机器学习和临床研究社区利用现实世界数据(RWD)的方法,包括电子健康记录中捕获的数据(EHR)截然不同。虽然临床研究人员谨慎使用RWD进行临床研究,但用于医疗团队的ML会消费公共数据集,并以最少的审查来开发新算法。这项研究通过开发和验证ML-DQA来弥合这一差距,ML-DQA是基于RWD最佳实践的数据质量保证框架。 ML-DQA框架适用于两个地理位置的五个ML项目,分别是不同的医疗状况和不同的人群。在这五个项目中,共收集了247,536名患者的RWD,共有2,999项质量检查和24份质量报告。出现了五种可推广的实践:所有项目都使用类似的方法来分组冗余数据元素表示;所有项目都使用自动实用程序来构建诊断和药物数据元素;所有项目都使用了一个共同的基于规则的转换库;所有项目都使用统一的方法将数据质量检查分配给数据元素;所有项目都使用类似的临床裁决方法。包括临床医生,数据科学家和受训者在内的平均有5.8个人参与每个项目实施ML-DQA,每个项目平均进行了23.4个数据元素。这项研究证明了ML-DQA在医疗项目中的重要性作用,并为团队提供了开展这些基本活动的框架。
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Automated synthesis of histology images has several potential applications in computational pathology. However, no existing method can generate realistic tissue images with a bespoke cellular layout or user-defined histology parameters. In this work, we propose a novel framework called SynCLay (Synthesis from Cellular Layouts) that can construct realistic and high-quality histology images from user-defined cellular layouts along with annotated cellular boundaries. Tissue image generation based on bespoke cellular layouts through the proposed framework allows users to generate different histological patterns from arbitrary topological arrangement of different types of cells. SynCLay generated synthetic images can be helpful in studying the role of different types of cells present in the tumor microenvironmet. Additionally, they can assist in balancing the distribution of cellular counts in tissue images for designing accurate cellular composition predictors by minimizing the effects of data imbalance. We train SynCLay in an adversarial manner and integrate a nuclear segmentation and classification model in its training to refine nuclear structures and generate nuclear masks in conjunction with synthetic images. During inference, we combine the model with another parametric model for generating colon images and associated cellular counts as annotations given the grade of differentiation and cell densities of different cells. We assess the generated images quantitatively and report on feedback from trained pathologists who assigned realism scores to a set of images generated by the framework. The average realism score across all pathologists for synthetic images was as high as that for the real images. We also show that augmenting limited real data with the synthetic data generated by our framework can significantly boost prediction performance of the cellular composition prediction task.
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Deep learning surrogate models are being increasingly used in accelerating scientific simulations as a replacement for costly conventional numerical techniques. However, their use remains a significant challenge when dealing with real-world complex examples. In this work, we demonstrate three types of neural network architectures for efficient learning of highly non-linear deformations of solid bodies. The first two architectures are based on the recently proposed CNN U-NET and MAgNET (graph U-NET) frameworks which have shown promising performance for learning on mesh-based data. The third architecture is Perceiver IO, a very recent architecture that belongs to the family of attention-based neural networks--a class that has revolutionised diverse engineering fields and is still unexplored in computational mechanics. We study and compare the performance of all three networks on two benchmark examples, and show their capabilities to accurately predict the non-linear mechanical responses of soft bodies.
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Test log-likelihood is commonly used to compare different models of the same data and different approximate inference algorithms for fitting the same probabilistic model. We present simple examples demonstrating how comparisons based on test log-likelihood can contradict comparisons according to other objectives. Specifically, our examples show that (i) conclusions about forecast accuracy based on test log-likelihood comparisons may not agree with conclusions based on other distributional quantities like means; and (ii) that approximate Bayesian inference algorithms that attain higher test log-likelihoods need not also yield more accurate posterior approximations.
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Fine-tuning pre-trained language models (PLMs) achieves impressive performance on a range of downstream tasks, and their sizes have consequently been getting bigger. Since a different copy of the model is required for each task, this paradigm is infeasible for storage-constrained edge devices like mobile phones. In this paper, we propose SPARTAN, a parameter efficient (PE) and computationally fast architecture for edge devices that adds hierarchically organized sparse memory after each Transformer layer. SPARTAN freezes the PLM parameters and fine-tunes only its memory, thus significantly reducing storage costs by re-using the PLM backbone for different tasks. SPARTAN contains two levels of memory, with only a sparse subset of parents being chosen in the first level for each input, and children cells corresponding to those parents being used to compute an output representation. This sparsity combined with other architecture optimizations improves SPARTAN's throughput by over 90% during inference on a Raspberry Pi 4 when compared to PE baselines (adapters) while also outperforming the latter by 0.1 points on the GLUE benchmark. Further, it can be trained 34% faster in a few-shot setting, while performing within 0.9 points of adapters. Qualitative analysis shows that different parent cells in SPARTAN specialize in different topics, thus dividing responsibility efficiently.
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In the past few years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has garnered attention from various industries including financial services (FS). AI has made a positive impact in financial services by enhancing productivity and improving risk management. While AI can offer efficient solutions, it has the potential to bring unintended consequences. One such consequence is the pronounced effect of AI-related unfairness and attendant fairness-related harms. These fairness-related harms could involve differential treatment of individuals; for example, unfairly denying a loan to certain individuals or groups of individuals. In this paper, we focus on identifying and mitigating individual unfairness and leveraging some of the recently published techniques in this domain, especially as applicable to the credit adjudication use case. We also investigate the extent to which techniques for achieving individual fairness are effective at achieving group fairness. Our main contribution in this work is functionalizing a two-step training process which involves learning a fair similarity metric from a group sense using a small portion of the raw data and training an individually "fair" classifier using the rest of the data where the sensitive features are excluded. The key characteristic of this two-step technique is related to its flexibility, i.e., the fair metric obtained in the first step can be used with any other individual fairness algorithms in the second step. Furthermore, we developed a second metric (distinct from the fair similarity metric) to determine how fairly a model is treating similar individuals. We use this metric to compare a "fair" model against its baseline model in terms of their individual fairness value. Finally, some experimental results corresponding to the individual unfairness mitigation techniques are presented.
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Default implementations of Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART) represent categorical predictors using several binary indicators, one for each level of each categorical predictor. Regression trees built with these indicators partition the levels using a ``remove one a time strategy.'' Unfortunately, the vast majority of partitions of the levels cannot be built with this strategy, severely limiting BART's ability to ``borrow strength'' across groups of levels. We overcome this limitation with a new class of regression tree and a new decision rule prior that can assign multiple levels to both the left and right child of a decision node. Motivated by spatial applications with areal data, we introduce a further decision rule prior that partitions the areas into spatially contiguous regions by deleting edges from random spanning trees of a suitably defined network. We implemented our new regression tree priors in the flexBART package, which, compared to existing implementations, often yields improved out-of-sample predictive performance without much additional computational burden. We demonstrate the efficacy of flexBART using examples from baseball and the spatiotemporal modeling of crime.
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Event-based neuromorphic systems provide a low-power solution by using artificial neurons and synapses to process data asynchronously in the form of spikes. Ferroelectric Tunnel Junctions (FTJs) are ultra low-power memory devices and are well-suited to be integrated in these systems. Here, we present a hybrid FTJ-CMOS Integrate-and-Fire neuron which constitutes a fundamental building block for new-generation neuromorphic networks for edge computing. We demonstrate electrically tunable neural dynamics achievable by tuning the switching of the FTJ device.
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基于中心的聚类(例如,$ k $ -means,$ k $ -Medians)和使用线性子空间的聚类是两种最受欢迎的技术,可以将真实数据分配到较小的群集中。但是,当数据由敏感人群组组成时,不同敏感组的每点的聚集成本显着不同,可能会导致与公平相关的危害(例如,服务质量不同)。社会公平聚类的目的是最大程度地降低所有组中每点聚类的最大成本。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个统一的框架,以解决社会公平的基于中心的聚类和线性子空间聚类,并为这些问题提供实用,高效的近似算法。我们进行了广泛的实验,以表明在多个基准数据集上,我们的算法要么紧密匹配或超越最先进的基线。
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我们提出了一种方法,通过将知识存储在外部知识图(kg)中,并使用密集的索引从该kg中检索,使自然语言理解模型更有效地有效。给定(可能是多语言的)下游任务数据,例如德语中的句子,我们从kg中检索实体,并使用其多模式表示形式来改善下游任务绩效。我们使用最近发布的VisualSem KG作为我们的外部知识存储库,涵盖了Wikipedia和WordNet实体的子集,并比较基于元组和基于图的算法的混合,以学习基于KG多模式信息的实体和关系表示。 。我们在两个下游任务上展示了学识渊博的实体表示形式的有用性,并在多语言命名实体识别任务上的性能提高了$ 0.3 \%$ - $ 0.7 \%\%$ f1,而我们的准确度最高为$ 2.5 \%\%$ $提高。在视觉意义上的歧义任务上。我们所有的代码和数据都提供:\ url {https://github.com/iacercalixto/visualsem-kg}。
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