背景和目的:与生物医学分析相结合的人工智能(AI)方法在Pandemics期间具有关键作用,因为它有助于释放来自医疗保健系统和医生的压力压力。由于持续的Covid-19危机在具有茂密的人口和巴西和印度等测试套件中的国家恶化,放射性成像可以作为准确分类Covid-19患者的重要诊断工具,并在适当时期规定必要的治疗。通过这种动机,我们基于使用胸部X射线检测Covid-19感染肺的深度学习架构的研究。数据集:我们共收集了三种不同类标签的2470张图片,即健康的肺,普通肺炎和Covid-19感染的肺炎,其中470个X射线图像属于Covid-19类。方法:我们首先使用直方图均衡技术预处理所有图像,并使用U-Net架构进行它们。然后,VGG-16网络用于从预处理图像中的特征提取,该特征提取通过SMTE过采样技术进一步采样以实现平衡数据集。最后,使用具有10倍交叉验证的支持向量机(SVM)分类器分类类平衡功能,评估精度。结果和结论:我们的新方法结合了众所周知的预处理技术,特征提取方法和数据集平衡方法,使我们在2470 X射线图像的数据集中获得了Covid-19图像的优秀识别率为98% 。因此,我们的模型适用于用于筛选目的的医疗保健设施。
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我们考虑在线线性优化问题,在每个步骤中,算法在单位球中播放点x_t $,损失$ \ langle c_t,x_t \ rangle $,x_t \ rangle $ for for some成本向量$ c_t $那么透露算法。最近的工作表明,如果算法接收到与$ C_T $之前的invial相关的提示$ h_t $,则它可以达到$ o(\ log t)$的遗憾保证,从而改善标准设置中$ \ theta(\ sqrt {t})$。在这项工作中,我们研究了算法是否真正需要在每次步骤中需要提示的问题。有些令人惊讶的是,我们表明,只需在自然查询模型下只需在$ O(\ SQRT {T})$暗示即可获得$ O(\ log t)$后悔;相比之下,我们还显示$ o(\ sqrt {t})$提示不能优于$ \ omega(\ sqrt {t})$后悔。我们为我们的结果提供了两种应用,以乐观的遗憾界限和弃权问题的乐观遗憾。
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电动汽车越来越普遍,具有电感折射板被认为是充电电动车辆的方便和有效的手段。然而,驾驶员通常较差,使车辆对准到必要的电感充电的必要精度时,使得两个充电板的自动对准是所需的。与车辆队列的电气化平行,利用环保相机系统的自动停车系统越来越受欢迎。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种基于环绕式摄像机架构的系统来检测,本地化,并自动将车辆与电感充电板对齐。费用板的视觉设计不标准化,并不一定事先已知。因此,依赖离线培训的系统将在某些情况下失败。因此,我们提出了一种在线学习方法,在手动将车辆用ChartionPad手动对准时,利用驾驶员的行动,并将其与语义分割和深度的弱监督相结合,以学习分类器以自动注释视频中的电荷工作以进行进一步培训。通过这种方式,当面对先前的未持代币支付板时,驾驶员只需手动对准车辆即可。由于电荷板在地上平坦,从远处检测到它并不容易。因此,我们建议使用Visual Slam管道来学习相对于ChiftPad的地标,以实现从更大范围的对齐。我们展示了自动化车辆上的工作系统,如视频HTTPS://youtu.BE/_CLCMKW4UYO所示。为了鼓励进一步研究,我们将分享在这项工作中使用的费用数据集。
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Quadruped robots are currently used in industrial robotics as mechanical aid to automate several routine tasks. However, presently, the usage of such a robot in a domestic setting is still very much a part of the research. This paper discusses the understanding and virtual simulation of such a robot capable of detecting and understanding human emotions, generating its gait, and responding via sounds and expression on a screen. To this end, we use a combination of reinforcement learning and software engineering concepts to simulate a quadruped robot that can understand emotions, navigate through various terrains and detect sound sources, and respond to emotions using audio-visual feedback. This paper aims to establish the framework of simulating a quadruped robot that is emotionally intelligent and can primarily respond to audio-visual stimuli using motor or audio response. The emotion detection from the speech was not as performant as ERANNs or Zeta Policy learning, still managing an accuracy of 63.5%. The video emotion detection system produced results that are almost at par with the state of the art, with an accuracy of 99.66%. Due to its "on-policy" learning process, the PPO algorithm was extremely rapid to learn, allowing the simulated dog to demonstrate a remarkably seamless gait across the different cadences and variations. This enabled the quadruped robot to respond to generated stimuli, allowing us to conclude that it functions as predicted and satisfies the aim of this work.
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Searching long egocentric videos with natural language queries (NLQ) has compelling applications in augmented reality and robotics, where a fluid index into everything that a person (agent) has seen before could augment human memory and surface relevant information on demand. However, the structured nature of the learning problem (free-form text query inputs, localized video temporal window outputs) and its needle-in-a-haystack nature makes it both technically challenging and expensive to supervise. We introduce Narrations-as-Queries (NaQ), a data augmentation strategy that transforms standard video-text narrations into training data for a video query localization model. Validating our idea on the Ego4D benchmark, we find it has tremendous impact in practice. NaQ improves multiple top models by substantial margins (even doubling their accuracy), and yields the very best results to date on the Ego4D NLQ challenge, soundly outperforming all challenge winners in the CVPR and ECCV 2022 competitions and topping the current public leaderboard. Beyond achieving the state-of-the-art for NLQ, we also demonstrate unique properties of our approach such as gains on long-tail object queries, and the ability to perform zero-shot and few-shot NLQ.
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Machine Translation (MT) system generally aims at automatic representation of source language into target language retaining the originality of context using various Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. Among various NLP methods, Statistical Machine Translation(SMT). SMT uses probabilistic and statistical techniques to analyze information and conversion. This paper canvasses about the development of bilingual SMT models for translating English to fifteen low-resource Indian Languages (ILs) and vice versa. At the outset, all 15 languages are briefed with a short description related to our experimental need. Further, a detailed analysis of Samanantar and OPUS dataset for model building, along with standard benchmark dataset (Flores-200) for fine-tuning and testing, is done as a part of our experiment. Different preprocessing approaches are proposed in this paper to handle the noise of the dataset. To create the system, MOSES open-source SMT toolkit is explored. Distance reordering is utilized with the aim to understand the rules of grammar and context-dependent adjustments through a phrase reordering categorization framework. In our experiment, the quality of the translation is evaluated using standard metrics such as BLEU, METEOR, and RIBES
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We introduce Argoverse 2 (AV2) - a collection of three datasets for perception and forecasting research in the self-driving domain. The annotated Sensor Dataset contains 1,000 sequences of multimodal data, encompassing high-resolution imagery from seven ring cameras, and two stereo cameras in addition to lidar point clouds, and 6-DOF map-aligned pose. Sequences contain 3D cuboid annotations for 26 object categories, all of which are sufficiently-sampled to support training and evaluation of 3D perception models. The Lidar Dataset contains 20,000 sequences of unlabeled lidar point clouds and map-aligned pose. This dataset is the largest ever collection of lidar sensor data and supports self-supervised learning and the emerging task of point cloud forecasting. Finally, the Motion Forecasting Dataset contains 250,000 scenarios mined for interesting and challenging interactions between the autonomous vehicle and other actors in each local scene. Models are tasked with the prediction of future motion for "scored actors" in each scenario and are provided with track histories that capture object location, heading, velocity, and category. In all three datasets, each scenario contains its own HD Map with 3D lane and crosswalk geometry - sourced from data captured in six distinct cities. We believe these datasets will support new and existing machine learning research problems in ways that existing datasets do not. All datasets are released under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
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Cashews are grown by over 3 million smallholders in more than 40 countries worldwide as a principal source of income. As the third largest cashew producer in Africa, Benin has nearly 200,000 smallholder cashew growers contributing 15% of the country's national export earnings. However, a lack of information on where and how cashew trees grow across the country hinders decision-making that could support increased cashew production and poverty alleviation. By leveraging 2.4-m Planet Basemaps and 0.5-m aerial imagery, newly developed deep learning algorithms, and large-scale ground truth datasets, we successfully produced the first national map of cashew in Benin and characterized the expansion of cashew plantations between 2015 and 2021. In particular, we developed a SpatioTemporal Classification with Attention (STCA) model to map the distribution of cashew plantations, which can fully capture texture information from discriminative time steps during a growing season. We further developed a Clustering Augmented Self-supervised Temporal Classification (CASTC) model to distinguish high-density versus low-density cashew plantations by automatic feature extraction and optimized clustering. Results show that the STCA model has an overall accuracy of 80% and the CASTC model achieved an overall accuracy of 77.9%. We found that the cashew area in Benin has doubled from 2015 to 2021 with 60% of new plantation development coming from cropland or fallow land, while encroachment of cashew plantations into protected areas has increased by 70%. Only half of cashew plantations were high-density in 2021, suggesting high potential for intensification. Our study illustrates the power of combining high-resolution remote sensing imagery and state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms to better understand tree crops in the heterogeneous smallholder landscape.
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We propose an ensemble approach to predict the labels in linear programming word problems. The entity identification and the meaning representation are two types of tasks to be solved in the NL4Opt competition. We propose the ensembleCRF method to identify the named entities for the first task. We found that single models didn't improve for the given task in our analysis. A set of prediction models predict the entities. The generated results are combined to form a consensus result in the ensembleCRF method. We present an ensemble text generator to produce the representation sentences for the second task. We thought of dividing the problem into multiple small tasks due to the overflow in the output. A single model generates different representations based on the prompt. All the generated text is combined to form an ensemble and produce a mathematical meaning of a linear programming problem.
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The previous fine-grained datasets mainly focus on classification and are often captured in a controlled setup, with the camera focusing on the objects. We introduce the first Fine-Grained Vehicle Detection (FGVD) dataset in the wild, captured from a moving camera mounted on a car. It contains 5502 scene images with 210 unique fine-grained labels of multiple vehicle types organized in a three-level hierarchy. While previous classification datasets also include makes for different kinds of cars, the FGVD dataset introduces new class labels for categorizing two-wheelers, autorickshaws, and trucks. The FGVD dataset is challenging as it has vehicles in complex traffic scenarios with intra-class and inter-class variations in types, scale, pose, occlusion, and lighting conditions. The current object detectors like yolov5 and faster RCNN perform poorly on our dataset due to a lack of hierarchical modeling. Along with providing baseline results for existing object detectors on FGVD Dataset, we also present the results of a combination of an existing detector and the recent Hierarchical Residual Network (HRN) classifier for the FGVD task. Finally, we show that FGVD vehicle images are the most challenging to classify among the fine-grained datasets.
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