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Empathy is a vital factor that contributes to mutual understanding, and joint problem-solving. In recent years, a growing number of studies have recognized the benefits of empathy and started to incorporate empathy in conversational systems. We refer to this topic as empathetic conversational systems. To identify the critical gaps and future opportunities in this topic, this paper examines this rapidly growing field using five review dimensions: (i) conceptual empathy models and frameworks, (ii) adopted empathy-related concepts, (iii) datasets and algorithmic techniques developed, (iv) evaluation strategies, and (v) state-of-the-art approaches. The findings show that most studies have centered on the use of the EMPATHETICDIALOGUES dataset, and the text-based modality dominates research in this field. Studies mainly focused on extracting features from the messages of the users and the conversational systems, with minimal emphasis on user modeling and profiling. Notably, studies that have incorporated emotion causes, external knowledge, and affect matching in the response generation models, have obtained significantly better results. For implementation in diverse real-world settings, we recommend that future studies should address key gaps in areas of detecting and authenticating emotions at the entity level, handling multimodal inputs, displaying more nuanced empathetic behaviors, and encompassing additional dialogue system features.
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The goal of building dialogue agents that can converse with humans naturally has been a long-standing dream of researchers since the early days of artificial intelligence. The well-known Turing Test proposed to judge the ultimate validity of an artificial intelligence agent on the indistinguishability of its dialogues from humans'. It should come as no surprise that human-level dialogue systems are very challenging to build. But, while early effort on rule-based systems found limited success, the emergence of deep learning enabled great advance on this topic. In this thesis, we focus on methods that address the numerous issues that have been imposing the gap between artificial conversational agents and human-level interlocutors. These methods were proposed and experimented with in ways that were inspired by general state-of-the-art AI methodologies. But they also targeted the characteristics that dialogue systems possess.
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在多方对话中有效地发现发言者的情绪状态是设计人类类似的会话代理商的重要性。在谈话期间,扬声器的认知状态通常由于某些过去的话语而改变,这可能导致他们的情绪状态的翻转。因此,在对话期间发现扬声器情感翻转背后的原因(触发)对于解释个人话语的情感标签至关重要。在本文中,除了解决对话中的情感认可的任务(ERC),我们介绍了一种新的任务 - 情感 - 翻转推理(EFR),旨在识别过去的话语,这引发了一个人的情绪状态以在一定时间翻转。我们提出了一个掩蔽的存储器网络来解决前者和基于变换器的网络的后一种任务。为此,我们考虑融合的基准情感识别数据集,用于ERC任务的多方对话,并使用EFR的新地基标签增强它。与五个最先进的模型进行了广泛的比较,表明我们对两个任务的模型的表现。我们进一步提出了轶事证据和定性和定量误差分析,以支持与基线相比模型的优势。
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对仇恨言论和冒犯性语言(HOF)的认可通常是作为一项分类任务,以决定文本是否包含HOF。我们研究HOF检测是否可以通过考虑HOF和类似概念之间的关系来获利:(a)HOF与情感分析有关,因为仇恨言论通常是负面陈述并表达了负面意见; (b)这与情绪分析有关,因为表达的仇恨指向作者经历(或假装体验)愤怒的同时经历(或旨在体验)恐惧。 (c)最后,HOF的一个构成要素是提及目标人或群体。在此基础上,我们假设HOF检测在与这些概念共同建模时,在多任务学习设置中进行了改进。我们将实验基于这些概念的现有数据集(情感,情感,HOF的目标),并在Hasoc Fire 2021英语子任务1A中评估我们的模型作为参与者(作为IMS-Sinai团队)。基于模型选择实验,我们考虑了多个可用的资源和共享任务的提交,我们发现人群情绪语料库,Semeval 2016年情感语料库和犯罪2019年目标检测数据的组合导致F1 =。 79在基于BERT的多任务多任务学习模型中,与Plain Bert的.7895相比。在HASOC 2019测试数据上,该结果更为巨大,而F1中的增加2pp和召回大幅增加。在两个数据集(2019,2021)中,HOF类的召回量尤其增加(2019年数据的6pp和2021数据的3pp),表明MTL具有情感,情感和目标识别是适合的方法可能部署在社交媒体平台中的预警系统。
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随着社交媒体平台上的开放文本数据的最新扩散,在过去几年中,文本的情感检测(ED)受到了更多关注。它有许多应用程序,特别是对于企业和在线服务提供商,情感检测技术可以通过分析客户/用户对产品和服务的感受来帮助他们做出明智的商业决策。在这项研究中,我们介绍了Armanemo,这是一个标记为七个类别的7000多个波斯句子的人类标记的情感数据集。该数据集是从不同资源中收集的,包括Twitter,Instagram和Digikala(伊朗电子商务公司)的评论。标签是基于埃克曼(Ekman)的六种基本情感(愤怒,恐惧,幸福,仇恨,悲伤,奇迹)和另一个类别(其他),以考虑Ekman模型中未包含的任何其他情绪。除数据集外,我们还提供了几种基线模型,用于情绪分类,重点是最新的基于变压器的语言模型。我们的最佳模型在我们的测试数据集中达到了75.39%的宏观平均得分。此外,我们还进行了转移学习实验,以将我们提出的数据集的概括与其他波斯情绪数据集进行比较。这些实验的结果表明,我们的数据集在现有的波斯情绪数据集中具有较高的概括性。 Armanemo可在https://github.com/arman-rayan-sharif/arman-text-emotion上公开使用。
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The health mention classification (HMC) task is the process of identifying and classifying mentions of health-related concepts in text. This can be useful for identifying and tracking the spread of diseases through social media posts. However, this is a non-trivial task. Here we build on recent studies suggesting that using emotional information may improve upon this task. Our study results in a framework for health mention classification that incorporates affective features. We present two methods, an intermediate task fine-tuning approach (implicit) and a multi-feature fusion approach (explicit) to incorporate emotions into our target task of HMC. We evaluated our approach on 5 HMC-related datasets from different social media platforms including three from Twitter, one from Reddit and another from a combination of social media sources. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach results in statistically significant performance gains on HMC tasks. By using the multi-feature fusion approach, we achieve at least a 3% improvement in F1 score over BERT baselines across all datasets. We also show that considering only negative emotions does not significantly affect performance on the HMC task. Additionally, our results indicate that HMC models infused with emotional knowledge are an effective alternative, especially when other HMC datasets are unavailable for domain-specific fine-tuning. The source code for our models is freely available at https://github.com/tahirlanre/Emotion_PHM.
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We introduce a new language representation model called BERT, which stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. Unlike recent language representation models (Peters et al., 2018a;Radford et al., 2018), BERT is designed to pretrain deep bidirectional representations from unlabeled text by jointly conditioning on both left and right context in all layers. As a result, the pre-trained BERT model can be finetuned with just one additional output layer to create state-of-the-art models for a wide range of tasks, such as question answering and language inference, without substantial taskspecific architecture modifications.BERT is conceptually simple and empirically powerful. It obtains new state-of-the-art results on eleven natural language processing tasks, including pushing the GLUE score to 80.5% (7.7% point absolute improvement), MultiNLI accuracy to 86.7% (4.6% absolute improvement), SQuAD v1.1 question answering Test F1 to 93.2 (1.5 point absolute improvement) and SQuAD v2.0 Test F1 to 83.1 (5.1 point absolute improvement).
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Customers are rapidly turning to social media for customer support. While brand agents on these platforms are motivated and well-intentioned to help and engage with customers, their efforts are often ignored if their initial response to the customer does not match a specific tone, style, or topic the customer is aiming to receive. The length of a conversation can reflect the effort and quality of the initial response made by a brand toward collaborating and helping consumers, even when the overall sentiment of the conversation might not be very positive. Thus, through this study, we aim to bridge this critical gap in the existing literature by analyzing language's content and stylistic aspects such as expressed empathy, psycho-linguistic features, dialogue tags, and metrics for quantifying personalization of the utterances that can influence the engagement of an interaction. This paper demonstrates that we can predict engagement using initial customer and brand posts.
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In recent years, there has been increased interest in building predictive models that harness natural language processing and machine learning techniques to detect emotions from various text sources, including social media posts, micro-blogs or news articles. Yet, deployment of such models in real-world sentiment and emotion applications faces challenges, in particular poor out-of-domain generalizability. This is likely due to domain-specific differences (e.g., topics, communicative goals, and annotation schemes) that make transfer between different models of emotion recognition difficult. In this work we propose approaches for text-based emotion detection that leverage transformer models (BERT and RoBERTa) in combination with Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) networks trained on a comprehensive set of psycholinguistic features. First, we evaluate the performance of our models within-domain on two benchmark datasets: GoEmotion and ISEAR. Second, we conduct transfer learning experiments on six datasets from the Unified Emotion Dataset to evaluate their out-of-domain robustness. We find that the proposed hybrid models improve the ability to generalize to out-of-distribution data compared to a standard transformer-based approach. Moreover, we observe that these models perform competitively on in-domain data.
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动机,情感和行动是人类活动中相关的基本因素。尽管长期以来一直认为动机和情感是探索人们如何在人类活动中采取行动的核心,但几乎没有研究支持分析人类精神状态与行动之间的关系。我们介绍了第一项研究,该研究研究了基于语言的人类活动中建模动机,情感和行动的生存能力,即逗号(人类活动的认知框架)。在逗号的指导下,我们定义了三个自然语言处理任务(情感理解,动机理解和有条件的动作生成),并通过自动从故事常识中提取样本来建立一个具有挑战性的数据集冰雹。 NLP应用程序的实验结果证明了建模关系的有效性。此外,与现有方法相比,受逗号启发的模型可以更好地揭示动机,情感和行动之间的基本关系。
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