Our situated environment is full of uncertainty and highly dynamic, thus hindering the widespread adoption of machine-led Intelligent Decision-Making (IDM) in real world scenarios. This means IDM should have the capability of continuously learning new skills and efficiently generalizing across wider applications. IDM benefits from any new approaches and theoretical breakthroughs that exhibit Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) breaking the barriers between tasks and applications. Recent research has well-examined neural architecture, Transformer, as a backbone foundation model and its generalization to various tasks, including computer vision, natural language processing, and reinforcement learning. We therefore argue that a foundation decision model (FDM) can be established by formulating various decision-making tasks as a sequence decoding task using the Transformer architecture; this would be a promising solution to advance the applications of IDM in more complex real world tasks. In this paper, we elaborate on how a foundation decision model improves the efficiency and generalization of IDM. We also discuss potential applications of a FDM in multi-agent game AI, production scheduling, and robotics tasks. Finally, through a case study, we demonstrate our realization of the FDM, DigitalBrain (DB1) with 1.2 billion parameters, which achieves human-level performance over 453 tasks, including text generation, images caption, video games playing, robotic control, and traveling salesman problems. As a foundation decision model, DB1 would be a baby step towards more autonomous and efficient real world IDM applications.
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Ensemble learning serves as a straightforward way to improve the performance of almost any machine learning algorithm. Existing deep ensemble methods usually naively train many different models and then aggregate their predictions. This is not optimal in our view from two aspects: i) Naively training multiple models adds much more computational burden, especially in the deep learning era; ii) Purely optimizing each base model without considering their interactions limits the diversity of ensemble and performance gains. We tackle these issues by proposing deep negative correlation classification (DNCC), in which the accuracy and diversity trade-off is systematically controlled by decomposing the loss function seamlessly into individual accuracy and the correlation between individual models and the ensemble. DNCC yields a deep classification ensemble where the individual estimator is both accurate and negatively correlated. Thanks to the optimized diversities, DNCC works well even when utilizing a shared network backbone, which significantly improves its efficiency when compared with most existing ensemble systems. Extensive experiments on multiple benchmark datasets and network structures demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method.
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Finetuning language models on a collection of datasets phrased as instructions has been shown to improve model performance and generalization to unseen tasks. In this paper we explore instruction finetuning with a particular focus on (1) scaling the number of tasks, (2) scaling the model size, and (3) finetuning on chain-of-thought data. We find that instruction finetuning with the above aspects dramatically improves performance on a variety of model classes (PaLM, T5, U-PaLM), prompting setups (zero-shot, few-shot, CoT), and evaluation benchmarks (MMLU, BBH, TyDiQA, MGSM, open-ended generation). For instance, Flan-PaLM 540B instruction-finetuned on 1.8K tasks outperforms PALM 540B by a large margin (+9.4% on average). Flan-PaLM 540B achieves state-of-the-art performance on several benchmarks, such as 75.2% on five-shot MMLU. We also publicly release Flan-T5 checkpoints, which achieve strong few-shot performance even compared to much larger models, such as PaLM 62B. Overall, instruction finetuning is a general method for improving the performance and usability of pretrained language models.
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In the field of cross-modal retrieval, single encoder models tend to perform better than dual encoder models, but they suffer from high latency and low throughput. In this paper, we present a dual encoder model called BagFormer that utilizes a cross modal interaction mechanism to improve recall performance without sacrificing latency and throughput. BagFormer achieves this through the use of bag-wise interactions, which allow for the transformation of text to a more appropriate granularity and the incorporation of entity knowledge into the model. Our experiments demonstrate that BagFormer is able to achieve results comparable to state-of-the-art single encoder models in cross-modal retrieval tasks, while also offering efficient training and inference with 20.72 times lower latency and 25.74 times higher throughput.
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The past few years have witnessed the prevalence of self-supervised representation learning within the language and 2D vision communities. However, such advancements have not been fully migrated to the community of 3D point cloud learning. Different from previous pre-training pipelines for 3D point clouds that generally fall into the scope of either generative modeling or contrastive learning, in this paper, we investigate a translative pre-training paradigm, namely PointVST, driven by a novel self-supervised pretext task of cross-modal translation from an input 3D object point cloud to its diverse forms of 2D rendered images (e.g., silhouette, depth, contour). Specifically, we begin with deducing view-conditioned point-wise embeddings via the insertion of the viewpoint indicator, and then adaptively aggregate a view-specific global codeword, which is further fed into the subsequent 2D convolutional translation heads for image generation. We conduct extensive experiments on common task scenarios of 3D shape analysis, where our PointVST shows consistent and prominent performance superiority over current state-of-the-art methods under diverse evaluation protocols. Our code will be made publicly available.
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This paper utilizes an anomaly detection algorithm to check if underwater gliders are operating normally in the unknown ocean environment. Glider pilots can be warned of the detected glider anomaly in real time, thus taking over the glider appropriately and avoiding further damage to the glider. The adopted algorithm is validated by two valuable sets of data in real glider deployments, the University of South Florida (USF) glider Stella and the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography (SkIO) glider Angus.
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Blind watermarking provides powerful evidence for copyright protection, image authentication, and tampering identification. However, it remains a challenge to design a watermarking model with high imperceptibility and robustness against strong noise attacks. To resolve this issue, we present a framework Combining the Invertible and Non-invertible (CIN) mechanisms. The CIN is composed of the invertible part to achieve high imperceptibility and the non-invertible part to strengthen the robustness against strong noise attacks. For the invertible part, we develop a diffusion and extraction module (DEM) and a fusion and split module (FSM) to embed and extract watermarks symmetrically in an invertible way. For the non-invertible part, we introduce a non-invertible attention-based module (NIAM) and the noise-specific selection module (NSM) to solve the asymmetric extraction under a strong noise attack. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our framework outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods of imperceptibility and robustness significantly. Our framework can achieve an average of 99.99% accuracy and 67.66 dB PSNR under noise-free conditions, while 96.64% and 39.28 dB combined strong noise attacks. The code will be available in https://github.com/rmpku/CIN.
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Transformer-based models have been widely demonstrated to be successful in computer vision tasks by modelling long-range dependencies and capturing global representations. However, they are often dominated by features of large patterns leading to the loss of local details (e.g., boundaries and small objects), which are critical in medical image segmentation. To alleviate this problem, we propose a Dual-Aggregation Transformer Network called DuAT, which is characterized by two innovative designs, namely, the Global-to-Local Spatial Aggregation (GLSA) and Selective Boundary Aggregation (SBA) modules. The GLSA has the ability to aggregate and represent both global and local spatial features, which are beneficial for locating large and small objects, respectively. The SBA module is used to aggregate the boundary characteristic from low-level features and semantic information from high-level features for better preserving boundary details and locating the re-calibration objects. Extensive experiments in six benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed model outperforms state-of-the-art methods in the segmentation of skin lesion images, and polyps in colonoscopy images. In addition, our approach is more robust than existing methods in various challenging situations such as small object segmentation and ambiguous object boundaries.
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The acquisition of high-quality human annotations through crowdsourcing platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) is more challenging than expected. The annotation quality might be affected by various aspects like annotation instructions, Human Intelligence Task (HIT) design, and wages paid to annotators, etc. To avoid potentially low-quality annotations which could mislead the evaluation of automatic summarization system outputs, we investigate the recruitment of high-quality MTurk workers via a three-step qualification pipeline. We show that we can successfully filter out bad workers before they carry out the evaluations and obtain high-quality annotations while optimizing the use of resources. This paper can serve as basis for the recruitment of qualified annotators in other challenging annotation tasks.
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Deep learning-based 3D object detectors have made significant progress in recent years and have been deployed in a wide range of applications. It is crucial to understand the robustness of detectors against adversarial attacks when employing detectors in security-critical applications. In this paper, we make the first attempt to conduct a thorough evaluation and analysis of the robustness of 3D detectors under adversarial attacks. Specifically, we first extend three kinds of adversarial attacks to the 3D object detection task to benchmark the robustness of state-of-the-art 3D object detectors against attacks on KITTI and Waymo datasets, subsequently followed by the analysis of the relationship between robustness and properties of detectors. Then, we explore the transferability of cross-model, cross-task, and cross-data attacks. We finally conduct comprehensive experiments of defense for 3D detectors, demonstrating that simple transformations like flipping are of little help in improving robustness when the strategy of transformation imposed on input point cloud data is exposed to attackers. Our findings will facilitate investigations in understanding and defending the adversarial attacks against 3D object detectors to advance this field.
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