人类服务系统做出关键决策,影响社会中的个人。美国儿童福利系统做出了这样的决定,从筛查热线报告的报告报告,涉嫌虐待或忽视儿童保护性调查,使儿童接受寄养,再到将儿童返回永久家庭环境。这些对儿童生活的复杂而有影响力的决定取决于儿童福利决策者的判断。儿童福利机构一直在探索使用包括机器学习(ML)的经验,数据信息的方法来支持这些决策的方法。本文描述了ML支持儿童福利决策的概念框架。 ML框架指导儿童福利机构如何概念化ML可以解决的目标问题;兽医可用的管理数据用于构建ML;制定和开发ML规格,以反映机构正在进行的相关人群和干预措施;随着时间的流逝,部署,评估和监视ML作为儿童福利环境,政策和实践变化。道德考虑,利益相关者的参与以及避免框架的影响和成功的共同陷阱。从摘要到具体,我们描述了该框架的一种应用,以支持儿童福利决策。该ML框架虽然以儿童福利为中心,但可以推广用于解决其他公共政策问题。
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We propose a distributionally robust return-risk model for Markov decision processes (MDPs) under risk and reward ambiguity. The proposed model optimizes the weighted average of mean and percentile performances, and it covers the distributionally robust MDPs and the distributionally robust chance-constrained MDPs (both under reward ambiguity) as special cases. By considering that the unknown reward distribution lies in a Wasserstein ambiguity set, we derive the tractable reformulation for our model. In particular, we show that that the return-risk model can also account for risk from uncertain transition kernel when one only seeks deterministic policies, and that a distributionally robust MDP under the percentile criterion can be reformulated as its nominal counterpart at an adjusted risk level. A scalable first-order algorithm is designed to solve large-scale problems, and we demonstrate the advantages of our proposed model and algorithm through numerical experiments.
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Modern deep neural networks have achieved superhuman performance in tasks from image classification to game play. Surprisingly, these various complex systems with massive amounts of parameters exhibit the same remarkable structural properties in their last-layer features and classifiers across canonical datasets. This phenomenon is known as "Neural Collapse," and it was discovered empirically by Papyan et al. \cite{Papyan20}. Recent papers have theoretically shown the global solutions to the training network problem under a simplified "unconstrained feature model" exhibiting this phenomenon. We take a step further and prove the Neural Collapse occurrence for deep linear network for the popular mean squared error (MSE) and cross entropy (CE) loss. Furthermore, we extend our research to imbalanced data for MSE loss and present the first geometric analysis for Neural Collapse under this setting.
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Machine Reading Comprehension has become one of the most advanced and popular research topics in the fields of Natural Language Processing in recent years. The classification of answerability questions is a relatively significant sub-task in machine reading comprehension; however, there haven't been many studies. Retro-Reader is one of the studies that has solved this problem effectively. However, the encoders of most traditional machine reading comprehension models in general and Retro-Reader, in particular, have not been able to exploit the contextual semantic information of the context completely. Inspired by SemBERT, we use semantic role labels from the SRL task to add semantics to pre-trained language models such as mBERT, XLM-R, PhoBERT. This experiment was conducted to compare the influence of semantics on the classification of answerability for the Vietnamese machine reading comprehension. Additionally, we hope this experiment will enhance the encoder for the Retro-Reader model's Sketchy Reading Module. The improved Retro-Reader model's encoder with semantics was first applied to the Vietnamese Machine Reading Comprehension task and obtained positive results.
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Remote sensing imagery provides comprehensive views of the Earth, where different sensors collect complementary data at different spatial scales. Large, pretrained models are commonly finetuned with imagery that is heavily augmented to mimic different conditions and scales, with the resulting models used for various tasks with imagery from a range of spatial scales. Such models overlook scale-specific information in the data. In this paper, we present Scale-MAE, a pretraining method that explicitly learns relationships between data at different, known scales throughout the pretraining process. Scale-MAE pretrains a network by masking an input image at a known input scale, where the area of the Earth covered by the image determines the scale of the ViT positional encoding, not the image resolution. Scale-MAE encodes the masked image with a standard ViT backbone, and then decodes the masked image through a bandpass filter to reconstruct low/high frequency images at lower/higher scales. We find that tasking the network with reconstructing both low/high frequency images leads to robust multiscale representations for remote sensing imagery. Scale-MAE achieves an average of a $5.0\%$ non-parametric kNN classification improvement across eight remote sensing datasets compared to current state-of-the-art and obtains a $0.9$ mIoU to $3.8$ mIoU improvement on the SpaceNet building segmentation transfer task for a range of evaluation scales.
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Traditional screening practices for anxiety and depression pose an impediment to monitoring and treating these conditions effectively. However, recent advances in NLP and speech modelling allow textual, acoustic, and hand-crafted language-based features to jointly form the basis of future mental health screening and condition detection. Speech is a rich and readily available source of insight into an individual's cognitive state and by leveraging different aspects of speech, we can develop new digital biomarkers for depression and anxiety. To this end, we propose a multi-modal system for the screening of depression and anxiety from self-administered speech tasks. The proposed model integrates deep-learned features from audio and text, as well as hand-crafted features that are informed by clinically-validated domain knowledge. We find that augmenting hand-crafted features with deep-learned features improves our overall classification F1 score comparing to a baseline of hand-crafted features alone from 0.58 to 0.63 for depression and from 0.54 to 0.57 for anxiety. The findings of our work suggest that speech-based biomarkers for depression and anxiety hold significant promise in the future of digital health.
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This paper addresses the kinodynamic motion planning for non-holonomic robots in dynamic environments with both static and dynamic obstacles -- a challenging problem that lacks a universal solution yet. One of the promising approaches to solve it is decomposing the problem into the smaller sub problems and combining the local solutions into the global one. The crux of any planning method for non-holonomic robots is the generation of motion primitives that generates solutions to local planning sub-problems. In this work we introduce a novel learnable steering function (policy), which takes into account kinodynamic constraints of the robot and both static and dynamic obstacles. This policy is efficiently trained via the policy optimization. Empirically, we show that our steering function generalizes well to unseen problems. We then plug in the trained policy into the sampling-based and lattice-based planners, and evaluate the resultant POLAMP algorithm (Policy Optimization that Learns Adaptive Motion Primitives) in a range of challenging setups that involve a car-like robot operating in the obstacle-rich parking-lot environments. We show that POLAMP is able to plan collision-free kinodynamic trajectories with success rates higher than 92%, when 50 simultaneously moving obstacles populate the environment showing better performance than the state-of-the-art competitors.
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