时尚推荐通常被拒绝,因为它是找到适合给定用户的查询服装或检索服装的互补物品的任务。在这项工作中,我们通过根据提议的敷料的样式添加附加语义层来解决问题。我们根据两个重要方面的样式建模:颜色组合图案背后隐藏的情绪和情感以及给定类型的社交事件所检索的服装的适当性。为了解决前者,我们依靠Shigenobu Kobayashi的颜色图像量表,这将情感模式和情绪与色彩三元组相关联。相反,通过从社交事件的图像中提取服装来分析后者。总体而言,我们集成了最先进的服装建议框架样式分类器和事件分类器,以便在给定的查询上建议建议。
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Humans inevitably develop a sense of the relationships between objects, some of which are based on their appearance. Some pairs of objects might be seen as being alternatives to each other (such as two pairs of jeans), while others may be seen as being complementary (such as a pair of jeans and a matching shirt). This information guides many of the choices that people make, from buying clothes to their interactions with each other. We seek here to model this human sense of the relationships between objects based on their appearance. Our approach is not based on fine-grained modeling of user annotations but rather on capturing the largest dataset possible and developing a scalable method for uncovering human notions of the visual relationships within. We cast this as a network inference problem defined on graphs of related images, and provide a large-scale dataset for the training and evaluation of the same. The system we develop is capable of recommending which clothes and accessories will go well together (and which will not), amongst a host of other applications.
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Building a successful recommender system depends on understanding both the dimensions of people's preferences as well as their dynamics. In certain domains, such as fashion, modeling such preferences can be incredibly difficult, due to the need to simultaneously model the visual appearance of products as well as their evolution over time. The subtle semantics and non-linear dynamics of fashion evolution raise unique challenges especially considering the sparsity and large scale of the underlying datasets. In this paper we build novel models for the One-Class Collaborative Filtering setting, where our goal is to estimate users' fashion-aware personalized ranking functions based on their past feedback. To uncover the complex and evolving visual factors that people consider when evaluating products, our method combines high-level visual features extracted from a deep convolutional neural network, users' past feedback, as well as evolving trends within the community. Experimentally we evaluate our method on two large real-world datasets from, where we show it to outperform stateof-the-art personalized ranking measures, and also use it to visualize the high-level fashion trends across the 11-year span of our dataset.
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Over the past years, fashion-related challenges have gained a lot of attention in the research community. Outfit generation and recommendation, i.e., the composition of a set of items of different types (e.g., tops, bottom, shoes, accessories) that go well together, are among the most challenging ones. That is because items have to be both compatible amongst each other and also personalized to match the taste of the customer. Recently there has been a plethora of work targeted at tackling these problems by adopting various techniques and algorithms from the machine learning literature. However, to date, there is no extensive comparison of the performance of the different algorithms for outfit generation and recommendation. In this paper, we close this gap by providing a broad evaluation and comparison of various algorithms, including both personalized and non-personalized approaches, using online, real-world user data from one of Europe's largest fashion stores. We present the adaptations we made to some of those models to make them suitable for personalized outfit generation. Moreover, we provide insights for models that have not yet been evaluated on this task, specifically, GPT, BERT and Seq-to-Seq LSTM.
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The International Workshop on Reading Music Systems (WoRMS) is a workshop that tries to connect researchers who develop systems for reading music, such as in the field of Optical Music Recognition, with other researchers and practitioners that could benefit from such systems, like librarians or musicologists. The relevant topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to: Music reading systems; Optical music recognition; Datasets and performance evaluation; Image processing on music scores; Writer identification; Authoring, editing, storing and presentation systems for music scores; Multi-modal systems; Novel input-methods for music to produce written music; Web-based Music Information Retrieval services; Applications and projects; Use-cases related to written music. These are the proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Reading Music Systems, held in Alicante on the 23rd of July 2021.
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社交媒体营销在向广泛的受众群体推广品牌和产品价值方面起着至关重要的作用。为了提高其广告收入,诸如Facebook广告之类的全球媒体购买平台不断减少品牌有机帖子的覆盖范围,推动品牌在付费媒体广告上花费更多。为了有效地运行有机和付费社交媒体营销,有必要了解受众,调整内容以适合其兴趣和在线行为,这是不可能大规模手动进行的。同时,各种人格类型分类方案(例如Myers-Briggs人格类型指标)使得通过以统一和结构化的方式对受众行为进行分类,可以在更广泛的范围内揭示人格特质和用户内容偏好之间的依赖性。研究界尚待深入研究这个问题,而到目前为止,尚未广泛使用和全面评估,而不同人格特征对内容建议准确性的影响水平尚未得到广泛的利用和全面评估。具体而言,在这项工作中,我们通过应用一种新型人格驱动的多视图内容推荐系统,研究人格特征对内容推荐模型的影响,称为人格内容营销推荐引擎或Persic。我们的实验结果和现实世界案例研究不仅表明Persic执行有效的人格驱动的多视图内容建议,而且还允许采用可行的数字广告策略建议,当部署时能够提高数字广告效率超过420 %与原始的人类指导方法相比。
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Classifying logo images is a challenging task as they contain elements such as text or shapes that can represent anything from known objects to abstract shapes. While the current state of the art for logo classification addresses the problem as a multi-class task focusing on a single characteristic, logos can have several simultaneous labels, such as different colors. This work proposes a method that allows visually similar logos to be classified and searched from a set of data according to their shape, color, commercial sector, semantics, general characteristics, or a combination of features selected by the user. Unlike previous approaches, the proposal employs a series of multi-label deep neural networks specialized in specific attributes and combines the obtained features to perform the similarity search. To delve into the classification system, different existing logo topologies are compared and some of their problems are analyzed, such as the incomplete labeling that trademark registration databases usually contain. The proposal is evaluated considering 76,000 logos (7 times more than previous approaches) from the European Union Trademarks dataset, which is organized hierarchically using the Vienna ontology. Overall, experimentation attains reliable quantitative and qualitative results, reducing the normalized average rank error of the state-of-the-art from 0.040 to 0.018 for the Trademark Image Retrieval task. Finally, given that the semantics of logos can often be subjective, graphic design students and professionals were surveyed. Results show that the proposed methodology provides better labeling than a human expert operator, improving the label ranking average precision from 0.53 to 0.68.
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由于用户不是最终的内容消费者,因此在内容市场中提供有意义的建议是具有挑战性的。取而代之的是,大多数用户是创意者的兴趣,与他们从事的项目相关,迅速而突然地改变。为了解决向内容创建者推荐图像的具有挑战性的任务,我们设计了一个recsys,以学习视觉样式的偏好,横向用户工作的项目的语义。我们分析了任务的挑战与语义驱动的基于内容的建议,提出评估设置并解释其在全球图像市场中的应用。该技术报告是ACM Recsys '22介绍的论文“学习用户在图像市场中的首选视觉样式”的扩展。
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人类影响识别是一个完善的研究领域,具有许多应用,例如心理护理,但现有方法认为所有兴趣情绪都是先验的作为注释培训例子。然而,通过新颖的心理学理论的人类情感谱的粒度和改进的上升和改善语境中的情绪增加给数据收集和标签工作带来了相当大的压力。在本文中,我们在语境中概念化了对情绪的一次性识别 - 一种新的问题,旨在识别来自单个支持样品的更精细粒子水平的人体影响。为了解决这项具有挑战性的任务,我们遵循深度度量学习范例,并引入多模态情绪嵌入方法,通过利用人类外观的互补信息和通过语义分割网络获得的语义场景上下文来最大限度地减少相同情绪嵌入的距离。我们上下文感知模型的所有流都使用加权三态丢失和加权交叉熵损失来共同优化。我们对适应我们单次识别问题的Demotic DataSet的分类和数值情感识别任务进行了彻底的实验,揭示了从单一示例中分类人类影响是一项艰巨的任务。尽管如此,我们模型的所有变体都明显优于随机基线,同时利用语义场景上下文一致地提高了学习的表示,在一次射击情感识别中设置最先进的结果。为了促进对人类影响国家的更普遍表示的研究,我们将在下公开向社区公开提供我们的基准和模型。
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受到计算机愿景和语言理解的深度学习的巨大成功的影响,建议的研究已经转移到发明基于神经网络的新推荐模型。近年来,我们在开发神经推荐模型方面目睹了显着进展,这概括和超越了传统的推荐模型,由于神经网络的强烈代表性。在本调查论文中,我们从建议建模与准确性目标的角度进行了系统审查,旨在总结该领域,促进研究人员和从业者在推荐系统上工作的研究人员和从业者。具体而具体基于推荐建模期间的数据使用,我们将工作划分为协作过滤和信息丰富的建议:1)协作滤波,其利用用户项目交互数据的关键来源; 2)内容丰富的建议,其另外利用与用户和项目相关的侧面信息,如用户配置文件和项目知识图; 3)时间/顺序推荐,其考虑与交互相关的上下文信息,例如时间,位置和过去的交互。在为每种类型审查代表性工作后,我们终于讨论了这一领域的一些有希望的方向。
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社交媒体网络已成为人们生活的重要方面,它是其思想,观点和情感的平台。因此,自动化情绪分析(SA)对于以其他信息来源无法识别人们的感受至关重要。对这些感觉的分析揭示了各种应用,包括品牌评估,YouTube电影评论和医疗保健应用。随着社交媒体的不断发展,人们以不同形式发布大量信息,包括文本,照片,音频和视频。因此,传统的SA算法已变得有限,因为它们不考虑其他方式的表现力。通过包括来自各种物质来源的此类特征,这些多模式数据流提供了新的机会,以优化基于文本的SA之外的预期结果。我们的研究重点是多模式SA的最前沿领域,该领域研究了社交媒体网络上发布的视觉和文本数据。许多人更有可能利用这些信息在这些平台上表达自己。为了作为这个快速增长的领域的学者资源,我们介绍了文本和视觉SA的全面概述,包括数据预处理,功能提取技术,情感基准数据集以及适合每个字段的多重分类方法的疗效。我们还简要介绍了最常用的数据融合策略,并提供了有关Visual Textual SA的现有研究的摘要。最后,我们重点介绍了最重大的挑战,并调查了一些重要的情感应用程序。
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连接视觉和语言在生成智能中起着重要作用。因此,已经致力于图像标题的大型研究工作,即用句法和语义有意义的句子描述图像。从2015年开始,该任务通常通过由Visual Encoder组成的管道和文本生成的语言模型来解决任务。在这些年来,两种组件通过对象区域,属性,介绍多模态连接,完全关注方法和伯特早期融合策略的利用而显着发展。但是,无论令人印象深刻的结果,图像标题的研究还没有达到结论性答案。这项工作旨在提供图像标题方法的全面概述,从视觉编码和文本生成到培训策略,数据集和评估度量。在这方面,我们量化地比较了许多相关的最先进的方法来确定架构和培训策略中最有影响力的技术创新。此外,讨论了问题的许多变体及其开放挑战。这项工作的最终目标是作为理解现有文献的工具,并突出显示计算机视觉和自然语言处理的研究领域的未来方向可以找到最佳的协同作用。
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Embedding based product recommendations have gained popularity in recent years due to its ability to easily integrate to large-scale systems and allowing nearest neighbor searches in real-time. The bulk of studies in this area has predominantly been focused on similar item recommendations. Research on complementary item recommendations, on the other hand, still remains considerably under-explored. We define similar items as items that are interchangeable in terms of their utility and complementary items as items that serve different purposes, yet are compatible when used with one another. In this paper, we apply a novel approach to finding complementary items by leveraging dual embedding representations for products. We demonstrate that the notion of relatedness discovered in NLP for skip-gram negative sampling (SGNS) models translates effectively to the concept of complementarity when training item representations using co-purchase data. Since sparsity of purchase data is a major challenge in real-world scenarios, we further augment the model using synthetic samples to extend coverage. This allows the model to provide complementary recommendations for items that do not share co-purchase data by leveraging other abundantly available data modalities such as images, text, clicks etc. We establish the effectiveness of our approach in improving both coverage and quality of recommendations on real world data for a major online retail company. We further show the importance of task specific hyperparameter tuning in training SGNS. Our model is effective yet simple to implement, making it a great candidate for generating complementary item recommendations at any e-commerce website.
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Recent advancements in deep neural networks for graph-structured data have led to state-of-the-art performance on recommender system benchmarks. However, making these methods practical and scalable to web-scale recommendation tasks with billions of items and hundreds of millions of users remains a challenge.Here we describe a large-scale deep recommendation engine that we developed and deployed at Pinterest. We develop a dataefficient Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) algorithm PinSage, which combines efficient random walks and graph convolutions to generate embeddings of nodes (i.e., items) that incorporate both graph structure as well as node feature information. Compared to prior GCN approaches, we develop a novel method based on highly efficient random walks to structure the convolutions and design a novel training strategy that relies on harder-and-harder training examples to improve robustness and convergence of the model.We deploy PinSage at Pinterest and train it on 7.5 billion examples on a graph with 3 billion nodes representing pins and boards, and 18 billion edges. According to offline metrics, user studies and A/B tests, PinSage generates higher-quality recommendations than comparable deep learning and graph-based alternatives. To our knowledge, this is the largest application of deep graph embeddings to date and paves the way for a new generation of web-scale recommender systems based on graph convolutional architectures.
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由于其主观性质,美学的计算推断是一项不确定的任务。已经提出了许多数据集来通过根据人类评级提供成对的图像和美学得分来解决问题。但是,人类更好地通过语言表达自己的观点,品味和情感,而不是单个数字总结他们。实际上,照片评论提供了更丰富的信息,因为它们揭示了用户如何以及为什么对视觉刺激的美学评价。在这方面,我们提出了Reddit照片评论数据集(RPCD),其中包含图像和照片评论的元素。 RPCD由74K图像和220k评论组成,并从业余爱好者和专业摄影师使用的Reddit社区收集,以利用建设性的社区反馈来提高其摄影技巧。所提出的数据集与以前的美学数据集不同,主要是三个方面,即(i)数据集的大规模数据集和批评图像不同方面的评论的扩展,(ii)它主要包含Ultrahd映像,以及(iii)它通过自动管道收集,可以轻松地扩展到新数据。据我们所知,在这项工作中,我们提出了首次尝试估算批评的视觉刺激质量的尝试。为此,我们利用批评情绪的极性为美学判断的指标。我们证明了情感如何与可用于两种美学评估基准的美学判断正相关。最后,我们通过使用情感得分作为排名图像的目标进行了几种模型。提供数据集和基准(。
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