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The number of international benchmarking competitions is steadily increasing in various fields of machine learning (ML) research and practice. So far, however, little is known about the common practice as well as bottlenecks faced by the community in tackling the research questions posed. To shed light on the status quo of algorithm development in the specific field of biomedical imaging analysis, we designed an international survey that was issued to all participants of challenges conducted in conjunction with the IEEE ISBI 2021 and MICCAI 2021 conferences (80 competitions in total). The survey covered participants' expertise and working environments, their chosen strategies, as well as algorithm characteristics. A median of 72% challenge participants took part in the survey. According to our results, knowledge exchange was the primary incentive (70%) for participation, while the reception of prize money played only a minor role (16%). While a median of 80 working hours was spent on method development, a large portion of participants stated that they did not have enough time for method development (32%). 25% perceived the infrastructure to be a bottleneck. Overall, 94% of all solutions were deep learning-based. Of these, 84% were based on standard architectures. 43% of the respondents reported that the data samples (e.g., images) were too large to be processed at once. This was most commonly addressed by patch-based training (69%), downsampling (37%), and solving 3D analysis tasks as a series of 2D tasks. K-fold cross-validation on the training set was performed by only 37% of the participants and only 50% of the participants performed ensembling based on multiple identical models (61%) or heterogeneous models (39%). 48% of the respondents applied postprocessing steps.
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In this new computing paradigm, named quantum computing, researchers from all over the world are taking their first steps in designing quantum circuits for image processing, through a difficult process of knowledge transfer. This effort is named Quantum Image Processing, an emerging research field pushed by powerful parallel computing capabilities of quantum computers. This work goes in this direction and proposes the challenging development of a powerful method of image denoising, such as the Total Variation (TV) model, in a quantum environment. The proposed Quantum TV is described and its sub-components are analysed. Despite the natural limitations of the current capabilities of quantum devices, the experimental results show a competitive denoising performance compared to the classical variational TV counterpart.
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工业X射线分析在需要保证某些零件的结构完整性的航空航天,汽车或核行业中很常见。但是,射线照相图像的解释有时很困难,可能导致两名专家在缺陷分类上不同意。本文介绍的自动缺陷识别(ADR)系统将减少分析时间,还将有助于减少对缺陷的主观解释,同时提高人类检查员的可靠性。我们的卷积神经网络(CNN)模型达到94.2 \%准确性(MAP@iou = 50 \%),当应用于汽车铝铸件数据集(GDXRAR)时,它被认为与预期的人类性能相似,超过了当前状态该数据集的艺术。在工业环境上,其推理时间少于每个DICOM图像,因此可以安装在生产设施上,不会影响交付时间。此外,还进行了对主要高参数的消融研究,以优化从75 \%映射的初始基线结果最高94.2 \%map的模型准确性。
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时尚推荐通常被拒绝,因为它是找到适合给定用户的查询服装或检索服装的互补物品的任务。在这项工作中,我们通过根据提议的敷料的样式添加附加语义层来解决问题。我们根据两个重要方面的样式建模:颜色组合图案背后隐藏的情绪和情感以及给定类型的社交事件所检索的服装的适当性。为了解决前者,我们依靠Shigenobu Kobayashi的颜色图像量表,这将情感模式和情绪与色彩三元组相关联。相反,通过从社交事件的图像中提取服装来分析后者。总体而言,我们集成了最先进的服装建议框架样式分类器和事件分类器,以便在给定的查询上建议建议。
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深信仰网络(DBN)是随机神经网络,可以从感觉数据中提取丰富的环境内部表示。 DBN在触发深度学习革命方面具有催化作用,这是第一次证明在具有许多隐藏神经元层的网络中无监督学习的可行性。由于它们的生物学和认知合理性,这些等级架构也已成功利用,以在各种领域建立人类感知和认知的计算模型。但是,DBN的学习通常是以贪婪的,层次的方式进行的,这不允许模拟皮质回路的整体发展。在这里,我们提出IDBN,这是一种迭代学习算法,用于DBN,允许共同更新层次结构所有层的连接权重。我们在两组不同的视觉刺激上测试算法,我们表明网络开发也可以通过图理论属性来跟踪。使用我们的迭代方法训练的DBN实现了与贪婪对应物相当的最终性能,同时允许准确地分析生成模型中内部表示的逐步发展。我们的工作为使用IDBN进行建模神经认知发展铺平了道路。
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这项工作探讨了物理驱动的机器学习技术运算符推理(IMIPF),以预测混乱的动力系统状态。 OPINF提供了一种非侵入性方法来推断缩小空间中多项式操作员的近似值,而无需访问离散模型中出现的完整订单操作员。物理系统的数据集是使用常规数值求解器生成的,然后通过主成分分析(PCA)投影到低维空间。在潜在空间中,设置了一个最小二乘问题以适合二次多项式操作员,该操作员随后在时间整合方案中使用,以便在同一空间中产生外推。解决后,将对逆PCA操作进行重建原始空间中的外推。通过标准化的根平方误差(NRMSE)度量评估了OPINF预测的质量,从中计算有效的预测时间(VPT)。考虑混乱系统Lorenz 96和Kuramoto-Sivashinsky方程的数值实验显示,具有VPT范围的OPINF降低订单模型的有希望的预测能力,这些模型均超过了最先进的机器学习方法,例如返回和储层计算循环新的Neural网络[1 ],以及马尔可夫神经操作员[2]。
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已知生物制剂在他们的生活过程中学习许多不同的任务,并且能够重新审视以前的任务和行为,而没有表现不损失。相比之下,人工代理容易出于“灾难性遗忘”,在以前任务上的性能随着所获取的新的任务而恶化。最近使用该方法通过鼓励参数保持接近以前任务的方法来解决此缺点。这可以通过(i)使用特定的参数正常数来完成,该参数正常数是在参数空间中映射合适的目的地,或(ii)通过将渐变投影到不会干扰先前任务的子空间来指导优化旅程。然而,这些方法通常在前馈和经常性神经网络中表现出子分子表现,并且经常性网络对支持生物持续学习的神经动力学研究感兴趣。在这项工作中,我们提出了自然的持续学习(NCL),一种统一重量正则化和预测梯度下降的新方法。 NCL使用贝叶斯重量正常化来鼓励在收敛的所有任务上进行良好的性能,并将其与梯度投影结合使用先前的精度,这可以防止在优化期间陷入灾难性遗忘。当应用于前馈和经常性网络中的连续学习问题时,我们的方法占据了标准重量正则化技术和投影的方法。最后,训练有素的网络演变了特定于任务特定的动态,这些动态被认为是学习的新任务,类似于生物电路中的实验结果。
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Modelling and forecasting real-life human behaviour using online social media is an active endeavour of interest in politics, government, academia, and industry. Since its creation in 2006, Twitter has been proposed as a potential laboratory that could be used to gauge and predict social behaviour. During the last decade, the user base of Twitter has been growing and becoming more representative of the general population. Here we analyse this user base in the context of the 2021 Mexican Legislative Election. To do so, we use a dataset of 15 million election-related tweets in the six months preceding election day. We explore different election models that assign political preference to either the ruling parties or the opposition. We find that models using data with geographical attributes determine the results of the election with better precision and accuracy than conventional polling methods. These results demonstrate that analysis of public online data can outperform conventional polling methods, and that political analysis and general forecasting would likely benefit from incorporating such data in the immediate future. Moreover, the same Twitter dataset with geographical attributes is positively correlated with results from official census data on population and internet usage in Mexico. These findings suggest that we have reached a period in time when online activity, appropriately curated, can provide an accurate representation of offline behaviour.
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