多模式培训的最新进展使用文本描述,可以显着增强机器对图像和视频的理解。然而,目前尚不清楚语言在多大程度上可以完全捕捉不同方式的感官体验。一种表征感官体验的良好方法取决于相似性判断,即人们认为两个截然不同的刺激是相似的程度。我们在一系列大规模的行为研究($ n = 1,823美元的参与者)中探讨了人类相似性判断与语言之间的关系,这三种模式(图像,音频和视频)和两种类型的文本描述符:简单的文字描述符: - 文本字幕。在此过程中,我们引入了一条新型的自适应管道,用于标签挖掘,既有高效又是领域。我们表明,基于文本描述符的预测管道表现出色,我们将其与基于视觉,音频和视频处理体系结构的611基线模型进行了比较。我们进一步表明,文本描述符和模型在多种方式之间和模型之间预测人类相似性的程度各不相同。综上所述,这些研究说明了整合机器学习和认知科学方法的价值,以更好地了解人类和机器表示之间的相似性和差异。我们在https://words-are-are-all-you-need.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html上介绍了交互式可视化,以探索人类所经历的刺激和本文中报道的不同方法之间的相似性。
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The publication rates are skyrocketing across many fields of science, and it is difficult to stay up to date with the latest research. This makes automatically summarizing the latest findings and helping scholars to synthesize related work in a given area an attractive research objective. In this paper we study the problem of citation text generation, where given a set of cited papers and citing context the model should generate a citation text. While citation text generation has been tackled in prior work, existing studies use different datasets and task definitions, which makes it hard to study citation text generation systematically. To address this, we propose CiteBench: a benchmark for citation text generation that unifies the previous datasets and enables standardized evaluation of citation text generation models across task settings and domains. Using the new benchmark, we investigate the performance of multiple strong baselines, test their transferability between the datasets, and deliver new insights into task definition and evaluation to guide the future research in citation text generation. We make CiteBench publicly available at https://github.com/UKPLab/citebench.
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Direct speech-to-speech translation (S2ST), in which all components can be optimized jointly, is advantageous over cascaded approaches to achieve fast inference with a simplified pipeline. We present a novel two-pass direct S2ST architecture, {\textit UnitY}, which first generates textual representations and predicts discrete acoustic units subsequently. We enhance the model performance by subword prediction in the first-pass decoder, advanced two-pass decoder architecture design and search strategy, and better training regularization. To leverage large amounts of unlabeled text data, we pre-train the first-pass text decoder based on the self-supervised denoising auto-encoding task. Experimental evaluations on benchmark datasets at various data scales demonstrate that UnitY outperforms a single-pass speech-to-unit translation model by 2.5-4.2 ASR-BLEU with 2.83x decoding speed-up. We show that the proposed methods boost the performance even when predicting spectrogram in the second pass. However, predicting discrete units achieves 2.51x decoding speed-up compared to that case.
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Natural language processing researchers develop models of grammar, meaning and human communication based on written text. Due to task and data differences, what is considered text can vary substantially across studies. A conceptual framework for systematically capturing these differences is lacking. We argue that clarity on the notion of text is crucial for reproducible and generalizable NLP. Towards that goal, we propose common terminology to discuss the production and transformation of textual data, and introduce a two-tier taxonomy of linguistic and non-linguistic elements that are available in textual sources and can be used in NLP modeling. We apply this taxonomy to survey existing work that extends the notion of text beyond the conservative language-centered view. We outline key desiderata and challenges of the emerging inclusive approach to text in NLP, and suggest systematic community-level reporting as a crucial next step to consolidate the discussion.
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The access to activity of subcortical structures offers unique opportunity for building intention dependent brain-computer interfaces, renders abundant options for exploring a broad range of cognitive phenomena in the realm of affective neuroscience including complex decision making processes and the eternal free-will dilemma and facilitates diagnostics of a range of neurological deceases. So far this was possible only using bulky, expensive and immobile fMRI equipment. Here we present an interpretable domain grounded solution to recover the activity of several subcortical regions from the multichannel EEG data and demonstrate up to 60% correlation between the actual subcortical blood oxygenation level dependent sBOLD signal and its EEG-derived twin. Then, using the novel and theoretically justified weight interpretation methodology we recover individual spatial and time-frequency patterns of scalp EEG predictive of the hemodynamic signal in the subcortical nuclei. The described results not only pave the road towards wearable subcortical activity scanners but also showcase an automatic knowledge discovery process facilitated by deep learning technology in combination with an interpretable domain constrained architecture and the appropriate downstream task.
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The Transformer is an extremely powerful and prominent deep learning architecture. In this work, we challenge the commonly held belief in deep learning that going deeper is better, and show an alternative design approach that is building wider attention Transformers. We demonstrate that wide single layer Transformer models can compete with or outperform deeper ones in a variety of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks when both are trained from scratch. The impact of changing the model aspect ratio on Transformers is then studied systematically. This ratio balances the number of layers and the number of attention heads per layer while keeping the total number of attention heads and all other hyperparameters constant. On average, across 4 NLP tasks and 10 attention types, single layer wide models perform 0.3% better than their deep counterparts. We show an in-depth evaluation and demonstrate how wide models require a far smaller memory footprint and can run faster on commodity hardware, in addition, these wider models are also more interpretable. For example, a single layer Transformer on the IMDb byte level text classification has 3.1x faster inference latency on a CPU than its equally accurate deeper counterpart, and is half the size. We therefore put forward wider and shallower models as a viable and desirable alternative for small models on NLP tasks, and as an important area of research for domains beyond this.
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神经网络容易受到对抗性示例的影响,可导致模型失败。对抗训练是阻止对抗例子的解决方案之一。模型在训练过程中受到攻击,并学会对其进行弹性。然而,这样的过程目前很昂贵 - 它需要很长时间才能用对抗样本生产和训练模型,而且更糟糕的是,偶尔会失败。在本文中,我们证明了通过数据子采样来提高对抗性训练效率的数据修剪方法。我们从经验上表明,数据修剪会改善对抗性训练的收敛性和可靠性,尽管具有不同水平的公用事业降级。例如,我们观察到,使用CIFAR10的随机子采样删除40%的数据,我们对最强大的攻击者失去了8%的对抗精度,而仅使用20%的数据,我们就会损失14%的对抗精度,并减少运行时的运行时间。第3个因素。有趣的是,我们发现在某些环境中,数据修剪带来了两个世界的好处 - 既可以提高对抗的准确性和训练时间。
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