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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have shown satisfying performance on various graph learning tasks. To achieve better fitting capability, most GNNs are with a large number of parameters, which makes these GNNs computationally expensive. Therefore, it is difficult to deploy them onto edge devices with scarce computational resources, e.g., mobile phones and wearable smart devices. Knowledge Distillation (KD) is a common solution to compress GNNs, where a light-weighted model (i.e., the student model) is encouraged to mimic the behavior of a computationally expensive GNN (i.e., the teacher GNN model). Nevertheless, most existing GNN-based KD methods lack fairness consideration. As a consequence, the student model usually inherits and even exaggerates the bias from the teacher GNN. To handle such a problem, we take initial steps towards fair knowledge distillation for GNNs. Specifically, we first formulate a novel problem of fair knowledge distillation for GNN-based teacher-student frameworks. Then we propose a principled framework named RELIANT to mitigate the bias exhibited by the student model. Notably, the design of RELIANT is decoupled from any specific teacher and student model structures, and thus can be easily adapted to various GNN-based KD frameworks. We perform extensive experiments on multiple real-world datasets, which corroborates that RELIANT achieves less biased GNN knowledge distillation while maintaining high prediction utility.
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With the development of technology and sharing economy, Airbnb as a famous short-term rental platform, has become the first choice for many young people to select. The issue of Airbnb's pricing has always been a problem worth studying. While the previous studies achieve promising results, there are exists deficiencies to solve. Such as, (1) the feature attributes of rental are not rich enough; (2) the research on rental text information is not deep enough; (3) there are few studies on predicting the rental price combined with the point of interest(POI) around the house. To address the above challenges, we proposes a multi-source information embedding(MSIE) model to predict the rental price of Airbnb. Specifically, we first selects the statistical feature to embed the original rental data. Secondly, we generates the word feature vector and emotional score combination of three different text information to form the text feature embedding. Thirdly, we uses the points of interest(POI) around the rental house information generates a variety of spatial network graphs, and learns the embedding of the network to obtain the spatial feature embedding. Finally, this paper combines the three modules into multi source rental representations, and uses the constructed fully connected neural network to predict the price. The analysis of the experimental results shows the effectiveness of our proposed model.
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Domain shift widely exists in the visual world, while modern deep neural networks commonly suffer from severe performance degradation under domain shift due to the poor generalization ability, which limits the real-world applications. The domain shift mainly lies in the limited source environmental variations and the large distribution gap between source and unseen target data. To this end, we propose a unified framework, Style-HAllucinated Dual consistEncy learning (SHADE), to handle such domain shift in various visual tasks. Specifically, SHADE is constructed based on two consistency constraints, Style Consistency (SC) and Retrospection Consistency (RC). SC enriches the source situations and encourages the model to learn consistent representation across style-diversified samples. RC leverages general visual knowledge to prevent the model from overfitting to source data and thus largely keeps the representation consistent between the source and general visual models. Furthermore, we present a novel style hallucination module (SHM) to generate style-diversified samples that are essential to consistency learning. SHM selects basis styles from the source distribution, enabling the model to dynamically generate diverse and realistic samples during training. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our versatile SHADE can significantly enhance the generalization in various visual recognition tasks, including image classification, semantic segmentation and object detection, with different models, i.e., ConvNets and Transformer.
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Deep latent variable models have achieved significant empirical successes in model-based reinforcement learning (RL) due to their expressiveness in modeling complex transition dynamics. On the other hand, it remains unclear theoretically and empirically how latent variable models may facilitate learning, planning, and exploration to improve the sample efficiency of RL. In this paper, we provide a representation view of the latent variable models for state-action value functions, which allows both tractable variational learning algorithm and effective implementation of the optimism/pessimism principle in the face of uncertainty for exploration. In particular, we propose a computationally efficient planning algorithm with UCB exploration by incorporating kernel embeddings of latent variable models. Theoretically, we establish the sample complexity of the proposed approach in the online and offline settings. Empirically, we demonstrate superior performance over current state-of-the-art algorithms across various benchmarks.
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Energy management systems (EMS) are becoming increasingly important in order to utilize the continuously growing curtailed renewable energy. Promising energy storage systems (ESS), such as batteries and green hydrogen should be employed to maximize the efficiency of energy stakeholders. However, optimal decision-making, i.e., planning the leveraging between different strategies, is confronted with the complexity and uncertainties of large-scale problems. Here, we propose a sophisticated deep reinforcement learning (DRL) methodology with a policy-based algorithm to realize the real-time optimal ESS planning under the curtailed renewable energy uncertainty. A quantitative performance comparison proved that the DRL agent outperforms the scenario-based stochastic optimization (SO) algorithm, even with a wide action and observation space. Owing to the uncertainty rejection capability of the DRL, we could confirm a robust performance, under a large uncertainty of the curtailed renewable energy, with a maximizing net profit and stable system. Action-mapping was performed for visually assessing the action taken by the DRL agent according to the state. The corresponding results confirmed that the DRL agent learns the way like what a human expert would do, suggesting reliable application of the proposed methodology.
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Semantic segmentation in 3D indoor scenes has achieved remarkable performance under the supervision of large-scale annotated data. However, previous works rely on the assumption that the training and testing data are of the same distribution, which may suffer from performance degradation when evaluated on the out-of-distribution scenes. To alleviate the annotation cost and the performance degradation, this paper introduces the synthetic-to-real domain generalization setting to this task. Specifically, the domain gap between synthetic and real-world point cloud data mainly lies in the different layouts and point patterns. To address these problems, we first propose a clustering instance mix (CINMix) augmentation technique to diversify the layouts of the source data. In addition, we augment the point patterns of the source data and introduce non-parametric multi-prototypes to ameliorate the intra-class variance enlarged by the augmented point patterns. The multi-prototypes can model the intra-class variance and rectify the global classifier in both training and inference stages. Experiments on the synthetic-to-real benchmark demonstrate that both CINMix and multi-prototypes can narrow the distribution gap and thus improve the generalization ability on real-world datasets.
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Open world object detection aims at detecting objects that are absent in the object classes of the training data as unknown objects without explicit supervision. Furthermore, the exact classes of the unknown objects must be identified without catastrophic forgetting of the previous known classes when the corresponding annotations of unknown objects are given incrementally. In this paper, we propose a two-stage training approach named Open World DETR for open world object detection based on Deformable DETR. In the first stage, we pre-train a model on the current annotated data to detect objects from the current known classes, and concurrently train an additional binary classifier to classify predictions into foreground or background classes. This helps the model to build an unbiased feature representations that can facilitate the detection of unknown classes in subsequent process. In the second stage, we fine-tune the class-specific components of the model with a multi-view self-labeling strategy and a consistency constraint. Furthermore, we alleviate catastrophic forgetting when the annotations of the unknown classes becomes available incrementally by using knowledge distillation and exemplar replay. Experimental results on PASCAL VOC and MS-COCO show that our proposed method outperforms other state-of-the-art open world object detection methods by a large margin.
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We propose a trust-region stochastic sequential quadratic programming algorithm (TR-StoSQP) to solve nonlinear optimization problems with stochastic objectives and deterministic equality constraints. We consider a fully stochastic setting, where in each iteration a single sample is generated to estimate the objective gradient. The algorithm adaptively selects the trust-region radius and, compared to the existing line-search StoSQP schemes, allows us to employ indefinite Hessian matrices (i.e., Hessians without modification) in SQP subproblems. As a trust-region method for constrained optimization, our algorithm needs to address an infeasibility issue -- the linearized equality constraints and trust-region constraints might lead to infeasible SQP subproblems. In this regard, we propose an \textit{adaptive relaxation technique} to compute the trial step that consists of a normal step and a tangential step. To control the lengths of the two steps, we adaptively decompose the trust-region radius into two segments based on the proportions of the feasibility and optimality residuals to the full KKT residual. The normal step has a closed form, while the tangential step is solved from a trust-region subproblem, to which a solution ensuring the Cauchy reduction is sufficient for our study. We establish the global almost sure convergence guarantee for TR-StoSQP, and illustrate its empirical performance on both a subset of problems in the CUTEst test set and constrained logistic regression problems using data from the LIBSVM collection.
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Knowledge graph data are prevalent in real-world applications, and knowledge graph neural networks (KGNNs) are essential techniques for knowledge graph representation learning. Although KGNN effectively models the structural information from knowledge graphs, these frameworks amplify the underlying data bias that leads to discrimination towards certain groups or individuals in resulting applications. Additionally, as existing debiasing approaches mainly focus on the entity-wise bias, eliminating the multi-hop relational bias that pervasively exists in knowledge graphs remains an open question. However, it is very challenging to eliminate relational bias due to the sparsity of the paths that generate the bias and the non-linear proximity structure of knowledge graphs. To tackle the challenges, we propose Fair-KGNN, a KGNN framework that simultaneously alleviates multi-hop bias and preserves the proximity information of entity-to-relation in knowledge graphs. The proposed framework is generalizable to mitigate the relational bias for all types of KGNN. We develop two instances of Fair-KGNN incorporating with two state-of-the-art KGNN models, RGCN and CompGCN, to mitigate gender-occupation and nationality-salary bias. The experiments carried out on three benchmark knowledge graph datasets demonstrate that the Fair-KGNN can effectively mitigate unfair situations during representation learning while preserving the predictive performance of KGNN models.
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