Recent work in sim2real has successfully enabled robots to act in physical environments by training in simulation with a diverse ''population'' of environments (i.e. domain randomization). In this work, we focus on enabling generalization in assistive tasks: tasks in which the robot is acting to assist a user (e.g. helping someone with motor impairments with bathing or with scratching an itch). Such tasks are particularly interesting relative to prior sim2real successes because the environment now contains a human who is also acting. This complicates the problem because the diversity of human users (instead of merely physical environment parameters) is more difficult to capture in a population, thus increasing the likelihood of encountering out-of-distribution (OOD) human policies at test time. We advocate that generalization to such OOD policies benefits from (1) learning a good latent representation for human policies that test-time humans can accurately be mapped to, and (2) making that representation adaptable with test-time interaction data, instead of relying on it to perfectly capture the space of human policies based on the simulated population only. We study how to best learn such a representation by evaluating on purposefully constructed OOD test policies. We find that sim2real methods that encode environment (or population) parameters and work well in tasks that robots do in isolation, do not work well in assistance. In assistance, it seems crucial to train the representation based on the history of interaction directly, because that is what the robot will have access to at test time. Further, training these representations to then predict human actions not only gives them better structure, but also enables them to be fine-tuned at test-time, when the robot observes the partner act.
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Finetuning image-text models such as CLIP achieves state-of-the-art accuracies on a variety of benchmarks. However, recent works like WiseFT (Wortsman et al., 2021) and LP-FT (Kumar et al., 2022) have shown that even subtle differences in the finetuning process can lead to surprisingly large differences in the final performance, both for in-distribution (ID) and out-of-distribution (OOD) data. In this work, we show that a natural and simple approach of mimicking contrastive pretraining consistently outperforms alternative finetuning approaches. Specifically, we cast downstream class labels as text prompts and continue optimizing the contrastive loss between image embeddings and class-descriptive prompt embeddings (contrastive finetuning). Our method consistently outperforms baselines across 7 distribution shifts, 6 transfer learning, and 3 few-shot learning benchmarks. On WILDS-iWILDCam, our proposed approach FLYP outperforms the top of the leaderboard by $2.3\%$ ID and $2.7\%$ OOD, giving the highest reported accuracy. Averaged across 7 OOD datasets (2 WILDS and 5 ImageNet associated shifts), FLYP gives gains of $4.2\%$ OOD over standard finetuning and outperforms the current state of the art (LP-FT) by more than $1\%$ both ID and OOD. Similarly, on 3 few-shot learning benchmarks, our approach gives gains up to $4.6\%$ over standard finetuning and $4.4\%$ over the state of the art. In total, these benchmarks establish contrastive finetuning as a simple, intuitive, and state-of-the-art approach for supervised finetuning of image-text models like CLIP. Code is available at
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测试时间适应(TTA)是指适应神经网络以进行分配变化,仅在测试时间内从新域中访问未标记的测试样本。先前的TTA方法优化了无监督的目标,例如帐篷中的模型预测的熵[Wang等,2021],但目前尚不清楚到底是什么使TTA损失良好。在本文中,我们首先提出一个令人惊讶的现象:如果我们尝试在广泛的功能上衡量最佳的TTA损失,那么我们恢复了与(温度缩放版本的)非常相似的函数帐篷采用的软磁性 - 凝集。但是,只有在我们正在适应的分类器通过跨凝结训练的情况下,这才能保持;如果通过平方损失训练,则会出现不同的最佳TTA损失。为了解释这一现象,我们通过训练损失的凸结合物分析了TTA。我们表明,在自然条件下,这种(无监督的)共轭功能可以看作是对原始监督损失的局部近似值,实际上,它恢复了元学习发现的最佳损失。这导致了一种通用食谱,可用于为通用类的任何给定监督培训损失功能找到良好的TTA损失。从经验上讲,我们的方法始终在广泛的基准测试中统治其他基线。当应用于新型损失功能的分类器时,我们的方法尤其令人感兴趣,例如,最近所传播的polyloss与基于熵的损失有很大的不同。此外,我们表明我们的方法也可以用非常特定的软标签解释为一种自我训练,我们将其称为共轭伪标记。总体而言,我们的方法为更好地理解和改善测试时间适应提供了广泛的框架。代码可在上找到。
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最近,Miller等。结果表明,模型的分布(ID)精度与几个OOD基准上的分布(OOD)精度具有很强的线性相关性 - 一种将它们称为“准确性”的现象。虽然一种用于模型选择的有用工具(即,最有可能执行最佳OOD的模型是具有最高ID精度的模型),但此事实无助于估计模型的实际OOD性能,而无需访问标记的OOD验证集。在本文中,我们展示了一种类似但令人惊讶的现象,也与神经网络分类器对之间的一致性一致:每当在线准确性时,我们都会观察到任何两个神经网络的预测之间的OOD一致性(具有潜在的不同架构)还观察到与他们的ID协议有很强的线性相关性。此外,我们观察到OOD与ID协议的斜率和偏置与OOD与ID准确性的偏差非常匹配。我们称之为“协议”的现象具有重要的实际应用:没有任何标记的数据,我们可以预测分类器的OOD准确性},因为只需使用未标记的数据就可以估算OOD一致性。我们的预测算法在同意在线达成的变化中都优于先前的方法,而且令人惊讶的是,当准确性不在线上时。这种现象还为深度神经网络提供了新的见解:与在线的准确性不同,一致性似乎仅适用于神经网络分类器。
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如GPT-3等大型预用语言模型具有令人惊讶的能力,可以在内心学习中进行令人惊讶的能力,其中模型只是通过在由输入 - 输出示例组成的提示上调节下游任务。如果没有明确预制措施这样做,语言模型在其前向通过期间从这些示例学习,而不会在“超出分布”提示上的参数更新。因此,目前尚不清楚在语境中学习的机制。在本文中,我们研究预先磨普分配对预先训练文本具有远程连贯性的数学环境下的上下背景学习的出现的作用。在这里,语言模型预先润廓需要从调节文本推断潜在文档级概念以生成连贯的下一个标记。在测试时间时,该机制通过推断在提示示例之间推断共享潜在的概念并将其应用于对测试示例进行预测来实现内容学习。具体地,我们证明了当预先预防性分布是HMMS的混合物时,通过潜在概念的贝叶斯推断隐含地学习。尽管提示和预先预订数据之间分发不匹配,但这可能发生这种情况。与自然语言中的上下文学习的凌乱大规模预测数据集相比,我们生成了一个小型合成数据集(GINC),其中变压器和LSTM语言模型都展示了内容学习。除了专注于预先预测分配的影响的理论之外,我们经验发现,即使预预测损耗是相同的,也要统一地提高了缩放模型规模的内容精度。
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Standard training via empirical risk minimization (ERM) can produce models that achieve high accuracy on average but low accuracy on certain groups, especially in the presence of spurious correlations between the input and label. Prior approaches that achieve high worst-group accuracy, like group distributionally robust optimization (group DRO) require expensive group annotations for each training point, whereas approaches that do not use such group annotations typically achieve unsatisfactory worst-group accuracy. In this paper, we propose a simple two-stage approach, JTT, that first trains a standard ERM model for several epochs, and then trains a second model that upweights the training examples that the first model misclassified. Intuitively, this upweights examples from groups on which standard ERM models perform poorly, leading to improved worst-group performance. Averaged over four image classification and natural language processing tasks with spurious correlations, JTT closes 75% of the gap in worst-group accuracy between standard ERM and group DRO, while only requiring group annotations on a small validation set in order to tune hyperparameters.
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Meta-Renifiltive学习(Meta-RL)的目标是通过利用相关任务的经验来建立可以快速学习新任务的代理。学习新任务通常需要探索来收集任务相关信息并利用这些信息来解决任务。原则上,可以通过简单地最大限度地提高任务性能来学习最佳探索和剥削。然而,这种Meta-RL由于鸡蛋和蛋问题而与当地Optima的斗争接近:学习探索需要良好的剥削来衡量探索的实用程序,但学习利用需要通过探索收集的信息。优化用于勘探和剥削的单独目标可以避免这个问题,但先前的Meta-RL探索目标会收益收集与任务无关的信息的次优政策。我们通过构建自动识别任务相关信息的开发目标和勘探目标来缓解对此的担忧,以才能恢复这些信息。这避免了端到端培训中的本地Optima,而不会牺牲最佳探索。凭经验,梦想大幅优于现有的复杂元 - RL问题的方法,例如稀疏奖励3D视觉导航。梦想的视频:
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我们理论上和经验地证明,对抗性鲁棒性可以显着受益于半体验学习。从理论上讲,我们重新审视了Schmidt等人的简单高斯模型。这显示了标准和稳健分类之间的示例复杂性差距。我们证明了未标记的数据桥接这种差距:简单的半体验学习程序(自我训练)使用相同数量的达到高标准精度所需的标签实现高的强大精度。经验上,我们增强了CiFar-10,使用50万微小的图像,使用了8000万微小的图像,并使用强大的自我训练来优于最先进的鲁棒精度(i)$ \ ell_ infty $鲁棒性通过对抗培训和(ii)认证$ \ ell_2 $和$ \ ell_ \ infty $鲁棒性通过随机平滑的几个强大的攻击。在SVHN上,添加DataSet自己的额外训练集,删除的标签提供了4到10个点的增益,在使用额外标签的1点之内。
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