In the field of cross-modal retrieval, single encoder models tend to perform better than dual encoder models, but they suffer from high latency and low throughput. In this paper, we present a dual encoder model called BagFormer that utilizes a cross modal interaction mechanism to improve recall performance without sacrificing latency and throughput. BagFormer achieves this through the use of bag-wise interactions, which allow for the transformation of text to a more appropriate granularity and the incorporation of entity knowledge into the model. Our experiments demonstrate that BagFormer is able to achieve results comparable to state-of-the-art single encoder models in cross-modal retrieval tasks, while also offering efficient training and inference with 20.72 times lower latency and 25.74 times higher throughput.
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视觉语言预训练(VLP)模型在各种下游任务上表现出色。他们的成功在很大程度上取决于预训练的跨模式数据集的规模。但是,中文中缺乏大规模数据集和基准阻碍了中国VLP模型和更广泛的多语言应用程序的发展。在这项工作中,我们发布了一个名为Wukong的大型中国跨模式数据集,其中包含从网络收集的1亿个中文图像文本对。 Wukong旨在基准基准不同的多模式预训练方法,以促进VLP研究和社区发展。此外,我们发布了一组模型,预先训练了各种图像编码器(vit-b/vit-l/swint),还将高级预训练技术应用于VLP,例如锁定图像文本调整,相对于代币的相似性学习和减少互动。还提供了广泛的实验和不同下游任务的基准测试,包括新的最大人验证的图像文本测试数据集。实验表明,Wukong可以作为不同的跨模式学习方法的有前途的中国预培训数据集和基准。对于10个数据集上的零摄像图像分类任务,$ Wukong_ {vit-l} $达到的平均准确度为73.03%。对于图像文本检索任务,它在AIC-ICC上的平均召回率为71.6%,比Wenlan 2.0高12.9%。此外,我们的Wukong模型在下游任务上进行了基准测试,例如多个数据集上的其他变体,例如Flickr8k-CN,Flickr-30K-CN,Coco-CN,Coco-CN等。更多信息可以参考:。
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视觉检索中的大多数现有方法是通过比较其全局特征向量的两种方式,该矢量错过了足够的信息并缺乏可解释性,检测图像或视频中的对象,并将文本与依赖复杂的模型设计或建模的精细元素对齐通过较低效率遭受视觉和文本令牌的交叉注意相互作用。为了解决这些局限性,最近的一些作品简单地汇总了代币的相似性以实现细粒度的对齐方式,但它们缺乏直观的解释,并且忽略了令牌级特征和具有高级语义的全球表示之间的关系。在这项工作中,我们重新考虑细粒度的跨模式对准,并为其设计一种新的模型不合命固式配方。我们还揭开了最近的流行作品的神秘面纱,并将其纳入我们的计划。此外,受最佳运输理论的启发,我们引入了\ emph {tokenflow},这是对拟议方案的实例化。通过仅修改相似性函数,我们方法的性能与主要视频文本检索基准上具有重型模型设计的SOTA算法相当。可视化进一步表明\ emph {tokenflow}成功利用细粒度的信息并获得了更好的解释性。
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Pre-trained representations are becoming crucial for many NLP and perception tasks. While representation learning in NLP has transitioned to training on raw text without human annotations, visual and vision-language representations still rely heavily on curated training datasets that are expensive or require expert knowledge. For vision applications, representations are mostly learned using datasets with explicit class labels such as Ima-geNet or OpenImages. For vision-language, popular datasets like Conceptual Captions, MSCOCO, or CLIP all involve a non-trivial data collection (and cleaning) process. This costly curation process limits the size of datasets and hence hinders the scaling of trained models. In this paper, we leverage a noisy dataset of over one billion image alt-text pairs, obtained without expensive filtering or post-processing steps in the Conceptual Captions dataset. A simple dual-encoder architecture learns to align visual and language representations of the image and text pairs using a contrastive loss. We show that the scale of our corpus can make up for its noise and leads to state-of-the-art representations even with such a simple learning scheme. Our visual representation achieves strong performance when transferred to classification tasks such as ImageNet and VTAB. The aligned visual and language representations enables zero-shot image classification and also set new state-of-the-art results on Flickr30K and MSCOCO image-text retrieval benchmarks, even when compared with more sophisticated crossattention models. The representations also enable cross-modality search with complex text and text + image queries.
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我们介绍了一个统一的视觉 - 语言普试模型(VLMO),共同学习双编码器和带有模块化变压器网络的融合编码器。具体而言,我们介绍了模态 - 专家(Mome)变压器的混合,其中每个块包含一个模态特定专家和共同的自我注意层。由于Mome的柔性柔韧性,预先调整的VLMO可以精细调整为viSion语言分类任务的融合编码器,或用作双编码器,用于有效的图像文本检索。此外,我们提出了一个航向的预训练策略,它有效地利用了除了图像文本对之外的大规模图像和仅文本数据。实验结果表明,VLMO在各种视觉语言任务上实现了最先进的结果,包括VQA和NLVR2。代码和预用模型可以在获得。
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Unsupervised pre-training on millions of digital-born or scanned documents has shown promising advances in visual document understanding~(VDU). While various vision-language pre-training objectives are studied in existing solutions, the document textline, as an intrinsic granularity in VDU, has seldom been explored so far. A document textline usually contains words that are spatially and semantically correlated, which can be easily obtained from OCR engines. In this paper, we propose Wukong-Reader, trained with new pre-training objectives to leverage the structural knowledge nested in document textlines. We introduce textline-region contrastive learning to achieve fine-grained alignment between the visual regions and texts of document textlines. Furthermore, masked region modeling and textline-grid matching are also designed to enhance the visual and layout representations of textlines. Experiments show that our Wukong-Reader has superior performance on various VDU tasks such as information extraction. The fine-grained alignment over textlines also empowers Wukong-Reader with promising localization ability.
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最先进的愿景和愿景和语言模型依靠大规模的Visio-linguisting预借鉴,以获得各种下游任务的良好性能。通常,这种模型通常是跨模态(对比)或多模态(具有早期融合)但不是两者;它们通常只针对特定的方式或任务。有希望的方向将是使用单一整体普遍模型,作为“基础”,目标是一次性的所有方式 - 真正的视觉和语言基础模型应该擅长视力任务,语言任务和交叉和多数模态视觉和语言任务。我们将Flava介绍在这样的模型中,并在跨越这些目标模式的广泛的35个任务上展示令人印象深刻的性能。
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我们提出了一种跨模型关注蒸馏框架,用于培训双编码器模型,用于了解视觉语言理解任务,例如视觉推理和视觉问题应答。双编码器模型的推理速度比Fusion-encoder模型更快,并在推理期间启用图像和文本的预算。然而,双编码器模型中使用的浅交互模块不足以处理复杂的视觉语言理解任务。为了学习图像和文本的深度互动,我们引入了跨模型注意蒸馏,它使用融合编码器模型的图像到文本和文本到图像注意力分布来指导我们的双编码器的培训模型。此外,我们表明,适用于预训练和微调阶段的跨模型注意蒸馏实现了进一步的改进。实验结果表明,蒸馏的双编码器模型可实现视觉推理,视觉征求和视觉问题的竞争性能,同时享受比Fusion-Conoder模型更快的推理速度。我们的代码和型号将在 -dualiCoder上公开提供。
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跨模型检索已成为仅限文本搜索引擎(SE)最重要的升级之一。最近,通过早期交互的成对文本图像输入的强大表示,Vision-Language(VL)变压器的准确性已经表现优于文本图像检索的现有方法。然而,当使用相同的范例来推理时,VL变压器的效率仍然太低,不能应用于真正的跨模型SE。通过人类学习机制和使用跨模型知识的启发,本文提出了一种新颖的视觉语言分解变压器(VLDEFormer),这大大提高了VL变压器的效率,同时保持了它们的出色准确性。通过所提出的方法,跨模型检索分为两个阶段:VL变压器学习阶段和V​​L分解阶段。后期阶段发挥单一模态索引的作用,这在某种程度上是文本SE的术语索引。该模型从早期交互预训练中学习跨模型知识,然后将其分解为单个编码器。分解只需要监督和达到1000美元+ $倍的小目标数据集,并且少于0.6美元\%平均召回。 VLDEFormer还优于COCO和FLICKR30K的最先进的视觉语义嵌入方法。
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Learning fine-grained interplay between vision and language allows to a more accurate understanding for VisionLanguage tasks. However, it remains challenging to extract key image regions according to the texts for semantic alignments. Most existing works are either limited by textagnostic and redundant regions obtained with the frozen detectors, or failing to scale further due to its heavy reliance on scarce grounding (gold) data to pre-train detectors. To solve these problems, we propose Self-Locator Aided Network (SLAN) for cross-modal understanding tasks without any extra gold data. SLAN consists of a region filter and a region adaptor to localize regions of interest conditioned on different texts. By aggregating cross-modal information, the region filter selects key regions and the region adaptor updates their coordinates with text guidance. With detailed region-word alignments, SLAN can be easily generalized to many downstream tasks. It achieves fairly competitive results on five cross-modal understanding tasks (e.g., 85.7% and 69.2% on COCO image-to-text and text-to-image retrieval, surpassing previous SOTA methods). SLAN also demonstrates strong zero-shot and fine-tuned transferability to two localization tasks.
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Recent cross-lingual cross-modal works attempt to extend Vision-Language Pre-training (VLP) models to non-English inputs and achieve impressive performance. However, these models focus only on understanding tasks utilizing encoder-only architecture. In this paper, we propose ERNIE-UniX2, a unified cross-lingual cross-modal pre-training framework for both generation and understanding tasks. ERNIE-UniX2 integrates multiple pre-training paradigms (e.g., contrastive learning and language modeling) based on encoder-decoder architecture and attempts to learn a better joint representation across languages and modalities. Furthermore, ERNIE-UniX2 can be seamlessly fine-tuned for varieties of generation and understanding downstream tasks. Pre-trained on both multilingual text-only and image-text datasets, ERNIE-UniX2 achieves SOTA results on various cross-lingual cross-modal generation and understanding tasks such as multimodal machine translation and multilingual visual question answering.
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诸如社交媒体和电子商务等现代网络系统包含在图像和文本中表达的丰富内容。来自多模态的信息可以提高机器学习任务的性能,如分类和推荐。在本文中,我们提出了跨模型注意力对比语言图像预培训(CMA-CLIP),这是一个新的框架,它统一两种类型的跨片状关注,序列明智的关注和模态 - 明智的关注,有效地保险丝来自图像和文本对的信息。序列设计使框架能够捕获图像补丁和文本令牌之间的细粒度的关系,而模态 - 明智的注意力通过与下游任务的相关性重视每个模式。此外,通过添加任务特定的模态 - 明智的关注和多层的感知程序,我们提出的框架能够使用多模态执行多任务分类。我们在主要零售网站产品属性(MRWPA)数据集和两个公共数据集,Food101和Fashion-Gen进行实验。结果表明,CMA-CRIP在MRWPA数据集上的相同精度的预训练和微调剪辑中的平均值为11.9%,在MRWPA数据集中进行多任务分类。它还超越了时尚 - Gen DataSet的最先进的方法,精度为5.5%,实现了Food101数据集的竞争性能。通过详细的烧蚀研究,我们进一步展示了跨模型注意力模块的有效性以及我们的方法对图像和文本输入中的噪声的鲁棒性,这是实践中的共同挑战。
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Large-scale cross-modal pre-training paradigms have recently shown ubiquitous success on a wide range of downstream tasks, e.g., zero-shot classification, retrieval and image captioning. However, their successes highly rely on the scale and quality of web-crawled data that naturally contain incomplete and noisy information (e.g., wrong or irrelevant content). Existing works either design manual rules to clean data or generate pseudo-targets as auxiliary signals for reducing noise impact, which do not explicitly tackle both the incorrect and incomplete challenges simultaneously. In this paper, to automatically mitigate the impact of noise by solely mining over existing data, we propose a principled Noise-robust Language-Image Pre-training framework (NLIP) to stabilize pre-training via two schemes: noise-harmonization and noise-completion. First, in noise-harmonization scheme, NLIP estimates the noise probability of each pair according to the memorization effect of cross-modal transformers, then adopts noise-adaptive regularization to harmonize the cross-modal alignments with varying degrees. Second, in noise-completion scheme, to enrich the missing object information of text, NLIP injects a concept-conditioned cross-modal decoder to obtain semantic-consistent synthetic captions to complete noisy ones, which uses the retrieved visual concepts (i.e., objects' names) for the corresponding image to guide captioning generation. By collaboratively optimizing noise-harmonization and noise-completion schemes, our NLIP can alleviate the common noise effects during image-text pre-training in a more efficient way. Extensive experiments show the significant performance improvements of our NLIP using only 26M data over existing pre-trained models (e.g., CLIP, FILIP and BLIP) on 12 zero-shot classification datasets, MSCOCO image captioning and zero-shot image-text retrieval tasks.
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基于文本的人检索旨在根据文本描述找到查询人员。关键是学习视觉文本模式之间的常见潜在空间映射。为了实现这一目标,现有的作品采用细分来获得明确的跨模式对齐方式或利用注意力来探索显着对准。这些方法有两个缺点:1)标记交叉模式比对很耗时。 2)注意方法可以探索显着的跨模式对齐,但可能会忽略一些微妙而有价值的对。为了缓解这些问题,我们为基于文本的人检索引入了一个隐式视觉文本(IVT)框架。与以前的模型不同,IVT利用单个网络来学习两种模式的表示形式,这有助于视觉文本相互作用。为了探索细粒的对准,我们进一步提出了两个隐式语义比对范式:多级比对(MLA)和双向掩码建模(BMM)。 MLA模块在句子,短语和单词级别上探索了更精细的匹配,而BMM模块旨在挖掘视觉和文本模态之间的\ textbf {更多}语义对齐。进行了广泛的实验,以评估公共数据集中提出的IVT,即Cuhk-Pedes,RSTPREID和ICFG-PEDES。即使没有明确的身体部位对准,我们的方法仍然可以达到最先进的表现。代码可在以下网址获得:。
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