由于各种物理降解因素和收到有限的计数,宠物图像质量需要进一步改进。去核扩散概率模型(DDPM)是基于分布学习的模型,它们试图根据迭代改进将正态分布转换为特定的数据分布。在这项工作中,我们提出并评估了基于DDPM的不同基于DDPM的方法,以进行PET图像Denoisising。在DDPM框架下,执行PET图像Denoising的一种方法是提供PET图像和/或先前的图像作为网络输入。另一种方法是将先前的图像作为输入提供,其中包含在改进步骤中的PET图像,这可以适合不同噪声水平的方案。 120 18F-FDG数据集和140个18F-MK-6240数据集用于评估所提出的基于DDPM的方法。量化表明,基于DDPM的框架包含PET信息可以比非本地平均值和基于UNET的DeNoising方法产生更好的结果。在模型中添加额外的先验可以帮助实现更好的性能,并进一步降低图像deNosing过程中的不确定性。在忽略宠物信息的同时,仅依靠先验先验会导致巨大的偏见。区域和表面量化表明,在推断过程中嵌入PET图像作为数据一致性约束的同时,使用MR作为网络输入可以达到最佳性能。总而言之,基于DDPM的PET图像Denoisising是一个灵活的框架,它可以有效地利用先前的信息并获得比非本地平均值和基于UNET的DeNoising方法更好的性能。
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There are multiple scales of abstraction from which we can describe the same image, depending on whether we are focusing on fine-grained details or a more global attribute of the image. In brain mapping, learning to automatically parse images to build representations of both small-scale features (e.g., the presence of cells or blood vessels) and global properties of an image (e.g., which brain region the image comes from) is a crucial and open challenge. However, most existing datasets and benchmarks for neuroanatomy consider only a single downstream task at a time. To bridge this gap, we introduce a new dataset, annotations, and multiple downstream tasks that provide diverse ways to readout information about brain structure and architecture from the same image. Our multi-task neuroimaging benchmark (MTNeuro) is built on volumetric, micrometer-resolution X-ray microtomography images spanning a large thalamocortical section of mouse brain, encompassing multiple cortical and subcortical regions. We generated a number of different prediction challenges and evaluated several supervised and self-supervised models for brain-region prediction and pixel-level semantic segmentation of microstructures. Our experiments not only highlight the rich heterogeneity of this dataset, but also provide insights into how self-supervised approaches can be used to learn representations that capture multiple attributes of a single image and perform well on a variety of downstream tasks. Datasets, code, and pre-trained baseline models are provided at: https://mtneuro.github.io/ .
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3D shapes have complementary abstractions from low-level geometry to part-based hierarchies to languages, which convey different levels of information. This paper presents a unified framework to translate between pairs of shape abstractions: $\textit{Text}$ $\Longleftrightarrow$ $\textit{Point Cloud}$ $\Longleftrightarrow$ $\textit{Program}$. We propose $\textbf{Neural Shape Compiler}$ to model the abstraction transformation as a conditional generation process. It converts 3D shapes of three abstract types into unified discrete shape code, transforms each shape code into code of other abstract types through the proposed $\textit{ShapeCode Transformer}$, and decodes them to output the target shape abstraction. Point Cloud code is obtained in a class-agnostic way by the proposed $\textit{Point}$VQVAE. On Text2Shape, ShapeGlot, ABO, Genre, and Program Synthetic datasets, Neural Shape Compiler shows strengths in $\textit{Text}$ $\Longrightarrow$ $\textit{Point Cloud}$, $\textit{Point Cloud}$ $\Longrightarrow$ $\textit{Text}$, $\textit{Point Cloud}$ $\Longrightarrow$ $\textit{Program}$, and Point Cloud Completion tasks. Additionally, Neural Shape Compiler benefits from jointly training on all heterogeneous data and tasks.
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Scholarly text is often laden with jargon, or specialized language that divides disciplines. We extend past work that characterizes science at the level of word types, by using BERT-based word sense induction to find additional words that are widespread but overloaded with different uses across fields. We define scholarly jargon as discipline-specific word types and senses, and estimate its prevalence across hundreds of fields using interpretable, information-theoretic metrics. We demonstrate the utility of our approach for science of science and computational sociolinguistics by highlighting two key social implications. First, we measure audience design, and find that most fields reduce jargon when publishing in general-purpose journals, but some do so more than others. Second, though jargon has varying correlation with articles' citation rates within fields, it nearly always impedes interdisciplinary impact. Broadly, our measurements can inform ways in which language could be revised to serve as a bridge rather than a barrier in science.
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Often clickbait articles have a title that is phrased as a question or vague teaser that entices the user to click on the link and read the article to find the explanation. We developed a system that will automatically find the answer or explanation of the clickbait hook from the website text so that the user does not need to read through the text themselves. We fine-tune an extractive question and answering model (RoBERTa) and an abstractive one (T5), using data scraped from the 'StopClickbait' Facebook pages and Reddit's 'SavedYouAClick' subforum. We find that both extractive and abstractive models improve significantly after finetuning. We find that the extractive model performs slightly better according to ROUGE scores, while the abstractive one has a slight edge in terms of BERTscores.
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This work builds on the models and concepts presented in part 1 to learn approximate dictionary representations of Koopman operators from data. Part I of this paper presented a methodology for arguing the subspace invariance of a Koopman dictionary. This methodology was demonstrated on the state-inclusive logistic lifting (SILL) basis. This is an affine basis augmented with conjunctive logistic functions. The SILL dictionary's nonlinear functions are homogeneous, a norm in data-driven dictionary learning of Koopman operators. In this paper, we discover that structured mixing of heterogeneous dictionary functions drawn from different classes of nonlinear functions achieve the same accuracy and dimensional scaling as the deep-learning-based deepDMD algorithm. We specifically show this by building a heterogeneous dictionary comprised of SILL functions and conjunctive radial basis functions (RBFs). This mixed dictionary achieves the same accuracy and dimensional scaling as deepDMD with an order of magnitude reduction in parameters, while maintaining geometric interpretability. These results strengthen the viability of dictionary-based Koopman models to solving high-dimensional nonlinear learning problems.
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Koopman operators model nonlinear dynamics as a linear dynamic system acting on a nonlinear function as the state. This nonstandard state is often called a Koopman observable and is usually approximated numerically by a superposition of functions drawn from a dictionary. In a widely used algorithm, Extended Dynamic Mode Decomposition, the dictionary functions are drawn from a fixed class of functions. Recently, deep learning combined with EDMD has been used to learn novel dictionary functions in an algorithm called deep dynamic mode decomposition (deepDMD). The learned representation both (1) accurately models and (2) scales well with the dimension of the original nonlinear system. In this paper we analyze the learned dictionaries from deepDMD and explore the theoretical basis for their strong performance. We explore State-Inclusive Logistic Lifting (SILL) dictionary functions to approximate Koopman observables. Error analysis of these dictionary functions show they satisfy a property of subspace approximation, which we define as uniform finite approximate closure. Our results provide a hypothesis to explain the success of deep neural networks in learning numerical approximations to Koopman operators. Part 2 of this paper will extend this explanation by demonstrating the subspace invariant of heterogeneous dictionaries and presenting a head-to-head numerical comparison of deepDMD and low-parameter heterogeneous dictionary learning.
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Due to the low signal-to-noise ratio and limited resolution of functional MRI data, and the high complexity of natural images, reconstructing a visual stimulus from human brain fMRI measurements is a challenging task. In this work, we propose a novel approach for this task, which we call Cortex2Image, to decode visual stimuli with high semantic fidelity and rich fine-grained detail. In particular, we train a surface-based convolutional network model that maps from brain response to semantic image features first (Cortex2Semantic). We then combine this model with a high-quality image generator (Instance-Conditioned GAN) to train another mapping from brain response to fine-grained image features using a variational approach (Cortex2Detail). Image reconstructions obtained by our proposed method achieve state-of-the-art semantic fidelity, while yielding good fine-grained similarity with the ground-truth stimulus. Our code is available at: https://github.com/zijin-gu/meshconv-decoding.git.
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Understanding pedestrian behavior patterns is a key component to building autonomous agents that can navigate among humans. We seek a learned dictionary of pedestrian behavior to obtain a semantic description of pedestrian trajectories. Supervised methods for dictionary learning are impractical since pedestrian behaviors may be unknown a priori and the process of manually generating behavior labels is prohibitively time consuming. We instead utilize a novel, unsupervised framework to create a taxonomy of pedestrian behavior observed in a specific space. First, we learn a trajectory latent space that enables unsupervised clustering to create an interpretable pedestrian behavior dictionary. We show the utility of this dictionary for building pedestrian behavior maps to visualize space usage patterns and for computing the distributions of behaviors. We demonstrate a simple but effective trajectory prediction by conditioning on these behavior labels. While many trajectory analysis methods rely on RNNs or transformers, we develop a lightweight, low-parameter approach and show results comparable to SOTA on the ETH and UCY datasets.
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The preservation, monitoring, and control of water resources has been a major challenge in recent decades. Water resources must be constantly monitored to know the contamination levels of water. To meet this objective, this paper proposes a water monitoring system using autonomous surface vehicles, equipped with water quality sensors, based on a multimodal particle swarm optimization, and the federated learning technique, with Gaussian process as a surrogate model, the AquaFeL-PSO algorithm. The proposed monitoring system has two phases, the exploration phase and the exploitation phase. In the exploration phase, the vehicles examine the surface of the water resource, and with the data acquired by the water quality sensors, a first water quality model is estimated in the central server. In the exploitation phase, the area is divided into action zones using the model estimated in the exploration phase for a better exploitation of the contamination zones. To obtain the final water quality model of the water resource, the models obtained in both phases are combined. The results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed path planner in obtaining water quality models of the pollution zones, with a 14$\%$ improvement over the other path planners compared, and the entire water resource, obtaining a 400$\%$ better model, as well as in detecting pollution peaks, the improvement in this case study is 4,000$\%$. It was also proven that the results obtained by applying the federated learning technique are very similar to the results of a centralized system.
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