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我们确定和研究政策流失的现象,即基于价值的强化学习中贪婪政策的快速变化。政策流失以惊人的快速步伐运作,改变了少数学习更新(在Atari上的DQN等典型的深层RL设置中)中大量州的贪婪行动。我们从经验上表征了现象,验证它不限于特定算法或环境特性。许多消融有助于削弱关于为什么流失仅与深度学习有关的少数相关的合理解释。最后,我们假设政策流失是一种有益但被忽视的隐性探索形式,它以新鲜的方式铸造了$ \ epsilon $ greedy探索,即$ \ epsilon $ - noise的作用比预期的要小得多。
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使用环境模型和值函数,代理可以通过向不同长度展开模型来构造状态值的许多估计,并使用其值函数引导。我们的关键识别是,人们可以将这组价值估计视为一类合奏,我们称之为\ eNPH {隐式值合奏}(IVE)。因此,这些估计之间的差异可用作代理人的认知不确定性的代理;我们将此信号术语\ EMPH {Model-Value不一致}或\ EMPH {自给智而不一致。与先前的工作不同,该工作估计通过培训许多模型和/或价值函数的集合来估计不确定性,这种方法只需要在大多数基于模型的加强学习算法中学习的单一模型和价值函数。我们在单板和函数近似设置中提供了从像素的表格和函数近似设置中的经验证据是有用的(i)作为探索的信号,(ii)在分发班次下安全地行动,(iii),用于使用基于价值的规划模型。
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基于模型的强化学习(RL)的主要挑战之一是决定应建模环境的哪些方面。值等价(VE)原则提出了一个简单的答案,对此问题:模型应该捕获与基于价值的规划相关的环境的方面。从技术上讲,VE基于一组策略和一组功能区分模型:如果贝尔曼运营商诱导策略,则据说模型是对环境的VE,在应用于功能时产生正确的结果。随着策略数量的增加,VE模型集缩小,最终折叠到对应于完美模型的单点。因此,VE原理的基本问题是如何选择足以规划的最小策略和功能。在本文中,我们对回答这个问题进行了重要一步。我们首先通过朝鲜钟人机运营商的$ k $申请概括为达到秩序的概念。这导致了一个VE类的家庭,尺寸随着$ k \ lightarow \ idty $而增加。在极限中,所有功能都成为价值函数,我们有一个特殊的实例化,我们称之为适当的VE或简单的PVE。与VE不同,PVE类可能包含多种型号,即使在使用所有值函数时也可以包含多个模型。至关重要的是,所有这些模型都足以规划,这意味着他们将产生最佳政策尽管他们可能忽略了环境的许多方面。我们构建用于学习PVE模型的损失函数,并认为诸如Muzero的流行算法可以被理解为最小化这种损失的上限。我们利用这一联系提出了对Muzero的修改,并表明它可以在实践中提高性能。
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Stress has a great effect on people's lives that can not be understated. While it can be good, since it helps humans to adapt to new and different situations, it can also be harmful when not dealt with properly, leading to chronic stress. The objective of this paper is developing a stress monitoring solution, that can be used in real life, while being able to tackle this challenge in a positive way. The SMILE data set was provided to team Anxolotl, and all it was needed was to develop a robust model. We developed a supervised learning model for classification in Python, presenting the final result of 64.1% in accuracy and a f1-score of 54.96%. The resulting solution stood the robustness test, presenting low variation between runs, which was a major point for it's possible integration in the Anxolotl app in the future.
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Recently, extensive studies on photonic reinforcement learning to accelerate the process of calculation by exploiting the physical nature of light have been conducted. Previous studies utilized quantum interference of photons to achieve collective decision-making without choice conflicts when solving the competitive multi-armed bandit problem, a fundamental example of reinforcement learning. However, the bandit problem deals with a static environment where the agent's action does not influence the reward probabilities. This study aims to extend the conventional approach to a more general multi-agent reinforcement learning targeting the grid world problem. Unlike the conventional approach, the proposed scheme deals with a dynamic environment where the reward changes because of agents' actions. A successful photonic reinforcement learning scheme requires both a photonic system that contributes to the quality of learning and a suitable algorithm. This study proposes a novel learning algorithm, discontinuous bandit Q-learning, in view of a potential photonic implementation. Here, state-action pairs in the environment are regarded as slot machines in the context of the bandit problem and an updated amount of Q-value is regarded as the reward of the bandit problem. We perform numerical simulations to validate the effectiveness of the bandit algorithm. In addition, we propose a multi-agent architecture in which agents are indirectly connected through quantum interference of light and quantum principles ensure the conflict-free property of state-action pair selections among agents. We demonstrate that multi-agent reinforcement learning can be accelerated owing to conflict avoidance among multiple agents.
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Code generation from text requires understanding the user's intent from a natural language description (NLD) and generating an executable program code snippet that satisfies this intent. While recent pretrained language models (PLMs) demonstrate remarkable performance for this task, these models fail when the given NLD is ambiguous due to the lack of enough specifications for generating a high-quality code snippet. In this work, we introduce a novel and more realistic setup for this task. We hypothesize that ambiguities in the specifications of an NLD are resolved by asking clarification questions (CQs). Therefore, we collect and introduce a new dataset named CodeClarQA containing NLD-Code pairs with created CQAs. We evaluate the performance of PLMs for code generation on our dataset. The empirical results support our hypothesis that clarifications result in more precise generated code, as shown by an improvement of 17.52 in BLEU, 12.72 in CodeBLEU, and 7.7\% in the exact match. Alongside this, our task and dataset introduce new challenges to the community, including when and what CQs should be asked.
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Neural machine translation (NMT) has become the de-facto standard in real-world machine translation applications. However, NMT models can unpredictably produce severely pathological translations, known as hallucinations, that seriously undermine user trust. It becomes thus crucial to implement effective preventive strategies to guarantee their proper functioning. In this paper, we address the problem of hallucination detection in NMT by following a simple intuition: as hallucinations are detached from the source content, they exhibit encoder-decoder attention patterns that are statistically different from those of good quality translations. We frame this problem with an optimal transport formulation and propose a fully unsupervised, plug-in detector that can be used with any attention-based NMT model. Experimental results show that our detector not only outperforms all previous model-based detectors, but is also competitive with detectors that employ large models trained on millions of samples.
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Learning-based image compression has improved to a level where it can outperform traditional image codecs such as HEVC and VVC in terms of coding performance. In addition to good compression performance, device interoperability is essential for a compression codec to be deployed, i.e., encoding and decoding on different CPUs or GPUs should be error-free and with negligible performance reduction. In this paper, we present a method to solve the device interoperability problem of a state-of-the-art image compression network. We implement quantization to entropy networks which output entropy parameters. We suggest a simple method which can ensure cross-platform encoding and decoding, and can be implemented quickly with minor performance deviation, of 0.3% BD-rate, from floating point model results.
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In modern business processes, the amount of data collected has increased substantially in recent years. Because this data can potentially yield valuable insights, automated knowledge extraction based on process mining has been proposed, among other techniques, to provide users with intuitive access to the information contained therein. At present, the majority of technologies aim to reconstruct explicit business process models. These are directly interpretable but limited concerning the integration of diverse and real-valued information sources. On the other hand, Machine Learning (ML) benefits from the vast amount of data available and can deal with high-dimensional sources, yet it has rarely been applied to being used in processes. In this contribution, we evaluate the capability of modern Transformer architectures as well as more classical ML technologies of modeling process regularities, as can be quantitatively evaluated by their prediction capability. In addition, we demonstrate the capability of attentional properties and feature relevance determination by highlighting features that are crucial to the processes' predictive abilities. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach using five benchmark datasets and show that the ML models are capable of predicting critical outcomes and that the attention mechanisms or XAI components offer new insights into the underlying processes.
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