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We present Masked Audio-Video Learners (MAViL) to train audio-visual representations. Our approach learns with three complementary forms of self-supervision: (1) reconstruction of masked audio and video input data, (2) intra- and inter-modal contrastive learning with masking, and (3) self-training by reconstructing joint audio-video contextualized features learned from the first two objectives. Pre-training with MAViL not only enables the model to perform well in audio-visual classification and retrieval tasks but also improves representations of each modality in isolation, without using information from the other modality for fine-tuning or inference. Empirically, MAViL sets a new state-of-the-art on AudioSet (53.1 mAP) and VGGSound (67.1% accuracy). For the first time, a self-supervised audio-visual model outperforms ones that use external supervision on these benchmarks. Code will be available soon.
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Athletes routinely undergo fitness evaluations to evaluate their training progress. Typically, these evaluations require a trained professional who utilizes specialized equipment like force plates. For the assessment, athletes perform drop and squat jumps, and key variables are measured, e.g. velocity, flight time, and time to stabilization, to name a few. However, amateur athletes may not have access to professionals or equipment that can provide these assessments. Here, we investigate the feasibility of estimating key variables using video recordings. We focus on jump velocity as a starting point because it is highly correlated with other key variables and is important for determining posture and lower-limb capacity. We find that velocity can be estimated with a high degree of precision across a range of athletes, with an average R-value of 0.71 (SD = 0.06).
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Thin-cap fibroatheroma (TCFA) and plaque rupture have been recognized as the most frequent risk factor for thrombosis and acute coronary syndrome. Intravascular optical coherence tomography (IVOCT) can identify TCFA and assess cap thickness, which provides an opportunity to assess plaque vulnerability. We developed an automated method that can detect lipidous plaque and assess fibrous cap thickness in IVOCT images. This study analyzed a total of 4,360 IVOCT image frames of 77 lesions among 41 patients. To improve segmentation performance, preprocessing included lumen segmentation, pixel-shifting, and noise filtering on the raw polar (r, theta) IVOCT images. We used the DeepLab-v3 plus deep learning model to classify lipidous plaque pixels. After lipid detection, we automatically detected the outer border of the fibrous cap using a special dynamic programming algorithm and assessed the cap thickness. Our method provided excellent discriminability of lipid plaque with a sensitivity of 85.8% and A-line Dice coefficient of 0.837. By comparing lipid angle measurements between two analysts following editing of our automated software, we found good agreement by Bland-Altman analysis (difference 6.7+/-17 degree; mean 196 degree). Our method accurately detected the fibrous cap from the detected lipid plaque. Automated analysis required a significant modification for only 5.5% frames. Furthermore, our method showed a good agreement of fibrous cap thickness between two analysts with Bland-Altman analysis (4.2+/-14.6 micron; mean 175 micron), indicating little bias between users and good reproducibility of the measurement. We developed a fully automated method for fibrous cap quantification in IVOCT images, resulting in good agreement with determinations by analysts. The method has great potential to enable highly automated, repeatable, and comprehensive evaluations of TCFAs.
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