成功的材料选择对于设计和制造产品的设计自动化至关重要。设计师通过通过性能,制造性和可持续性评估选择最合适的材料来利用他们的知识和经验来创建高质量的设计。智能工具可以通过提供从先前的设计中学到的建议来帮助具有不同专业知识的设计师。为了实现这一目标,我们介绍了一个图表表示学习框架,该框架支持组装中身体的物质预测。我们将材料选择任务作为节点级预测任务,对CAD模型的汇编图表示,并使用图形神经网络(GNN)对其进行处理。在Fusion 360画廊数据集上执行的三个实验协议的评估表明我们的方法的可行性,达到了0.75 TOP-3 Micro-F1分数。提出的框架可以扩展到大型数据集,并将设计师的知识纳入学习过程。这些功能使该框架可以作为设计自动化的推荐系统以及未来工作的基准,从而缩小了人类设计师与智能设计代理之间的差距。
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Graph classification is an important area in both modern research and industry. Multiple applications, especially in chemistry and novel drug discovery, encourage rapid development of machine learning models in this area. To keep up with the pace of new research, proper experimental design, fair evaluation, and independent benchmarks are essential. Design of strong baselines is an indispensable element of such works. In this thesis, we explore multiple approaches to graph classification. We focus on Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), which emerged as a de facto standard deep learning technique for graph representation learning. Classical approaches, such as graph descriptors and molecular fingerprints, are also addressed. We design fair evaluation experimental protocol and choose proper datasets collection. This allows us to perform numerous experiments and rigorously analyze modern approaches. We arrive to many conclusions, which shed new light on performance and quality of novel algorithms. We investigate application of Jumping Knowledge GNN architecture to graph classification, which proves to be an efficient tool for improving base graph neural network architectures. Multiple improvements to baseline models are also proposed and experimentally verified, which constitutes an important contribution to the field of fair model comparison.
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Deep learning has revolutionized many machine learning tasks in recent years, ranging from image classification and video processing to speech recognition and natural language understanding. The data in these tasks are typically represented in the Euclidean space. However, there is an increasing number of applications where data are generated from non-Euclidean domains and are represented as graphs with complex relationships and interdependency between objects. The complexity of graph data has imposed significant challenges on existing machine learning algorithms. Recently, many studies on extending deep learning approaches for graph data have emerged. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive overview of graph neural networks (GNNs) in data mining and machine learning fields. We propose a new taxonomy to divide the state-of-the-art graph neural networks into four categories, namely recurrent graph neural networks, convolutional graph neural networks, graph autoencoders, and spatial-temporal graph neural networks. We further discuss the applications of graph neural networks across various domains and summarize the open source codes, benchmark data sets, and model evaluation of graph neural networks. Finally, we propose potential research directions in this rapidly growing field.
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动态类型的语言如JavaScript和Python已成为最受欢迎的使用中的使用中。重要的优势可以从动态类型的程序中的类型注释累积。逐渐键入的这种方法是由Querecript编程系统示例,允许程序员指定部分键入的程序,然后使用静态分析来推断剩余类型。然而,通常,静态类型推断的有效性受到限制,取决于程序结构和初始注释的复杂性。结果,对于可以在动态类型的程序中可以在静态预测类型中推进本领域的新​​方法的强大动机,并且该具有可接受的性能用于交互式编程环境。以前的工作表明了使用深度学习的概率类型推断的承诺。在本文中,我们通过引入一系列图形的神经网络(GNN)模型来推进过去的工作,该模型在新型流程图(TFG)表示上运行。 TFG表示输入程序的元素,作为与语法边缘和数据流边缘连接的图表节点,并且我们的GNN模型训练以预测给定输入程序的TFG中的类型标签。我们为我们的评估数据集中的100种最常见类型的GNN模型研究了不同的设计选择,并显示了我们最佳的准确性的两个GNN配置,分别实现了87.76%和86.89%的前1个精度,优于两个最密切相关的深度学习型推断从过去的工作 - 矮人的前进剂,顶级1的精度为84.62%,兰丹特精确为79.45%。此外,这两种配置的平均推理吞吐量为353.8和1,303.9文件/秒,而DeepTyper的186.7个文件/秒和LambDanet的1,050.3文件/秒。
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深度强化学习(DRL)赋予了各种人工智能领域,包括模式识别,机器人技术,推荐系统和游戏。同样,图神经网络(GNN)也证明了它们在图形结构数据的监督学习方面的出色表现。最近,GNN与DRL用于图形结构环境的融合引起了很多关注。本文对这些混合动力作品进行了全面评论。这些作品可以分为两类:(1)算法增强,其中DRL和GNN相互补充以获得更好的实用性; (2)特定于应用程序的增强,其中DRL和GNN相互支持。这种融合有效地解决了工程和生命科学方面的各种复杂问题。基于审查,我们进一步分析了融合这两个领域的适用性和好处,尤其是在提高通用性和降低计算复杂性方面。最后,集成DRL和GNN的关键挑战以及潜在的未来研究方向被突出显示,这将引起更广泛的机器学习社区的关注。
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近年来,基于Weisfeiler-Leman算法的算法和神经架构,是一个众所周知的Graph同构问题的启发式问题,它成为具有图形和关系数据的机器学习的强大工具。在这里,我们全面概述了机器学习设置中的算法的使用,专注于监督的制度。我们讨论了理论背景,展示了如何将其用于监督的图形和节点表示学习,讨论最近的扩展,并概述算法的连接(置换 - )方面的神经结构。此外,我们概述了当前的应用和未来方向,以刺激进一步的研究。
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学术界和工业广泛研究了图形机器学习。然而,作为图表学习繁荣的文献,具有大量的新兴方法和技术,它越来越难以手动设计用于不同的图形相关任务的最佳机器学习算法。为了解决挑战,自动化图形机器学习,目的是在没有手动设计的不同图表任务/数据中发现最好的图形任务/数据的最佳超参数和神经架构配置,正在增加研究界的越来越多的关注。在本文中,我们广泛地讨论了自动化图形机方法,涵盖了用于图形机学习的超参数优化(HPO)和神经架构搜索(NAS)。我们简要概述了专为Traph Machine学习或自动化机器学习而设计的现有库,进一步深入介绍AutoGL,我们的专用和世界上第一个用于自动图形机器学习的开放源库。最后但并非最不重要的是,我们分享了对自动图形机学习的未来研究方向的见解。本文是对自动图形机学习的方法,图书馆以及方向的第一个系统和全面讨论。
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物理产品通常是复杂的组件,组合计算机辅助设计(CAD)软件中建模的多个3D零件。CAD Designers通过使用称为关节的约束对齐各个部件来构建这些程序集。在本文中,我们介绍了可连接,一种基于学习的方法,可以将部件组合在一起以形成关节。可加入使用标准参数CAD文件中提供的弱监管,而无需对象类标签或人类指导。我们的研究结果表明,通过对实体模型的图表表示进行网络预测,我们可以优于多种基线方法,精度(79.53%)接近人类性能(80%)。最后,为了支持未来的研究,我们释放了Fusion 360 Gallery集合数据集,其中包含了具有关于关节,接触表面,孔和底层装配图结构的丰富信息的程序集。
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图形神经网络(GNNS)通过考虑其内在的几何形状来扩展神经网络的成功到图形结构化数据。尽管根据图表学习基准的集合,已经对开发具有卓越性能的GNN模型进行了广泛的研究,但目前尚不清楚其探测给定模型的哪些方面。例如,他们在多大程度上测试模型利用图形结构与节点特征的能力?在这里,我们开发了一种原则性的方法来根据$ \ textit {敏感性配置文件} $进行基准测试数据集,该方法基于由于图形扰动的集合而导致的GNN性能变化了多少。我们的数据驱动分析提供了对GNN利用哪些基准测试数据特性的更深入的了解。因此,我们的分类法可以帮助选择和开发适当的图基准测试,并更好地评估未来的GNN方法。最后,我们在$ \ texttt {gtaxogym} $软件包中的方法和实现可扩展到多个图形预测任务类型和未来数据集。
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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have attracted increasing attention in recent years and have achieved excellent performance in semi-supervised node classification tasks. The success of most GNNs relies on one fundamental assumption, i.e., the original graph structure data is available. However, recent studies have shown that GNNs are vulnerable to the complex underlying structure of the graph, making it necessary to learn comprehensive and robust graph structures for downstream tasks, rather than relying only on the raw graph structure. In light of this, we seek to learn optimal graph structures for downstream tasks and propose a novel framework for semi-supervised classification. Specifically, based on the structural context information of graph and node representations, we encode the complex interactions in semantics and generate semantic graphs to preserve the global structure. Moreover, we develop a novel multi-measure attention layer to optimize the similarity rather than prescribing it a priori, so that the similarity can be adaptively evaluated by integrating measures. These graphs are fused and optimized together with GNN towards semi-supervised classification objective. Extensive experiments and ablation studies on six real-world datasets clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed model and the contribution of each component.
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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have become increasingly important in recent years due to their state-of-the-art performance on many important downstream applications. Existing GNNs have mostly focused on learning a single node representation, despite that a node often exhibits polysemous behavior in different contexts. In this work, we develop a persona-based graph neural network framework called PersonaSAGE that learns multiple persona-based embeddings for each node in the graph. Such disentangled representations are more interpretable and useful than a single embedding. Furthermore, PersonaSAGE learns the appropriate set of persona embeddings for each node in the graph, and every node can have a different number of assigned persona embeddings. The framework is flexible enough and the general design helps in the wide applicability of the learned embeddings to suit the domain. We utilize publicly available benchmark datasets to evaluate our approach and against a variety of baselines. The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of PersonaSAGE for a variety of important tasks including link prediction where we achieve an average gain of 15% while remaining competitive for node classification. Finally, we also demonstrate the utility of PersonaSAGE with a case study for personalized recommendation of different entity types in a data management platform.
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Graphs are ubiquitous in nature and can therefore serve as models for many practical but also theoretical problems. For this purpose, they can be defined as many different types which suitably reflect the individual contexts of the represented problem. To address cutting-edge problems based on graph data, the research field of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) has emerged. Despite the field's youth and the speed at which new models are developed, many recent surveys have been published to keep track of them. Nevertheless, it has not yet been gathered which GNN can process what kind of graph types. In this survey, we give a detailed overview of already existing GNNs and, unlike previous surveys, categorize them according to their ability to handle different graph types and properties. We consider GNNs operating on static and dynamic graphs of different structural constitutions, with or without node or edge attributes. Moreover, we distinguish between GNN models for discrete-time or continuous-time dynamic graphs and group the models according to their architecture. We find that there are still graph types that are not or only rarely covered by existing GNN models. We point out where models are missing and give potential reasons for their absence.
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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have been widely applied in the semi-supervised node classification task, where a key point lies in how to sufficiently leverage the limited but valuable label information. Most of the classical GNNs solely use the known labels for computing the classification loss at the output. In recent years, several methods have been designed to additionally utilize the labels at the input. One part of the methods augment the node features via concatenating or adding them with the one-hot encodings of labels, while other methods optimize the graph structure by assuming neighboring nodes tend to have the same label. To bring into full play the rich information of labels, in this paper, we present a label-enhanced learning framework for GNNs, which first models each label as a virtual center for intra-class nodes and then jointly learns the representations of both nodes and labels. Our approach could not only smooth the representations of nodes belonging to the same class, but also explicitly encode the label semantics into the learning process of GNNs. Moreover, a training node selection technique is provided to eliminate the potential label leakage issue and guarantee the model generalization ability. Finally, an adaptive self-training strategy is proposed to iteratively enlarge the training set with more reliable pseudo labels and distinguish the importance of each pseudo-labeled node during the model training process. Experimental results on both real-world and synthetic datasets demonstrate our approach can not only consistently outperform the state-of-the-arts, but also effectively smooth the representations of intra-class nodes.
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Graph serves as a powerful tool for modeling data that has an underlying structure in non-Euclidean space, by encoding relations as edges and entities as nodes. Despite developments in learning from graph-structured data over the years, one obstacle persists: graph imbalance. Although several attempts have been made to target this problem, they are limited to considering only class-level imbalance. In this work, we argue that for graphs, the imbalance is likely to exist at the sub-class topology group level. Due to the flexibility of topology structures, graphs could be highly diverse, and learning a generalizable classification boundary would be difficult. Therefore, several majority topology groups may dominate the learning process, rendering others under-represented. To address this problem, we propose a new framework {\method} and design (1 a topology extractor, which automatically identifies the topology group for each instance with explicit memory cells, (2 a training modulator, which modulates the learning process of the target GNN model to prevent the case of topology-group-wise under-representation. {\method} can be used as a key component in GNN models to improve their performances under the data imbalance setting. Analyses on both topology-level imbalance and the proposed {\method} are provided theoretically, and we empirically verify its effectiveness with both node-level and graph-level classification as the target tasks.
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Graph machine learning has been extensively studied in both academia and industry. Although booming with a vast number of emerging methods and techniques, most of the literature is built on the in-distribution hypothesis, i.e., testing and training graph data are identically distributed. However, this in-distribution hypothesis can hardly be satisfied in many real-world graph scenarios where the model performance substantially degrades when there exist distribution shifts between testing and training graph data. To solve this critical problem, out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization on graphs, which goes beyond the in-distribution hypothesis, has made great progress and attracted ever-increasing attention from the research community. In this paper, we comprehensively survey OOD generalization on graphs and present a detailed review of recent advances in this area. First, we provide a formal problem definition of OOD generalization on graphs. Second, we categorize existing methods into three classes from conceptually different perspectives, i.e., data, model, and learning strategy, based on their positions in the graph machine learning pipeline, followed by detailed discussions for each category. We also review the theories related to OOD generalization on graphs and introduce the commonly used graph datasets for thorough evaluations. Finally, we share our insights on future research directions. This paper is the first systematic and comprehensive review of OOD generalization on graphs, to the best of our knowledge.
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异质图具有多个节点和边缘类型,并且在语义上比同质图更丰富。为了学习这种复杂的语义,许多用于异质图的图形神经网络方法使用Metapaths捕获节点之间的多跳相互作用。通常,非目标节点的功能未纳入学习过程。但是,可以存在涉及多个节点或边缘的非线性高阶相互作用。在本文中,我们提出了Simplicial Graph注意网络(SGAT),这是一种简单的复杂方法,可以通过将非目标节点的特征放在简单上来表示这种高阶相互作用。然后,我们使用注意机制和上邻接来生成表示。我们凭经验证明了方法在异质图数据集上使用节点分类任务的方法的功效,并进一步显示了SGAT通过采用随机节点特征来提取结构信息的能力。数值实验表明,SGAT的性能优于其他当前最新的异质图学习方法。
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