Implicit regularization is an important way to interpret neural networks. Recent theory starts to explain implicit regularization with the model of deep matrix factorization (DMF) and analyze the trajectory of discrete gradient dynamics in the optimization process. These discrete gradient dynamics are relatively small but not infinitesimal, thus fitting well with the practical implementation of neural networks. Currently, discrete gradient dynamics analysis has been successfully applied to shallow networks but encounters the difficulty of complex computation for deep networks. In this work, we introduce another discrete gradient dynamics approach to explain implicit regularization, i.e. landscape analysis. It mainly focuses on gradient regions, such as saddle points and local minima. We theoretically establish the connection between saddle point escaping (SPE) stages and the matrix rank in DMF. We prove that, for a rank-R matrix reconstruction, DMF will converge to a second-order critical point after R stages of SPE. This conclusion is further experimentally verified on a low-rank matrix reconstruction problem. This work provides a new theory to analyze implicit regularization in deep learning.
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The number of international benchmarking competitions is steadily increasing in various fields of machine learning (ML) research and practice. So far, however, little is known about the common practice as well as bottlenecks faced by the community in tackling the research questions posed. To shed light on the status quo of algorithm development in the specific field of biomedical imaging analysis, we designed an international survey that was issued to all participants of challenges conducted in conjunction with the IEEE ISBI 2021 and MICCAI 2021 conferences (80 competitions in total). The survey covered participants' expertise and working environments, their chosen strategies, as well as algorithm characteristics. A median of 72% challenge participants took part in the survey. According to our results, knowledge exchange was the primary incentive (70%) for participation, while the reception of prize money played only a minor role (16%). While a median of 80 working hours was spent on method development, a large portion of participants stated that they did not have enough time for method development (32%). 25% perceived the infrastructure to be a bottleneck. Overall, 94% of all solutions were deep learning-based. Of these, 84% were based on standard architectures. 43% of the respondents reported that the data samples (e.g., images) were too large to be processed at once. This was most commonly addressed by patch-based training (69%), downsampling (37%), and solving 3D analysis tasks as a series of 2D tasks. K-fold cross-validation on the training set was performed by only 37% of the participants and only 50% of the participants performed ensembling based on multiple identical models (61%) or heterogeneous models (39%). 48% of the respondents applied postprocessing steps.
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Attention-based neural networks, such as Transformers, have become ubiquitous in numerous applications, including computer vision, natural language processing, and time-series analysis. In all kinds of attention networks, the attention maps are crucial as they encode semantic dependencies between input tokens. However, most existing attention networks perform modeling or reasoning based on representations, wherein the attention maps of different layers are learned separately without explicit interactions. In this paper, we propose a novel and generic evolving attention mechanism, which directly models the evolution of inter-token relationships through a chain of residual convolutional modules. The major motivations are twofold. On the one hand, the attention maps in different layers share transferable knowledge, thus adding a residual connection can facilitate the information flow of inter-token relationships across layers. On the other hand, there is naturally an evolutionary trend among attention maps at different abstraction levels, so it is beneficial to exploit a dedicated convolution-based module to capture this process. Equipped with the proposed mechanism, the convolution-enhanced evolving attention networks achieve superior performance in various applications, including time-series representation, natural language understanding, machine translation, and image classification. Especially on time-series representation tasks, Evolving Attention-enhanced Dilated Convolutional (EA-DC-) Transformer outperforms state-of-the-art models significantly, achieving an average of 17% improvement compared to the best SOTA. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that explicitly models the layer-wise evolution of attention maps. Our implementation is available at
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The geographically weighted regression (GWR) is an essential tool for estimating the spatial variation of relationships between dependent and independent variables in geographical contexts. However, GWR suffers from the problem that classical linear regressions, which compose the GWR model, are more prone to be underfitting, especially for significant volume and complex nonlinear data, causing inferior comparative performance. Nevertheless, some advanced models, such as the decision tree and the support vector machine, can learn features from complex data more effectively while they cannot provide explainable quantification for the spatial variation of localized relationships. To address the above issues, we propose a geographically gradient boosting weighted regression model, GWRBoost, that applies the localized additive model and gradient boosting optimization method to alleviate underfitting problems and retains explainable quantification capability for spatially-varying relationships between geographically located variables. Furthermore, we formulate the computation method of the Akaike information score for the proposed model to conduct the comparative analysis with the classic GWR algorithm. Simulation experiments and the empirical case study are applied to prove the efficient performance and practical value of GWRBoost. The results show that our proposed model can reduce the RMSE by 18.3\% in parameter estimation accuracy and AICc by 67.3\% in the goodness of fit.
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GNSS and LiDAR odometry are complementary as they provide absolute and relative positioning, respectively. Their integration in a loosely-coupled manner is straightforward but is challenged in urban canyons due to the GNSS signal reflections. Recent proposed 3D LiDAR-aided (3DLA) GNSS methods employ the point cloud map to identify the non-line-of-sight (NLOS) reception of GNSS signals. This facilitates the GNSS receiver to obtain improved urban positioning but not achieve a sub-meter level. GNSS real-time kinematics (RTK) uses carrier phase measurements to obtain decimeter-level positioning. In urban areas, the GNSS RTK is not only challenged by multipath and NLOS-affected measurement but also suffers from signal blockage by the building. The latter will impose a challenge in solving the ambiguity within the carrier phase measurements. In the other words, the model observability of the ambiguity resolution (AR) is greatly decreased. This paper proposes to generate virtual satellite (VS) measurements using the selected LiDAR landmarks from the accumulated 3D point cloud maps (PCM). These LiDAR-PCM-made VS measurements are tightly-coupled with GNSS pseudorange and carrier phase measurements. Thus, the VS measurements can provide complementary constraints, meaning providing low-elevation-angle measurements in the across-street directions. The implementation is done using factor graph optimization to solve an accurate float solution of the ambiguity before it is fed into LAMBDA. The effectiveness of the proposed method has been validated by the evaluation conducted on our recently open-sourced challenging dataset, UrbanNav. The result shows the fix rate of the proposed 3DLA GNSS RTK is about 30% while the conventional GNSS-RTK only achieves about 14%. In addition, the proposed method achieves sub-meter positioning accuracy in most of the data collected in challenging urban areas.
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Large deep learning models have achieved remarkable success in many scenarios. However, training large models is usually challenging, e.g., due to the high computational cost, the unstable and painfully slow optimization procedure, and the vulnerability to overfitting. To alleviate these problems, this work studies a divide-and-conquer strategy, i.e., dividing a large model into smaller modules, training them independently, and reassembling the trained modules to obtain the target model. This approach is promising since it avoids directly training large models from scratch. Nevertheless, implementing this idea is non-trivial, as it is difficult to ensure the compatibility of the independently trained modules. In this paper, we present an elegant solution to address this issue, i.e., we introduce a global, shared meta model to implicitly link all the modules together. This enables us to train highly compatible modules that collaborate effectively when they are assembled together. We further propose a module incubation mechanism that enables the meta model to be designed as an extremely shallow network. As a result, the additional overhead introduced by the meta model is minimalized. Though conceptually simple, our method significantly outperforms end-to-end (E2E) training in terms of both final accuracy and training efficiency. For example, on top of ViT-Huge, it improves the accuracy by 2.7% compared to the E2E baseline on ImageNet-1K, while saving the training cost by 43% in the meantime. Code is available at
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Although various methods have been proposed for multi-label classification, most approaches still follow the feature learning mechanism of the single-label (multi-class) classification, namely, learning a shared image feature to classify multiple labels. However, we find this One-shared-Feature-for-Multiple-Labels (OFML) mechanism is not conducive to learning discriminative label features and makes the model non-robustness. For the first time, we mathematically prove that the inferiority of the OFML mechanism is that the optimal learned image feature cannot maintain high similarities with multiple classifiers simultaneously in the context of minimizing cross-entropy loss. To address the limitations of the OFML mechanism, we introduce the One-specific-Feature-for-One-Label (OFOL) mechanism and propose a novel disentangled label feature learning (DLFL) framework to learn a disentangled representation for each label. The specificity of the framework lies in a feature disentangle module, which contains learnable semantic queries and a Semantic Spatial Cross-Attention (SSCA) module. Specifically, learnable semantic queries maintain semantic consistency between different images of the same label. The SSCA module localizes the label-related spatial regions and aggregates located region features into the corresponding label feature to achieve feature disentanglement. We achieve state-of-the-art performance on eight datasets of three tasks, \ie, multi-label classification, pedestrian attribute recognition, and continual multi-label learning.
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Interoperability issue is a significant problem in Building Information Modeling (BIM). Object type, as a kind of critical semantic information needed in multiple BIM applications like scan-to-BIM and code compliance checking, also suffers when exchanging BIM data or creating models using software of other domains. It can be supplemented using deep learning. Current deep learning methods mainly learn from the shape information of BIM objects for classification, leaving relational information inherent in the BIM context unused. To address this issue, we introduce a two-branch geometric-relational deep learning framework. It boosts previous geometric classification methods with relational information. We also present a BIM object dataset IFCNet++, which contains both geometric and relational information about the objects. Experiments show that our framework can be flexibly adapted to different geometric methods. And relational features do act as a bonus to general geometric learning methods, obviously improving their classification performance, thus reducing the manual labor of checking models and improving the practical value of enriched BIM models.
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Diverse data formats and ontologies of task-oriented dialogue (TOD) datasets hinder us from developing general dialogue models that perform well on many datasets and studying knowledge transfer between datasets. To address this issue, we present ConvLab-3, a flexible dialogue system toolkit based on a unified TOD data format. In ConvLab-3, different datasets are transformed into one unified format and loaded by models in the same way. As a result, the cost of adapting a new model or dataset is significantly reduced. Compared to the previous releases of ConvLab (Lee et al., 2019b; Zhu et al., 2020b), ConvLab-3 allows developing dialogue systems with much more datasets and enhances the utility of the reinforcement learning (RL) toolkit for dialogue policies. To showcase the use of ConvLab-3 and inspire future work, we present a comprehensive study with various settings. We show the benefit of pre-training on other datasets for few-shot fine-tuning and RL, and encourage evaluating policy with diverse user simulators.
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Early-exiting dynamic neural networks (EDNN), as one type of dynamic neural networks, has been widely studied recently. A typical EDNN has multiple prediction heads at different layers of the network backbone. During inference, the model will exit at either the last prediction head or an intermediate prediction head where the prediction confidence is higher than a predefined threshold. To optimize the model, these prediction heads together with the network backbone are trained on every batch of training data. This brings a train-test mismatch problem that all the prediction heads are optimized on all types of data in training phase while the deeper heads will only see difficult inputs in testing phase. Treating training and testing inputs differently at the two phases will cause the mismatch between training and testing data distributions. To mitigate this problem, we formulate an EDNN as an additive model inspired by gradient boosting, and propose multiple training techniques to optimize the model effectively. We name our method BoostNet. Our experiments show it achieves the state-of-the-art performance on CIFAR100 and ImageNet datasets in both anytime and budgeted-batch prediction modes. Our code is released at
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