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Detection Transformer (DETR) directly transforms queries to unique objects by using one-to-one bipartite matching during training and enables end-to-end object detection. Recently, these models have surpassed traditional detectors on COCO with undeniable elegance. However, they differ from traditional detectors in multiple designs, including model architecture and training schedules, and thus the effectiveness of one-to-one matching is not fully understood. In this work, we conduct a strict comparison between the one-to-one Hungarian matching in DETRs and the one-to-many label assignments in traditional detectors with non-maximum supervision (NMS). Surprisingly, we observe one-to-many assignments with NMS consistently outperform standard one-to-one matching under the same setting, with a significant gain of up to 2.5 mAP. Our detector that trains Deformable-DETR with traditional IoU-based label assignment achieved 50.2 COCO mAP within 12 epochs (1x schedule) with ResNet50 backbone, outperforming all existing traditional or transformer-based detectors in this setting. On multiple datasets, schedules, and architectures, we consistently show bipartite matching is unnecessary for performant detection transformers. Furthermore, we attribute the success of detection transformers to their expressive transformer architecture. Code is available at https://github.com/jozhang97/DETA.
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Image super-resolution is a common task on mobile and IoT devices, where one often needs to upscale and enhance low-resolution images and video frames. While numerous solutions have been proposed for this problem in the past, they are usually not compatible with low-power mobile NPUs having many computational and memory constraints. In this Mobile AI challenge, we address this problem and propose the participants to design an efficient quantized image super-resolution solution that can demonstrate a real-time performance on mobile NPUs. The participants were provided with the DIV2K dataset and trained INT8 models to do a high-quality 3X image upscaling. The runtime of all models was evaluated on the Synaptics VS680 Smart Home board with a dedicated edge NPU capable of accelerating quantized neural networks. All proposed solutions are fully compatible with the above NPU, demonstrating an up to 60 FPS rate when reconstructing Full HD resolution images. A detailed description of all models developed in the challenge is provided in this paper.
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Robotics has been widely applied in smart construction for generating the digital twin or for autonomous inspection of construction sites. For example, for thermal inspection during concrete curing, continual monitoring of the concrete temperature is required to ensure concrete strength and to avoid cracks. However, buildings are typically too large to be monitored by installing fixed thermal cameras, and post-processing is required to compute the accumulated heat of each measurement point. Thus, by using an autonomous monitoring system with the capability of long-term thermal mapping at a large construction site, both cost-effectiveness and a precise safety margin of the curing period estimation can be acquired. Therefore, this study proposes a low-cost thermal mapping system consisting of a 2D range scanner attached to a consumer-level inertial measurement unit and a thermal camera for automated heat monitoring in construction using mobile robots.
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开放式识别(OSR)假设未知实例在推理时间出现在蓝色中。 OSR的主要挑战是,模型对未知数的响应是完全无法预测的。此外,由于实例的难度级别不同,因此开放式设置的多样性使情况变得更加困难。因此,我们提出了一个新颖的框架,难以感知的模拟器(DIAS),该框架产生了具有不同难度水平的假货来模拟现实世界。我们首先在分​​类器的角度研究了生成对抗网络(GAN)的假货,并观察到这些伪造并不具有挑战性。这使我们通过对具有中等难题的甘恩产生的样品来定义难度的标准。为了产生难题的示例,我们介绍模仿者,模仿分类器的行为。此外,我们的修改后的gan和模仿者也分别产生了中等和易于缺陷的样品。结果,DIAS的表现优于AUROC和F-SCORE指标的最先进方法。我们的代码可在https://github.com/wjun0830/difficulty-aware-simulator上找到。
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Figure 1. An illustration of standard knowledge distillation. Despite widespread use, an understanding of when the student can learn from the teacher is missing.
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In robotics and computer vision communities, extensive studies have been widely conducted regarding surveillance tasks, including human detection, tracking, and motion recognition with a camera. Additionally, deep learning algorithms are widely utilized in the aforementioned tasks as in other computer vision tasks. Existing public datasets are insufficient to develop learning-based methods that handle various surveillance for outdoor and extreme situations such as harsh weather and low illuminance conditions. Therefore, we introduce a new large-scale outdoor surveillance dataset named eXtremely large-scale Multi-modAl Sensor dataset (X-MAS) containing more than 500,000 image pairs and the first-person view data annotated by well-trained annotators. Moreover, a single pair contains multi-modal data (e.g. an IR image, an RGB image, a thermal image, a depth image, and a LiDAR scan). This is the first large-scale first-person view outdoor multi-modal dataset focusing on surveillance tasks to the best of our knowledge. We present an overview of the proposed dataset with statistics and present methods of exploiting our dataset with deep learning-based algorithms. The latest information on the dataset and our study are available at https://github.com/lge-robot-navi, and the dataset will be available for download through a server.
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In this paper, we propose a diffusion-based face swapping framework for the first time, called DiffFace, composed of training ID conditional DDPM, sampling with facial guidance, and a target-preserving blending. In specific, in the training process, the ID conditional DDPM is trained to generate face images with the desired identity. In the sampling process, we use the off-the-shelf facial expert models to make the model transfer source identity while preserving target attributes faithfully. During this process, to preserve the background of the target image and obtain the desired face swapping result, we additionally propose a target-preserving blending strategy. It helps our model to keep the attributes of the target face from noise while transferring the source facial identity. In addition, without any re-training, our model can flexibly apply additional facial guidance and adaptively control the ID-attributes trade-off to achieve the desired results. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first approach that applies the diffusion model in face swapping task. Compared with previous GAN-based approaches, by taking advantage of the diffusion model for the face swapping task, DiffFace achieves better benefits such as training stability, high fidelity, diversity of the samples, and controllability. Extensive experiments show that our DiffFace is comparable or superior to the state-of-the-art methods on several standard face swapping benchmarks.
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