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自20世纪50年代的对比分析(CA)发展以来,重点介绍了两种语言系统的比较和对比,语言学家开始系统地探索母语对获取第二语言的影响。这种现象后来被定义为“语言转移”。目前的论文涉及语音层面的语言转移,并专注于高级中国学习者收购英语元音/ I /及其LAX对应物中存在的转移现象。通过确定先进级别的中国英语学习者(ELLS)是否可以准确地区分/及其LAX对应物,并准确地将它们用英语单词发音,这篇论文是进一步研究中国ELLS语言转移的参考。应举行两个目标:首先,应检查学习者区分元音/ I /及其LAX对应物的感知能力;其次,应确定语音转移的效果。采用了感知测试和生产测试来获得这两个目标。这两项测试都是由12个高级的中国ELL,六个男性和六位女性完成。结果表明,男性和女性参与者都可以有意识地区分/ I /及其LAX对应物。所有参与者都有迹象表明当前数据没有果断地反映了对女Ells对英语单词的高前距离距离龙头元音的语音转移的影响。
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Multivariate time series forecasting with hierarchical structure is pervasive in real-world applications, demanding not only predicting each level of the hierarchy, but also reconciling all forecasts to ensure coherency, i.e., the forecasts should satisfy the hierarchical aggregation constraints. Moreover, the disparities of statistical characteristics between levels can be huge, worsened by non-Gaussian distributions and non-linear correlations. To this extent, we propose a novel end-to-end hierarchical time series forecasting model, based on conditioned normalizing flow-based autoregressive transformer reconciliation, to represent complex data distribution while simultaneously reconciling the forecasts to ensure coherency. Unlike other state-of-the-art methods, we achieve the forecasting and reconciliation simultaneously without requiring any explicit post-processing step. In addition, by harnessing the power of deep model, we do not rely on any assumption such as unbiased estimates or Gaussian distribution. Our evaluation experiments are conducted on four real-world hierarchical datasets from different industrial domains (three public ones and a dataset from the application servers of Alipay's data center) and the preliminary results demonstrate efficacy of our proposed method.
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Benefiting from its single-photon sensitivity, single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) array has been widely applied in various fields such as fluorescence lifetime imaging and quantum computing. However, large-scale high-fidelity single-photon imaging remains a big challenge, due to the complex hardware manufacture craft and heavy noise disturbance of SPAD arrays. In this work, we introduce deep learning into SPAD, enabling super-resolution single-photon imaging over an order of magnitude, with significant enhancement of bit depth and imaging quality. We first studied the complex photon flow model of SPAD electronics to accurately characterize multiple physical noise sources, and collected a real SPAD image dataset (64 $\times$ 32 pixels, 90 scenes, 10 different bit depth, 3 different illumination flux, 2790 images in total) to calibrate noise model parameters. With this real-world physical noise model, we for the first time synthesized a large-scale realistic single-photon image dataset (image pairs of 5 different resolutions with maximum megapixels, 17250 scenes, 10 different bit depth, 3 different illumination flux, 2.6 million images in total) for subsequent network training. To tackle the severe super-resolution challenge of SPAD inputs with low bit depth, low resolution, and heavy noise, we further built a deep transformer network with a content-adaptive self-attention mechanism and gated fusion modules, which can dig global contextual features to remove multi-source noise and extract full-frequency details. We applied the technique on a series of experiments including macroscopic and microscopic imaging, microfluidic inspection, and Fourier ptychography. The experiments validate the technique's state-of-the-art super-resolution SPAD imaging performance, with more than 5 dB superiority on PSNR compared to the existing methods.
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Late-life depression (LLD) is a highly prevalent mood disorder occurring in older adults and is frequently accompanied by cognitive impairment (CI). Studies have shown that LLD may increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, the heterogeneity of presentation of geriatric depression suggests that multiple biological mechanisms may underlie it. Current biological research on LLD progression incorporates machine learning that combines neuroimaging data with clinical observations. There are few studies on incident cognitive diagnostic outcomes in LLD based on structural MRI (sMRI). In this paper, we describe the development of a hybrid representation learning (HRL) framework for predicting cognitive diagnosis over 5 years based on T1-weighted sMRI data. Specifically, we first extract prediction-oriented MRI features via a deep neural network, and then integrate them with handcrafted MRI features via a Transformer encoder for cognitive diagnosis prediction. Two tasks are investigated in this work, including (1) identifying cognitively normal subjects with LLD and never-depressed older healthy subjects, and (2) identifying LLD subjects who developed CI (or even AD) and those who stayed cognitively normal over five years. To the best of our knowledge, this is among the first attempts to study the complex heterogeneous progression of LLD based on task-oriented and handcrafted MRI features. We validate the proposed HRL on 294 subjects with T1-weighted MRIs from two clinically harmonized studies. Experimental results suggest that the HRL outperforms several classical machine learning and state-of-the-art deep learning methods in LLD identification and prediction tasks.
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水下杂质的光吸收和散射导致水下较差的水下成像质量。现有的基于数据驱动的基于数据的水下图像增强(UIE)技术缺乏包含各种水下场景和高保真参考图像的大规模数据集。此外,不同颜色通道和空间区域的不一致衰减不完全考虑提升增强。在这项工作中,我们构建了一个大规模的水下图像(LSUI)数据集,包括5004个图像对,并报告了一个U形变压器网络,其中变压器模型首次引入UIE任务。 U形变压器与通道 - 方面的多尺度特征融合变压器(CMSFFT)模块和空间全局功能建模变压器(SGFMT)模块集成在一起,可使用更多地加强网络对色频道和空间区域的关注严重衰减。同时,为了进一步提高对比度和饱和度,在人类视觉原理之后,设计了组合RGB,实验室和LCH颜色空间的新型损失函数。可用数据集的广泛实验验证了报告的技术的最先进性能,具有超过2dB的优势。
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我们提出了一种新颖的方法,以基于在线RGBD重建与语义分割的在线RGBD重建,提出了一种对未知的室内场景的机器人工作的主动理解。在我们的方法中,探索机器人扫描是由场景中语义对象的识别和分割的驱动和定位。我们的算法基于体积深度融合框架(例如,KinectFusion)之上,并在在线重建卷上执行实时Voxel的语义标记。机器人通过在2D位置和方位角旋转的3D空间上参数化的在线估计的离散观看截由场(VSF)。 VSF为每个网格存储相应视图的分数,测量它减少了几何重建和语义标记的不确定性(熵)。基于VSF,我们选择每个时间步骤的下一个最佳视图(NBV)作为目标。然后,我们通过沿路径和轨迹最大化积分观看分数(信息增益)来共同优化遍历两个相邻的NBV之间的横向路径和相机轨迹。通过广泛的评估,我们表明我们的方法在探索性扫描期间实现了高效准确的在线场景解析。
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Deep learning models can achieve high accuracy when trained on large amounts of labeled data. However, real-world scenarios often involve several challenges: Training data may become available in installments, may originate from multiple different domains, and may not contain labels for training. Certain settings, for instance medical applications, often involve further restrictions that prohibit retention of previously seen data due to privacy regulations. In this work, to address such challenges, we study unsupervised segmentation in continual learning scenarios that involve domain shift. To that end, we introduce GarDA (Generative Appearance Replay for continual Domain Adaptation), a generative-replay based approach that can adapt a segmentation model sequentially to new domains with unlabeled data. In contrast to single-step unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA), continual adaptation to a sequence of domains enables leveraging and consolidation of information from multiple domains. Unlike previous approaches in incremental UDA, our method does not require access to previously seen data, making it applicable in many practical scenarios. We evaluate GarDA on two datasets with different organs and modalities, where it substantially outperforms existing techniques.
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