Underwater navigation presents several challenges, including unstructured unknown environments, lack of reliable localization systems (e.g., GPS), and poor visibility. Furthermore, good-quality obstacle detection sensors for underwater robots are scant and costly; and many sensors like RGB-D cameras and LiDAR only work in-air. To enable reliable mapless underwater navigation despite these challenges, we propose a low-cost end-to-end navigation system, based on a monocular camera and a fixed single-beam echo-sounder, that efficiently navigates an underwater robot to waypoints while avoiding nearby obstacles. Our proposed method is based on Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), which takes as input current relative goal information, estimated depth images, echo-sounder readings, and previous executed actions, and outputs 3D robot actions in a normalized scale. End-to-end training was done in simulation, where we adopted domain randomization (varying underwater conditions and visibility) to learn a robust policy against noise and changes in visibility conditions. The experiments in simulation and real-world demonstrated that our proposed method is successful and resilient in navigating a low-cost underwater robot in unknown underwater environments. The implementation is made publicly available at https://github.com/dartmouthrobotics/deeprl-uw-robot-navigation.
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The number of international benchmarking competitions is steadily increasing in various fields of machine learning (ML) research and practice. So far, however, little is known about the common practice as well as bottlenecks faced by the community in tackling the research questions posed. To shed light on the status quo of algorithm development in the specific field of biomedical imaging analysis, we designed an international survey that was issued to all participants of challenges conducted in conjunction with the IEEE ISBI 2021 and MICCAI 2021 conferences (80 competitions in total). The survey covered participants' expertise and working environments, their chosen strategies, as well as algorithm characteristics. A median of 72% challenge participants took part in the survey. According to our results, knowledge exchange was the primary incentive (70%) for participation, while the reception of prize money played only a minor role (16%). While a median of 80 working hours was spent on method development, a large portion of participants stated that they did not have enough time for method development (32%). 25% perceived the infrastructure to be a bottleneck. Overall, 94% of all solutions were deep learning-based. Of these, 84% were based on standard architectures. 43% of the respondents reported that the data samples (e.g., images) were too large to be processed at once. This was most commonly addressed by patch-based training (69%), downsampling (37%), and solving 3D analysis tasks as a series of 2D tasks. K-fold cross-validation on the training set was performed by only 37% of the participants and only 50% of the participants performed ensembling based on multiple identical models (61%) or heterogeneous models (39%). 48% of the respondents applied postprocessing steps.
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与痴呆症相关的认知障碍(CI)在全球范围内影响超过5500万人,并且每3秒钟以一个新病例的速度迅速增长。随着临床试验反复出现的失败,早期诊断至关重要,但是在低水平和中等收入国家中,全球75%的痴呆症病例未被诊断为90%。众所周知,当前的诊断方法是复杂的,涉及对医学笔记,大量认知测试,昂贵的脑部扫描或脊柱液体测试的手动审查。与CI相关的信息经常在电子健康记录(EHR)中找到,并且可以为早期诊断提供重要线索,但是专家的手动审查是繁琐的,并且容易发生。该项目开发了一种新型的最新自动筛选管道,用于可扩展和高速发现EHR中的CI。为了了解EHR中复杂语言结构的语言环境,构建了一个8,656个序列的数据库,以训练基于注意力的深度学习自然语言处理模型以对序列进行分类。使用序列级别分类器开发了基于逻辑回归的患者级别预测模型。深度学习系统的精度达到了93%,AUC = 0.98,以识别其EHR中没有较早诊断,与痴呆有关的诊断代码或与痴呆有关的药物的患者。否则,这些患者将未被发现或检测到太晚。 EHR筛选管道已部署在Neurahealthnlp中,这是一种用于自动化和实时CI筛选的Web应用程序,只需将EHR上传到浏览器中即可。 Neurahealthnlp更便宜,更快,更容易获得,并且胜过当前的临床方法,包括基于文本的分析和机器学习方法。它使得早期诊断可在稀缺的医疗服务中可行,但可访问的互联网或蜂窝服务。
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痴呆症是一种神经退行性疾病,导致认知下降,并影响全世界超过5000万人。痴呆症是由医疗保健专业人士诊断的 - 只有患有痴呆症的四个人中只有一名诊断出来。即使制造诊断,也可能无法作为患者图表中的疾病(ICD)诊断码的结构化国际分类。与认知障碍(CI)有关的信息通常在电子健康记录(EHR)中发现,但专家临床医生票据的手工审查既耗时,往往容易出错。本票据的自动化挖掘为在EHR数据中标记有认知障碍患者的机会。我们开发了自然语言处理(NLP)工具,以识别具有认知障碍的患者,并证明语言背景提高了认知障碍分类任务的性能。我们微调我们的注意力深入学习模型,可以从复杂的语言结构中学习,并且相对于基线NLP模型的精度(0.93)大大提高(0.84)。此外,我们表明深度学习NLP可以成功识别没有痴呆相关的ICD代码或药物的痴呆症患者。
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Modelling and forecasting real-life human behaviour using online social media is an active endeavour of interest in politics, government, academia, and industry. Since its creation in 2006, Twitter has been proposed as a potential laboratory that could be used to gauge and predict social behaviour. During the last decade, the user base of Twitter has been growing and becoming more representative of the general population. Here we analyse this user base in the context of the 2021 Mexican Legislative Election. To do so, we use a dataset of 15 million election-related tweets in the six months preceding election day. We explore different election models that assign political preference to either the ruling parties or the opposition. We find that models using data with geographical attributes determine the results of the election with better precision and accuracy than conventional polling methods. These results demonstrate that analysis of public online data can outperform conventional polling methods, and that political analysis and general forecasting would likely benefit from incorporating such data in the immediate future. Moreover, the same Twitter dataset with geographical attributes is positively correlated with results from official census data on population and internet usage in Mexico. These findings suggest that we have reached a period in time when online activity, appropriately curated, can provide an accurate representation of offline behaviour.
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In the last years, the number of IoT devices deployed has suffered an undoubted explosion, reaching the scale of billions. However, some new cybersecurity issues have appeared together with this development. Some of these issues are the deployment of unauthorized devices, malicious code modification, malware deployment, or vulnerability exploitation. This fact has motivated the requirement for new device identification mechanisms based on behavior monitoring. Besides, these solutions have recently leveraged Machine and Deep Learning techniques due to the advances in this field and the increase in processing capabilities. In contrast, attackers do not stay stalled and have developed adversarial attacks focused on context modification and ML/DL evaluation evasion applied to IoT device identification solutions. This work explores the performance of hardware behavior-based individual device identification, how it is affected by possible context- and ML/DL-focused attacks, and how its resilience can be improved using defense techniques. In this sense, it proposes an LSTM-CNN architecture based on hardware performance behavior for individual device identification. Then, previous techniques have been compared with the proposed architecture using a hardware performance dataset collected from 45 Raspberry Pi devices running identical software. The LSTM-CNN improves previous solutions achieving a +0.96 average F1-Score and 0.8 minimum TPR for all devices. Afterward, context- and ML/DL-focused adversarial attacks were applied against the previous model to test its robustness. A temperature-based context attack was not able to disrupt the identification. However, some ML/DL state-of-the-art evasion attacks were successful. Finally, adversarial training and model distillation defense techniques are selected to improve the model resilience to evasion attacks, without degrading its performance.
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Cybercriminals are moving towards zero-day attacks affecting resource-constrained devices such as single-board computers (SBC). Assuming that perfect security is unrealistic, Moving Target Defense (MTD) is a promising approach to mitigate attacks by dynamically altering target attack surfaces. Still, selecting suitable MTD techniques for zero-day attacks is an open challenge. Reinforcement Learning (RL) could be an effective approach to optimize the MTD selection through trial and error, but the literature fails when i) evaluating the performance of RL and MTD solutions in real-world scenarios, ii) studying whether behavioral fingerprinting is suitable for representing SBC's states, and iii) calculating the consumption of resources in SBC. To improve these limitations, the work at hand proposes an online RL-based framework to learn the correct MTD mechanisms mitigating heterogeneous zero-day attacks in SBC. The framework considers behavioral fingerprinting to represent SBCs' states and RL to learn MTD techniques that mitigate each malicious state. It has been deployed on a real IoT crowdsensing scenario with a Raspberry Pi acting as a spectrum sensor. More in detail, the Raspberry Pi has been infected with different samples of command and control malware, rootkits, and ransomware to later select between four existing MTD techniques. A set of experiments demonstrated the suitability of the framework to learn proper MTD techniques mitigating all attacks (except a harmfulness rootkit) while consuming <1 MB of storage and utilizing <55% CPU and <80% RAM.
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We present a Machine Learning (ML) study case to illustrate the challenges of clinical translation for a real-time AI-empowered echocardiography system with data of ICU patients in LMICs. Such ML case study includes data preparation, curation and labelling from 2D Ultrasound videos of 31 ICU patients in LMICs and model selection, validation and deployment of three thinner neural networks to classify apical four-chamber view. Results of the ML heuristics showed the promising implementation, validation and application of thinner networks to classify 4CV with limited datasets. We conclude this work mentioning the need for (a) datasets to improve diversity of demographics, diseases, and (b) the need of further investigations of thinner models to be run and implemented in low-cost hardware to be clinically translated in the ICU in LMICs. The code and other resources to reproduce this work are available at https://github.com/vital-ultrasound/ai-assisted-echocardiography-for-low-resource-countries.
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Explainability is a vibrant research topic in the artificial intelligence community, with growing interest across methods and domains. Much has been written about the topic, yet explainability still lacks shared terminology and a framework capable of providing structural soundness to explanations. In our work, we address these issues by proposing a novel definition of explanation that is a synthesis of what can be found in the literature. We recognize that explanations are not atomic but the product of evidence stemming from the model and its input-output and the human interpretation of this evidence. Furthermore, we fit explanations into the properties of faithfulness (i.e., the explanation being a true description of the model's decision-making) and plausibility (i.e., how much the explanation looks convincing to the user). Using our proposed theoretical framework simplifies how these properties are ope rationalized and provide new insight into common explanation methods that we analyze as case studies.
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We propose a learning-based methodology to reconstruct private information held by a population of interacting agents in order to predict an exact outcome of the underlying multi-agent interaction process, here identified as a stationary action profile. We envision a scenario where an external observer, endowed with a learning procedure, is allowed to make queries and observe the agents' reactions through private action-reaction mappings, whose collective fixed point corresponds to a stationary profile. By adopting a smart query process to iteratively collect sensible data and update parametric estimates, we establish sufficient conditions to assess the asymptotic properties of the proposed learning-based methodology so that, if convergence happens, it can only be towards a stationary action profile. This fact yields two main consequences: i) learning locally-exact surrogates of the action-reaction mappings allows the external observer to succeed in its prediction task, and ii) working with assumptions so general that a stationary profile is not even guaranteed to exist, the established sufficient conditions hence act also as certificates for the existence of such a desirable profile. Extensive numerical simulations involving typical competitive multi-agent control and decision making problems illustrate the practical effectiveness of the proposed learning-based approach.
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