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Nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) are parts of the DNA that are involved in RNA transcription. Due to the silver affinity of associated proteins, argyrophilic NORs (AgNORs) can be visualized using silver-based staining. The average number of AgNORs per nucleus has been shown to be a prognostic factor for predicting the outcome of many tumors. Since manual detection of AgNORs is laborious, automation is of high interest. We present a deep learning-based pipeline for automatically determining the AgNOR-score from histopathological sections. An additional annotation experiment was conducted with six pathologists to provide an independent performance evaluation of our approach. Across all raters and images, we found a mean squared error of 0.054 between the AgNOR- scores of the experts and those of the model, indicating that our approach offers performance comparable to humans.
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For augmentation of the square-shaped image data of a convolutional neural network (CNN), we introduce a new method, in which the original images are mapped onto a disk with a conformal mapping, rotated around the center of this disk and mapped under such a M\"obius transformation that preserves the disk, and then mapped back onto their original square shape. This process does not result the loss of information caused by removing areas from near the edges of the original images unlike the typical transformations used in the data augmentation for a CNN. We offer here the formulas of all the mappings needed together with detailed instructions how to write a code for transforming the images. The new method is also tested with simulated data and, according the results, using this method to augment the training data of 10 images into 40 images decreases the amount of the error in the predictions by a CNN for a test set of 160 images in a statistically significant way (p-value=0.0360).
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Current state-of-the-art approaches to text classification typically leverage BERT-style Transformer models with a softmax classifier, jointly fine-tuned to predict class labels of a target task. In this paper, we instead propose an alternative training objective in which we learn task-specific embeddings of text: our proposed objective learns embeddings such that all texts that share the same target class label should be close together in the embedding space, while all others should be far apart. This allows us to replace the softmax classifier with a more interpretable k-nearest-neighbor classification approach. In a series of experiments, we show that this yields a number of interesting benefits: (1) The resulting order induced by distances in the embedding space can be used to directly explain classification decisions. (2) This facilitates qualitative inspection of the training data, helping us to better understand the problem space and identify labelling quality issues. (3) The learned distances to some degree generalize to unseen classes, allowing us to incrementally add new classes without retraining the model. We present extensive experiments which show that the benefits of ante-hoc explainability and incremental learning come at no cost in overall classification accuracy, thus pointing to practical applicability of our proposed approach.
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人工智能(AI)已成为日常谈话的一部分和我们的生活。它被认为是彻底改变世界的新电力。 AI在行业和学院都有大量投资。但是,目前的AI辩论中也有很多炒作。基于所谓的深度学习的AI在许多问题中取得了令人印象深刻的结果,但它的极限已经可见。自20世纪40年代以来,AI一直在研究中,由于过度预期和相关的失望,该行业已经看到许多起伏。本书的目的是提供AI,其历史,其潜力和局限性的现实画面。我们相信AI是一个助手,而不是人类的统治者。我们首先描述了一个人是什么以及它在几十年中如何发展。基础之后,我们向大规模数据对人工智能主流的重要性解释了大规模数据的重要性。涵盖了AI,方法和机器学习的最常见的表示。此外,介绍了主要应用领域。计算机愿景一直是AI发展的核心。本书提供了对计算机愿景的一般介绍,并包括接触我们自己研究的结果和应用。情绪是人类智慧的核心,但在AI中使用了很少的用途。我们介绍了情绪情报的基础知识和我们对主题的研究。我们讨论超级智力,超越人类理解,解释为什么在目前的知识的基础上,这种成就似乎是不可能的,以及如何改善AI。最后,摘要是由AI的当前状态制成,并在将来做什么。在附录中,我们了解AI教育的发展,特别是从我们自己的大学内容的角度来看。
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