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本文的目标是对面部素描合成(FSS)问题进行全面的研究。然而,由于获得了手绘草图数据集的高成本,因此缺乏完整的基准,用于评估过去十年的FSS算法的开发。因此,我们首先向FSS引入高质量的数据集,名为FS2K,其中包括2,104个图像素描对,跨越三种类型的草图样式,图像背景,照明条件,肤色和面部属性。 FS2K与以前的FSS数据集不同于难度,多样性和可扩展性,因此应促进FSS研究的进展。其次,我们通过调查139种古典方法,包括34个手工特征的面部素描合成方法,37个一般的神经式传输方法,43个深映像到图像翻译方法,以及35个图像 - 素描方法。此外,我们详细说明了现有的19个尖端模型的综合实验。第三,我们为FSS提供了一个简单的基准,名为FSGAN。只有两个直截了当的组件,即面部感知屏蔽和风格矢量扩展,FSGAN将超越所提出的FS2K数据集的所有先前最先进模型的性能,通过大边距。最后,我们在过去几年中汲取的经验教训,并指出了几个未解决的挑战。我们的开源代码可在https://github.com/dengpingfan/fsgan中获得。
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Our goal with this survey is to provide an overview of the state of the art deep learning technologies for face generation and editing. We will cover popular latest architectures and discuss key ideas that make them work, such as inversion, latent representation, loss functions, training procedures, editing methods, and cross domain style transfer. We particularly focus on GAN-based architectures that have culminated in the StyleGAN approaches, which allow generation of high-quality face images and offer rich interfaces for controllable semantics editing and preserving photo quality. We aim to provide an entry point into the field for readers that have basic knowledge about the field of deep learning and are looking for an accessible introduction and overview.
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提供和渲染室内场景一直是室内设计的一项长期任务,艺术家为空间创建概念设计,建立3D模型的空间,装饰,然后执行渲染。尽管任务很重要,但它很乏味,需要巨大的努力。在本文中,我们引入了一个特定领域的室内场景图像合成的新问题,即神经场景装饰。鉴于一张空的室内空间的照片以及用户确定的布局列表,我们旨在合成具有所需的家具和装饰的相同空间的新图像。神经场景装饰可用于以简单而有效的方式创建概念室内设计。我们解决这个研究问题的尝试是一种新颖的场景生成体系结构,它将空的场景和对象布局转化为现实的场景照片。我们通过将其与有条件图像合成基线进行比较,以定性和定量的方式将其进行比较,证明了我们提出的方法的性能。我们进行广泛的实验,以进一步验证我们生成的场景的合理性和美学。我们的实现可在\ url {https://github.com/hkust-vgd/neural_scene_decoration}获得。
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Photo-realistic style transfer aims at migrating the artistic style from an exemplar style image to a content image, producing a result image without spatial distortions or unrealistic artifacts. Impressive results have been achieved by recent deep models. However, deep neural network based methods are too expensive to run in real-time. Meanwhile, bilateral grid based methods are much faster but still contain artifacts like overexposure. In this work, we propose the \textbf{Adaptive ColorMLP (AdaCM)}, an effective and efficient framework for universal photo-realistic style transfer. First, we find the complex non-linear color mapping between input and target domain can be efficiently modeled by a small multi-layer perceptron (ColorMLP) model. Then, in \textbf{AdaCM}, we adopt a CNN encoder to adaptively predict all parameters for the ColorMLP conditioned on each input content and style image pair. Experimental results demonstrate that AdaCM can generate vivid and high-quality stylization results. Meanwhile, our AdaCM is ultrafast and can process a 4K resolution image in 6ms on one V100 GPU.
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With the advent of Neural Style Transfer (NST), stylizing an image has become quite popular. A convenient way for extending stylization techniques to videos is by applying them on a per-frame basis. However, such per-frame application usually lacks temporal-consistency expressed by undesirable flickering artifacts. Most of the existing approaches for enforcing temporal-consistency suffers from one or more of the following drawbacks. They (1) are only suitable for a limited range of stylization techniques, (2) can only be applied in an offline fashion requiring the complete video as input, (3) cannot provide consistency for the task of stylization, or (4) do not provide interactive consistency-control. Note that existing consistent video-filtering approaches aim to completely remove flickering artifacts and thus do not respect any specific consistency-control aspect. For stylization tasks, however, consistency-control is an essential requirement where a certain amount of flickering can add to the artistic look and feel. Moreover, making this control interactive is paramount from a usability perspective. To achieve the above requirements, we propose an approach that can stylize video streams while providing interactive consistency-control. Apart from stylization, our approach also supports various other image processing filters. For achieving interactive performance, we develop a lite optical-flow network that operates at 80 Frames per second (FPS) on desktop systems with sufficient accuracy. We show that the final consistent video-output using our flow network is comparable to that being obtained using state-of-the-art optical-flow network. Further, we employ an adaptive combination of local and global consistent features and enable interactive selection between the two. By objective and subjective evaluation, we show that our method is superior to state-of-the-art approaches.
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We propose semantic region-adaptive normalization (SEAN), a simple but effective building block for Generative Adversarial Networks conditioned on segmentation masks that describe the semantic regions in the desired output image. Using SEAN normalization, we can build a network architecture that can control the style of each semantic region individually, e.g., we can specify one style reference image per region. SEAN is better suited to encode, transfer, and synthesize style than the best previous method in terms of reconstruction quality, variability, and visual quality. We evaluate SEAN on multiple datasets and report better quan-titative metrics (e.g. FID, PSNR) than the current state of the art. SEAN also pushes the frontier of interactive image editing. We can interactively edit images by changing segmentation masks or the style for any given region. We can also interpolate styles from two reference images per region. Code: https://github.com/ZPdesu/SEAN .
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图像颜色协调算法旨在自动匹配在不同条件下捕获的前景图像的颜色分布和背景图像。以前的基于深度学习的模型忽略了两个对于实际应用至关重要的问题,即高分辨率(HR)图像处理和模型的可理解性。在本文中,我们提出了一个新型的深层综合颜色滤波器(DCCF)学习框架,用于高分辨率图像协调。具体而言,DCCF首先将原始输入图像列为其低分辨率(LR)对抗零件,然后以端到端的方式学习四个人类可理解的神经过滤器(即色相,饱和,饱和,价值和细心的渲染过滤器),最终以将这些过滤器应用于原始输入图像以获得统一的结果。从可理解的神经过滤器中受益,我们可以为用户提供一个简单而有效的处理程序,以便用户与Deep Model合作,以便在必要时很少努力获得所需的结果。广泛的实验证明了DCCF学习框架的有效性,并且它在IHARMONY4数据集上的最先进的后处理方法优于图像的全分辨率,分别在MSE和PSNR上实现了7.63%和1.69%的相对改进,从而超过了图像的全分辨率。
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从无监督的图像到图像翻译的角度来看,图像漫画化最近由生成对抗网络(gan)主导,其中固有的挑战是精确捕获和充分传递的特征动画片样式(例如,透明边缘,光滑的色彩,抽象,抽象,抽象,抽象,抽象精细的结构等)。现有的高级模型试图通过学习以对抗性来促进边缘,引入样式转移损失或学习从多个表示空间保持一致的样式来增强卡通化效果。本文表明,只有基本的对抗性损失,可以轻松实现更独特和生动的漫画化效果。观察卡通风格在卡通纹理效果的本地图像区域中更为明显,我们与正常图像级平行建立了一个区域级别的对抗学习分支,该分支在卡通质量级别上限制了对抗性学习,以更好感知和转移卡通纹理功能。为此,提出了一种新型的卡通纹理 - 效果 - 采访器(CTSS)模块,以从训练数据中动态采样卡通纹理质量贴片。通过广泛的实验,我们证明了对抗性学习中的纹理显着性适应性注意力,作为图像漫画化中相关方法的缺失成分,在促进和增强图像卡通风格方面至关重要,尤其是对于高分辨率输入图片。
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Gatys et al. recently introduced a neural algorithm that renders a content image in the style of another image, achieving so-called style transfer. However, their framework requires a slow iterative optimization process, which limits its practical application. Fast approximations with feed-forward neural networks have been proposed to speed up neural style transfer. Unfortunately, the speed improvement comes at a cost: the network is usually tied to a fixed set of styles and cannot adapt to arbitrary new styles. In this paper, we present a simple yet effective approach that for the first time enables arbitrary style transfer in real-time. At the heart of our method is a novel adaptive instance normalization (AdaIN) layer that aligns the mean and variance of the content features with those of the style features. Our method achieves speed comparable to the fastest existing approach, without the restriction to a pre-defined set of styles. In addition, our approach allows flexible user controls such as content-style trade-off, style interpolation, color & spatial controls, all using a single feed-forward neural network.
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We consider image transformation problems, where an input image is transformed into an output image. Recent methods for such problems typically train feed-forward convolutional neural networks using a per-pixel loss between the output and ground-truth images. Parallel work has shown that high-quality images can be generated by defining and optimizing perceptual loss functions based on high-level features extracted from pretrained networks. We combine the benefits of both approaches, and propose the use of perceptual loss functions for training feed-forward networks for image transformation tasks. We show results on image style transfer, where a feed-forward network is trained to solve the optimization problem proposed by Gatys et al in real-time. Compared to the optimization-based method, our network gives similar qualitative results but is three orders of magnitude faster. We also experiment with single-image super-resolution, where replacing a per-pixel loss with a perceptual loss gives visually pleasing results.
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图像增强旨在通过修饰颜色和音调来提高照片的美学视觉质量,并且是专业数字摄影的必不可少的技术。近年来,基于学习的图像增强算法已达到有希望的表现,并吸引了日益普及。但是,典型的努力试图为所有像素的颜色转换构建一个均匀的增强子。它忽略了对照片重要的不同内容(例如,天空,海洋等)之间的像素差异,从而导致结果不令人满意。在本文中,我们提出了一个新颖的可学习背景知觉的4维查找表(4D LUT),该表通过适应性地学习照片上下文来实现每个图像中不同内容的增强。特别是,我们首先引入一个轻量级上下文编码器和一个参数编码器,以分别学习像素级类别的上下文图和一组图像自适应系数。然后,通过通过系数集成多个基础4D LUT来生成上下文感知的4D LUT。最后,可以通过将源图像和上下文图馈入融合的上下文感知的4D〜LUT来获得增强的图像。与传统的3D LUT(即RGB映射到RGB)相比,通常用于摄像机成像管道系统或工具,4D LUT,即RGBC(RGB+上下文)映射到RGB,可实现具有不同像素的颜色转换的最佳控制每个图像中的内容,即使它们具有相同的RGB值。实验结果表明,我们的方法在广泛使用的基准中优于其他最先进的方法。
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Photorealistic style transfer aims to transfer the artistic style of an image onto an input image or video while keeping photorealism. In this paper, we think it's the summary statistics matching scheme in existing algorithms that leads to unrealistic stylization. To avoid employing the popular Gram loss, we propose a self-supervised style transfer framework, which contains a style removal part and a style restoration part. The style removal network removes the original image styles, and the style restoration network recovers image styles in a supervised manner. Meanwhile, to address the problems in current feature transformation methods, we propose decoupled instance normalization to decompose feature transformation into style whitening and restylization. It works quite well in ColoristaNet and can transfer image styles efficiently while keeping photorealism. To ensure temporal coherency, we also incorporate optical flow methods and ConvLSTM to embed contextual information. Experiments demonstrates that ColoristaNet can achieve better stylization effects when compared with state-of-the-art algorithms.
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超级分辨率(SR)是低级视觉区域的基本和代表任务。通常认为,从SR网络中提取的特征没有特定的语义信息,并且网络只能从输入到输出中学习复杂的非线性映射。我们可以在SR网络中找到任何“语义”吗?在本文中,我们为此问题提供了肯定的答案。通过分析具有维度降低和可视化的特征表示,我们成功地发现了SR网络中的深度语义表示,\ Texit {i.},深度劣化表示(DDR),其与图像劣化类型和度数相关。我们还揭示了分类和SR网络之间的表示语义的差异。通过广泛的实验和分析,我们得出一系列观测和结论,对未来的工作具有重要意义,例如解释低级CNN网络的内在机制以及开发盲人SR的新评估方法。
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With the development of convolutional neural networks, hundreds of deep learning based dehazing methods have been proposed. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey on supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised single image dehazing. We first discuss the physical model, datasets, network modules, loss functions, and evaluation metrics that are commonly used. Then, the main contributions of various dehazing algorithms are categorized and summarized. Further, quantitative and qualitative experiments of various baseline methods are carried out. Finally, the unsolved issues and challenges that can inspire the future research are pointed out. A collection of useful dehazing materials is available at \url{https://github.com/Xiaofeng-life/AwesomeDehazing}.
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