The most useful data mining primitives are distance measures. With an effective distance measure, it is possible to perform classification, clustering, anomaly detection, segmentation, etc. For single-event time series Euclidean Distance and Dynamic Time Warping distance are known to be extremely effective. However, for time series containing cyclical behaviors, the semantic meaningfulness of such comparisons is less clear. For example, on two separate days the telemetry from an athlete workout routine might be very similar. The second day may change the order in of performing push-ups and squats, adding repetitions of pull-ups, or completely omitting dumbbell curls. Any of these minor changes would defeat existing time series distance measures. Some bag-of-features methods have been proposed to address this problem, but we argue that in many cases, similarity is intimately tied to the shapes of subsequences within these longer time series. In such cases, summative features will lack discrimination ability. In this work we introduce PRCIS, which stands for Pattern Representation Comparison in Series. PRCIS is a distance measure for long time series, which exploits recent progress in our ability to summarize time series with dictionaries. We will demonstrate the utility of our ideas on diverse tasks and datasets.
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Optimal Transport (OT) provides a useful geometric framework to estimate the permutation matrix under unsupervised cross-lingual word embedding (CLWE) models that pose the alignment task as a Wasserstein-Procrustes problem. However, linear programming algorithms and approximate OT solvers via Sinkhorn for computing the permutation matrix come with a significant computational burden since they scale cubically and quadratically, respectively, in the input size. This makes it slow and infeasible to compute OT distances exactly for a larger input size, resulting in a poor approximation quality of the permutation matrix and subsequently a less robust learned transfer function or mapper. This paper proposes an unsupervised projection-based CLWE model called quantized Wasserstein Procrustes (qWP). qWP relies on a quantization step of both the source and target monolingual embedding space to estimate the permutation matrix given a cheap sampling procedure. This approach substantially improves the approximation quality of empirical OT solvers given fixed computational cost. We demonstrate that qWP achieves state-of-the-art results on the Bilingual lexicon Induction (BLI) task.
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Controllable image synthesis with user scribbles has gained huge public interest with the recent advent of text-conditioned latent diffusion models. The user scribbles control the color composition while the text prompt provides control over the overall image semantics. However, we note that prior works in this direction suffer from an intrinsic domain shift problem, wherein the generated outputs often lack details and resemble simplistic representations of the target domain. In this paper, we propose a novel guided image synthesis framework, which addresses this problem by modeling the output image as the solution of a constrained optimization problem. We show that while computing an exact solution to the optimization is infeasible, an approximation of the same can be achieved while just requiring a single pass of the reverse diffusion process. Additionally, we show that by simply defining a cross-attention based correspondence between the input text tokens and the user stroke-painting, the user is also able to control the semantics of different painted regions without requiring any conditional training or finetuning. Human user study results show that the proposed approach outperforms the previous state-of-the-art by over 85.32% on the overall user satisfaction scores. Project page for our paper is available at
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Air pollution is a crucial issue affecting human health and livelihoods, as well as one of the barriers to economic and social growth. Forecasting air quality has become an increasingly important endeavor with significant social impacts, especially in emerging countries like China. In this paper, we present a novel Transformer architecture termed AirFormer to collectively predict nationwide air quality in China, with an unprecedented fine spatial granularity covering thousands of locations. AirFormer decouples the learning process into two stages -- 1) a bottom-up deterministic stage that contains two new types of self-attention mechanisms to efficiently learn spatio-temporal representations; 2) a top-down stochastic stage with latent variables to capture the intrinsic uncertainty of air quality data. We evaluate AirFormer with 4-year data from 1,085 stations in the Chinese Mainland. Compared to the state-of-the-art model, AirFormer reduces prediction errors by 5%~8% on 72-hour future predictions. Our source code is available at
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In this paper, we are interested in learning a generalizable person re-identification (re-ID) representation from unlabeled videos. Compared with 1) the popular unsupervised re-ID setting where the training and test sets are typically under the same domain, and 2) the popular domain generalization (DG) re-ID setting where the training samples are labeled, our novel scenario combines their key challenges: the training samples are unlabeled, and collected form various domains which do no align with the test domain. In other words, we aim to learn a representation in an unsupervised manner and directly use the learned representation for re-ID in novel domains. To fulfill this goal, we make two main contributions: First, we propose Cycle Association (CycAs), a scalable self-supervised learning method for re-ID with low training complexity; and second, we construct a large-scale unlabeled re-ID dataset named LMP-video, tailored for the proposed method. Specifically, CycAs learns re-ID features by enforcing cycle consistency of instance association between temporally successive video frame pairs, and the training cost is merely linear to the data size, making large-scale training possible. On the other hand, the LMP-video dataset is extremely large, containing 50 million unlabeled person images cropped from over 10K Youtube videos, therefore is sufficient to serve as fertile soil for self-supervised learning. Trained on LMP-video, we show that CycAs learns good generalization towards novel domains. The achieved results sometimes even outperform supervised domain generalizable models. Remarkably, CycAs achieves 82.2% Rank-1 on Market-1501 and 49.0% Rank-1 on MSMT17 with zero human annotation, surpassing state-of-the-art supervised DG re-ID methods. Moreover, we also demonstrate the superiority of CycAs under the canonical unsupervised re-ID and the pretrain-and-finetune scenarios.
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Speech representation learning has improved both speech understanding and speech synthesis tasks for single language. However, its ability in cross-lingual scenarios has not been explored. In this paper, we extend the pretraining method for cross-lingual multi-speaker speech synthesis tasks, including cross-lingual multi-speaker voice cloning and cross-lingual multi-speaker speech editing. We propose a speech-text joint pretraining framework, where we randomly mask the spectrogram and the phonemes given a speech example and its transcription. By learning to reconstruct the masked parts of the input in different languages, our model shows great improvements over speaker-embedding-based multi-speaker TTS methods. Moreover, our framework is end-to-end for both the training and the inference without any finetuning effort. In cross-lingual multi-speaker voice cloning and cross-lingual multi-speaker speech editing tasks, our experiments show that our model outperforms speaker-embedding-based multi-speaker TTS methods. The code and model are publicly available at PaddleSpeech.
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Recent works on Lottery Ticket Hypothesis have shown that pre-trained language models (PLMs) contain smaller matching subnetworks(winning tickets) which are capable of reaching accuracy comparable to the original models. However, these tickets are proved to be notrobust to adversarial examples, and even worse than their PLM counterparts. To address this problem, we propose a novel method based on learning binary weight masks to identify robust tickets hidden in the original PLMs. Since the loss is not differentiable for the binary mask, we assign the hard concrete distribution to the masks and encourage their sparsity using a smoothing approximation of L0 regularization.Furthermore, we design an adversarial loss objective to guide the search for robust tickets and ensure that the tickets perform well bothin accuracy and robustness. Experimental results show the significant improvement of the proposed method over previous work on adversarial robustness evaluation.
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视频和文本之间的跨模式检索因网络上的视频迅速出现而越来越多。通常,视频包含丰富的实例和事件信息,查询文本仅描述了信息的一部分。因此,视频可以对应于多个不同的文本说明和查询。我们将此现象称为``视频文本对应歧义''问题。当前技术主要集中于挖掘视频和文本内容之间的本地或多级对齐(\ textit {e.g。},对实体和动词的动作对象)。这些方法很难通过仅使用一个单个功能来描述视频来减轻视频文本的歧义,这需要同时与多个不同的文本功能匹配。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个文本自适应多个视觉原型匹配模型,该模型会自动捕获多个原型,以通过自适应聚合视频令牌功能来描述视频。给定查询文本,相似性由最相似的原型确定,以在视频中找到对应关系,该视频称为文本自适应匹配。为了学习代表视频中丰富信息的多种原型,我们提出了差异损失,以鼓励不同的原型参与视频的不同内容。我们的方法在四个公共视频检索数据集上优于最先进的方法。
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我们描述了JD Explore Academy对WMT 2022共享的一般翻译任务的提交。我们参加了所有高资源曲目和一条中型曲目,包括中文英语,德语英语,捷克语英语,俄语 - 英语和日语英语。我们通过扩大两个主要因素,即语言对和模型大小,即\ textbf {vega-mt}系统来推动以前的工作的极限 - 进行翻译的双向培训。至于语言对,我们将“双向”扩展到“多向”设置,涵盖所有参与语言,以利用跨语言的常识,并将其转移到下游双语任务中。至于型号尺寸,我们将变压器限制到拥有近47亿参数的极大模型,以完全增强我们VEGA-MT的模型容量。此外,我们采用数据增强策略,例如单语数据的循环翻译以及双语和单语数据的双向自我训练,以全面利用双语和单语言数据。为了使我们的Vega-MT适应通用域测试集,设计了概括调整。根据受约束系统的官方自动分数,根据图1所示的sacrebleu,我们在{zh-en(33.5),en-zh(49.7)(49.7),de-en(33.7)上获得了第一名-de(37.8),CS-EN(54.9),En-CS(41.4)和En-Ru(32.7)},在{ru-en(45.1)和Ja-en(25.6)}和第三名上的第二名和第三名在{en-ja(41.5)}上; W.R.T彗星,我们在{zh-en(45.1),en-zh(61.7),de-en(58.0),en-de(63.2),cs-en(74.7),ru-en(ru-en(ru-en)上,我们获得了第一名64.9),en-ru(69.6)和en-ja(65.1)},分别在{en-cs(95.3)和ja-en(40.6)}上的第二名。将发布模型,以通过GitHub和Omniforce平台来促进MT社区。
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我们引入了基于高斯工艺回归和边缘化图内核(GPR-MGK)的探索性主动学习(AL)算法,以最低成本探索化学空间。使用高通量分子动力学模拟生成数据和图神经网络(GNN)以预测,我们为热力学性质预测构建了一个主动学习分子模拟框架。在特定的靶向251,728个烷烃分子中,由4至19个碳原子及其液体物理特性组成:密度,热能和汽化焓,我们使用AL算法选择最有用的分子来代表化学空间。计算和实验测试集的验证表明,只有313个(占总数的0.124 \%)分子足以训练用于计算测试集的$ \ rm r^2> 0.99 $的精确GNN模型和$ \ rm rm r^2>>实验测试集0.94 $。我们重点介绍了提出的AL算法的两个优点:与高通量数据生成和可靠的不确定性量化的兼容性。
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