控制蜂窝网络中的天线倾斜必须在网络覆盖和容量之间达到有效的权衡。在本文中,我们设计了从现有数据(在所谓的被动学习设置中)的算法最佳倾斜控制策略或由算法主动生成的数据(活动学习设置)。我们将这种算法的设计形式形式线性多臂杆(CL-MAb)中的最佳策略识别(BPI)问题。一个手臂代表天线倾斜更新;上下文捕获当前的网络条件;奖励对应于改善性能,混合覆盖和容量;目标是识别,具有给定的置信度,一个大约最佳的政策(将上下文映射到具有最大奖励的手臂的函数。对于CL-MAB在主动和被动学习设置中,我们在任何算法返回近似最佳策略所需的样本数量上获得信息 - 理论下限,以及实现这些基本限制的设计算法。我们将我们的算法应用于蜂窝网络中的远程电气倾斜(RET)优化问题,并显示它们可以使用比天真或现有的规则的学习算法更少的数据采样产生最佳倾斜更新策略。
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6G将移动移动网络以增加复杂程度。为了处理这种复杂性,网络参数的优化是确保高性能和及时适应动态网络环境的关键。天线倾斜的优化提供了一种实用且具有成本效益的方法,以提高网络中的覆盖率和容量。通过学习自适应策略优于传统的倾斜优化方法,基于强化学习(RL)的先前方法对倾斜优化具有很大的通知。但是,大多数现有的RL方法都基于单个小区特征表示,它无法完全表征代理状态,从而导致次优的性能。此外,由于国家行动爆炸和泛化能力,大多数此类方法缺乏可扩展性。在本文中,我们提出了一个关于倾斜优化的Q-Learnal(GaQ)算法的图表。 GaQ依赖于图形注意机制来选择相关的邻居信息,提高代理状态表示,并根据使用深Q-Network(DQN)的观察历史更新倾斜控制策略。我们表明GAQ有效地捕获重要的网络信息,并通过大边距与本地信息优于标准DQN。此外,我们展示了概括到不同尺寸和密度的网络部署的能力。
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We propose a learning-based methodology to reconstruct private information held by a population of interacting agents in order to predict an exact outcome of the underlying multi-agent interaction process, here identified as a stationary action profile. We envision a scenario where an external observer, endowed with a learning procedure, is allowed to make queries and observe the agents' reactions through private action-reaction mappings, whose collective fixed point corresponds to a stationary profile. By adopting a smart query process to iteratively collect sensible data and update parametric estimates, we establish sufficient conditions to assess the asymptotic properties of the proposed learning-based methodology so that, if convergence happens, it can only be towards a stationary action profile. This fact yields two main consequences: i) learning locally-exact surrogates of the action-reaction mappings allows the external observer to succeed in its prediction task, and ii) working with assumptions so general that a stationary profile is not even guaranteed to exist, the established sufficient conditions hence act also as certificates for the existence of such a desirable profile. Extensive numerical simulations involving typical competitive multi-agent control and decision making problems illustrate the practical effectiveness of the proposed learning-based approach.
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The vast majority of Shape-from-Polarization (SfP) methods work under the oversimplified assumption of using orthographic cameras. Indeed, it is still not well understood how to project the Stokes vectors when the incoming rays are not orthogonal to the image plane. We try to answer this question presenting a geometric model describing how a general projective camera captures the light polarization state. Based on the optical properties of a tilted polarizer, our model is implemented as a pre-processing operation acting on raw images, followed by a per-pixel rotation of the reconstructed normal field. In this way, all the existing SfP methods assuming orthographic cameras can behave like they were designed for projective ones. Moreover, our model is consistent with state-of-the-art forward and inverse renderers (like Mitsuba3 and ART), intrinsically enforces physical constraints among the captured channels, and handles demosaicing of DoFP sensors. Experiments on existing and new datasets demonstrate the accuracy of the model when applied to commercially available polarimetric cameras.
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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are deep learning models designed to process attributed graphs. GNNs can compute cluster assignments accounting both for the vertex features and for the graph topology. Existing GNNs for clustering are trained by optimizing an unsupervised minimum cut objective, which is approximated by a Spectral Clustering (SC) relaxation. SC offers a closed-form solution that, however, is not particularly useful for a GNN trained with gradient descent. Additionally, the SC relaxation is loose and yields overly smooth cluster assignments, which do not separate well the samples. We propose a GNN model that optimizes a tighter relaxation of the minimum cut based on graph total variation (GTV). Our model has two core components: i) a message-passing layer that minimizes the $\ell_1$ distance in the features of adjacent vertices, which is key to achieving sharp cluster transitions; ii) a loss function that minimizes the GTV in the cluster assignments while ensuring balanced partitions. By optimizing the proposed loss, our model can be self-trained to perform clustering. In addition, our clustering procedure can be used to implement graph pooling in deep GNN architectures for graph classification. Experiments show that our model outperforms other GNN-based approaches for clustering and graph pooling.
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With the increasing demand for predictable and accountable Artificial Intelligence, the ability to explain or justify recommender systems results by specifying how items are suggested, or why they are relevant, has become a primary goal. However, current models do not explicitly represent the services and actors that the user might encounter during the overall interaction with an item, from its selection to its usage. Thus, they cannot assess their impact on the user's experience. To address this issue, we propose a novel justification approach that uses service models to (i) extract experience data from reviews concerning all the stages of interaction with items, at different granularity levels, and (ii) organize the justification of recommendations around those stages. In a user study, we compared our approach with baselines reflecting the state of the art in the justification of recommender systems results. The participants evaluated the Perceived User Awareness Support provided by our service-based justification models higher than the one offered by the baselines. Moreover, our models received higher Interface Adequacy and Satisfaction evaluations by users having different levels of Curiosity or low Need for Cognition (NfC). Differently, high NfC participants preferred a direct inspection of item reviews. These findings encourage the adoption of service models to justify recommender systems results but suggest the investigation of personalization strategies to suit diverse interaction needs.
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The process of screening molecules for desirable properties is a key step in several applications, ranging from drug discovery to material design. During the process of drug discovery specifically, protein-ligand docking, or chemical docking, is a standard in-silico scoring technique that estimates the binding affinity of molecules with a specific protein target. Recently, however, as the number of virtual molecules available to test has rapidly grown, these classical docking algorithms have created a significant computational bottleneck. We address this problem by introducing Deep Surrogate Docking (DSD), a framework that applies deep learning-based surrogate modeling to accelerate the docking process substantially. DSD can be interpreted as a formalism of several earlier surrogate prefiltering techniques, adding novel metrics and practical training practices. Specifically, we show that graph neural networks (GNNs) can serve as fast and accurate estimators of classical docking algorithms. Additionally, we introduce FiLMv2, a novel GNN architecture which we show outperforms existing state-of-the-art GNN architectures, attaining more accurate and stable performance by allowing the model to filter out irrelevant information from data more efficiently. Through extensive experimentation and analysis, we show that the DSD workflow combined with the FiLMv2 architecture provides a 9.496x speedup in molecule screening with a <3% recall error rate on an example docking task. Our open-source code is available at https://github.com/ryienh/graph-dock.
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病变分割是放射线工作流程的关键步骤。手动分割需要长时间的执行时间,并且容易发生可变性,从而损害了放射线研究及其鲁棒性的实现。在这项研究中,对非小细胞肺癌患者的计算机断层扫描图像进行了深入学习的自动分割方法。还评估了手动与自动分割在生存放射模型的性能中的使用。方法总共包括899名NSCLC患者(2个专有:A和B,1个公共数据集:C)。肺部病变的自动分割是通过训练先前开发的建筑NNU-NET进行的,包括2D,3D和级联方法。用骰子系数评估自动分割的质量,以手动轮廓为参考。通过从数据集A的手动和自动轮廓中提取放射性的手工制作和深度学习特征来探索自动分割对患者生存的放射素模型对患者生存的性能的影响。评估并比较模型的精度。结果通过平均2D和3D模型的预测以及应用后处理技术来提取最大连接的组件,可以实现具有骰子= 0.78 +(0.12)的自动和手动轮廓之间的最佳一致性。当使用手动或自动轮廓,手工制作或深度特征时,在生存模型的表现中未观察到统计差异。最好的分类器显示出0.65至0.78之间的精度。结论NNU-NET在自动分割肺部病变中的有希望的作用已得到证实,从而大大降低了时必的医生的工作量,而不会损害基于放射线学的生存预测模型的准确性。
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背景。机器学习(ML)应用程序的迅速流行已导致对MLOP的兴趣越来越多,即ML启用ML的系统的连续集成和部署(CI/CD)的实践。目标。由于更改不仅可能影响代码,还会影响ML模型参数和数据本身,因此需要扩展传统CI/CD的自动化以管理生产中的模型再培训。方法。在本文中,我们对从GitHub检索的一组启用ML的系统中实施的MLOP实践进行了初步研究,重点是GitHub Action和CML,这是两种解决开发工作流程的解决方案。结果。我们的初步结果表明,在开源GitHub项目中采用MLOPS工作流程目前相当有限。结论。还确定了问题,可以指导未来的研究工作。
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