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Scene text spotting is of great importance to the computer vision community due to its wide variety of applications. Recent methods attempt to introduce linguistic knowledge for challenging recognition rather than pure visual classification. However, how to effectively model the linguistic rules in end-to-end deep networks remains a research challenge. In this paper, we argue that the limited capacity of language models comes from 1) implicit language modeling; 2) unidirectional feature representation; and 3) language model with noise input. Correspondingly, we propose an autonomous, bidirectional and iterative ABINet++ for scene text spotting. Firstly, the autonomous suggests enforcing explicitly language modeling by decoupling the recognizer into vision model and language model and blocking gradient flow between both models. Secondly, a novel bidirectional cloze network (BCN) as the language model is proposed based on bidirectional feature representation. Thirdly, we propose an execution manner of iterative correction for the language model which can effectively alleviate the impact of noise input. Finally, to polish ABINet++ in long text recognition, we propose to aggregate horizontal features by embedding Transformer units inside a U-Net, and design a position and content attention module which integrates character order and content to attend to character features precisely. ABINet++ achieves state-of-the-art performance on both scene text recognition and scene text spotting benchmarks, which consistently demonstrates the superiority of our method in various environments especially on low-quality images. Besides, extensive experiments including in English and Chinese also prove that, a text spotter that incorporates our language modeling method can significantly improve its performance both in accuracy and speed compared with commonly used attention-based recognizers.
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Annotating words in a historical document image archive for word image recognition purpose demands time and skilled human resource (like historians, paleographers). In a real-life scenario, obtaining sample images for all possible words is also not feasible. However, Zero-shot learning methods could aptly be used to recognize unseen/out-of-lexicon words in such historical document images. Based on previous state-of-the-art method for zero-shot word recognition Pho(SC)Net, we propose a hybrid model based on the CTC framework (Pho(SC)-CTC) that takes advantage of the rich features learned by Pho(SC)Net followed by a connectionist temporal classification (CTC) framework to perform the final classification. Encouraging results were obtained on two publicly available historical document datasets and one synthetic handwritten dataset, which justifies the efficacy of Pho(SC)-CTC and Pho(SC)Net.
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The International Workshop on Reading Music Systems (WoRMS) is a workshop that tries to connect researchers who develop systems for reading music, such as in the field of Optical Music Recognition, with other researchers and practitioners that could benefit from such systems, like librarians or musicologists. The relevant topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to: Music reading systems; Optical music recognition; Datasets and performance evaluation; Image processing on music scores; Writer identification; Authoring, editing, storing and presentation systems for music scores; Multi-modal systems; Novel input-methods for music to produce written music; Web-based Music Information Retrieval services; Applications and projects; Use-cases related to written music. These are the proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Reading Music Systems, held in Alicante on the 23rd of July 2021.
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典型的文本检测器遵循两阶段的发现策略:首先检测文本实例的精确边界,然后在定期的文本区域内执行文本识别。尽管这种策略取得了实质性进展,但有两个基本的局限性。 1)文本识别的性能在很大程度上取决于文本检测的精度,从而导致从检测到识别的潜在误差传播。 2)桥接检测和识别的ROI种植会带来背景的噪音,并在合并或从特征地图中插值时导致信息丢失。在这项工作中,我们提出了单个镜头自力更生的场景文本sottter(SRSTS),该场景通过将识别解除识别来规避这些限制。具体而言,我们并行进行文本检测和识别,并通过共享的积极锚点架起它们。因此,即使确切的文本边界要检测到具有挑战性,我们的方法也能够正确识别文本实例。此外,我们的方法可大大降低文本检测的注释成本。在常规基准和任意形状的基准上进行了广泛的实验表明,就准确性和效率而言,我们的SRST与以前的最先进的观察者相比有利。
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在线和离线手写的中文文本识别(HTCR)已经研究了数十年。早期方法采用了基于过度裂段的策略,但遭受低速,准确性不足和角色分割注释的高成本。最近,基于连接主义者时间分类(CTC)和注意机制的无分割方法主导了HCTR的领域。但是,人们实际上是按字符读取文本的,尤其是对于中文等意识形态图。这就提出了一个问题:无细分策略真的是HCTR的最佳解决方案吗?为了探索此问题,我们提出了一种基于细分的新方法,用于识别使用简单但有效的完全卷积网络实现的手写中文文本。提出了一种新型的弱监督学习方法,以使网络仅使用笔录注释进行训练。因此,可以避免以前基于细分的方法所需的昂贵字符分割注释。由于缺乏完全卷积网络中的上下文建模,我们提出了一种上下文正则化方法,以在培训阶段将上下文信息集成到网络中,这可以进一步改善识别性能。在四个广泛使用的基准测试中进行的广泛实验,即Casia-HWDB,Casia-Olhwdb,ICDAR2013和Scut-HCCDOC,表明我们的方法在线和离线HCTR上都显着超过了现有方法,并且表现出比CTC/ CTC/ CTC/ CTC/ CTC/速度高得多的方法。基于注意力的方法。
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几十年来,手写的中文文本识别(HCTR)一直是一个活跃的研究主题。但是,大多数以前的研究仅关注裁剪文本图像的识别,而忽略了实际应用程序中文本线检测引起的错误。尽管近年来已经提出了一些针对页面文本识别的方法,但它们要么仅限于简单布局,要么需要非常详细的注释,包括昂贵的线条级别甚至角色级边界框。为此,我们建议Pagenet端到端弱监督的页面级HCTR。 Pagenet检测并识别角色并预测其之间的阅读顺序,在处理复杂的布局(包括多方向和弯曲的文本线路)时,这更健壮和灵活。利用所提出的弱监督学习框架,Pagenet只需要对真实数据进行注释。但是,它仍然可以在字符和线级别上输出检测和识别结果,从而避免标记字符和文本线条的界限框的劳动和成本。在五个数据集上进行的广泛实验证明了Pagenet优于现有的弱监督和完全监督的页面级方法。这些实验结果可能会引发进一步的研究,而不是基于连接主义时间分类或注意力的现有方法的领域。源代码可在https://github.com/shannanyinxiang/pagenet上获得。
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Despite significant progress in object categorization, in recent years, a number of important challenges remain; mainly, the ability to learn from limited labeled data and to recognize object classes within large, potentially open, set of labels. Zero-shot learning is one way of addressing these challenges, but it has only been shown to work with limited sized class vocabularies and typically requires separation between supervised and unsupervised classes, allowing former to inform the latter but not vice versa. We propose the notion of vocabulary-informed learning to alleviate the above mentioned challenges and address problems of supervised, zero-shot, generalized zero-shot and open set recognition using a unified framework. Specifically, we propose a weighted maximum margin framework for semantic manifold-based recognition that incorporates distance constraints from (both supervised and unsupervised) vocabulary atoms. Distance constraints ensure that labeled samples are projected closer to their correct prototypes, in the embedding space, than to others. We illustrate that resulting model shows improvements in supervised, zero-shot, generalized zero-shot, and large open set recognition, with up to 310K class vocabulary on Animal with Attributes and ImageNet datasets.
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Image-based sequence recognition has been a longstanding research topic in computer vision. In this paper, we investigate the problem of scene text recognition, which is among the most important and challenging tasks in image-based sequence recognition. A novel neural network architecture, which integrates feature extraction, sequence modeling and transcription into a unified framework, is proposed. Compared with previous systems for scene text recognition, the proposed architecture possesses four distinctive properties: (1) It is end-to-end trainable, in contrast to most of the existing algorithms whose components are separately trained and tuned. (2) It naturally handles sequences in arbitrary lengths, involving no character segmentation or horizontal scale normalization. (3) It is not confined to any predefined lexicon and achieves remarkable performances in both lexicon-free and lexicon-based scene text recognition tasks. (4) It generates an effective yet much smaller model, which is more practical for real-world application scenarios. The experiments on standard benchmarks, including the IIIT-5K, Street View Text and ICDAR datasets, demonstrate the superiority of the proposed algorithm over the prior arts. Moreover, the proposed algorithm performs well in the task of image-based music score recognition, which evidently verifies the generality of it.
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上下文感知的str方法通常使用内部自回旋(AR)语言模型(LM)。 AR模型的固有局限性动机是采用外部LM的两阶段方法。输入图像上外部LM的条件独立性可能导致其错误地纠正正确的预测,从而导致明显的低效率。我们的方法Parseq使用置换语言建模学习了具有共同权重的内部AR LMS集合。它统一了无上下文的非AR和上下文感知的AR推断,并使用双向上下文统一了迭代的精致。使用合成训练数据,Parseq实现了最新的(SOTA),从而获得了Str基准(精度为91.9%)和更具挑战性的数据集。在对实际数据进行培训时,它建立了新的SOTA结果(精度为96.0%)。 Parseq由于其简单,统一的结构和平行的令牌处理,对准确性与参数计数,拖放和延迟非常最佳。由于其广泛使用了注意力,它对在现实世界图像中常见的任意导向文本具有鲁棒性。代码,预处理的权重和数据可在以下网址提供:https://github.com/baudm/parseq。
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无约束的手写文本识别仍然具有挑战性的计算机视觉系统。段落识别传统上由两个模型实现:第一个用于线分割和用于文本线路识别的第二个。我们提出了一个统一的端到端模型,使用混合注意力来解决这项任务。该模型旨在迭代地通过线路进行段落图像线。它可以分为三个模块。编码器从整个段落图像生成特征映射。然后,注意力模块循环生成垂直加权掩模,使能专注于当前的文本线特征。这样,它执行一种隐式线分割。对于每个文本线特征,解码器模块识别关联的字符序列,导致整个段落的识别。我们在三个流行的数据集赛中达到最先进的字符错误率:ribs的1.91%,IAM 4.45%,读取2016年3.59%。我们的代码和培训的模型重量可在HTTPS:// GitHub上获得.com / fefodeeplearning / watermentattentocroc。
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Leveraging the advances of natural language processing, most recent scene text recognizers adopt an encoder-decoder architecture where text images are first converted to representative features and then a sequence of characters via `sequential decoding'. However, scene text images suffer from rich noises of different sources such as complex background and geometric distortions which often confuse the decoder and lead to incorrect alignment of visual features at noisy decoding time steps. This paper presents I2C2W, a novel scene text recognition technique that is tolerant to geometric and photometric degradation by decomposing scene text recognition into two inter-connected tasks. The first task focuses on image-to-character (I2C) mapping which detects a set of character candidates from images based on different alignments of visual features in an non-sequential way. The second task tackles character-to-word (C2W) mapping which recognizes scene text by decoding words from the detected character candidates. The direct learning from character semantics (instead of noisy image features) corrects falsely detected character candidates effectively which improves the final text recognition accuracy greatly. Extensive experiments over nine public datasets show that the proposed I2C2W outperforms the state-of-the-art by large margins for challenging scene text datasets with various curvature and perspective distortions. It also achieves very competitive recognition performance over multiple normal scene text datasets.
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Multilayer Neural Networks trained with the backpropagation algorithm constitute the best example of a successful Gradient-Based Learning technique. Given an appropriate network architecture, Gradient-Based Learning algorithms can be used to synthesize a complex decision surface that can classify high-dimensional patterns such as handwritten characters, with minimal preprocessing. This paper reviews various methods applied to handwritten character recognition and compares them on a standard handwritten digit recognition task. Convolutional Neural Networks, that are specifically designed to deal with the variability of 2D shapes, are shown to outperform all other techniques.Real-life document recognition systems are composed of multiple modules including eld extraction, segmentation, recognition, and language modeling. A new learning paradigm, called Graph Transformer Networks (GTN), allows such multi-module systems to be trained globally using Gradient-Based methods so as to minimize an overall performance measure.Two systems for on-line handwriting recognition are described. Experiments demonstrate the advantage of global training, and the exibility of Graph Transformer Networks.A Graph Transformer Network for reading bank check is also described. It uses Convolutional Neural Network character recognizers combined with global training techniques to provides record accuracy on business and personal checks. It is deployed commercially and reads several million checks per day.
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