Machine learning approaches are widely studied in the production prediction of CBM wells after hydraulic fracturing, but merely used in practice due to the low generalization ability and the lack of interpretability. A novel methodology is proposed in this article to discover the latent causality from observed data, which is aimed at finding an indirect way to interpret the machine learning results. Based on the theory of causal discovery, a causal graph is derived with explicit input, output, treatment and confounding variables. Then, SHAP is employed to analyze the influence of the factors on the production capability, which indirectly interprets the machine learning models. The proposed method can capture the underlying nonlinear relationship between the factors and the output, which remedies the limitation of the traditional machine learning routines based on the correlation analysis of factors. The experiment on the data of CBM shows that the detected relationship between the production and the geological/engineering factors by the presented method, is coincident with the actual physical mechanism. Meanwhile, compared with traditional methods, the interpretable machine learning models have better performance in forecasting production capability, averaging 20% improvement in accuracy.
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As the basis for prehensile manipulation, it is vital to enable robots to grasp as robustly as humans. In daily manipulation, our grasping system is prompt, accurate, flexible and continuous across spatial and temporal domains. Few existing methods cover all these properties for robot grasping. In this paper, we propose a new methodology for grasp perception to enable robots these abilities. Specifically, we develop a dense supervision strategy with real perception and analytic labels in the spatial-temporal domain. Additional awareness of objects' center-of-mass is incorporated into the learning process to help improve grasping stability. Utilization of grasp correspondence across observations enables dynamic grasp tracking. Our model, AnyGrasp, can generate accurate, full-DoF, dense and temporally-smooth grasp poses efficiently, and works robustly against large depth sensing noise. Embedded with AnyGrasp, we achieve a 93.3% success rate when clearing bins with over 300 unseen objects, which is comparable with human subjects under controlled conditions. Over 900 MPPH is reported on a single-arm system. For dynamic grasping, we demonstrate catching swimming robot fish in the water.
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In this paper, we study two challenging but less-touched problems in image restoration, namely, i) how to quantify the relationship between different image degradations and ii) how to improve the performance of a specific restoration task using the quantified relationship. To tackle the first challenge, Degradation Relationship Index (DRI) is proposed to measure the degradation relationship, which is defined as the drop rate difference in the validation loss between two models, i.e., one is trained using the anchor task only and another is trained using the anchor and the auxiliary tasks. Through quantifying the relationship between different degradations using DRI, we empirically observe that i) the degradation combination proportion is crucial to the image restoration performance. In other words, the combinations with only appropriate degradation proportions could improve the performance of the anchor restoration; ii) a positive DRI always predicts the performance improvement of image restoration. Based on the observations, we propose an adaptive Degradation Proportion Determination strategy (DPD) which could improve the performance of the anchor restoration task by using another restoration task as auxiliary. Extensive experimental results verify the effective of our method by taking image dehazing as the anchor task and denoising, desnowing, and deraining as the auxiliary tasks. The code will be released after acceptance.
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方面情感三胞胎提取(ASTE)旨在提取方面,意见及其情感关系作为情感三胞胎的跨度。现有的作品通常将跨度检测作为1D令牌标记问题制定,并使用令牌对的2D标记矩阵对情感识别进行建模。此外,通过利用诸如伯特(Bert)之类的审计语言编码器(PLES)的代表形式,它们可以实现更好的性能。但是,他们只是利用将功能提取器作为提取器来构建其模块,但从未深入了解特定知识所包含的内容。在本文中,我们争辩说,与其进一步设计模块以捕获ASTE的电感偏见,不如包含“足够”的“足够”功能,用于1D和2D标记:(1)令牌表示包含令牌本身的上下文含义,因此此级别,因此此级别功能带有必要的信息以进行1D标记。 (2)不同PLE层的注意力矩阵可以进一步捕获令牌对中存在的多层次语言知识,从而使2D标记受益。 (3)此外,对于简单的转换,这两个功能也可以很容易地转换为2D标记矩阵和1D标记序列。这将进一步提高标签结果。通过这样做,PLE可以是自然的标记框架并实现新的最新状态,通过广泛的实验和深入分析来验证。
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估计看不见对象的6D姿势对许多现实世界应用非常有需求。但是,当前的最新姿势估计方法只能处理以前训练的对象。在本文中,我们提出了一项新任务,以使算法能够估计测试过程中新颖对象的6D姿势估计。我们收集一个具有真实图像和合成图像的数据集,并且在测试集中最多可见48个看不见的对象。同时,我们提出了一个名为infimum Add(IADD)的新指标,这是对具有不同类型姿势歧义的对象的不变测量。还提供了针对此任务的两个阶段基线解决方案。通过训练端到端的3D对应网络,我们的方法可以准确有效地找到看不见的对象和部分视图RGBD图像之间的相应点。然后,它使用算法鲁棒到对象对称性从对应关系中计算6D姿势。广泛的实验表明,我们的方法的表现优于几个直观基线,从而验证其有效性。所有数据,代码和模型都将公开可用。项目页面
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地球观测卫星多年来一直在不同位置和具有不同模态的光谱带的地球环境中连续监测地球环境。由于复杂的卫星传感条件(例如,天气,云,大气,轨道),可能无法使用某些模式,乐队,位置和时间的观察。CVPR 2022 [1]中的多学历矩阵完成挑战提供了多模式卫星数据,用于以亚马逊雨林作为感兴趣的地区来解决此类数据稀疏挑战。这项工作提出了自适应的实时多模式回归和生成框架,并以0.2226的LPIP,123.0372的PSNR和0.6347的SSIM在这一挑战中在看不见的测试查询方面取得了出色的性能。
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在各种计算机视觉任务(例如对象检测,实例分段等)中,无监督的域适应至关重要。他们试图减少域偏差诱导的性能下降,同时还促进模型应用速度。域适应对象检测中的先前作品尝试使图像级和实例级别变化对准以最大程度地减少域差异,但是它们可能会使单级功能与图像级域适应中的混合级功能相结合,因为对象中的每个图像中的每个图像检测任务可能不止一个类和对象。为了通过单级对齐获得单级和混合级对齐方式,我们将功能的混合级视为新班级,并建议使用混合级$ h-divergence $,以供对象检测到实现均匀特征对准并减少负转移。然后,还提出了基于混合级$ h-Divergence $的语义一致性特征对齐模型(SCFAM)。为了改善单层和混合级的语义信息并完成语义分离,SCFAM模型提出了语义预测模型(SPM)和语义桥接组件(SBC)。然后根据SPM结果更改PIX域鉴别器损耗的重量,以减少样品不平衡。广泛使用的数据集上的广泛无监督域的适应实验说明了我们所提出的方法在域偏置设置中的强大对象检测。
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无监督的语义细分需要将标签分配给每个像素,而无需任何人类注释。尽管在单个图像的自我监督表示学习方面取得了进步,但使用像素级表示的无监督语义细分仍然是一项艰巨的任务,并且仍然没有被淘汰。在这项工作中,我们通过使用视觉概念(即具有语义含义的像素组,例如零件,对象和场景)提出一种自我监督的像素表示学习方法,以进行语义分割。为了指导自我监督的学习,我们利用像素和概念之间的三种类型的关系,包括像素与本地概念之间的关系,本地和全球概念以及概念的共发生。我们在包括Pascal VOC 2012,Coco 2017和Davis 2017的三个数据集上评估了学识渊博的像素嵌入和视觉概念。我们的结果表明,提议的方法对最近的无监督语义细分方法进行了一致性和实质性改进,并证明了视觉概念的视觉概念。可以向图像数据集揭示洞察力。
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