在某些情况下,没有专业的人类接触。因此,一个人的问题和恐惧仍然存在。载人的火星飞行肯定是这样的情况。表现出同理心并协助宇航员的语音助手可能是解决方案。在Space Thea项目中,使用Google Assistant和DialogFlow Essentials开发了具有此类功能的原型。语音助手具有基于功能智力,诚意,创造力和情商等特征的个性。它在七种不同的场景中证明了自己,旨在代表宇航员的日常生活,解决了运营危机和人类问题。本文详细介绍了七个方案,并列出了语音助手的技术和概念基础。最后,陈述了最重要的结果,并总结了章节。
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Charisma is considered as one's ability to attract and potentially also influence others. Clearly, there can be considerable interest from an artificial intelligence's (AI) perspective to provide it with such skill. Beyond, a plethora of use cases opens up for computational measurement of human charisma, such as for tutoring humans in the acquisition of charisma, mediating human-to-human conversation, or identifying charismatic individuals in big social data. A number of models exist that base charisma on various dimensions, often following the idea that charisma is given if someone could and would help others. Examples include influence (could help) and affability (would help) in scientific studies or power (could help), presence, and warmth (both would help) as a popular concept. Modelling high levels in these dimensions for humanoid robots or virtual agents, seems accomplishable. Beyond, also automatic measurement appears quite feasible with the recent advances in the related fields of Affective Computing and Social Signal Processing. Here, we, thereforem present a blueprint for building machines that can appear charismatic, but also analyse the charisma of others. To this end, we first provide the psychological perspective including different models of charisma and behavioural cues of it. We then switch to conversational charisma in spoken language as an exemplary modality that is essential for human-human and human-computer conversations. The computational perspective then deals with the recognition and generation of charismatic behaviour by AI. This includes an overview of the state of play in the field and the aforementioned blueprint. We then name exemplary use cases of computational charismatic skills before switching to ethical aspects and concluding this overview and perspective on building charisma-enabled AI.
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Intelligent agents have great potential as facilitators of group conversation among older adults. However, little is known about how to design agents for this purpose and user group, especially in terms of agent embodiment. To this end, we conducted a mixed methods study of older adults' reactions to voice and body in a group conversation facilitation agent. Two agent forms with the same underlying artificial intelligence (AI) and voice system were compared: a humanoid robot and a voice assistant. One preliminary study (total n=24) and one experimental study comparing voice and body morphologies (n=36) were conducted with older adults and an experienced human facilitator. Findings revealed that the artificiality of the agent, regardless of its form, was beneficial for the socially uncomfortable task of conversation facilitation. Even so, talkative personality types had a poorer experience with the "bodied" robot version. Design implications and supplementary reactions, especially to agent voice, are also discussed.
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最近十年表明,人们对机器人作为福祉教练的兴趣越来越大。但是,尚未提出针对机器人设计作为促进心理健康的教练的凝聚力和全面的准则。本文详细介绍了基于基于扎根理论方法的定性荟萃分析的设计和道德建议,该方法是通过三项以用户为中心的涉及机器人福祉教练的三个不同的以用户为中心进行的,即:(1)与参与性设计研究一起进行的。 11名参与者由两位潜在用户组成,他们与人类教练一起参加了简短的专注于解决方案的实践研究,以及不同学科的教练,(2)半结构化的个人访谈数据,这些数据来自20名参加积极心理学干预研究的参与者借助机器人福祉教练胡椒,(3)与3名积极心理学研究的参与者以及2名相关的福祉教练进行了一项参与式设计研究。在进行主题分析和定性荟萃分析之后,我们将收集到收敛性和不同主题的数据整理在一起,并从这些结果中提炼了一套设计准则和道德考虑。我们的发现可以在设计机器人心理福祉教练时考虑到关键方面的关键方面。
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事实证明,在学习环境中,社会智能代理(SIA)的部署在不同的应用领域具有多个优势。社会代理创作工具使场景设计师能够创造出对SIAS行为的高度控制的量身定制体验,但是,另一方面,这是有代价的,因为该方案及其创作的复杂性可能变得霸道。在本文中,我们介绍了可解释的社会代理创作工具的概念,目的是分析社会代理的创作工具是否可以理解和解释。为此,我们检查了创作工具Fatima-Toolkit是否可以理解,并且从作者的角度来看,其创作步骤可以解释。我们进行了两项用户研究,以定量评估Fatima-Toolkit的解释性,可理解性和透明度,从场景设计师的角度来看。关键发现之一是,法蒂玛 - 库尔基特(Fatima-Toolkit)的概念模型通常是可以理解的,但是基于情感的概念并不那么容易理解和使用。尽管关于Fatima-Toolkit的解释性有一些积极的方面,但仍需要取得进展,以实现完全可以解释的社会代理商创作工具。我们提供一组关键概念和可能的解决方案,可以指导开发人员构建此类工具。
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There has been a recent resurgence in the area of explainable artificial intelligence as researchers and practitioners seek to make their algorithms more understandable. Much of this research is focused on explicitly explaining decisions or actions to a human observer, and it should not be controversial to say that looking at how humans explain to each other can serve as a useful starting point for explanation in artificial intelligence. However, it is fair to say that most work in explainable artificial intelligence uses only the researchers' intuition of what constitutes a 'good' explanation. There exists vast and valuable bodies of research in philosophy, psychology, and cognitive science of how people define, generate, select, evaluate, and present explanations, which argues that people employ certain cognitive biases and social expectations towards the explanation process. This paper argues that the field of explainable artificial intelligence should build on this existing research, and reviews relevant papers from philosophy, cognitive psychology/science, and social psychology, which study these topics. It draws out some important findings, and discusses ways that these can be infused with work on explainable artificial intelligence.
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在过去的几年中,围绕种族类人体机器人的有问题实践的讨论已经上升。为了彻底理解机器人在人类机器人互动(HRI)社区中如何理解机器人的“性别” - 即如何被操纵,在哪些环境中以及其对人们的看法和人们产生哪些影响的影响,为基础建立基础。与机器人的互动 - 我们对文献进行了范围的评论。我们确定了553篇与我们从5个不同数据库中检索的评论相关的论文。审查论文的最终样本包括2005年至2021年之间的35篇论文,其中涉及3902名参与者。在本文中,我们通过报告有关其性别的目标和假设的信息(即操纵性别的定义和理由),对机器人的“性别”(即性别提示和操纵检查),对性别的定义和理由进行彻底总结这些论文。 (例如,参与者的人口统计学,受雇的机器人)及其结果(即主要和互动效应)。该评论表明,机器人的“性别”不会影响HRI的关键构建,例如可爱和接受,而是对刻板印象产生最强烈的影响。我们利用社会机器人技术和性别研究中的不同认识论背景来提供有关审查结果的全面跨学科观点,并提出了在HRI领域前进的方法。
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Incivility remains a major challenge for online discussion platforms, to such an extent that even conversations between well-intentioned users can often derail into uncivil behavior. Traditionally, platforms have relied on moderators to -- with or without algorithmic assistance -- take corrective actions such as removing comments or banning users. In this work we propose a complementary paradigm that directly empowers users by proactively enhancing their awareness about existing tension in the conversation they are engaging in and actively guides them as they are drafting their replies to avoid further escalation. As a proof of concept for this paradigm, we design an algorithmic tool that provides such proactive information directly to users, and conduct a user study in a popular discussion platform. Through a mixed methods approach combining surveys with a randomized controlled experiment, we uncover qualitative and quantitative insights regarding how the participants utilize and react to this information. Most participants report finding this proactive paradigm valuable, noting that it helps them to identify tension that they may have otherwise missed and prompts them to further reflect on their own replies and to revise them. These effects are corroborated by a comparison of how the participants draft their reply when our tool warns them that their conversation is at risk of derailing into uncivil behavior versus in a control condition where the tool is disabled. These preliminary findings highlight the potential of this user-centered paradigm and point to concrete directions for future implementations.
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Gender/ing guides how we view ourselves, the world around us, and each other--including non-humans. Critical voices have raised the alarm about stereotyped gendering in the design of socially embodied artificial agents like voice assistants, conversational agents, and robots. Yet, little is known about how this plays out in research and to what extent. As a first step, we critically reviewed the case of Pepper, a gender-ambiguous humanoid robot. We conducted a systematic review (n=75) involving meta-synthesis and content analysis, examining how participants and researchers gendered Pepper through stated and unstated signifiers and pronoun usage. We found that ascriptions of Pepper's gender were inconsistent, limited, and at times discordant, with little evidence of conscious gendering and some indication of researcher influence on participant gendering. We offer six challenges driving the state of affairs and a practical framework coupled with a critical checklist for centering gender in research on artificial agents.
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This volume contains revised versions of the papers selected for the third volume of the Online Handbook of Argumentation for AI (OHAAI). Previously, formal theories of argument and argument interaction have been proposed and studied, and this has led to the more recent study of computational models of argument. Argumentation, as a field within artificial intelligence (AI), is highly relevant for researchers interested in symbolic representations of knowledge and defeasible reasoning. The purpose of this handbook is to provide an open access and curated anthology for the argumentation research community. OHAAI is designed to serve as a research hub to keep track of the latest and upcoming PhD-driven research on the theory and application of argumentation in all areas related to AI.
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本文详细概述了将连续学习(CL)应用于单课的人类机器人互动(HRI)会议(AVG。31 +-10分钟)的案例研究,其中机器人的心理健康教练是积极的(n = 20)参与者的心理学(PP)练习。我们介绍了互动会议后与参与者进行的简短半结构访谈记录的数据的主题分析(TA)的结果,以及对统计结果的分析,证明了参与者的个性如何影响他们如何看待机器人的方式及其互动。
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在这一荟萃术中,我们探索了道德人工智能(AI)设计实施的三个不同角度,包括哲学伦理观点,技术观点和通过政治镜头进行框架。我们的定性研究包括一篇文献综述,该综述通过讨论前面发表的对比度上下,自下而上和混合方法的价值和缺点,突出了这些角度的交叉引用。对该框架的小说贡献是政治角度,该角度构成了人工智能中的道德规范,要么由公司和政府决定,并通过政策或法律(来自顶部)强加于人,或者是人民要求的道德(从底部出现) ,以及自上而下,自下而上和混合技术,即AI在道德构造和考虑到其用户中的发展方式以及对世界的预期和意外后果和长期影响。作为自下而上的应用技术方法和AI伦理原则作为一种实际的自上而下方法,重点是强化学习。这项调查包括现实世界中的案例研究,以基于历史事实,当前的世界环境以及随之而来的现实,就AI的伦理和理论未来的思想实验进行了有关AI伦理和理论未来思想实验的哲学辩论。
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