By transferring knowledge from large, diverse, task-agnostic datasets, modern machine learning models can solve specific downstream tasks either zero-shot or with small task-specific datasets to a high level of performance. While this capability has been demonstrated in other fields such as computer vision, natural language processing or speech recognition, it remains to be shown in robotics, where the generalization capabilities of the models are particularly critical due to the difficulty of collecting real-world robotic data. We argue that one of the keys to the success of such general robotic models lies with open-ended task-agnostic training, combined with high-capacity architectures that can absorb all of the diverse, robotic data. In this paper, we present a model class, dubbed Robotics Transformer, that exhibits promising scalable model properties. We verify our conclusions in a study of different model classes and their ability to generalize as a function of the data size, model size, and data diversity based on a large-scale data collection on real robots performing real-world tasks. The project's website and videos can be found at
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Identifying statistical regularities in solutions to some tasks in multi-task reinforcement learning can accelerate the learning of new tasks. Skill learning offers one way of identifying these regularities by decomposing pre-collected experiences into a sequence of skills. A popular approach to skill learning is maximizing the likelihood of the pre-collected experience with latent variable models, where the latent variables represent the skills. However, there are often many solutions that maximize the likelihood equally well, including degenerate solutions. To address this underspecification, we propose a new objective that combines the maximum likelihood objective with a penalty on the description length of the skills. This penalty incentivizes the skills to maximally extract common structures from the experiences. Empirically, our objective learns skills that solve downstream tasks in fewer samples compared to skills learned from only maximizing likelihood. Further, while most prior works in the offline multi-task setting focus on tasks with low-dimensional observations, our objective can scale to challenging tasks with high-dimensional image observations.
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A growing ecosystem of large, open-source foundation models has reduced the labeled data and technical expertise necessary to apply machine learning to many new problems. Yet foundation models pose a clear dual-use risk, indiscriminately reducing the costs of building both harmful and beneficial machine learning systems. To mitigate this risk, we propose the task blocking paradigm, in which foundation models are trained with an additional mechanism to impede adaptation to harmful tasks while retaining good performance on desired tasks. We call the resulting models self-destructing models, inspired by mechanisms that prevent adversaries from using tools for harmful purposes. We present an algorithm for training self-destructing models leveraging techniques from meta-learning and adversarial learning, showing that it can largely prevent a BERT-based model from learning to perform gender identification without harming the model's ability to perform profession classification. We conclude with a discussion of future directions.
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Large language models have recently shown promising progress in mathematical reasoning when fine-tuned with human-generated sequences walking through a sequence of solution steps. However, the solution sequences are not formally structured and the resulting model-generated sequences may not reflect the kind of systematic reasoning we might expect an expert human to produce. In this paper, we study how to build stronger reasoning capability in language models using the idea of relational abstractions. We introduce new types of sequences that more explicitly provide an abstract characterization of the transitions through intermediate solution steps to the goal state. We find that models that are supplied with such sequences as prompts can solve tasks with a significantly higher accuracy, and models that are trained to produce such sequences solve problems better than those that are trained with previously used human-generated sequences and other baselines. Our work thus takes several steps toward elucidating and improving how language models perform on tasks requiring multi-step mathematical reasoning.
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利用许多离线机器人数据来源需要努力处理此类数据的异质性。在本文中,我们关注异质性的一个特定方面:从不同控制频率收集的离线数据学习。在整个实验室中,控制器的离散化,传感器的采样率以及对目标任务的需求可能会有所不同,从而导致聚合数据集中的频率混合在一起。我们研究离线增强学习(RL)算法如何在训练过程中使用频率混合的数据。我们观察到,$ Q $价值以不同的离散率以不同的速度传播,从而导致了离线RL的许多学习挑战。我们提出了一个简单而有效的解决方案,该解决方案可以在$ Q $值更新的速率上执行一致性,以稳定学习。通过缩放$ n $ n $ n $步骤的$ n $的价值,并具有离散化的大小,我们有效地平衡了$ q $ - 价值传播,从而导致更稳定的收敛性。在三个模拟的机器人控制问题上,我们从经验上发现,这种简单的方法的平均混合量超过50%。
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机器学习算法通常假设培训和测试示例是从相同的分布中汲取的。然而,分发转移是现实世界应用中的常见问题,并且可以在测试时间造成模型急剧执行。在本文中,我们特别考虑域移位和亚泊素班次的问题(例如,不平衡数据)。虽然先前的作品通常会寻求明确地将模型的内部表示和预测器进行明确,以成为域不变的,但我们旨在规范整个功能而不限制模型的内部表示。这导致了一种简单的基于混合技术,它通过名为LISA的选择性增强来学习不变函数。 Lisa选择性地用相同的标签而单独地插值样本,但不同的域或具有相同的域但不同的标签。我们分析了线性设置,从理论上展示了LISA如何导致较小的最差组错误。凭经验,我们研究了LISA对从亚本化转变到域移位的九个基准的有效性,我们发现LISA一直以其他最先进的方法表达。
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