本文结合了一条管道中的物种检测,3D模型拟合和度量学习的深度学习技术,通过利用独特的外套图案来从照片中进行单个动物识别。这是尝试此操作的第一项工作,与传统的2D边界框或基于CNN的CNN识别管道相比,该方法提供了有效且明确的视图标准化,并可以直接对学习的生物特征识别人群空间进行直接可视化。请注意,由于使用度量,该管道也很容易适用于打开集和零射击重新识别方案。我们将提出的方法应用于单个Grevy的斑马(Equus Grevyi)识别,并在一项有关Smalst数据集的小型研究中显示,使用3D模型拟合确实可以使性能受益。特别是,与数据集的2D边界框方法相比,来自3D拟合模型的背面纹理将识别精度从48.0%提高到56.8%。尽管该研究的准确程度太小,无法估算大型现实应用程序设置可实现的全部性能潜力,并且与抛光工具相比,我们的工作为下一步的动物生物识别技术奠定了概念和实用的基础,以深度度量学习在开放的人口环境中驱动的,完全3D感知的动物识别。我们将网络权重和相关的促进源代码与本文发布,以完全可重复性,并作为进一步研究的灵感。
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我们第一次将深度度量学习应用于微观图像上分类塑料传染媒体壳的ProB-LEM。该物种识别任务是重建过去气候的重要信息源和科学柱子。所有Foraminifer CNN识别管道在文献中产生的黑匣子分类器缺乏人类专家的可视化选项,不能应用于开放的设定问题。这里,我们对这些管道进行基准度学习,产生表型塑料综合体形态空间的第一个科学可视化,并证明公制学习可用于在训练期间进行群体看不见。我们展示了在该域中的所有已发布的基于CNN的最新的基于CNN的最先进的基准。我们评估了我们在35个现代综合素粉末类别的45张无尽的福特公共图书馆的34,640专家注释图像上的方法。我们对此数据的结果显示,在培训中从未遇到的聚类物种在从未遇到过66.5%的精度(0.70 f1-score)中,在再现专家标签中发出92%的精度(0.84 f1分)。我们得出结论,度量学习对该领域非常有效,并作为对微泡沫识别专家自动化自动化的重要工具。用本文发布了关键代码,网络权重和数据分离,以满足全重复性。
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我们提出了一种Saimaa环形密封(Pusa hispida saimensis)的方法。通过摄像机捕获和众包访问大型图像量,为动物监测和保护提供了新的可能性,并呼吁自动分析方法,特别是在重新识别图像中的单个动物时。所提出的方法通过PELAGE模式聚合(NORPPA)重新识别新型环形密封件,利用Saimaa环形密封件的永久和独特的毛线模式和基于内容的图像检索技术。首先,对查询图像进行了预处理,每个密封实例都进行了分段。接下来,使用基于U-NET编码器解码器的方法提取密封件的层模式。然后,将基于CNN的仿射不变特征嵌入并聚集到Fisher载体中。最后,使用Fisher载体之间的余弦距离用于从已知个体数据库中找到最佳匹配。我们在新的挑战性Saimaa环形密封件重新识别数据集上对该方法进行了各种修改的广泛实验。在与替代方法的比较中,提出的方法显示出在我们的数据集上产生最佳的重新识别精度。
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野生动植物摄像机陷阱和众包材料提供了监测濒危动物物种的新型可能性。但是,这些方法产生的大量图像量对于研究人员来说是压倒性的,可以手动进行手动,要求自动系统执行分析。获得最关注的分析任务是重新确定个体,例如,它可以研究动物迁移或估计人口规模。 Saimaa环形海豹(Pusa hispida saimensis)是仅在芬兰西马阿湖中发现的濒危亚种,是现有的少数淡水海豹物种之一。环形密封件具有永久性的层模式,每个人都可以使用,可用于识别个体。密封的可变形性质以及环形图案和其余部分之间的不同外观和较低的对比度,使Saimaa环形密封重新识别任务变得非常具有挑战性,从而提供了良好的基准,从而提供了一个良好的基准,从而提供了一个良好的基准,从而提供了一个很好的基准来评估最新的基准 - ART重新识别方法。因此,我们使Saimaa环形密封图像(SealId)数据集(n = 57)公开用于研究目的。在本文中,描述了数据集,提出了重新识别方法的评估协议,并提供了两种基线方法的结果热点和NOPPA。 SEALID数据集已公开可用。
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In both terrestrial and marine ecology, physical tagging is a frequently used method to study population dynamics and behavior. However, such tagging techniques are increasingly being replaced by individual re-identification using image analysis. This paper introduces a contrastive learning-based model for identifying individuals. The model uses the first parts of the Inception v3 network, supported by a projection head, and we use contrastive learning to find similar or dissimilar image pairs from a collection of uniform photographs. We apply this technique for corkwing wrasse, Symphodus melops, an ecologically and commercially important fish species. Photos are taken during repeated catches of the same individuals from a wild population, where the intervals between individual sightings might range from a few days to several years. Our model achieves a one-shot accuracy of 0.35, a 5-shot accuracy of 0.56, and a 100-shot accuracy of 0.88, on our dataset.
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Photo-identification (photo-id) is one of the main non-invasive capture-recapture methods utilised by marine researchers for monitoring cetacean (dolphin, whale, and porpoise) populations. This method has historically been performed manually resulting in high workload and cost due to the vast number of images collected. Recently automated aids have been developed to help speed-up photo-id, although they are often disjoint in their processing and do not utilise all available identifying information. Work presented in this paper aims to create a fully automatic photo-id aid capable of providing most likely matches based on all available information without the need for data pre-processing such as cropping. This is achieved through a pipeline of computer vision models and post-processing techniques aimed at detecting cetaceans in unedited field imagery before passing them downstream for individual level catalogue matching. The system is capable of handling previously uncatalogued individuals and flagging these for investigation thanks to catalogue similarity comparison. We evaluate the system against multiple real-life photo-id catalogues, achieving mAP@IOU[0.5] = 0.91, 0.96 for the task of dorsal fin detection on catalogues from Tanzania and the UK respectively and 83.1, 97.5% top-10 accuracy for the task of individual classification on catalogues from the UK and USA.
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海洋生态系统及其鱼类栖息地越来越重要,因为它们在提供有价值的食物来源和保护效果方面的重要作用。由于它们的偏僻且难以接近自然,因此通常使用水下摄像头对海洋环境和鱼类栖息地进行监测。这些相机产生了大量数字数据,这些数据无法通过当前的手动处理方法有效地分析,这些方法涉及人类观察者。 DL是一种尖端的AI技术,在分析视觉数据时表现出了前所未有的性能。尽管它应用于无数领域,但仍在探索其在水下鱼类栖息地监测中的使用。在本文中,我们提供了一个涵盖DL的关键概念的教程,该教程可帮助读者了解对DL的工作原理的高级理解。该教程还解释了一个逐步的程序,讲述了如何为诸如水下鱼类监测等挑战性应用开发DL算法。此外,我们还提供了针对鱼类栖息地监测的关键深度学习技术的全面调查,包括分类,计数,定位和细分。此外,我们对水下鱼类数据集进行了公开调查,并比较水下鱼类监测域中的各种DL技术。我们还讨论了鱼类栖息地加工深度学习的新兴领域的一些挑战和机遇。本文是为了作为希望掌握对DL的高级了解,通过遵循我们的分步教程而为其应用开发的海洋科学家的教程,并了解如何发展其研究,以促进他们的研究。努力。同时,它适用于希望调查基于DL的最先进方法的计算机科学家,以进行鱼类栖息地监测。
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我们介绍了Caltech Fish计数数据集(CFC),这是一个用于检测,跟踪和计数声纳视频中鱼类的大型数据集。我们将声纳视频识别为可以推进低信噪比计算机视觉应用程序并解决多对象跟踪(MOT)和计数中的域概括的丰富数据来源。与现有的MOT和计数数据集相比,这些数据集主要仅限于城市中的人和车辆的视频,CFC来自自然世界领域,在该域​​中,目标不容易解析,并且无法轻易利用外观功能来进行目标重新识别。 CFC允许​​研究人员训练MOT和计数算法并评估看不见的测试位置的概括性能。我们执行广泛的基线实验,并确定在MOT和计数中推进概括的最新技术的关键挑战和机会。
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The ability to capture detailed interactions among individuals in a social group is foundational to our study of animal behavior and neuroscience. Recent advances in deep learning and computer vision are driving rapid progress in methods that can record the actions and interactions of multiple individuals simultaneously. Many social species, such as birds, however, live deeply embedded in a three-dimensional world. This world introduces additional perceptual challenges such as occlusions, orientation-dependent appearance, large variation in apparent size, and poor sensor coverage for 3D reconstruction, that are not encountered by applications studying animals that move and interact only on 2D planes. Here we introduce a system for studying the behavioral dynamics of a group of songbirds as they move throughout a 3D aviary. We study the complexities that arise when tracking a group of closely interacting animals in three dimensions and introduce a novel dataset for evaluating multi-view trackers. Finally, we analyze captured ethogram data and demonstrate that social context affects the distribution of sequential interactions between birds in the aviary.
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It is desirable for detection and classification algorithms to generalize to unfamiliar environments, but suitable benchmarks for quantitatively studying this phenomenon are not yet available. We present a dataset designed to measure recognition generalization to novel environments. The images in our dataset are harvested from twenty camera traps deployed to monitor animal populations. Camera traps are fixed at one location, hence the background changes little across images; capture is triggered automatically, hence there is no human bias. The challenge is learning recognition in a handful of locations, and generalizing animal detection and classification to new locations where no training data is available. In our experiments state-of-the-art algorithms show excellent performance when tested at the same location where they were trained. However, we find that generalization to new locations is poor, especially for classification systems.
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The 1$^{\text{st}}$ Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023 focused on maritime computer vision for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV), and organized several subchallenges in this domain: (i) UAV-based Maritime Object Detection, (ii) UAV-based Maritime Object Tracking, (iii) USV-based Maritime Obstacle Segmentation and (iv) USV-based Maritime Obstacle Detection. The subchallenges were based on the SeaDronesSee and MODS benchmarks. This report summarizes the main findings of the individual subchallenges and introduces a new benchmark, called SeaDronesSee Object Detection v2, which extends the previous benchmark by including more classes and footage. We provide statistical and qualitative analyses, and assess trends in the best-performing methodologies of over 130 submissions. The methods are summarized in the appendix. The datasets, evaluation code and the leaderboard are publicly available at https://seadronessee.cs.uni-tuebingen.de/macvi.
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本文介绍了用于合成近红外(NIR)图像生成和边界盒水平检测系统的数据集。不可否认的是,诸如Tensorflow或Pytorch之类的高质量机器学习框架以及大规模的Imagenet或可可数据集借助于加速GPU硬件,已将机器学习技术的极限推向了数十多年。在这些突破中,高质量的数据集是可以在模型概括和数据驱动的深神经网络的部署方面取得成功的基本构件之一。特别是,综合数据生成任务通常比其他监督方法需要更多的培训样本。因此,在本文中,我们共享从两个公共数据集(即Nirscene和Sen12ms)和我们的新颖NIR+RGB甜椒(辣椒(辣椒)数据集)重新处理的NIR+RGB数据集。我们定量和定性地证明了这些NIR+RGB数据集足以用于合成NIR图像生成。对于NIRSCENE1,SEN12MS和SEWT PEPPER数据集,我们实现了第11.36、26.53、26.53、26.53和40.15的距离(FID)。此外,我们发布了11个水果边界盒的手动注释,可以使用云服务将其作为各种格式导出。四个新添加的水果[蓝莓,樱桃,猕猴桃和小麦]化合物11新颖的边界盒数据集,在我们先前的DeepFruits项目中提出的作品[Apple,Appsicum,Capsicum,Capsicum,Mango,Orange,Rockmelon,Strawberry]。数据集的边界框实例总数为162K,可以从云服务中使用。为了评估数据集,YOLOV5单阶段检测器被利用并报告了令人印象深刻的平均水平前期,MAP [0.5:0.95]的结果为[min:0.49,最大:0.812]。我们希望这些数据集有用,并作为未来研究的基准。
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Measuring growth rates of apple fruitlets is important because it allows apple growers to determine when to apply chemical thinners to their crops to optimize yield. The current practice of obtaining growth rates involves using calipers to record sizes of fruitlets across multiple days. Due to the number of fruitlets needed to be sized, this method is laborious, time-consuming, and prone to human error. In this paper, we present a computer vision approach to measure the sizes and growth rates of apple fruitlets. With images collected by a hand-held stereo camera, our system detects, segments, and fits ellipses to fruitlets to measure their diameters. To measure growth rates, we utilize an Attentional Graph Neural Network to associate fruitlets across different days. We provide quantitative results on data collected in an apple orchard, and demonstrate that our system is able to predict abscise rates within 3% of the current method with a 7 times improvement in speed, while requiring significantly less manual effort. Moreover, we provide results on images captured by a robotic system in the field, and discuss the next steps to make the process fully autonomous.
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本文介绍了一种新的,高度结果的设置,用于将计算机视觉用于环境可持续性。浓缩动物喂养行动(CAFO)(又称密集牲畜农场或“工厂农场”)产生了巨大的肥料和污染。在冬季,倾倒粪便构成了重大的环境风险,并在许多州违反了环境法。然而,联邦环境保护署(EPA)和州机构主要依靠自我报告来监视此类“土地应用”。我们的论文做出了四个贡献。首先,我们介绍了CAFO和土地应用的环境,政策和农业环境。其次,我们提供了一个新的高效率数据集(每天至每周至每周)3M/像素卫星图像,从2018 - 20年使用威斯康星州的330个CAFO,并带有手工标记的土地应用实例(n = 57,697)。第三,我们开发了一个对象检测模型,以预测土地应用和一个系统以实时进行推断。我们表明,该系统似乎有效地检测到土地应用(PR AUC = 0.93),并且我们发现了几个异常设施,这些设施似乎定期适用。最后,我们估计2021/22冬季土地应用事件的人口流行率。我们表明,土地应用的普遍性要比设施自我报告的要高得多。该系统可以由环境监管机构和利益集团使用,该系统是在过去冬天根据该系统进行的试点探访的。总体而言,我们的应用程序展示了基于AI的计算机视觉系统解决环境符合近日图像的主要问题的潜力。
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We propose a single-shot approach for simultaneously detecting an object in an RGB image and predicting its 6D pose without requiring multiple stages or having to examine multiple hypotheses. Unlike a recently proposed single-shot technique for this task [11] that only predicts an approximate 6D pose that must then be refined, ours is accurate enough not to require additional post-processing. As a result, it is much faster -50 fps on a Titan X (Pascal) GPU -and more suitable for real-time processing. The key component of our method is a new CNN architecture inspired by [28,29] that directly predicts the 2D image locations of the projected vertices of the object's 3D bounding box. The object's 6D pose is then estimated using a PnP algorithm.For single object and multiple object pose estimation on the LINEMOD and OCCLUSION datasets, our approach substantially outperforms other recent 26] when they are all used without postprocessing. During post-processing, a pose refinement step can be used to boost the accuracy of these two methods, but at 10 fps or less, they are much slower than our method.
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我们介绍了Amazon Berkeley对象(ABO),这是一个新的大型数据集,旨在帮助弥合真实和虚拟3D世界之间的差距。ABO包含产品目录图像,元数据和艺术家创建的3D模型,具有复杂的几何形状和与真实的家用物体相对应的物理基础材料。我们得出了具有挑战性的基准,这些基准利用ABO的独特属性,并测量最先进的对象在三个开放问题上的最新限制,以了解实际3D对象:单视3D 3D重建,材料估计和跨域多视图对象检索。
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