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这项工作提出了一种新的计算框架,用于学习用于真实数据集的明确生成模型。特别地,我们建议在包含多个独立的多维线性子空间组成的特征空间中的多类多维数据分发和{线性判别表示(LDR)}之间学习{\ EM闭环转录}。特别地,我们认为寻求的最佳编码和解码映射可以被配制为编码器和解码器之间的{\ em二手最小游戏的均衡点}。该游戏的自然实用功能是所谓的{\ em速率减少},这是一个简单的信息定理措施,用于特征空间中子空间类似的高斯的混合物之间的距离。我们的配方利用来自控制系统的闭环误差反馈的灵感,避免昂贵的评估和最小化数据空间或特征空间的任意分布之间的近似距离。在很大程度上,这种新的制定统一了自动编码和GaN的概念和益处,并自然将它们扩展到学习多级和多维实际数据的判别和生成}表示的设置。我们对许多基准图像数据集的广泛实验表明了这种新的闭环配方的巨大潜力:在公平的比较下,学习的解码器的视觉质量和编码器的分类性能是竞争力的,并且通常比基于GaN,VAE或基于GaN,VAE或基于GaN,VAE的方法更好的方法两者的组合。我们注意到所以,不同类别的特征在特征空间中明确地映射到大约{em独立的主管子空间};每个类中的不同视觉属性由每个子空间中的{\ em独立主体组件}建模。
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这项工作试图提供一种合理的理论框架,旨在从数据压缩和歧视性代表的原则解释现代深度(卷积)网络。我们认为,对于高维多类数据,最佳线性判别表示最大化整个数据集之间的编码率差和所有子集的平均值。我们表明,用于优化速率降低目标的基本迭代梯度上升方案自然地导致了一个名为Redunet的多层深网络,其共享现代深度网络的共同特征。深度分层架构,线性和非线性操作员,甚至网络的甚至参数都通过正向传播明确地构造了逐层构造,尽管它们通过背部传播可用于微调。所获得的“白盒”网络的所有组件都具有精确的优化,统计和几何解释。此外,当我们强制执行分类时,所以,所以网络的所有线性运算符自然地变为多通道卷曲。不变设置中的推导表明稀疏性和不变性之间的折衷,并且还表明这种深度卷积网络在光谱域中构建和学习的显着更有效。我们的初步模拟和实验清楚地验证了速率降低目标和相关的Redunet的有效性。所有代码和数据都可用于\ url {https://github.com/ma-lab-berkeley}。
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We propose a distributionally robust return-risk model for Markov decision processes (MDPs) under risk and reward ambiguity. The proposed model optimizes the weighted average of mean and percentile performances, and it covers the distributionally robust MDPs and the distributionally robust chance-constrained MDPs (both under reward ambiguity) as special cases. By considering that the unknown reward distribution lies in a Wasserstein ambiguity set, we derive the tractable reformulation for our model. In particular, we show that that the return-risk model can also account for risk from uncertain transition kernel when one only seeks deterministic policies, and that a distributionally robust MDP under the percentile criterion can be reformulated as its nominal counterpart at an adjusted risk level. A scalable first-order algorithm is designed to solve large-scale problems, and we demonstrate the advantages of our proposed model and algorithm through numerical experiments.
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Modern deep neural networks have achieved superhuman performance in tasks from image classification to game play. Surprisingly, these various complex systems with massive amounts of parameters exhibit the same remarkable structural properties in their last-layer features and classifiers across canonical datasets. This phenomenon is known as "Neural Collapse," and it was discovered empirically by Papyan et al. \cite{Papyan20}. Recent papers have theoretically shown the global solutions to the training network problem under a simplified "unconstrained feature model" exhibiting this phenomenon. We take a step further and prove the Neural Collapse occurrence for deep linear network for the popular mean squared error (MSE) and cross entropy (CE) loss. Furthermore, we extend our research to imbalanced data for MSE loss and present the first geometric analysis for Neural Collapse under this setting.
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Machine Reading Comprehension has become one of the most advanced and popular research topics in the fields of Natural Language Processing in recent years. The classification of answerability questions is a relatively significant sub-task in machine reading comprehension; however, there haven't been many studies. Retro-Reader is one of the studies that has solved this problem effectively. However, the encoders of most traditional machine reading comprehension models in general and Retro-Reader, in particular, have not been able to exploit the contextual semantic information of the context completely. Inspired by SemBERT, we use semantic role labels from the SRL task to add semantics to pre-trained language models such as mBERT, XLM-R, PhoBERT. This experiment was conducted to compare the influence of semantics on the classification of answerability for the Vietnamese machine reading comprehension. Additionally, we hope this experiment will enhance the encoder for the Retro-Reader model's Sketchy Reading Module. The improved Retro-Reader model's encoder with semantics was first applied to the Vietnamese Machine Reading Comprehension task and obtained positive results.
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Robust Markov decision processes (RMDPs) are promising models that provide reliable policies under ambiguities in model parameters. As opposed to nominal Markov decision processes (MDPs), however, the state-of-the-art solution methods for RMDPs are limited to value-based methods, such as value iteration and policy iteration. This paper proposes Double-Loop Robust Policy Gradient (DRPG), the first generic policy gradient method for RMDPs with a global convergence guarantee in tabular problems. Unlike value-based methods, DRPG does not rely on dynamic programming techniques. In particular, the inner-loop robust policy evaluation problem is solved via projected gradient descent. Finally, our experimental results demonstrate the performance of our algorithm and verify our theoretical guarantees.
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Language models (LMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance on downstream tasks, using in-context exemplars or human instructions. Recent works have shown that chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting can elicit models to solve complex reasoning tasks, step-by-step. However, the efficacy of prompt-based CoT methods is restricted to very large LMs such as GPT-3 (175B), thus limiting deployability. In this paper, we revisit the fine-tuning approach to enable complex reasoning in smaller LMs, optimized to efficiently perform a specific task. We propose Fine-tune-CoT, a method that leverages the capabilities of very large LMs to generate reasoning samples and teach smaller models via fine-tuning. We evaluate our method on publicly available LMs across a wide range of complex tasks and model sizes. We find that Fine-tune-CoT enables substantial reasoning capability in small models, whereas previous prompt-based baselines exhibit near-random performance. Student models can even outperform the teacher in some tasks while reducing model size requirements by several orders of magnitude. We conduct extensive ablations and sample studies to understand the reasoning capabilities of student models. We also identify several important nuances that have been overlooked in concurrent fine-tuning works on CoT and address them in our analysis.
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Semi-supervised object detection is important for 3D scene understanding because obtaining large-scale 3D bounding box annotations on point clouds is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Existing semi-supervised methods usually employ teacher-student knowledge distillation together with an augmentation strategy to leverage unlabeled point clouds. However, these methods adopt global augmentation with scene-level transformations and hence are sub-optimal for instance-level object detection. In this work, we propose an object-level point augmentor (OPA) that performs local transformations for semi-supervised 3D object detection. In this way, the resultant augmentor is derived to emphasize object instances rather than irrelevant backgrounds, making the augmented data more useful for object detector training. Extensive experiments on the ScanNet and SUN RGB-D datasets show that the proposed OPA performs favorably against the state-of-the-art methods under various experimental settings. The source code will be available at https://github.com/nomiaro/OPA.
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