Recently, there has been increasing interest in synthesizing data to improve downstream text-to-SQL tasks. In this paper, we first examined the existing synthesized datasets and discovered that state-of-the-art text-to-SQL algorithms did not further improve on popular benchmarks when trained with augmented synthetic data. We observed two shortcomings: illogical synthetic SQL queries from independent column sampling and arbitrary table joins. To address these issues, we propose a novel synthesis framework that incorporates key relationships from schema, imposes strong typing, and conducts schema-distance-weighted column sampling. We also adopt an intermediate representation (IR) for the SQL-to-text task to further improve the quality of the generated natural language questions. When existing powerful semantic parsers are pre-finetuned on our high-quality synthesized data, our experiments show that these models have significant accuracy boosts on popular benchmarks, including new state-of-the-art performance on Spider.
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Current SQL generators based on pre-trained language models struggle to answer complex questions requiring domain context or understanding fine-grained table structure. Humans would deal with these unknowns by reasoning over the documentation of the tables. Based on this hypothesis, we propose DocuT5, which uses off-the-shelf language model architecture and injects knowledge from external `documentation' to improve domain generalization. We perform experiments on the Spider family of datasets that contain complex questions that are cross-domain and multi-table. Specifically, we develop a new text-to-SQL failure taxonomy and find that 19.6% of errors are due to foreign key mistakes, and 49.2% are due to a lack of domain knowledge. We proposed DocuT5, a method that captures knowledge from (1) table structure context of foreign keys and (2) domain knowledge through contextualizing tables and columns. Both types of knowledge improve over state-of-the-art T5 with constrained decoding on Spider, and domain knowledge produces state-of-the-art comparable effectiveness on Spider-DK and Spider-SYN datasets.
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We present Spider, a large-scale, complex and cross-domain semantic parsing and textto-SQL dataset annotated by 11 college students. It consists of 10,181 questions and 5,693 unique complex SQL queries on 200 databases with multiple tables, covering 138 different domains. We define a new complex and cross-domain semantic parsing and textto-SQL task where different complex SQL queries and databases appear in train and test sets. In this way, the task requires the model to generalize well to both new SQL queries and new database schemas. Spider is distinct from most of the previous semantic parsing tasks because they all use a single database and the exact same programs in the train set and the test set. We experiment with various state-of-the-art models and the best model achieves only 12.4% exact matching accuracy on a database split setting. This shows that Spider presents a strong challenge for future research. Our dataset and task are publicly available at https://yale-lily.
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学习捕获文本表对齐对于文本到SQL等任务至关重要。一个模型需要正确识别对列和值的自然语言引用,并在给定的数据库架构中将其扎根。在本文中,我们为文本到SQL提出了一个新颖的弱监督结构接地预处理框架(strug),可以有效地学习基于平行的文本表语料库来捕获文本表对齐。我们确定了一组新的预测任务:列接地,价值接地和列值映射,并利用它们为文本表编码预处理。此外,为了评估更现实的文本表对齐设置下的不同方法,我们基于蜘蛛dev设置的新评估集蜘蛛现实化,并明确提及已删除的列名,并采用八个现有的文本到SQL数据集以进行交叉 - 数据库评估。在所有设置中,Strug对Bert-Large都有显着改善。与现有的预训练方法(例如Grappa)相比,Strug在蜘蛛方面的性能相似,并且在更现实的集合上都优于所有基线。蜘蛛现实的数据集可从获得。
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Subject to the huge semantic gap between natural and formal languages, neural semantic parsing is typically bottlenecked by its complexity of dealing with both input semantics and output syntax. Recent works have proposed several forms of supplementary supervision but none is generalized across multiple formal languages. This paper proposes a unified intermediate representation (IR) for graph query languages, named GraphQ IR. It has a natural-language-like expression that bridges the semantic gap and formally defined syntax that maintains the graph structure. Therefore, a neural semantic parser can more precisely convert user queries into GraphQ IR, which can be later losslessly compiled into various downstream graph query languages. Extensive experiments on several benchmarks including KQA Pro, Overnight, GrailQA, and MetaQA-Cypher under standard i.i.d., out-of-distribution, and low-resource settings validate GraphQ IR's superiority over the previous state-of-the-arts with a maximum 11% accuracy improvement.
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Parsing natural language questions into executable logical forms is a useful and interpretable way to perform question answering on structured data such as knowledge bases (KB) or databases (DB). However, existing approaches on semantic parsing cannot adapt to both modalities, as they suffer from the exponential growth of the logical form candidates and can hardly generalize to unseen data. In this work, we propose Uni-Parser, a unified semantic parser for question answering (QA) on both KB and DB. We introduce the primitive (relation and entity in KB, and table name, column name and cell value in DB) as an essential element in our framework. The number of primitives grows linearly with the number of retrieved relations in KB and DB, preventing us from dealing with exponential logic form candidates. We leverage the generator to predict final logical forms by altering and composing topranked primitives with different operations (e.g. select, where, count). With sufficiently pruned search space by a contrastive primitive ranker, the generator is empowered to capture the composition of primitives enhancing its generalization ability. We achieve competitive results on multiple KB and DB QA benchmarks more efficiently, especially in the compositional and zero-shot settings.
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深度学习的最新进展极大地推动了语义解析的研究。此后,在许多下游任务中进行了改进,包括Web API的自然语言接口,文本到SQL的生成等。但是,尽管与这些任务有着密切的联系,但有关知识库的问题的研究(KBQA)的进展相对缓慢。我们将其确定并归因于KBQA的两个独特挑战,模式级的复杂性和事实级别的复杂性。在这项调查中,我们将KBQA放置在更广泛的语义解析文献中,并全面说明了现有的KBQA方法如何试图应对独特的挑战。无论面临什么独特的挑战,我们都认为我们仍然可以从语义解析的文献中汲取太大的灵感,这被现有的KBQA研究所忽略了。基于我们的讨论,我们可以更好地了解当前KBQA研究的瓶颈,并阐明KBQA的有希望的方向,以跟上语义解析的文献,尤其是在预训练的语言模型时代。
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Conversational text-to-SQL is designed to translate multi-turn natural language questions into their corresponding SQL queries. Most state-of-the-art conversational text- to-SQL methods are incompatible with generative pre-trained language models (PLMs), such as T5. In this paper, we present a two-stage unified MultI-task Generation frAmework (MIGA) that leverages PLMs' ability to tackle conversational text-to-SQL. In the pre-training stage, MIGA first decomposes the main task into several related sub-tasks and then unifies them into the same sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) paradigm with task-specific natural language prompts to boost the main task from multi-task training. Later in the fine-tuning stage, we propose four SQL perturbations to alleviate the error propagation problem. MIGA tends to achieve state-of-the-art performance on two benchmarks (SparC and CoSQL). We also provide extensive analyses and discussions to shed light on some new perspectives for conversational text-to-SQL.
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最近的语言模型预培训进展取得了巨大的成功,通过利用大规模的非结构化文本数据。然而,由于没有大规模的高质量表格数据,在结构化的表格数据上应用预先培训仍然是一项挑战。在本文中,我们提出了Tapex,以表明通过在合成语料库上学习神经SQL执行程序来实现表预培训,这是通过自动合成可执行的SQL查询和执行输出来获得的。 Tapex通过引导语言模型来模仿SQL执行程序的不同,大规模和高质量的合成语料库来解决数据稀缺性挑战。我们在四个基准数据集中评估Tapex。实验结果表明,Tapex优于以前的表格预训练,并通过大幅度达到了新的最先进的结果。这包括改进弱监管的WikiSQL表示精度为89.5%(+ 2.3%),WikityQuestions表示精度为57.5%(+ 4.8%),SQA表示精度为74.5%(+ 3.5%)和Tabfact精度84.2%(+ 3.2%)。为了我们的知识,这是通过合成可执行程序利用表预培训的第一项工作,并在各种下游任务上实现新的最先进结果。
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Structured tabular data exist across nearly all fields. Reasoning task over these data aims to answer questions or determine the truthiness of hypothesis sentences by understanding the semantic meaning of a table. While previous works have devoted significant efforts to the tabular reasoning task, they always assume there are sufficient labeled data. However, constructing reasoning samples over tables (and related text) is labor-intensive, especially when the reasoning process is complex. When labeled data is insufficient, the performance of models will suffer an unendurable decline. In this paper, we propose a unified framework for unsupervised complex tabular reasoning (UCTR), which generates sufficient and diverse synthetic data with complex logic for tabular reasoning tasks, assuming no human-annotated data at all. We first utilize a random sampling strategy to collect diverse programs of different types and execute them on tables based on a "Program-Executor" module. To bridge the gap between the programs and natural language sentences, we design a powerful "NL-Generator" module to generate natural language sentences with complex logic from these programs. Since a table often occurs with its surrounding texts, we further propose novel "Table-to-Text" and "Text-to-Table" operators to handle joint table-text reasoning scenarios. This way, we can adequately exploit the unlabeled table resources to obtain a well-performed reasoning model under an unsupervised setting. Our experiments cover different tasks (question answering and fact verification) and different domains (general and specific), showing that our unsupervised methods can achieve at most 93% performance compared to supervised models. We also find that it can substantially boost the supervised performance in low-resourced domains as a data augmentation technique. Our code is available at
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Text-to-SQL semantic parsing is an important NLP task, which greatly facilitates the interaction between users and the database and becomes the key component in many human-computer interaction systems. Much recent progress in text-to-SQL has been driven by large-scale datasets, but most of them are centered on English. In this work, we present MultiSpider, the largest multilingual text-to-SQL dataset which covers seven languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese). Upon MultiSpider, we further identify the lexical and structural challenges of text-to-SQL (caused by specific language properties and dialect sayings) and their intensity across different languages. Experimental results under three typical settings (zero-shot, monolingual and multilingual) reveal a 6.1% absolute drop in accuracy in non-English languages. Qualitative and quantitative analyses are conducted to understand the reason for the performance drop of each language. Besides the dataset, we also propose a simple schema augmentation framework SAVe (Schema-Augmentation-with-Verification), which significantly boosts the overall performance by about 1.8% and closes the 29.5% performance gap across languages.
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长期以来,可以将可以应用于新数据库的文本到SQL解析器的重要性已得到认可,实现此目标的关键步骤是架构链接,即在生成SQL时正确地识别未见列或表的提及。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个新颖的框架,以通过基于PoinCar \'e距离指标的探测程序从大规模预训练的语言模型(PLM)中引起关系结构,并使用诱导的关系来增强基于图的解析器为了更好的模式链接。与常用的基于规则的架构链接方法相比,我们发现探测关系也可以稳健地捕获语义对应关系,即使提及和实体的表面形式不同。此外,我们的探测过程完全不受监督,不需要其他参数。广泛的实验表明,我们的框架在三个基准测试中设定了新的最新性能。我们从经验上验证我们的探测程序确实可以通过定性分析找到所需的关系结构。
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