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如今,重球(HB)是非凸优化中最流行的动量方法之一。已经广泛观察到,将重球动态纳入基于梯度的方法中可以加速现代机器学习模型的训练过程。但是,建立其加速理论基础的进展显然远远落后于其经验成功。现有的可证明的加速结果是二次或近二次功能,因为当前显示HB加速度的技术仅限于Hessian固定时的情况。在这项工作中,我们开发了一些新技术,这些新技术有助于表现出二次超越二次的加速度,这是通过分析在两个连续时间点上如何变化的Hessian的变化来实现的,从而影响了收敛速度。基于我们的技术结果,一类Polyak- \ l {} Ojasiewicz(PL)优化问题可以通过HB确定可证明的加速度。此外,我们的分析证明了适应性设置动量参数的好处。
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We introduce a class of first-order methods for smooth constrained optimization that are based on an analogy to non-smooth dynamical systems. Two distinctive features of our approach are that (i) projections or optimizations over the entire feasible set are avoided, in stark contrast to projected gradient methods or the Frank-Wolfe method, and (ii) iterates are allowed to become infeasible, which differs from active set or feasible direction methods, where the descent motion stops as soon as a new constraint is encountered. The resulting algorithmic procedure is simple to implement even when constraints are nonlinear, and is suitable for large-scale constrained optimization problems in which the feasible set fails to have a simple structure. The key underlying idea is that constraints are expressed in terms of velocities instead of positions, which has the algorithmic consequence that optimizations over feasible sets at each iteration are replaced with optimizations over local, sparse convex approximations. In particular, this means that at each iteration only constraints that are violated are taken into account. The result is a simplified suite of algorithms and an expanded range of possible applications in machine learning.
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Gradient-based first-order convex optimization algorithms find widespread applicability in a variety of domains, including machine learning tasks. Motivated by the recent advances in fixed-time stability theory of continuous-time dynamical systems, we introduce a generalized framework for designing accelerated optimization algorithms with strongest convergence guarantees that further extend to a subclass of non-convex functions. In particular, we introduce the \emph{GenFlow} algorithm and its momentum variant that provably converge to the optimal solution of objective functions satisfying the Polyak-{\L}ojasiewicz (PL) inequality, in a fixed-time. Moreover for functions that admit non-degenerate saddle-points, we show that for the proposed GenFlow algorithm, the time required to evade these saddle-points is bounded uniformly for all initial conditions. Finally, for strongly convex-strongly concave minimax problems whose optimal solution is a saddle point, a similar scheme is shown to arrive at the optimal solution again in a fixed-time. The superior convergence properties of our algorithm are validated experimentally on a variety of benchmark datasets.
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Recently, there has been great interest in connections between continuous-time dynamical systems and optimization algorithms, notably in the context of accelerated methods for smooth and unconstrained problems. In this paper we extend this perspective to nonsmooth and constrained problems by obtaining differential inclusions associated to novel accelerated variants of the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). Through a Lyapunov analysis, we derive rates of convergence for these dynamical systems in different settings that illustrate an interesting tradeoff between decaying versus constant damping strategies. We also obtain perturbed equations capturing fine-grained details of these methods, which have improved stability and preserve the leading order convergence rates.
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我们提供了新的基于梯度的方法,以便有效解决广泛的病态化优化问题。我们考虑最小化函数$ f:\ mathbb {r} ^ d \ lightarrow \ mathbb {r} $的问题,它是隐含的可分解的,作为$ m $未知的非交互方式的总和,强烈的凸起功能并提供方法这解决了这个问题,这些问题是缩放(最快的对数因子)作为组件的条件数量的平方根的乘积。这种复杂性绑定(我们证明几乎是最佳的)可以几乎指出的是加速梯度方法的几乎是指数的,这将作为$ F $的条件数量的平方根。此外,我们提供了求解该多尺度优化问题的随机异标变体的有效方法。而不是学习$ F $的分解(这将是过度昂贵的),而是我们的方法应用一个清洁递归“大步小步”交错标准方法。由此产生的算法使用$ \ tilde {\ mathcal {o}}(d m)$空间,在数字上稳定,并打开门以更细粒度的了解凸优化超出条件号的复杂性。
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We initiate a formal study of reproducibility in optimization. We define a quantitative measure of reproducibility of optimization procedures in the face of noisy or error-prone operations such as inexact or stochastic gradient computations or inexact initialization. We then analyze several convex optimization settings of interest such as smooth, non-smooth, and strongly-convex objective functions and establish tight bounds on the limits of reproducibility in each setting. Our analysis reveals a fundamental trade-off between computation and reproducibility: more computation is necessary (and sufficient) for better reproducibility.
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The extragradient method has recently gained increasing attention, due to its convergence behavior on smooth games. In $n$-player differentiable games, the eigenvalues of the Jacobian of the vector field are distributed on the complex plane, exhibiting more convoluted dynamics compared to classical (i.e., single player) minimization. In this work, we take a polynomial-based analysis of the extragradient with momentum for optimizing games with \emph{cross-shaped} Jacobian spectrum on the complex plane. We show two results. First, based on the hyperparameter setup, the extragradient with momentum exhibits three different modes of convergence: when the eigenvalues are distributed $i)$ on the real line, $ii)$ both on the real line along with complex conjugates, and $iii)$ only as complex conjugates. Then, we focus on the case $ii)$, i.e., when the eigenvalues of the Jacobian have \emph{cross-shaped} structure, as observed in training generative adversarial networks. For this problem class, we derive the optimal hyperparameters of the momentum extragradient method, and show that it achieves an accelerated convergence rate.
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This paper shows that a perturbed form of gradient descent converges to a second-order stationary point in a number iterations which depends only poly-logarithmically on dimension (i.e., it is almost "dimension-free"). The convergence rate of this procedure matches the wellknown convergence rate of gradient descent to first-order stationary points, up to log factors. When all saddle points are non-degenerate, all second-order stationary points are local minima, and our result thus shows that perturbed gradient descent can escape saddle points almost for free.Our results can be directly applied to many machine learning applications, including deep learning. As a particular concrete example of such an application, we show that our results can be used directly to establish sharp global convergence rates for matrix factorization. Our results rely on a novel characterization of the geometry around saddle points, which may be of independent interest to the non-convex optimization community.
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通过在线规范相关性分析的问题,我们提出了\ emph {随机缩放梯度下降}(SSGD)算法,以最小化通用riemannian歧管上的随机功能的期望。 SSGD概括了投影随机梯度下降的思想,允许使用缩放的随机梯度而不是随机梯度。在特殊情况下,球形约束的特殊情况,在广义特征向量问题中产生的,我们建立了$ \ sqrt {1 / t} $的令人反感的有限样本,并表明该速率最佳最佳,直至具有积极的积极因素相关参数。在渐近方面,一种新的轨迹平均争论使我们能够实现局部渐近常态,其速率与鲁普特 - Polyak-Quaditsky平均的速率匹配。我们将这些想法携带在一个在线规范相关分析,从事文献中的第一次获得了最佳的一次性尺度算法,其具有局部渐近融合到正常性的最佳一次性尺度算法。还提供了用于合成数据的规范相关分析的数值研究。
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最近,在学习没有更换SGD的收敛率的情况下,有很多兴趣,并证明它在最坏情况下比更换SGD更快。然而,已知的下限忽略了问题的几何形状,包括其条件号,而上限明确取决于它。也许令人惊讶的是,我们证明,当考虑条件号时,没有替换SGD \ EMPH {没有}在最坏情况下,除非是时期的数量(通过数据来说)大于条件号。由于机器学习和其他领域的许多问题都没有条件并涉及大型数据集,这表明没有替换不一定改善用于现实迭代预算的更换采样。我们通过提供具有紧密(最多日志因子)的新下限和上限来展示这一点,用于致通二次术语的二次问题,精确地量化了对问题参数的依赖性。
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我们研究了具有有限和结构的平滑非凸化优化问题的随机重新洗脱(RR)方法。虽然该方法在诸如神经网络的训练之类的实践中广泛利用,但其会聚行为仅在几个有限的环境中被理解。在本文中,在众所周知的Kurdyka-LojasiewiCz(KL)不等式下,我们建立了具有适当递减步长尺寸的RR的强极限点收敛结果,即,RR产生的整个迭代序列是会聚并会聚到单个静止点几乎肯定的感觉。 In addition, we derive the corresponding rate of convergence, depending on the KL exponent and the suitably selected diminishing step sizes.当KL指数在$ [0,\ FRAC12] $以$ [0,\ FRAC12] $时,收敛率以$ \ mathcal {o}(t ^ { - 1})$的速率计算,以$ t $ counting迭代号。当KL指数属于$(\ FRAC12,1)$时,我们的派生收敛速率是FORM $ \ MATHCAL {O}(T ^ { - Q})$,$ Q \ IN(0,1)$取决于在KL指数上。基于标准的KL不等式的收敛分析框架仅适用于具有某种阶段性的算法。我们对基于KL不等式的步长尺寸减少的非下降RR方法进行了新的收敛性分析,这概括了标准KL框架。我们总结了我们在非正式分析框架中的主要步骤和核心思想,这些框架是独立的兴趣。作为本框架的直接应用,我们还建立了类似的强极限点收敛结果,为重组的近端点法。
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在本文中,我们研究并证明了拟牛顿算法的Broyden阶级的非渐近超线性收敛速率,包括Davidon - Fletcher - Powell(DFP)方法和泡沫 - 弗莱彻 - 夏诺(BFGS)方法。这些准牛顿方法的渐近超线性收敛率在文献中已经广泛研究,但它们明确的有限时间局部会聚率未得到充分调查。在本文中,我们为Broyden Quasi-Newton算法提供了有限时间(非渐近的)收敛分析,在目标函数强烈凸起的假设下,其梯度是Lipschitz连续的,并且其Hessian在最佳解决方案中连续连续。我们表明,在最佳解决方案的本地附近,DFP和BFGS生成的迭代以$(1 / k)^ {k / 2} $的超连线率收敛到最佳解决方案,其中$ k $是迭代次数。我们还证明了类似的本地超连线收敛结果,因为目标函数是自我协调的情况。几个数据集的数值实验证实了我们显式的收敛速度界限。我们的理论保证是第一个为准牛顿方法提供非渐近超线性收敛速率的效果之一。
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从数据中学习的方法取决于各种类型的调整参数,例如惩罚强度或步长大小。由于性能可以在很大程度上取决于这些参数,因此重要的是要比较估算器的类别 - 考虑规定的有限调谐参数集,而不是特别调谐的方法。在这项工作中,我们通过同类中最佳方法的相对性能研究方法类。我们考虑了线性回归的中心问题,即随机的各向同性地面真理,并研究了两种基本方法的估计性能,即梯度下降和脊回归。我们公布以下现象。 (1)对于一般设计,当经验数据协方差矩阵衰减的特征值缓慢,作为指数较不小于统一的功率定律时,恒定的梯度下降优于山脊回归。相反,如果特征值迅速衰减,则作为指数大于统一或指数的权力定律,我们表明山脊回归优于梯度下降。 (2)对于正交设计,我们计算了确切的最小值最佳估计器类别(达到最低最大最大最佳),这表明它等同于具有衰减学习率的梯度下降。我们发现山脊回归和梯度下降的次数均具有恒定的步长。我们的结果表明,统计性能可以在很大程度上取决于调整参数。特别是,虽然最佳调谐脊回归是我们设置中的最佳估计器,但当仅在有限的许多正则化参数上调整两种方法时,它可以用任意/无界数量的梯度下降来表现优于梯度下降。
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