Labeling a module defective or non-defective is an expensive task. Hence, there are often limits on how much-labeled data is available for training. Semi-supervised classifiers use far fewer labels for training models, but there are numerous semi-supervised methods, including self-labeling, co-training, maximal-margin, and graph-based methods, to name a few. Only a handful of these methods have been tested in SE for (e.g.) predicting defects and even that, those tests have been on just a handful of projects. This paper takes a wide range of 55 semi-supervised learners and applies these to over 714 projects. We find that semi-supervised "co-training methods" work significantly better than other approaches. However, co-training needs to be used with caution since the specific choice of co-training methods needs to be carefully selected based on a user's specific goals. Also, we warn that a commonly-used co-training method ("multi-view"-- where different learners get different sets of columns) does not improve predictions (while adding too much to the run time costs 11 hours vs. 1.8 hours). Those cautions stated, we find using these "co-trainers," we can label just 2.5% of data, then make predictions that are competitive to those using 100% of the data. It is an open question worthy of future work to test if these reductions can be seen in other areas of software analytics. All the codes used and datasets analyzed during the current study are available in the
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在研究人员急于跨所有可用数据或尝试复杂的方法之前,可能是首先检查更简单的替代方案。具体而言,如果历史数据在某些小区域中具有最多的信息,那么也许从该地区学习的模型就足够了,这是项目的其余部分。为支持这一索赔,我们提供了一个案例研究,其中包含240个GitHub项目,在那里我们发现这些项目中的信息“被聚集”朝向项目的最早部分。从前150个提交的缺陷预测模型也有效,或者比最先进的替代品更好。只使用这个早期生命周期数据,我们可以非常快速地构建模型,很早就在软件项目生命周期中。此外,使用这种方法,我们已经显示了一个简单的模型(只有两个功能)概括为数百个软件项目。基于这种经验,我们怀疑概括软件工程缺陷预测模型的事先工作可能有不必要的复杂化本身简单的过程。此外,在从相对无关的区域中得出的结论以来,需要重新讨论焦点生命周期数据的事先工作。 Replication注意:我们所有的数据和脚本都在上线
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Automatically generated static code warnings suffer from a large number of false alarms. Hence, developers only take action on a small percent of those warnings. To better predict which static code warnings should not be ignored, we suggest that analysts need to look deeper into their algorithms to find choices that better improve the particulars of their specific problem. Specifically, we show here that effective predictors of such warnings can be created by methods that locally adjust the decision boundary (between actionable warnings and others). These methods yield a new high water-mark for recognizing actionable static code warnings. For eight open-source Java projects (cassandra, jmeter, commons, lucene-solr, maven, ant, tomcat, derby) we achieve perfect test results on 4/8 datasets and, overall, a median AUC (area under the true negatives, true positives curve) of 92%.
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我们查看模型可解释性的特定方面:模型通常需要限制在大小上才能被认为是可解释的,例如,深度5的决策树比深度50中的一个更容易解释。但是,较小的模型也倾向于高偏见。这表明可解释性和准确性之间的权衡。我们提出了一种模型不可知论技术,以最大程度地减少这种权衡。我们的策略是首先学习甲骨文,这是培训数据上高度准确的概率模型。 Oracle预测的不确定性用于学习培训数据的抽样分布。然后,对使用此分布获得的数据样本进行了可解释的模型,通常会导致精确度明显更高。我们将抽样策略作为优化问题。我们的解决方案1具有以下关键的有利属性:(1)它使用固定数量的七个优化变量,而与数据的维度(2)无关,它是模型不可知的 - 因为可解释的模型和甲骨文都可能属于任意性模型家族(3)它具有模型大小的灵活概念,并且可以容纳向量大小(4)它是一个框架,使其能够从优化领域的进度中受益。我们还提出了以下有趣的观察结果:(a)通常,小型模型大小的最佳训练分布与测试分布不同; (b)即使可解释的模型和甲骨文来自高度截然不同的模型家族,也存在这种效果:我们通过使用封闭的复发单位网络作为甲骨文来提高决策树的序列分类精度,从而在文本分类任务上显示此效果。使用字符n-grams; (c)对于模型,我们的技术可用于确定给定样本量的最佳训练样本。
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Dataset scaling, also known as normalization, is an essential preprocessing step in a machine learning pipeline. It is aimed at adjusting attributes scales in a way that they all vary within the same range. This transformation is known to improve the performance of classification models, but there are several scaling techniques to choose from, and this choice is not generally done carefully. In this paper, we execute a broad experiment comparing the impact of 5 scaling techniques on the performances of 20 classification algorithms among monolithic and ensemble models, applying them to 82 publicly available datasets with varying imbalance ratios. Results show that the choice of scaling technique matters for classification performance, and the performance difference between the best and the worst scaling technique is relevant and statistically significant in most cases. They also indicate that choosing an inadequate technique can be more detrimental to classification performance than not scaling the data at all. We also show how the performance variation of an ensemble model, considering different scaling techniques, tends to be dictated by that of its base model. Finally, we discuss the relationship between a model's sensitivity to the choice of scaling technique and its performance and provide insights into its applicability on different model deployment scenarios. Full results and source code for the experiments in this paper are available in a GitHub repository.\footnote{\_matters}
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Label noise is an important issue in classification, with many potential negative consequences. For example, the accuracy of predictions may decrease, whereas the complexity of inferred models and the number of necessary training samples may increase. Many works in the literature have been devoted to the study of label noise and the development of techniques to deal with label noise. However, the field lacks a comprehensive survey on the different types of label noise, their consequences and the algorithms that consider label noise. This paper proposes to fill this gap. First, the definitions and sources of label noise are considered and a taxonomy of the types of label noise is proposed. Second, the potential consequences of label noise are discussed. Third, label noise-robust, label noise cleansing, and label noise-tolerant algorithms are reviewed. For each category of approaches, a short discussion is proposed to help the practitioner to choose the most suitable technique in its own particular field of application. Eventually, the design of experiments is also discussed, what may interest the researchers who would like to test their own algorithms. In this paper, label noise consists of mislabeled instances: no additional information is assumed to be available like e.g. confidences on labels.
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As an important data selection schema, active learning emerges as the essential component when iterating an Artificial Intelligence (AI) model. It becomes even more critical given the dominance of deep neural network based models, which are composed of a large number of parameters and data hungry, in application. Despite its indispensable role for developing AI models, research on active learning is not as intensive as other research directions. In this paper, we present a review of active learning through deep active learning approaches from the following perspectives: 1) technical advancements in active learning, 2) applications of active learning in computer vision, 3) industrial systems leveraging or with potential to leverage active learning for data iteration, 4) current limitations and future research directions. We expect this paper to clarify the significance of active learning in a modern AI model manufacturing process and to bring additional research attention to active learning. By addressing data automation challenges and coping with automated machine learning systems, active learning will facilitate democratization of AI technologies by boosting model production at scale.
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血浆定义为物质的第四个状态,在高电场下可以在大气压下产生非热血浆。现在众所周知,血浆激活液体(PAL)的强和广谱抗菌作用。机器学习(ML)在医疗领域的可靠适用性也鼓励其在等离子体医学领域的应用。因此,在PALS上的ML应用可以提出一种新的观点,以更好地了解各种参数对其抗菌作用的影响。在本文中,通过使用先前获得的数据来定性预测PAL的体外抗菌活性,从而介绍了比较监督的ML模型。进行了文献搜索,并从33个相关文章中收集了数据。在所需的预处理步骤之后,将两种监督的ML方法(即分类和回归)应用于数据以获得微生物灭活(MI)预测。对于分类,MI分为四类,对于回归,MI被用作连续变量。为分类和回归模型进行了两种不同的可靠交叉验证策略,以评估所提出的方法。重复分层的K折交叉验证和K折交叉验证。我们还研究了不同特征对模型的影响。结果表明,高参数优化的随机森林分类器(ORFC)和随机森林回归者(ORFR)分别比其他模型进行了分类和回归的模型更好。最后,获得ORFC的最佳测试精度为82.68%,ORFR的R2为0.75。 ML技术可能有助于更好地理解在所需的抗菌作用中具有主要作用的血浆参数。此外,此类发现可能有助于将来的血浆剂量定义。
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Concept drift describes unforeseeable changes in the underlying distribution of streaming data over time. Concept drift research involves the development of methodologies and techniques for drift detection, understanding and adaptation. Data analysis has revealed that machine learning in a concept drift environment will result in poor learning results if the drift is not addressed. To help researchers identify which research topics are significant and how to apply related techniques in data analysis tasks, it is necessary that a high quality, instructive review of current research developments and trends in the concept drift field is conducted. In addition, due to the rapid development of concept drift in recent years, the methodologies of learning under concept drift have become noticeably systematic, unveiling a framework which has not been mentioned in literature. This paper reviews over 130 high quality publications in concept drift related research areas, analyzes up-to-date developments in methodologies and techniques, and establishes a framework of learning under concept drift including three main components: concept drift detection, concept drift understanding, and concept drift adaptation. This paper lists and discusses 10 popular synthetic datasets and 14 publicly available benchmark datasets used for evaluating the performance of learning algorithms aiming at handling concept drift. Also, concept drift related research directions are covered and discussed. By providing state-of-the-art knowledge, this survey will directly support researchers in their understanding of research developments in the field of learning under concept drift.
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错误报告是软件开发中的常见文物。它们作为用户与开发人员通信有关使用发布版本的软件程序时遇到的问题的主频道。然而,在对问题的描述中,用户可以故意或不揭示漏洞。在典型的维护方案中,在准备纠正补丁时,开发团队优先考虑此类安全相关错误报告。然而,当安全相关性没有立即表达(例如,通过标签)或通过TRIAJIG团队迅速识别时,开放的安全相关错误报告可能成为攻击者可以利用以执行零日攻击的敏感信息的关键泄漏。为了支持Trizing Bug报告中的从业者,研究社区提出了检测安全相关错误报告的许多方法。近年来,报告了基于机器学习的这方面的方法,具有很有希望的表现。我们的工作侧重于这些方法,并重新审视其积木,为目前的成就提供全面的观点。为此,我们建立了一个大型实验数据集,并在特征集和学习算法中进行了广泛的实验。最终,我们的研究突出了不同的方法配置,从而产生最好的执行分类器。
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