食管障碍的发病机制与食管壁力学有关。因此,要了解各种食管障碍背后的潜在基本机制,将基于食管壁力学的参数映射到与改变的推注途径和超级性IBP对应的生理和病理生理学条件至关重要。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种混合框架,将流体力学和机器学习结合,以识别各种食管障碍的底层物理,并将它们映射到我们称之为虚拟疾病景观(VDL)的参数空间上。一维逆模型处理来自食道诊断装置的输出,称为内窥镜功能腔成像探针(endoflip)来估计食道的机械“健康”,通过预测一组基于机械基的参数,例如食道壁刚度,肌肉收缩食管墙的模式和活跃放松。然后使用基于机械基的参数来训练由改变空间(VAE)组成的神经网络,其产生潜在空间和侧面网络,该侧面网络预测用于估计食道古代结动性的机械工作度量。潜在的矢量以及一组基于基于机械的参数定义VDL并形成与各种食管疾病相对应的簇。 VDL不仅区分不同的疾病,而且还可用于预测疾病进展及时。最后,我们还证明了该框架的临床适用性,用于估算治疗后治疗和追踪患者状况的有效性。
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Massive data corpora like WebText, Wikipedia, Conceptual Captions, WebImageText, and LAION have propelled recent dramatic progress in AI. Large neural models trained on such datasets produce impressive results and top many of today's benchmarks. A notable omission within this family of large-scale datasets is 3D data. Despite considerable interest and potential applications in 3D vision, datasets of high-fidelity 3D models continue to be mid-sized with limited diversity of object categories. Addressing this gap, we present Objaverse 1.0, a large dataset of objects with 800K+ (and growing) 3D models with descriptive captions, tags, and animations. Objaverse improves upon present day 3D repositories in terms of scale, number of categories, and in the visual diversity of instances within a category. We demonstrate the large potential of Objaverse via four diverse applications: training generative 3D models, improving tail category segmentation on the LVIS benchmark, training open-vocabulary object-navigation models for Embodied AI, and creating a new benchmark for robustness analysis of vision models. Objaverse can open new directions for research and enable new applications across the field of AI.
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As aerial robots are tasked to navigate environments of increased complexity, embedding collision tolerance in their design becomes important. In this survey we review the current state-of-the-art within the niche field of collision-tolerant micro aerial vehicles and present different design approaches identified in the literature, as well as methods that have focused on autonomy functionalities that exploit collision resilience. Subsequently, we discuss the relevance to biological systems and provide our view on key directions of future fruitful research.
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眼目光信息的收集为人类认知,健康和行为的许多关键方面提供了一个窗口。此外,许多神经科学研究补充了从眼睛跟踪中获得的行为信息,以及脑电图(EEG)提供的高时间分辨率和神经生理学标记。必不可少的眼睛跟踪软件处理步骤之一是将连续数据流的分割为与扫视,固定和眨眼等眼睛跟踪应用程序相关的事件。在这里,我们介绍了Detrtime,这是一个新颖的时间序列分割框架,该框架创建了不需要额外记录的眼睛跟踪模式并仅依靠脑电图数据的眼部事件检测器。我们的端到端基于深度学习的框架将计算机视觉的最新进展带到了脑电图数据的《时代》系列分割的最前沿。 Detr Time在各种眼睛追踪实验范式上实现眼部事件检测中的最新性能。除此之外,我们还提供了证据表明我们的模型在脑电图阶段分割的任务中很好地概括了。
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Accurate uncertainty quantification is a major challenge in deep learning, as neural networks can make overconfident errors and assign high confidence predictions to out-of-distribution (OOD) inputs. The most popular approaches to estimate predictive uncertainty in deep learning are methods that combine predictions from multiple neural networks, such as Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) and deep ensembles. However their practicality in real-time, industrial-scale applications are limited due to the high memory and computational cost. Furthermore, ensembles and BNNs do not necessarily fix all the issues with the underlying member networks. In this work, we study principled approaches to improve uncertainty property of a single network, based on a single, deterministic representation. By formalizing the uncertainty quantification as a minimax learning problem, we first identify distance awareness, i.e., the model's ability to quantify the distance of a testing example from the training data, as a necessary condition for a DNN to achieve high-quality (i.e., minimax optimal) uncertainty estimation. We then propose Spectral-normalized Neural Gaussian Process (SNGP), a simple method that improves the distance-awareness ability of modern DNNs with two simple changes: (1) applying spectral normalization to hidden weights to enforce bi-Lipschitz smoothness in representations and (2) replacing the last output layer with a Gaussian process layer. On a suite of vision and language understanding benchmarks, SNGP outperforms other single-model approaches in prediction, calibration and out-of-domain detection. Furthermore, SNGP provides complementary benefits to popular techniques such as deep ensembles and data augmentation, making it a simple and scalable building block for probabilistic deep learning. Code is open-sourced at https://github.com/google/uncertainty-baselines
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