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气候,化学或天体物理学中的数值模拟在计算上对于高分辨率下的不确定性定量或参数探索而言太昂贵。减少或替代模型的多个数量级更快,但是传统的替代物是僵化或不准确和纯机器学习(ML)基于基于数据的替代物。我们提出了一个混合,灵活的替代模型,该模型利用已知的物理学来模拟大规模动力学,并将学习到难以模拟的项,该术语称为参数化或闭合,并捕获了细界面对大型动力学的影响。利用神经操作员,我们是第一个学习独立于网格的,非本地和灵活的参数化的人。我们的\ textit {多尺度神经操作员}是由多尺度建模的丰富文献进行的,具有准线性运行时复杂性,比最先进的参数化更准确或更灵活,并且在混乱方程的多尺度lorenz96上证明。
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This paper presents a novel framework for planning in unknown and occluded urban spaces. We specifically focus on turns and intersections where occlusions significantly impact navigability. Our approach uses an inpainting model to fill in a sparse, occluded, semantic lidar point cloud and plans dynamically feasible paths for a vehicle to traverse through the open and inpainted spaces. We demonstrate our approach using a car's lidar data with real-time occlusions, and show that by inpainting occluded areas, we can plan longer paths, with more turn options compared to without inpainting; in addition, our approach more closely follows paths derived from a planner with no occlusions (called the ground truth) compared to other state of the art approaches.
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We introduce an imitation learning-based physical human-robot interaction algorithm capable of predicting appropriate robot responses in complex interactions involving a superposition of multiple interactions. Our proposed algorithm, Blending Bayesian Interaction Primitives (B-BIP) allows us to achieve responsive interactions in complex hugging scenarios, capable of reciprocating and adapting to a hugs motion and timing. We show that this algorithm is a generalization of prior work, for which the original formulation reduces to the particular case of a single interaction, and evaluate our method through both an extensive user study and empirical experiments. Our algorithm yields significantly better quantitative prediction error and more-favorable participant responses with respect to accuracy, responsiveness, and timing, when compared to existing state-of-the-art methods.
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Climate change is causing the intensification of rainfall extremes. Precipitation projections with high spatial resolution are important for society to prepare for these changes, e.g. to model flooding impacts. Physics-based simulations for creating such projections are very computationally expensive. This work demonstrates the effectiveness of diffusion models, a form of deep generative models, for generating much more cheaply realistic high resolution rainfall samples for the UK conditioned on data from a low resolution simulation. We show for the first time a machine learning model that is able to produce realistic samples of high-resolution rainfall based on a physical model that resolves atmospheric convection, a key process behind extreme rainfall. By adding self-learnt, location-specific information to low resolution relative vorticity, quantiles and time-mean of the samples match well their counterparts from the high-resolution simulation.
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We introduce a new benchmark dataset, Placenta, for node classification in an underexplored domain: predicting microanatomical tissue structures from cell graphs in placenta histology whole slide images. This problem is uniquely challenging for graph learning for a few reasons. Cell graphs are large (>1 million nodes per image), node features are varied (64-dimensions of 11 types of cells), class labels are imbalanced (9 classes ranging from 0.21% of the data to 40.0%), and cellular communities cluster into heterogeneously distributed tissues of widely varying sizes (from 11 nodes to 44,671 nodes for a single structure). Here, we release a dataset consisting of two cell graphs from two placenta histology images totalling 2,395,747 nodes, 799,745 of which have ground truth labels. We present inductive benchmark results for 7 scalable models and show how the unique qualities of cell graphs can help drive the development of novel graph neural network architectures.
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本文着重于影响弹性的移动机器人的碰撞运动计划和控制的新兴范式转移,并开发了一个统一的层次结构框架,用于在未知和部分观察的杂物空间中导航。在较低级别上,我们开发了一种变形恢复控制和轨迹重新启动策略,该策略处理可能在本地运行时发生的碰撞。低级系统会积极检测碰撞(通过内部内置的移动机器人上的嵌入式霍尔效应传感器),使机器人能够从其内部恢复,并在本地调整后影响后的轨迹。然后,在高层,我们提出了一种基于搜索的计划算法,以确定如何最好地利用潜在的碰撞来改善某些指标,例如控制能量和计算时间。我们的方法建立在A*带有跳跃点的基础上。我们生成了一种新颖的启发式功能,并进行了碰撞检查和调整技术,从而使A*算法通过利用和利用可能的碰撞来更快地收敛到达目标。通过将全局A*算法和局部变形恢复和重新融合策略以及该框架的各个组件相结合而生成的整体分层框架在模拟和实验中都经过了广泛的测试。一项消融研究借鉴了与基于搜索的最先进的避免碰撞计划者(用于整体框架)的链接,以及基于搜索的避免碰撞和基于采样的碰撞 - 碰撞 - 全球规划师(对于更高的较高的碰撞 - 等级)。结果证明了我们的方法在未知环境中具有碰撞的运动计划和控制的功效,在2D中运行的一类撞击弹性机器人具有孤立的障碍物。
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