现有的单眼深度估计方法在不同的场景中实现了出色的鲁棒性,但它们只能检索仿射不变的深度,最多可达到未知的规模和变化。但是,在一些基于视频的场景中,例如视频中的视频深度估计和3D场景重建,驻留在人均预测中的未知量表和偏移可能会导致深度不一致。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种局部加权的线性回归方法,以恢复比例并以非常稀疏的锚点的转移,从而确保沿连续帧的比例一致性。广泛的实验表明,我们的方法可以在几个零击基准测试中最多将现有最新方法的性能提高50%。此外,我们合并了超过630万个RGBD图像,以训练强大而健壮的深度模型。我们产生的Resnet50-Backbone模型甚至胜过最先进的DPT VIT-LALGE模型。结合基于几何的重建方法,我们制定了一种新的密集3D场景重建管道,该管道受益于稀疏点的比例一致性和单眼方法的鲁棒性。通过对视频进行简单的人均预测,可以恢复准确的3D场景形状。
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Monocular depth prediction plays a crucial role in understanding 3D scene geometry. Although recent methods have achieved impressive progress in evaluation metrics such as the pixel-wise relative error, most methods neglect the geometric constraints in the 3D space. In this work, we show the importance of the high-order 3D geometric constraints for depth prediction. By designing a loss term that enforces one simple type of geometric constraints, namely, virtual normal directions determined by randomly sampled three points in the reconstructed 3D space, we can considerably improve the depth prediction accuracy. Significantly, the byproduct of this predicted depth being sufficiently accurate is that we are now able to recover good 3D structures of the scene such as the point cloud and surface normal directly from the depth, eliminating the necessity of training new sub-models as was previously done. Experiments on two benchmarks: NYU Depth-V2 and KITTI demonstrate the effectiveness of our method and state-of-the-art performance.
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Self-supervised monocular depth estimation has shown impressive results in static scenes. It relies on the multi-view consistency assumption for training networks, however, that is violated in dynamic object regions and occlusions. Consequently, existing methods show poor accuracy in dynamic scenes, and the estimated depth map is blurred at object boundaries because they are usually occluded in other training views. In this paper, we propose SC-DepthV3 for addressing the challenges. Specifically, we introduce an external pretrained monocular depth estimation model for generating single-image depth prior, namely pseudo-depth, based on which we propose novel losses to boost self-supervised training. As a result, our model can predict sharp and accurate depth maps, even when training from monocular videos of highly-dynamic scenes. We demonstrate the significantly superior performance of our method over previous methods on six challenging datasets, and we provide detailed ablation studies for the proposed terms. Source code and data will be released at https://github.com/JiawangBian/sc_depth_pl
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近年来,尤其是在户外环境中,自我监督的单眼深度估计已取得了重大进展。但是,在大多数现有数据被手持设备捕获的室内场景中,深度预测结果无法满足。与室外环境相比,使用自我监督的方法估算室内环境的单眼视频深度,导致了两个额外的挑战:(i)室内视频序列的深度范围在不同的框架上有很大变化,使深度很难进行。网络以促进培训的一致深度线索; (ii)用手持设备记录的室内序列通常包含更多的旋转运动,这使姿势网络难以预测准确的相对摄像头姿势。在这项工作中,我们通过对这些挑战进行特殊考虑并巩固了一系列良好实践,以提高自我监督的单眼深度估计室内环境的表现,从而提出了一种新颖的框架单声道++。首先,提出了具有基于变压器的比例回归网络的深度分解模块,以明确估算全局深度尺度因子,预测的比例因子可以指示最大深度值。其次,我们不像以前的方法那样使用单阶段的姿势估计策略,而是建议利用残留姿势估计模块来估计相对摄像机在连续迭代的跨帧中构成。第三,为了为我们的残留姿势估计模块纳入广泛的坐标指南,我们建议直接在输入上执行坐标卷积编码,以实现姿势网络。提出的方法在各种基准室内数据集(即Euroc Mav,Nyuv2,扫描仪和7片)上进行了验证,证明了最先进的性能。
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Monocular depth estimation is a challenging problem on which deep neural networks have demonstrated great potential. However, depth maps predicted by existing deep models usually lack fine-grained details due to the convolution operations and the down-samplings in networks. We find that increasing input resolution is helpful to preserve more local details while the estimation at low resolution is more accurate globally. Therefore, we propose a novel depth map fusion module to combine the advantages of estimations with multi-resolution inputs. Instead of merging the low- and high-resolution estimations equally, we adopt the core idea of Poisson fusion, trying to implant the gradient domain of high-resolution depth into the low-resolution depth. While classic Poisson fusion requires a fusion mask as supervision, we propose a self-supervised framework based on guided image filtering. We demonstrate that this gradient-based composition performs much better at noisy immunity, compared with the state-of-the-art depth map fusion method. Our lightweight depth fusion is one-shot and runs in real-time, making our method 80X faster than a state-of-the-art depth fusion method. Quantitative evaluations demonstrate that the proposed method can be integrated into many fully convolutional monocular depth estimation backbones with a significant performance boost, leading to state-of-the-art results of detail enhancement on depth maps.
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在本文中,我们串联串联一个实时单手抄语和密集的测绘框架。对于姿势估计,串联基于关键帧的滑动窗口执行光度束调整。为了增加稳健性,我们提出了一种新颖的跟踪前端,使用从全局模型中呈现的深度图来执行密集的直接图像对齐,该模型从密集的深度预测逐渐构建。为了预测密集的深度映射,我们提出了通过分层构造具有自适应视图聚合的3D成本卷来平衡关键帧之间的不同立体声基线的3D成本卷来使用整个活动密钥帧窗口的级联视图 - 聚合MVSNet(CVA-MVSNET)。最后,将预测的深度映射融合到表示为截短的符号距离函数(TSDF)体素网格的一致的全局映射中。我们的实验结果表明,在相机跟踪方面,串联优于其他最先进的传统和学习的单眼视觉径管(VO)方法。此外,串联示出了最先进的实时3D重建性能。
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密集的深度和姿势估计是各种视频应用的重要先决条件。传统的解决方案遭受了稀疏特征跟踪的鲁棒性和视频中相机基线不足。因此,最近的方法利用基于学习的光流和深度在估计密集深度之前。但是,以前的作品需要大量的计算时间或产量亚最佳深度结果。我们提出了GCVD,这是本文中从运动(SFM)中基于学习的视频结构的全球一致方法。 GCVD将紧凑型姿势图集成到基于CNN的优化中,以从有效的密钥帧选择机制中实现全球一致的估计。它可以通过流动引导的密钥帧和完善的深度提高基于学习的方法的鲁棒性。实验结果表明,GCVD在深度和姿势估计上都优于最先进的方法。此外,运行时实验表明,它在提供全球一致性的短期和长期视频中都提供了强大的效率。
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最近,自我监督的学习技术已经应用于计算单眼视频的深度和自我运动,实现了自动驾驶场景中的显着性能。一种广泛采用的深度和自我运动自我监督学习的假设是图像亮度在附近框架内保持恒定。遗憾的是,内窥镜场景不符合这种假设,因为在数据收集期间的照明变化,非灯泡反射和孤立性引起的严重亮度波动,并且这些亮度波动不可避免地恶化深度和自我运动估计精度。在这项工作中,我们介绍了一个新颖的概念,称为外观流动,以解决亮度不一致问题。外观流程考虑了亮度图案中的任何变型,使我们能够开发广义动态图像约束。此外,我们建立一个统一的自我监督框架,以在内窥镜场景中同时估计单眼深度和自我运动,该内窥镜场景包括结构模块,运动模块,外观模块和对应模块,以准确地重建外观并校准图像亮度。广泛的实验是在害怕的数据集和内酷数据集上进行的,拟议的统一框架超过了大幅度的其他自我监控方法。为了验证我们在不同患者和相机上的框架的泛化能力,我们训练我们的模型害怕,但在没有任何微调的情况下测试它在Serv-CT和Hamlyn数据集上,并且卓越的结果揭示了其强大的泛化能力。代码将可用:\ url {https://github.com/shuweishao/af-sfmlearner}。
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The success of monocular depth estimation relies on large and diverse training sets. Due to the challenges associated with acquiring dense ground-truth depth across different environments at scale, a number of datasets with distinct characteristics and biases have emerged. We develop tools that enable mixing multiple datasets during training, even if their annotations are incompatible.In particular, we propose a robust training objective that is invariant to changes in depth range and scale, advocate the use of principled multi-objective learning to combine data from different sources, and highlight the importance of pretraining encoders on auxiliary tasks. Armed with these tools, we experiment with five diverse training datasets, including a new, massive data source: 3D films. To demonstrate the generalization power of our approach we use zero-shot cross-dataset transfer, i.e. we evaluate on datasets that were not seen during training. The experiments confirm that mixing data from complementary sources greatly improves monocular depth estimation. Our approach clearly outperforms competing methods across diverse datasets, setting a new state of the art for monocular depth estimation.
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Our long term goal is to use image-based depth completion to quickly create 3D models from sparse point clouds, e.g. from SfM or SLAM. Much progress has been made in depth completion. However, most current works assume well distributed samples of known depth, e.g. Lidar or random uniform sampling, and perform poorly on uneven samples, such as from keypoints, due to the large unsampled regions. To address this problem, we extend CSPN with multiscale prediction and a dilated kernel, leading to much better completion of keypoint-sampled depth. We also show that a model trained on NYUv2 creates surprisingly good point clouds on ETH3D by completing sparse SfM points.
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We present a novel neural surface reconstruction method called NeuralRoom for reconstructing room-sized indoor scenes directly from a set of 2D images. Recently, implicit neural representations have become a promising way to reconstruct surfaces from multiview images due to their high-quality results and simplicity. However, implicit neural representations usually cannot reconstruct indoor scenes well because they suffer severe shape-radiance ambiguity. We assume that the indoor scene consists of texture-rich and flat texture-less regions. In texture-rich regions, the multiview stereo can obtain accurate results. In the flat area, normal estimation networks usually obtain a good normal estimation. Based on the above observations, we reduce the possible spatial variation range of implicit neural surfaces by reliable geometric priors to alleviate shape-radiance ambiguity. Specifically, we use multiview stereo results to limit the NeuralRoom optimization space and then use reliable geometric priors to guide NeuralRoom training. Then the NeuralRoom would produce a neural scene representation that can render an image consistent with the input training images. In addition, we propose a smoothing method called perturbation-residual restrictions to improve the accuracy and completeness of the flat region, which assumes that the sampling points in a local surface should have the same normal and similar distance to the observation center. Experiments on the ScanNet dataset show that our method can reconstruct the texture-less area of indoor scenes while maintaining the accuracy of detail. We also apply NeuralRoom to more advanced multiview reconstruction algorithms and significantly improve their reconstruction quality.
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Photometric differences are widely used as supervision signals to train neural networks for estimating depth and camera pose from unlabeled monocular videos. However, this approach is detrimental for model optimization because occlusions and moving objects in a scene violate the underlying static scenario assumption. In addition, pixels in textureless regions or less discriminative pixels hinder model training. To solve these problems, in this paper, we deal with moving objects and occlusions utilizing the difference of the flow fields and depth structure generated by affine transformation and view synthesis, respectively. Secondly, we mitigate the effect of textureless regions on model optimization by measuring differences between features with more semantic and contextual information without adding networks. In addition, although the bidirectionality component is used in each sub-objective function, a pair of images are reasoned about only once, which helps reduce overhead. Extensive experiments and visual analysis demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, which outperform existing state-of-the-art self-supervised methods under the same conditions and without introducing additional auxiliary information.
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