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We improve the understanding of the $\textit{golden ratio algorithm}$, which solves monotone variational inequalities (VI) and convex-concave min-max problems via the distinctive feature of adapting the step sizes to the local Lipschitz constants. Adaptive step sizes not only eliminate the need to pick hyperparameters, but they also remove the necessity of global Lipschitz continuity and can increase from one iteration to the next. We first establish the equivalence of this algorithm with popular VI methods such as reflected gradient, Popov or optimistic gradient descent-ascent in the unconstrained case with constant step sizes. We then move on to the constrained setting and introduce a new analysis that allows to use larger step sizes, to complete the bridge between the golden ratio algorithm and the existing algorithms in the literature. Doing so, we actually eliminate the link between the golden ratio $\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}$ and the algorithm. Moreover, we improve the adaptive version of the algorithm, first by removing the maximum step size hyperparameter (an artifact from the analysis) to improve the complexity bound, and second by adjusting it to nonmonotone problems with weak Minty solutions, with superior empirical performance.
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A challenge in spoken language translation is that plenty of spoken content is long-form, but short units are necessary for obtaining high-quality translations. To address this mismatch, we fine-tune a general-purpose, large language model to split long ASR transcripts into segments that can be independently translated so as to maximize the overall translation quality. We compare to several segmentation strategies and find that our approach improves BLEU score on three languages by an average of 2.7 BLEU overall compared to an automatic punctuation baseline. Further, we demonstrate the effectiveness of two constrained decoding strategies to improve well-formedness of the model output from above 99% to 100%.
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Self-supervised learning (SSL) learns useful representations from unlabelled data by training networks to be invariant to pairs of augmented versions of the same input. Non-contrastive methods avoid collapse either by directly regularizing the covariance matrix of network outputs or through asymmetric loss architectures, two seemingly unrelated approaches. Here, by building on DirectPred, we lay out a theoretical framework that reconciles these two views. We derive analytical expressions for the representational learning dynamics in linear networks. By expressing them in the eigenspace of the embedding covariance matrix, where the solutions decouple, we reveal the mechanism and conditions that provide implicit variance regularization. These insights allow us to formulate a new isotropic loss function that equalizes eigenvalue contribution and renders learning more robust. Finally, we show empirically that our findings translate to nonlinear networks trained on CIFAR-10 and STL-10.
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Mechanistic cardiac electrophysiology models allow for personalized simulations of the electrical activity in the heart and the ensuing electrocardiogram (ECG) on the body surface. As such, synthetic signals possess known ground truth labels of the underlying disease and can be employed for validation of machine learning ECG analysis tools in addition to clinical signals. Recently, synthetic ECGs were used to enrich sparse clinical data or even replace them completely during training leading to improved performance on real-world clinical test data. We thus generated a novel synthetic database comprising a total of 16,900 12 lead ECGs based on electrophysiological simulations equally distributed into healthy control and 7 pathology classes. The pathological case of myocardial infraction had 6 sub-classes. A comparison of extracted features between the virtual cohort and a publicly available clinical ECG database demonstrated that the synthetic signals represent clinical ECGs for healthy and pathological subpopulations with high fidelity. The ECG database is split into training, validation, and test folds for development and objective assessment of novel machine learning algorithms.
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成功的材料选择对于设计和制造产品的设计自动化至关重要。设计师通过通过性能,制造性和可持续性评估选择最合适的材料来利用他们的知识和经验来创建高质量的设计。智能工具可以通过提供从先前的设计中学到的建议来帮助具有不同专业知识的设计师。为了实现这一目标,我们介绍了一个图表表示学习框架,该框架支持组装中身体的物质预测。我们将材料选择任务作为节点级预测任务,对CAD模型的汇编图表示,并使用图形神经网络(GNN)对其进行处理。在Fusion 360画廊数据集上执行的三个实验协议的评估表明我们的方法的可行性,达到了0.75 TOP-3 Micro-F1分数。提出的框架可以扩展到大型数据集,并将设计师的知识纳入学习过程。这些功能使该框架可以作为设计自动化的推荐系统以及未来工作的基准,从而缩小了人类设计师与智能设计代理之间的差距。
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