自动语音识别(ASR)服务无处不在,将语音转换为Amazon's Alexa,Google助手和Microsoft的Cortana等系统的文本。但是,研究人员已经确定了种族群体和国籍的特定英语口音之间的ASR表现的偏见。在本文中,我们通过大规模审核将其与历史先例和定量相关联,从定性地扩展了这一讨论。语言的标准化和使用语言维持全球和政治权力的使用在历史上发挥了重要作用,我们解释说,这表明ASR服务对当今英语说话者的行为方式表明了相似之处。然后,使用来自Speakent Accent Archive的大量和全球数据集,其中包括2700多名在171个不同国家 /地区出生的英语演讲者,我们对一些最受欢迎的英语ASR服务进行了国际审核。我们表明,绩效差异的存在是说话者的母语是否是英语,即使在控制多种语言协变量时,这些差异与说话者出生国家的政治统一性具有统计学意义的关系美国的地缘政治力量。
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We introduce a novel framework to track multiple objects in overhead camera videos for airport checkpoint security scenarios where targets correspond to passengers and their baggage items. We propose a Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) technique to provide the model information about instance segmentation uncertainty from overhead images. Our SSL approach improves object detection by employing a test-time data augmentation and a regression-based, rotation-invariant pseudo-label refinement technique. Our pseudo-label generation method provides multiple geometrically-transformed images as inputs to a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), regresses the augmented detections generated by the network to reduce localization errors, and then clusters them using the mean-shift algorithm. The self-supervised detector model is used in a single-camera tracking algorithm to generate temporal identifiers for the targets. Our method also incorporates a multi-view trajectory association mechanism to maintain consistent temporal identifiers as passengers travel across camera views. An evaluation of detection, tracking, and association performances on videos obtained from multiple overhead cameras in a realistic airport checkpoint environment demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Our results show that self-supervision improves object detection accuracy by up to $42\%$ without increasing the inference time of the model. Our multi-camera association method achieves up to $89\%$ multi-object tracking accuracy with an average computation time of less than $15$ ms.
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The availability of frequent and cost-free satellite images is in growing demand in the research world. Such satellite constellations as Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 provide a massive amount of valuable data daily. However, the discrepancy in the sensors' characteristics of these satellites makes it senseless to use a segmentation model trained on either dataset and applied to another, which is why domain adaptation techniques have recently become an active research area in remote sensing. In this paper, an experiment of domain adaptation through style-transferring is conducted using the HRSemI2I model to narrow the sensor discrepancy between Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2. This paper's main contribution is analyzing the expediency of that approach by comparing the results of segmentation using domain-adapted images with those without adaptation. The HRSemI2I model, adjusted to work with 6-band imagery, shows significant intersection-over-union performance improvement for both mean and per class metrics. A second contribution is providing different schemes of generalization between two label schemes - NALCMS 2015 and CORINE. The first scheme is standardization through higher-level land cover classes, and the second is through harmonization validation in the field.
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Recent work has shown that fine-tuning large pre-trained language models on a collection of tasks described via instructions, a.k.a. instruction-tuning, improves their zero and few-shot generalization to unseen tasks. However, there is a limited understanding of the performance trade-offs of different decisions made during the instruction-tuning process. These decisions include the scale and diversity of the instruction-tuning benchmark, different task sampling strategies, fine-tuning with and without demonstrations, training using specialized datasets for reasoning and dialogue, and finally, the fine-tuning objectives themselves. In this paper, we characterize the effect of instruction-tuning decisions on downstream task performance when scaling both model and benchmark sizes. To this end, we create OPT-IML Bench: a large benchmark for Instruction Meta-Learning (IML) of 2000 NLP tasks consolidated into task categories from 8 existing benchmarks, and prepare an evaluation framework to measure three types of model generalizations: to tasks from fully held-out categories, to held-out tasks from seen categories, and to held-out instances from seen tasks. Through the lens of this framework, we first present insights about instruction-tuning decisions as applied to OPT-30B and further exploit these insights to train OPT-IML 30B and 175B, which are instruction-tuned versions of OPT. OPT-IML demonstrates all three generalization abilities at both scales on four different evaluation benchmarks with diverse tasks and input formats -- PromptSource, FLAN, Super-NaturalInstructions, and UnifiedSKG. Not only does it significantly outperform OPT on all benchmarks but is also highly competitive with existing models fine-tuned on each specific benchmark. We release OPT-IML at both scales, together with the OPT-IML Bench evaluation framework.
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Traditional approaches to RL have focused on learning decision policies directly from episodic decisions, while slowly and implicitly learning the semantics of compositional representations needed for generalization. While some approaches have been adopted to refine representations via auxiliary self-supervised losses while simultaneously learning decision policies, learning compositional representations from hand-designed and context-independent self-supervised losses (multi-view) still adapts relatively slowly to the real world, which contains many non-IID subspaces requiring rapid distribution shift in both time and spatial attention patterns at varying levels of abstraction. In contrast, supervised language model cascades have shown the flexibility to adapt to many diverse manifolds, and hints of self-learning needed for autonomous task transfer. However, to date, transfer methods for language models like few-shot learning and fine-tuning still require human supervision and transfer learning using self-learning methods has been underexplored. We propose a self-supervised loss policy called contrastive distillation which manifests latent variables with high mutual information with both source and target tasks from weights to tokens. We show how this outperforms common methods of transfer learning and suggests a useful design axis of trading off compute for generalizability for online transfer. Contrastive distillation is improved through sampling from memory and suggests a simple algorithm for more efficiently sampling negative examples for contrastive losses than random sampling.
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When a human communicates with a machine using natural language on the web and online, how can it understand the human's intention and semantic context of their talk? This is an important AI task as it enables the machine to construct a sensible answer or perform a useful action for the human. Meaning is represented at the sentence level, identification of which is known as intent detection, and at the word level, a labelling task called slot filling. This dual-level joint task requires innovative thinking about natural language and deep learning network design, and as a result, many approaches and models have been proposed and applied. This tutorial will discuss how the joint task is set up and introduce Spoken Language Understanding/Natural Language Understanding (SLU/NLU) with Deep Learning techniques. We will cover the datasets, experiments and metrics used in the field. We will describe how the machine uses the latest NLP and Deep Learning techniques to address the joint task, including recurrent and attention-based Transformer networks and pre-trained models (e.g. BERT). We will then look in detail at a network that allows the two levels of the task, intent classification and slot filling, to interact to boost performance explicitly. We will do a code demonstration of a Python notebook for this model and attendees will have an opportunity to watch coding demo tasks on this joint NLU to further their understanding.
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Recently, there has been increasing interest in synthesizing data to improve downstream text-to-SQL tasks. In this paper, we first examined the existing synthesized datasets and discovered that state-of-the-art text-to-SQL algorithms did not further improve on popular benchmarks when trained with augmented synthetic data. We observed two shortcomings: illogical synthetic SQL queries from independent column sampling and arbitrary table joins. To address these issues, we propose a novel synthesis framework that incorporates key relationships from schema, imposes strong typing, and conducts schema-distance-weighted column sampling. We also adopt an intermediate representation (IR) for the SQL-to-text task to further improve the quality of the generated natural language questions. When existing powerful semantic parsers are pre-finetuned on our high-quality synthesized data, our experiments show that these models have significant accuracy boosts on popular benchmarks, including new state-of-the-art performance on Spider.
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Datacenter operators ensure fair and regular server maintenance by using automated processes to schedule maintenance jobs to complete within a strict time budget. Automating this scheduling problem is challenging because maintenance job duration varies based on both job type and hardware. While it is tempting to use prior machine learning techniques for predicting job duration, we find that the structure of the maintenance job scheduling problem creates a unique challenge. In particular, we show that prior machine learning methods that produce the lowest error predictions do not produce the best scheduling outcomes due to asymmetric costs. Specifically, underpredicting maintenance job duration has results in more servers being taken offline and longer server downtime than overpredicting maintenance job duration. The system cost of underprediction is much larger than that of overprediction. We present Acela, a machine learning system for predicting maintenance job duration, which uses quantile regression to bias duration predictions toward overprediction. We integrate Acela into a maintenance job scheduler and evaluate it on datasets from large-scale, production datacenters. Compared to machine learning based predictors from prior work, Acela reduces the number of servers that are taken offline by 1.87-4.28X, and reduces the server offline time by 1.40-2.80X.
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We discuss pattern languages for closed pattern mining and learning of interval data and distributional data. We first introduce pattern languages relying on pairs of intersection-based constraints or pairs of inclusion based constraints, or both, applied to intervals. We discuss the encoding of such interval patterns as itemsets thus allowing to use closed itemsets mining and formal concept analysis programs. We experiment these languages on clustering and supervised learning tasks. Then we show how to extend the approach to address distributional data.
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Reinforcement-learning agents seek to maximize a reward signal through environmental interactions. As humans, our contribution to the learning process is through designing the reward function. Like programmers, we have a behavior in mind and have to translate it into a formal specification, namely rewards. In this work, we consider the reward-design problem in tasks formulated as reaching desirable states and avoiding undesirable states. To start, we propose a strict partial ordering of the policy space. We prefer policies that reach the good states faster and with higher probability while avoiding the bad states longer. Next, we propose an environment-independent tiered reward structure and show it is guaranteed to induce policies that are Pareto-optimal according to our preference relation. Finally, we empirically evaluate tiered reward functions on several environments and show they induce desired behavior and lead to fast learning.
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