Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been recently employed to solve problems from both the computer vision and medical image analysis fields. Despite their popularity, most approaches are only able to process 2D images while most medical data used in clinical practice consists of 3D volumes. In this work we propose an approach to 3D image segmentation based on a volumetric, fully convolutional, neural network. Our CNN is trained end-to-end on MRI volumes depicting prostate, and learns to predict segmentation for the whole volume at once. We introduce a novel objective function, that we optimise during training, based on Dice coefficient. In this way we can deal with situations where there is a strong imbalance between the number of foreground and background voxels. To cope with the limited number of annotated volumes available for training, we augment the data applying random non-linear transformations and histogram matching. We show in our experimental evaluation that our approach achieves good performances on challenging test data while requiring only a fraction of the processing time needed by other previous methods.
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We present VoxelMorph, a fast learning-based framework for deformable, pairwise medical image registration. Traditional registration methods optimize an objective function for each pair of images, which can be time-consuming for large datasets or rich deformation models. In contrast to this approach, and building on recent learning-based methods, we formulate registration as a function that maps an input image pair to a deformation field that aligns these images. We parameterize the function via a convolutional neural network (CNN), and optimize the parameters of the neural network on a set of images. Given a new pair of scans, VoxelMorph rapidly computes a deformation field by directly evaluating the function. In this work, we explore two different training strategies. In the first (unsupervised) setting, we train the model to maximize standard image matching objective functions that are based on the image intensities. In the second setting, we leverage auxiliary segmentations available in the training data. We demonstrate that the unsupervised model's accuracy is comparable to state-of-the-art methods, while operating orders of magnitude faster. We also show that VoxelMorph trained with auxiliary data improves registration accuracy at test time, and evaluate the effect of training set size on registration. Our method promises to speed up medical image analysis and processing pipelines, while facilitating novel directions in learning-based registration and its applications. Our code is freely available at
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大脑磁共振成像(MRI)扫描的自动分割和体积对于诊断帕金森氏病(PD)和帕金森氏症综合症(P-Plus)至关重要。为了提高诊断性能,我们在大脑分割中采用了深度学习(DL)模型,并将其性能与金标准的非DL方法进行了比较。我们收集了健康对照组(n = 105)和PD患者(n = 105),多个全身性萎缩(n = 132)和渐进性超核麻痹(n = 69)的大脑MRI扫描。 2020.使用金标准的非DL模型FreeSurfer(FS),我们对六个脑结构进行了分割:中脑,PON,CAUDATE,CAUDATE,PUTATATE,pALLIDUM和THIRD CNTRICLE,并将其视为DL模型的注释数据,代表性V -net和unet。计算了分化正常,PD和P-Plus病例的曲线下的骰子分数和面积。每位患者六个大脑结构的V-NET和UNETR的分割时间分别为3.48 +-0.17和48.14 +-0.97 s,比FS(15,735 +-1.07 s)快至少300倍。两种DL模型的骰子得分都足够高(> 0.85),它们的疾病分类AUC优于FS。为了分类正常与P-Plus和PD与多个全身性萎缩(小脑型)的分类,DL模型和FS显示出高于0.8的AUC。 DL显着减少了分析时间,而不会损害大脑分割和差异诊断的性能。我们的发现可能有助于在临床环境中采用DL脑MRI分割并提高大脑研究。
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尽管数据增强和转移学习有所进步,但卷积神经网络(CNNS)难以推广到看不见的域。在分割大脑扫描时,CNN对分辨率和对比度的变化非常敏感:即使在相同的MRI模式内,则性能可能会跨数据集减少。在这里,我们介绍了Synthseg,第一个分段CNN无关紧要对比和分辨率。 Synthseg培训,用从分段上的生成模型采样的合成数据培训。至关重要,我们采用域随机化策略,我们完全随机开启了合成培训数据的对比度和解决。因此,Synthseg可以在没有再培训或微调的情况下对任何目标结构域进行真实扫描,这是首次分析大量的异构临床数据。因为Synthseg仅需要进行培训(无图像),所以它可以从通过不同群体的对象(例如,老化和患病)的自动化方法获得的标签中学习,从而实现广泛的形态变异性的鲁棒性。我们展示了Synthseg在六种方式的5,300扫描和十项决议中,与监督CNN,最先进的域适应和贝叶斯分割相比,它表现出无与伦比的泛化。最后,我们通过将其施加到心脏MRI和CT分割来证明SyntheeG的恒定性。
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Brain tumor imaging has been part of the clinical routine for many years to perform non-invasive detection and grading of tumors. Tumor segmentation is a crucial step for managing primary brain tumors because it allows a volumetric analysis to have a longitudinal follow-up of tumor growth or shrinkage to monitor disease progression and therapy response. In addition, it facilitates further quantitative analysis such as radiomics. Deep learning models, in particular CNNs, have been a methodology of choice in many applications of medical image analysis including brain tumor segmentation. In this study, we investigated the main design aspects of CNN models for the specific task of MRI-based brain tumor segmentation. Two commonly used CNN architectures (i.e. DeepMedic and U-Net) were used to evaluate the impact of the essential parameters such as learning rate, batch size, loss function, and optimizer. The performance of CNN models using different configurations was assessed with the BraTS 2018 dataset to determine the most performant model. Then, the generalization ability of the model was assessed using our in-house dataset. For all experiments, U-Net achieved a higher DSC compared to the DeepMedic. However, the difference was only statistically significant for whole tumor segmentation using FLAIR sequence data and tumor core segmentation using T1w sequence data. Adam and SGD both with the initial learning rate set to 0.001 provided the highest segmentation DSC when training the CNN model using U-Net and DeepMedic architectures, respectively. No significant difference was observed when using different normalization approaches. In terms of loss functions, a weighted combination of soft Dice and cross-entropy loss with the weighting term set to 0.5 resulted in an improved segmentation performance and training stability for both DeepMedic and U-Net models.
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自动化的腹部多器官分割是计算机辅助诊断腹部器官相关疾病的至关重要但具有挑战性的任务。尽管许多深度学习模型在许多医学图像分割任务中取得了显着的成功,但由于腹部器官的不同大小以及它们之间的含糊界限,腹部器官的准确分割仍然具有挑战性。在本文中,我们提出了一个边界感知网络(BA-NET),以分段CT扫描和MRI扫描进行腹部器官。该模型包含共享编码器,边界解码器和分割解码器。两个解码器都采用了多尺度的深度监督策略,这可以减轻可变器官尺寸引起的问题。边界解码器在每个量表上产生的边界概率图被用作提高分割特征图的注意。我们评估了腹部多器官细分(AMOS)挑战数据集的BA-NET,并获得了CT扫描的多器官分割的平均骰子分数为89.29 $ \%$,平均骰子得分为71.92 $ \%$ \%$ \% MRI扫描。结果表明,在两个分割任务上,BA-NET优于NNUNET。
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目的:多发性硬化症(MS)是一种自身免疫和脱髓鞘疾病,导致中枢神经系统的病变。可以使用磁共振成像(MRI)跟踪和诊断该疾病。到目前为止,多数多层自动生物医学方法用于在成本,时间和可用性方面对患者没有有益的病变。本文的作者提出了一种使用只有一个模态(Flair Image)的方法,准确地将MS病变分段。方法:由3D-Reset和空间通道注意模块进行设计,灵活的基于补丁的卷积神经网络(CNN),以段MS病变。该方法由三个阶段组成:(1)对比度限制自适应直方图均衡(CLAHE)被施加到原始图像并连接到提取的边缘以形成4D图像; (2)尺寸80 * 80 * 80 * 2的贴片从4D图像中随机选择; (3)将提取的贴片传递到用于分割病变的关注的CNN中。最后,将所提出的方法与先前的相同数据集进行比较。结果:目前的研究评估了模型,具有测试集的ISIB挑战数据。实验结果表明,该方法在骰子相似性和绝对体积差方面显着超越了现有方法,而该方法仅使用一种模态(Flair)来分割病变。结论:作者推出了一种自动化的方法来分割基于最多两种方式作为输入的损伤。所提出的架构由卷积,解卷积和SCA-VOXRES模块作为注意模块组成。结果表明,所提出的方法优于与其他方法相比良好。
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Fully Convolutional Neural Networks (FCNNs) with contracting and expanding paths have shown prominence for the majority of medical image segmentation applications since the past decade. In FCNNs, the encoder plays an integral role by learning both global and local features and contextual representations which can be utilized for semantic output prediction by the decoder. Despite their success, the locality of convolutional layers in FCNNs, limits the capability of learning long-range spatial dependencies. Inspired by the recent success of transformers for Natural Language Processing (NLP) in long-range sequence learning, we reformulate the task of volumetric (3D) medical image segmentation as a sequence-to-sequence prediction problem. We introduce a novel architecture, dubbed as UNEt TRansformers (UNETR), that utilizes a transformer as the encoder to learn sequence representations of the input volume and effectively capture the global multi-scale information, while also following the successful "U-shaped" network design for the encoder and decoder. The transformer encoder is directly connected to a decoder via skip connections at different resolutions to compute the final semantic segmentation output. We have validated the performance of our method on the Multi Atlas Labeling Beyond The Cranial Vault (BTCV) dataset for multiorgan segmentation and the Medical Segmentation Decathlon (MSD) dataset for brain tumor and spleen segmentation tasks. Our benchmarks demonstrate new state-of-the-art performance on the BTCV leaderboard. Code:
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Automatic segmentation is essential for the brain tumor diagnosis, disease prognosis, and follow-up therapy of patients with gliomas. Still, accurate detection of gliomas and their sub-regions in multimodal MRI is very challenging due to the variety of scanners and imaging protocols. Over the last years, the BraTS Challenge has provided a large number of multi-institutional MRI scans as a benchmark for glioma segmentation algorithms. This paper describes our contribution to the BraTS 2022 Continuous Evaluation challenge. We propose a new ensemble of multiple deep learning frameworks namely, DeepSeg, nnU-Net, and DeepSCAN for automatic glioma boundaries detection in pre-operative MRI. It is worth noting that our ensemble models took first place in the final evaluation on the BraTS testing dataset with Dice scores of 0.9294, 0.8788, and 0.8803, and Hausdorf distance of 5.23, 13.54, and 12.05, for the whole tumor, tumor core, and enhancing tumor, respectively. Furthermore, the proposed ensemble method ranked first in the final ranking on another unseen test dataset, namely Sub-Saharan Africa dataset, achieving mean Dice scores of 0.9737, 0.9593, and 0.9022, and HD95 of 2.66, 1.72, 3.32 for the whole tumor, tumor core, and enhancing tumor, respectively. The docker image for the winning submission is publicly available at (
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Automatic segmentation of kidney and kidney tumour in Computed Tomography (CT) images is essential, as it uses less time as compared to the current gold standard of manual segmentation. However, many hospitals are still reliant on manual study and segmentation of CT images by medical practitioners because of its higher accuracy. Thus, this study focuses on the development of an approach for automatic kidney and kidney tumour segmentation in contrast-enhanced CT images. A method based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) was proposed, where a 3D U-Net segmentation model was developed and trained to delineate the kidney and kidney tumour from CT scans. Each CT image was pre-processed before inputting to the CNN, and the effect of down-sampled and patch-wise input images on the model performance was analysed. The proposed method was evaluated on the publicly available 2021 Kidney and Kidney Tumour Segmentation Challenge (KiTS21) dataset. The method with the best performing model recorded an average training Dice score of 0.6129, with the kidney and kidney tumour Dice scores of 0.7923 and 0.4344, respectively. For testing, the model obtained a kidney Dice score of 0.8034, and a kidney tumour Dice score of 0.4713, with an average Dice score of 0.6374.
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Clinical diagnostic and treatment decisions rely upon the integration of patient-specific data with clinical reasoning. Cancer presents a unique context that influence treatment decisions, given its diverse forms of disease evolution. Biomedical imaging allows noninvasive assessment of disease based on visual evaluations leading to better clinical outcome prediction and therapeutic planning. Early methods of brain cancer characterization predominantly relied upon statistical modeling of neuroimaging data. Driven by the breakthroughs in computer vision, deep learning became the de facto standard in the domain of medical imaging. Integrated statistical and deep learning methods have recently emerged as a new direction in the automation of the medical practice unifying multi-disciplinary knowledge in medicine, statistics, and artificial intelligence. In this study, we critically review major statistical and deep learning models and their applications in brain imaging research with a focus on MRI-based brain tumor segmentation. The results do highlight that model-driven classical statistics and data-driven deep learning is a potent combination for developing automated systems in clinical oncology.
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每年都会在医院中获得数百万个大脑MRI扫描,这比任何研究数据集的规模都要大得多。因此,分析此类扫描的能力可以改变神经成像研究。然而,由于没有自动化算法可以应对临床采集的高度可变性(MR对比度,分辨率,方向等),因此它们的潜力仍未开发。在这里,我们提出了Synthseg+,这是一个AI分割套件,首次可以对异质临床数据集进行强有力的分析。具体而言,除了全脑分割外,SynthSeg+还执行皮质细胞,颅内体积估计和自动检测故障分割(主要是由质量非常低的扫描引起的)。我们在七个实验中证明了合成++,包括对14,000张扫描的老化研究,在该研究中,它准确地复制了在质量更高的数据上观察到的萎缩模式。 Synthseg+公开发布是一种现成的工具,可在广泛设置中解锁定量形态计量学的潜力。
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