轨迹推断旨在从其时间边缘的快照中恢复人群的动态。为了解决这项任务,Lavenant等人引入了相对于路径空间中的Wiener度量的最小渗透估计量。 ARXIV:2102.09204,并显示出从无限尺寸凸优化问题的解决方案中始终如一地恢复大型漂移扩散过程的动力学。在本文中,我们引入了无网算法来计算该估计器。我们的方法包括通过Schr \“ Odinger Bridges耦合的点云家族(每张快照),该桥也随着嘈杂的梯度下降而演变。我们研究了动力学的平均场限制,并证明了其与所需估计量的全局收敛。这导致了一种具有端到端理论保证的推理方法,可以解决轨迹推理的可解释模型。我们还提出了如何调整方法处理质量变化的方法,在处理单个单元RNA序列数据时,这是一个有用的扩展细胞可以分支并死亡。
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We study the uniform-in-time propagation of chaos for mean field Langevin dynamics with convex mean field potenital. Convergences in both Wasserstein-$2$ distance and relative entropy are established. We do not require the mean field potenital functional to bear either small mean field interaction or displacement convexity, which are common constraints in the literature. In particular, it allows us to study the efficiency of the noisy gradient descent algorithm for training two-layer neural networks.
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变性推理(VI)为基于传统的采样方法提供了一种吸引人的替代方法,用于实施贝叶斯推断,因为其概念性的简单性,统计准确性和计算可扩展性。然而,常见的变分近似方案(例如平均场(MF)近似)需要某些共轭结构以促进有效的计算,这可能会增加不必要的限制对可行的先验分布家族,并对变异近似族对差异进行进一步的限制。在这项工作中,我们开发了一个通用计算框架,用于实施MF-VI VIA WASSERSTEIN梯度流(WGF),这是概率度量空间上的梯度流。当专门针对贝叶斯潜在变量模型时,我们将分析基于时间消化的WGF交替最小化方案的算法收敛,用于实现MF近似。特别是,所提出的算法类似于EM算法的分布版本,包括更新潜在变量变异分布的E step以及在参数的变异分布上进行最陡峭下降的m step。我们的理论分析依赖于概率度量空间中的最佳运输理论和细分微积分。我们证明了时间限制的WGF的指数收敛性,以最大程度地减少普通大地测量学严格的凸度的通用物镜功能。我们还提供了通过使用时间限制的WGF的固定点方程从MF近似获得的变异分布的指数收缩的新证明。我们将方法和理论应用于两个经典的贝叶斯潜在变量模型,即高斯混合模型和回归模型的混合物。还进行了数值实验,以补充这两个模型下的理论发现。
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Neural networks trained to minimize the logistic (a.k.a. cross-entropy) loss with gradient-based methods are observed to perform well in many supervised classification tasks. Towards understanding this phenomenon, we analyze the training and generalization behavior of infinitely wide two-layer neural networks with homogeneous activations. We show that the limits of the gradient flow on exponentially tailed losses can be fully characterized as a max-margin classifier in a certain non-Hilbertian space of functions. In presence of hidden low-dimensional structures, the resulting margin is independent of the ambiant dimension, which leads to strong generalization bounds. In contrast, training only the output layer implicitly solves a kernel support vector machine, which a priori does not enjoy such an adaptivity. Our analysis of training is non-quantitative in terms of running time but we prove computational guarantees in simplified settings by showing equivalences with online mirror descent. Finally, numerical experiments suggest that our analysis describes well the practical behavior of two-layer neural networks with ReLU activations and confirm the statistical benefits of this implicit bias.
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连续数据的优化问题出现在,例如强大的机器学习,功能数据分析和变分推理。这里,目标函数被给出为一个(连续)索引目标函数的系列 - 相对于概率测量集成的族聚集。这些问题通常可以通过随机优化方法解决:在随机切换指标执行关于索引目标函数的优化步骤。在这项工作中,我们研究了随机梯度下降算法的连续时间变量,以进行连续数据的优化问题。该所谓的随机梯度过程包括最小化耦合与确定索引的连续时间索引过程的索引目标函数的梯度流程。索引过程是例如,反射扩散,纯跳跃过程或紧凑空间上的其他L evy过程。因此,我们研究了用于连续数据空间的多种采样模式,并允许在算法的运行时进行模拟或流式流的数据。我们分析了随机梯度过程的近似性质,并在恒定下进行了长时间行为和遍历的学习率。我们以噪声功能数据的多项式回归问题以及物理知识的神经网络在多项式回归问题中结束了随机梯度过程的适用性。
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Finding the mixed Nash equilibria (MNE) of a two-player zero sum continuous game is an important and challenging problem in machine learning. A canonical algorithm to finding the MNE is the noisy gradient descent ascent method which in the infinite particle limit gives rise to the {\em Mean-Field Gradient Descent Ascent} (GDA) dynamics on the space of probability measures. In this paper, we first study the convergence of a two-scale Mean-Field GDA dynamics for finding the MNE of the entropy-regularized objective. More precisely we show that for any fixed positive temperature (or regularization parameter), the two-scale Mean-Field GDA with a {\em finite} scale ratio converges to exponentially to the unique MNE without assuming the convexity or concavity of the interaction potential. The key ingredient of our proof lies in the construction of new Lyapunov functions that dissipate exponentially along the Mean-Field GDA. We further study the simulated annealing of the Mean-Field GDA dynamics. We show that with a temperature schedule that decays logarithmically in time the annealed Mean-Field GDA converges to the MNE of the original unregularized objective function.
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三角形流量,也称为kn \“{o}的Rosenblatt测量耦合,包括用于生成建模和密度估计的归一化流模型的重要构建块,包括诸如实值的非体积保存变换模型的流行自回归流模型(真实的NVP)。我们提出了三角形流量统计模型的统计保证和样本复杂性界限。特别是,我们建立了KN的统计一致性和kullback-leibler估算器的rospblatt的kullback-leibler估计的有限样本会聚率使用实证过程理论的工具测量耦合。我们的结果突出了三角形流动下播放功能类的各向异性几何形状,优化坐标排序,并导致雅各比比流动的统计保证。我们对合成数据进行数值实验,以说明我们理论发现的实际意义。
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逐步应用高斯噪声将复杂的数据分布转换为大约高斯。逆转此动态定义了一种生成模型。当前进通知过程由随机微分方程(SDE),Song等人提供。 (2021)证明可以使用分数匹配估计相关反向时间SDE的时间不均匀漂移。这种方法的限制是必须在最终分布到高斯的最终分布必须运行前进时间SDE。相反,解决Schr \“odinger桥问题(SB),即路径空间上的熵正常化的最佳运输问题,产生从有限时间内从数据分布产生样本的扩散。我们存在扩散SB(DSB),原始近似迭代比例拟合(IPF)程序来解决SB问题,并提供理论分析以及生成建模实验。第一个DSB迭代恢复Song等人提出的方法。(2021),使用较短时间的灵活性间隔,随后的DSB迭代减少了前进(RESP。后向)SDE的最终时间边际之间的差异,相对于先前(RESP。数据)分布。除了生成的建模之外,DSB提供了广泛适用的计算最优运输工具流行池算法的连续状态空间模拟(Cuturi,2013)。
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We consider the constrained sampling problem where the goal is to sample from a distribution $\pi(x)\propto e^{-f(x)}$ and $x$ is constrained on a convex body $\mathcal{C}\subset \mathbb{R}^d$. Motivated by penalty methods from optimization, we propose penalized Langevin Dynamics (PLD) and penalized Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (PHMC) that convert the constrained sampling problem into an unconstrained one by introducing a penalty function for constraint violations. When $f$ is smooth and the gradient is available, we show $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d/\varepsilon^{10})$ iteration complexity for PLD to sample the target up to an $\varepsilon$-error where the error is measured in terms of the total variation distance and $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\cdot)$ hides some logarithmic factors. For PHMC, we improve this result to $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{d}/\varepsilon^{7})$ when the Hessian of $f$ is Lipschitz and the boundary of $\mathcal{C}$ is sufficiently smooth. To our knowledge, these are the first convergence rate results for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods in the constrained sampling setting that can handle non-convex $f$ and can provide guarantees with the best dimension dependency among existing methods with deterministic gradients. We then consider the setting where unbiased stochastic gradients are available. We propose PSGLD and PSGHMC that can handle stochastic gradients without Metropolis-Hasting correction steps. When $f$ is strongly convex and smooth, we obtain an iteration complexity of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d/\varepsilon^{18})$ and $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d\sqrt{d}/\varepsilon^{39})$ respectively in the 2-Wasserstein distance. For the more general case, when $f$ is smooth and non-convex, we also provide finite-time performance bounds and iteration complexity results. Finally, we test our algorithms on Bayesian LASSO regression and Bayesian constrained deep learning problems.
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我们为随机梯度Langevin Dynamics(SGLD)建立了一个急剧的均匀误差估计,该算法是一种流行的采样算法。在温和的假设下,我们获得了一个均匀的$ o(\ eta^2)$,限制了SGLD迭代与langevin扩散之间的KL差异,其中$ \ eta $是步骤尺寸(或学习率)。我们的分析也适用于不同的步骤尺寸。基于此,我们能够以wasserstein或总变异距离来获得SGLD迭代和Langevin扩散不变分布之间的距离的$ O(\ eta)$。
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考虑随时间演变的粒子群,通过快照监测,使用在连续时间戳的群体内采样的粒子。仅提供对这些快照的访问,我们可以重建这些粒子的单个轨迹吗?这个问题在我们时代的许多重要科学挑战中,特别是单细胞基因组学。在本文中,我们建议将人口动态模拟为欧洲因果乔丹 - 古德莱尔 - 奥托(JKO)的措施的实现:JKO计划陷入困境,即在时间T + 1的人口采取的新配置是交易的新配置在它减少能量的情况下,群体的更好配置,同时保持关闭(在Wasserstein距离)到在T.中观察到的先前配置。我们在这项工作中的目标是学习这样的能源给定数据。为此,我们提出了JKONET,一种计算的神经结构(以端到端可分子的方式),JKO流量给出了参数化能量和初始配置点。与更直接的前进方法相比,我们展示了JKONET配件程序的良好性能和稳健性。
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人口动态是对生物种群大小的时间和空间变化的研究,是人口生态学的主要部分。分析人口动态的主要困难之一是,由于实验成本或测量限制,我们只能从固定点观察值中获得粗略的时间间隔的观察数据。最近,已经提出,通过使用连续归一化流(CNF)和动态最佳运输来对种群动力学进行建模,以从观察到的人群中推断样品轨迹。尽管CNF中的样本行为是确定性的,但生物系统中的实际样本以本质上随机但方向性的方式移动。此外,当样本从点A中的点移动到动力学系统中B点B时,其轨迹通常遵循最小动作的原理,在该原理中,相应的动作具有最小的可能值。为了满足样品轨迹的这些要求,我们制定了Lagrangian Schr \“ Odinger Bridge(LSB)问题,并提议将其近似于使用神经SDE和正则化解决。我们还开发了一个模型体系结构,可以更快地计算。实验结果表明,该结果表明,该模型表明,提出的方法即使对于高维数据也可以有效地近似人口级动力学,并且使用拉格朗日引入的先验知识使我们能够估算具有随机行为的单个样本的轨迹。
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在本文中,我们重新审视了私人经验风险最小化(DP-erm)和差异私有随机凸优化(DP-SCO)的问题。我们表明,来自统计物理学(Langevin Exfusion(LD))的经过良好研究的连续时间算法同时为DP-SCO和DP-SCO提供了最佳的隐私/实用性权衡,$ \ epsilon $ -DP和$ $ \ epsilon $ -DP和$ (\ epsilon,\ delta)$ - dp均用于凸和强烈凸损失函数。我们为LD提供新的时间和尺寸独立统一稳定性,并使用我们为$ \ epsilon $ -DP提供相应的最佳超额人口风险保证。 $ \ epsilon $ -DP的DP-SCO保证的一个重要属性是,它们将非私人最佳界限匹配为$ \ epsilon \与\ infty $。在此过程中,我们提供了各种技术工具,这些工具可能引起独立的关注:i)在两个相邻数据集上运行损失功能时,一个新的r \'enyi Divergence绑定了LD,ii)最后一个过多的经验风险范围迭代LD,类似于Shamir和Zhang的嘈杂随机梯度下降(SGD)和iii)的LD,对LD进行了两期多余的风险分析,其中第一阶段是当扩散在任何合理意义上都没有在任何合理意义上融合到固定分布时,在第二阶段扩散已收敛到吉布斯分布的变体。我们的普遍性结果至关重要地依赖于LD的动力学。当它融合到固定分布时,我们获得了$ \ epsilon $ -DP的最佳界限。当它仅在很短的时间内运行$ \ propto 1/p $时,我们在$(\ epsilon,\ delta)$ -DP下获得最佳界限。在这里,$ p $是模型空间的维度。
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度量的运输提供了一种用于建模复杂概率分布的多功能方法,并具有密度估计,贝叶斯推理,生成建模及其他方法的应用。单调三角传输地图$ \ unicode {x2014} $近似值$ \ unicode {x2013} $ rosenblatt(kr)重新安排$ \ unicode {x2014} $是这些任务的规范选择。然而,此类地图的表示和参数化对它们的一般性和表现力以及对从数据学习地图学习(例如,通过最大似然估计)出现的优化问题的属性产生了重大影响。我们提出了一个通用框架,用于通过平滑函数的可逆变换来表示单调三角图。我们建立了有关转化的条件,以使相关的无限维度最小化问题没有伪造的局部最小值,即所有局部最小值都是全球最小值。我们展示了满足某些尾巴条件的目标分布,唯一的全局最小化器与KR地图相对应。鉴于来自目标的样品,我们提出了一种自适应算法,该算法估计了基础KR映射的稀疏半参数近似。我们证明了如何将该框架应用于关节和条件密度估计,无可能的推断以及有向图形模型的结构学习,并在一系列样本量之间具有稳定的概括性能。
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Many tasks in machine learning and signal processing can be solved by minimizing a convex function of a measure. This includes sparse spikes deconvolution or training a neural network with a single hidden layer. For these problems, we study a simple minimization method: the unknown measure is discretized into a mixture of particles and a continuous-time gradient descent is performed on their weights and positions. This is an idealization of the usual way to train neural networks with a large hidden layer. We show that, when initialized correctly and in the many-particle limit, this gradient flow, although non-convex, converges to global minimizers. The proof involves Wasserstein gradient flows, a by-product of optimal transport theory. Numerical experiments show that this asymptotic behavior is already at play for a reasonable number of particles, even in high dimension.
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We introduce and study a novel model-selection strategy for Bayesian learning, based on optimal transport, along with its associated predictive posterior law: the Wasserstein population barycenter of the posterior law over models. We first show how this estimator, termed Bayesian Wasserstein barycenter (BWB), arises naturally in a general, parameter-free Bayesian model-selection framework, when the considered Bayesian risk is the Wasserstein distance. Examples are given, illustrating how the BWB extends some classic parametric and non-parametric selection strategies. Furthermore, we also provide explicit conditions granting the existence and statistical consistency of the BWB, and discuss some of its general and specific properties, providing insights into its advantages compared to usual choices, such as the model average estimator. Finally, we illustrate how this estimator can be computed using the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm in Wasserstein space introduced in a companion paper arXiv:2201.04232v2 [math.OC], and provide a numerical example for experimental validation of the proposed method.
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