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We propose AnyTOD, an end-to-end task-oriented dialog (TOD) system with zero-shot capability for unseen tasks. We view TOD as a program executed by a language model (LM), where program logic and ontology is provided by a designer in the form of a schema. To enable generalization onto unseen schemas and programs without prior training, AnyTOD adopts a neuro-symbolic approach. A neural LM keeps track of events that occur during a conversation, and a symbolic program implementing the dialog policy is executed to recommend next actions AnyTOD should take. This approach drastically reduces data annotation and model training requirements, addressing a long-standing challenge in TOD research: rapidly adapting a TOD system to unseen tasks and domains. We demonstrate state-of-the-art results on the STAR and ABCD benchmarks, as well as AnyTOD's strong zero-shot transfer capability in low-resource settings. In addition, we release STARv2, an updated version of the STAR dataset with richer data annotations, for benchmarking zero-shot end-to-end TOD models.
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An outfit visualization method generates an image of a person wearing real garments from images of those garments. Current methods can produce images that look realistic and preserve garment identity, captured in details such as collar, cuffs, texture, hem, and sleeve length. However, no current method can both control how the garment is worn -- including tuck or untuck, opened or closed, high or low on the waist, etc.. -- and generate realistic images that accurately preserve the properties of the original garment. We describe an outfit visualization method that controls drape while preserving garment identity. Our system allows instance independent editing of garment drape, which means a user can construct an edit (e.g. tucking a shirt in a specific way) that can be applied to all shirts in a garment collection. Garment detail is preserved by relying on a warping procedure to place the garment on the body and a generator then supplies fine shading detail. To achieve instance independent control, we use control points with garment category-level semantics to guide the warp. The method produces state-of-the-art quality images, while allowing creative ways to style garments, including allowing tops to be tucked or untucked; jackets to be worn open or closed; skirts to be worn higher or lower on the waist; and so on. The method allows interactive control to correct errors in individual renderings too. Because the edits are instance independent, they can be applied to large pools of garments automatically and can be conditioned on garment metadata (e.g. all cropped jackets are worn closed or all bomber jackets are worn closed).
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An approach to evolutionary ensemble learning for classification is proposed in which boosting is used to construct a stack of programs. Each application of boosting identifies a single champion and a residual dataset, i.e. the training records that thus far were not correctly classified. The next program is only trained against the residual, with the process iterating until some maximum ensemble size or no further residual remains. Training against a residual dataset actively reduces the cost of training. Deploying the ensemble as a stack also means that only one classifier might be necessary to make a prediction, so improving interpretability. Benchmarking studies are conducted to illustrate competitiveness with the prediction accuracy of current state-of-the-art evolutionary ensemble learning algorithms, while providing solutions that are orders of magnitude simpler. Further benchmarking with a high cardinality dataset indicates that the proposed method is also more accurate and efficient than XGBoost.
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Many scientific domains gather sufficient labels to train machine algorithms through human-in-the-loop techniques provided by the Zooniverse.org citizen science platform. As the range of projects, task types and data rates increase, acceleration of model training is of paramount concern to focus volunteer effort where most needed. The application of Transfer Learning (TL) between Zooniverse projects holds promise as a solution. However, understanding the effectiveness of TL approaches that pretrain on large-scale generic image sets vs. images with similar characteristics possibly from similar tasks is an open challenge. We apply a generative segmentation model on two Zooniverse project-based data sets: (1) to identify fat droplets in liver cells (FatChecker; FC) and (2) the identification of kelp beds in satellite images (Floating Forests; FF) through transfer learning from the first project. We compare and contrast its performance with a TL model based on the COCO image set, and subsequently with baseline counterparts. We find that both the FC and COCO TL models perform better than the baseline cases when using >75% of the original training sample size. The COCO-based TL model generally performs better than the FC-based one, likely due to its generalized features. Our investigations provide important insights into usage of TL approaches on multi-domain data hosted across different Zooniverse projects, enabling future projects to accelerate task completion.
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2型糖尿病(T2DM)的早期诊断对于及时的治疗干预措施和生活方式改变至关重要。随着医学成像数据在许多患者群体中变得更广泛可用,我们试图研究是否可以在表格学习分类器模型中利用图像衍生的表型数据来预测T2DM的发病率,而无需使用侵入性血液实验室测量。我们表明,使用图像衍生表型的神经网络和决策树模型都可以预测患者T2DM状态的召回评分高达87.6%。我们还提出了与“ Syntha1c编码器”相同的结构的新颖使用,这些结构能够输出模仿血液血红蛋白A1C经验实验室测量值的可解释值。最后,我们证明了T2DM风险预测模型对输入矢量成分中小扰动的敏感性可用于预测从以前看不见的患者人群中取样的协变量的性能。
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机器学习和临床研究社区利用现实世界数据(RWD)的方法,包括电子健康记录中捕获的数据(EHR)截然不同。虽然临床研究人员谨慎使用RWD进行临床研究,但用于医疗团队的ML会消费公共数据集,并以最少的审查来开发新算法。这项研究通过开发和验证ML-DQA来弥合这一差距,ML-DQA是基于RWD最佳实践的数据质量保证框架。 ML-DQA框架适用于两个地理位置的五个ML项目,分别是不同的医疗状况和不同的人群。在这五个项目中,共收集了247,536名患者的RWD,共有2,999项质量检查和24份质量报告。出现了五种可推广的实践:所有项目都使用类似的方法来分组冗余数据元素表示;所有项目都使用自动实用程序来构建诊断和药物数据元素;所有项目都使用了一个共同的基于规则的转换库;所有项目都使用统一的方法将数据质量检查分配给数据元素;所有项目都使用类似的临床裁决方法。包括临床医生,数据科学家和受训者在内的平均有5.8个人参与每个项目实施ML-DQA,每个项目平均进行了23.4个数据元素。这项研究证明了ML-DQA在医疗项目中的重要性作用,并为团队提供了开展这些基本活动的框架。
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对话系统开发人员需要高质量的数据来训练,调整和评估其系统。他们经常为此使用众包,因为它提供了许多工人的大量数据。但是,数据质量可能不足。这可能是由于请求者提出任务以及他们如何与工人互动的方式。本文介绍了DialCrowd 2.0,以帮助请求者通过更清晰地介绍任务并促进与工人的有效沟通来帮助请求者获得更高质量的数据。DialCrowd 2.0指南开发人员创建了改进的人类智能任务(HITS),并且直接适用于开发人员和研究人员当前使用的工作流程。
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