Attribute-controlled text rewriting, also known as text style-transfer, has a crucial role in regulating attributes and biases of textual training data and a machine generated text. In this work we present SimpleStyle, a minimalist yet effective approach for style-transfer composed of two simple ingredients: controlled denoising and output filtering. Despite the simplicity of our approach, which can be succinctly described with a few lines of code, it is competitive with previous state-of-the-art methods both in automatic and in human evaluation. To demonstrate the adaptability and practical value of our system beyond academic data, we apply SimpleStyle to transfer a wide range of text attributes appearing in real-world textual data from social networks. Additionally, we introduce a novel "soft noising" technique that further improves the performance of our system. We also show that teaching a student model to generate the output of SimpleStyle can result in a system that performs style transfer of equivalent quality with only a single greedy-decoded sample. Finally, we suggest our method as a remedy for the fundamental incompatible baseline issue that holds progress in the field. We offer our protocol as a simple yet strong baseline for works that wish to make incremental advancements in the field of attribute controlled text rewriting.
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We present a neural technique for learning to select a local sub-region around a point which can be used for mesh parameterization. The motivation for our framework is driven by interactive workflows used for decaling, texturing, or painting on surfaces. Our key idea is to incorporate segmentation probabilities as weights of a classical parameterization method, implemented as a novel differentiable parameterization layer within a neural network framework. We train a segmentation network to select 3D regions that are parameterized into 2D and penalized by the resulting distortion, giving rise to segmentations which are distortion-aware. Following training, a user can use our system to interactively select a point on the mesh and obtain a large, meaningful region around the selection which induces a low-distortion parameterization. Our code and project page are currently available.
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Pretraining has been shown to scale well with compute, data size and data diversity. Multitask learning trains on a mixture of supervised datasets and produces improved performance compared to self-supervised pretraining. Until now, massively multitask learning required simultaneous access to all datasets in the mixture and heavy compute resources that are only available to well-resourced teams. In this paper, we propose ColD Fusion, a method that provides the benefits of multitask learning but leverages distributed computation and requires limited communication and no sharing of data. Consequentially, ColD Fusion can create a synergistic loop, where finetuned models can be recycled to continually improve the pretrained model they are based on. We show that ColD Fusion yields comparable benefits to multitask pretraining by producing a model that (a) attains strong performance on all of the datasets it was multitask trained on and (b) is a better starting point for finetuning on unseen datasets. We find ColD Fusion outperforms RoBERTa and even previous multitask models. Specifically, when training and testing on 35 diverse datasets, ColD Fusion-based model outperforms RoBERTa by 2.45 points in average without any changes to the architecture.
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Graph neural networks (GNNs) are widely used for modeling complex interactions between entities represented as vertices of a graph. Despite recent efforts to theoretically analyze the expressive power of GNNs, a formal characterization of their ability to model interactions is lacking. The current paper aims to address this gap. Formalizing strength of interactions through an established measure known as separation rank, we quantify the ability of certain GNNs to model interaction between a given subset of vertices and its complement, i.e. between sides of a given partition of input vertices. Our results reveal that the ability to model interaction is primarily determined by the partition's walk index -- a graph-theoretical characteristic that we define by the number of walks originating from the boundary of the partition. Experiments with common GNN architectures corroborate this finding. As a practical application of our theory, we design an edge sparsification algorithm named Walk Index Sparsification (WIS), which preserves the ability of a GNN to model interactions when input edges are removed. WIS is simple, computationally efficient, and markedly outperforms alternative methods in terms of induced prediction accuracy. More broadly, it showcases the potential of improving GNNs by theoretically analyzing the interactions they can model.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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We present nBIIG, a neural Business Intelligence (BI) Insights Generation system. Given a table, our system applies various analyses to create corresponding RDF representations, and then uses a neural model to generate fluent textual insights out of these representations. The generated insights can be used by an analyst, via a human-in-the-loop paradigm, to enhance the task of creating compelling table reports. The underlying generative neural model is trained over large and carefully distilled data, curated from multiple BI domains. Thus, the system can generate faithful and fluent insights over open-domain tables, making it practical and useful.
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Previous studies observed that finetuned models may be better base models than the vanilla pretrained model. Such a model, finetuned on some source dataset, may provide a better starting point for a new finetuning process on a desired target dataset. Here, we perform a systematic analysis of this intertraining scheme, over a wide range of English classification tasks. Surprisingly, our analysis suggests that the potential intertraining gain can be analyzed independently for the target dataset under consideration, and for a base model being considered as a starting point. This is in contrast to current perception that the alignment between the target dataset and the source dataset used to generate the base model is a major factor in determining intertraining success. We analyze different aspects that contribute to each. Furthermore, we leverage our analysis to propose a practical and efficient approach to determine if and how to select a base model in real-world settings. Last, we release an updating ranking of best models in the HuggingFace hub per architecture https://ibm.github.io/model-recycling/.
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