Multi-uncertainties from power sources and loads have brought significant challenges to the stable demand supply of various resources at islands. To address these challenges, a comprehensive scheduling framework is proposed by introducing a model-free deep reinforcement learning (DRL) approach based on modeling an island integrated energy system (IES). In response to the shortage of freshwater on islands, in addition to the introduction of seawater desalination systems, a transmission structure of "hydrothermal simultaneous transmission" (HST) is proposed. The essence of the IES scheduling problem is the optimal combination of each unit's output, which is a typical timing control problem and conforms to the Markov decision-making solution framework of deep reinforcement learning. Deep reinforcement learning adapts to various changes and timely adjusts strategies through the interaction of agents and the environment, avoiding complicated modeling and prediction of multi-uncertainties. The simulation results show that the proposed scheduling framework properly handles multi-uncertainties from power sources and loads, achieves a stable demand supply for various resources, and has better performance than other real-time scheduling methods, especially in terms of computational efficiency. In addition, the HST model constitutes an active exploration to improve the utilization efficiency of island freshwater.
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Media bias can significantly impact the formation and development of opinions and sentiments in a population. It is thus important to study the emergence and development of partisan media and political polarization. However, it is challenging to quantitatively infer the ideological positions of media outlets. In this paper, we present a quantitative framework to infer both political bias and content quality of media outlets from text, and we illustrate this framework with empirical experiments with real-world data. We apply a bidirectional long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network to a data set of more than 1 million tweets to generate a two-dimensional ideological-bias and content-quality measurement for each tweet. We then infer a ``media-bias chart'' of (bias, quality) coordinates for the media outlets by integrating the (bias, quality) measurements of the tweets of the media outlets. We also apply a variety of baseline machine-learning methods, such as a naive-Bayes method and a support-vector machine (SVM), to infer the bias and quality values for each tweet. All of these baseline approaches are based on a bag-of-words approach. We find that the LSTM-network approach has the best performance of the examined methods. Our results illustrate the importance of leveraging word order into machine-learning methods in text analysis.
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Image super-resolution is a common task on mobile and IoT devices, where one often needs to upscale and enhance low-resolution images and video frames. While numerous solutions have been proposed for this problem in the past, they are usually not compatible with low-power mobile NPUs having many computational and memory constraints. In this Mobile AI challenge, we address this problem and propose the participants to design an efficient quantized image super-resolution solution that can demonstrate a real-time performance on mobile NPUs. The participants were provided with the DIV2K dataset and trained INT8 models to do a high-quality 3X image upscaling. The runtime of all models was evaluated on the Synaptics VS680 Smart Home board with a dedicated edge NPU capable of accelerating quantized neural networks. All proposed solutions are fully compatible with the above NPU, demonstrating an up to 60 FPS rate when reconstructing Full HD resolution images. A detailed description of all models developed in the challenge is provided in this paper.
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变压器的注意机制有效地从输入序列中提取相关信息。然而,自我注意力的二次复杂性W.R.T序列长度会产生沉重的计算和记忆负担,尤其是对于长序列的任务。现有的加速器在这些任务中面临性能退化。为此,我们建议Salo为长序列提供杂交稀疏注意机制。Salo包含一个数据调度程序,将混合稀疏注意模式映射到硬件和空间加速器上,以执行有效的注意力计算。我们表明,与GPU和CPU实施相比,Salo平均达到17.66 X和89.33倍的速度,即典型的工作负载,即Longformer和VIL。
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步态是长距离识别个体的最有前途的生物识别技术之一。尽管大多数以前的方法都集中在识别轮廓上,但直接从RGB图像中提取步态特征的几种端到端方法表现更好。但是,我们证明了这些端到端方法可能不可避免地会遭受步态液化的噪音,即低级纹理和丰富多彩的信息。在实验上,我们设计了跨域评估以支持这种观点。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个名为Gaitedge的新颖端到端框架,该框架可以有效地阻止步态 - 近距离信息并发布端到端训练潜力。具体而言,Gaitede合成了行人分割网络的输出,然后将其馈送到随后的识别网络中,在该网络中,合成轮廓由身体的可训练边缘和固定内部室内装饰组成,以限制识别网络接收的信息。此外,对齐轮廓的步态嵌入了盖地,而不会失去不同的性能。关于CASIA-B和我们新建的TTG-200的实验结果表明,Gaitedge明显优于先前的方法,并提供了更实用的端到端范式。所有源代码均可在上获得。
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陆地 - 空中双模车辆在学术界和工业中绽放,因为它们融入了空中车辆的高流动性和地面车辆的长期耐力。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种自主和自适应的导航框架,为这类车辆带来完全自主权。该框架主要包括1)分层运动规划器,在未知环境中产生安全和低功率的地面 - 鸟轨迹,2)统一运动控制器,其动态地调整陆地运动中的能量消耗。广泛的现实实验和基准比较是在定制的机器人平台上进行的,以验证所提出的框架的稳健性和性能。在测试期间,机器人安全地穿越了陆地集成流动性的复杂环境,并在地面运动中实现了7美元的节能。最后,我们将为社区的引用发出我们的代码和硬件配置。
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