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自我披露的心理健康诊断是在没有临床措施的情况下用作心理健康状况的基础真理注释,这是过去十年来大多数心理健康语言计算研究背后的结论。但是,精神病是动态的。先前的抑郁诊断可能不再表明个人的心理健康,无论是由于治疗还是其他缓解因素。我们问:随着时间的推移,心理健康诊断的自我诊断的自我限制在多大程度上?我们分析了五年前在社交媒体上披露抑郁症诊断的个人的最新活动,反过来又对社交媒体上心理健康状况的表现有了新的了解。我们还提供了扩展的证据,证明使用自被诊断的数据集中存在与人格相关的偏差。我们的发现激发了三个实用建议,用于改善使用自lif诊诊断策划的心理健康数据集:1)注释诊断日期和精神病合并症; 2)使用倾向得分匹配的样本对照组; 3)识别和删除选择偏差引入的虚假相关性。
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Covid-19在大流行的不同阶段对公众构成了不成比例的心理健康后果。我们使用一种计算方法来捕获引发在线社区对大流行的焦虑的特定方面,并研究这些方面如何随时间变化。首先,我们使用主题分析在R/covid19 \ _support的Reddit帖子样本($ n $ = 86)中确定了九个焦虑(SOA)。然后,我们通过在手动注释的样本($ n $ = 793)上训练Reddit用户的焦虑来自动将SOA标记在较大的年代样本中($ n $ = 6,535)。 9个SOA与最近开发的大流行焦虑测量量表中的项目保持一致。我们观察到,在大流行的前八个月,Reddit用户对健康风险的担忧仍然很高。尽管案件激增稍后发生,但这些担忧却大大减少了。通常,随着大流行的进展,用户的语言披露了SOA的强烈强度。但是,在本研究涵盖的整个期间,人们对心理健康的担忧和未来稳步增长。人们还倾向于使用更强烈的语言来描述心理健康问题,而不是健康风险或死亡问题。我们的结果表明,尽管Covid-19逐渐削弱,但由于适当的对策而逐渐削弱了作为健康威胁,但该在线小组的心理健康状况并不一定会改善。我们的系统为人口健康和流行病学学者奠定了基础,以及时检查引起大流行焦虑的方面。
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In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in research on automatic mental health detection (MHD) from social media data leveraging advances in natural language processing and machine learning techniques. While significant progress has been achieved in this interdisciplinary research area, the vast majority of work has treated MHD as a binary classification task. The multiclass classification setup is, however, essential if we are to uncover the subtle differences among the statistical patterns of language use associated with particular mental health conditions. Here, we report on experiments aimed at predicting six conditions (anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and psychological stress) from Reddit social media posts. We explore and compare the performance of hybrid and ensemble models leveraging transformer-based architectures (BERT and RoBERTa) and BiLSTM neural networks trained on within-text distributions of a diverse set of linguistic features. This set encompasses measures of syntactic complexity, lexical sophistication and diversity, readability, and register-specific ngram frequencies, as well as sentiment and emotion lexicons. In addition, we conduct feature ablation experiments to investigate which types of features are most indicative of particular mental health conditions.
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Despite being responsible for state-of-the-art results in several computer vision and natural language processing tasks, neural networks have faced harsh criticism due to some of their current shortcomings. One of them is that neural networks are correlation machines prone to model biases within the data instead of focusing on actual useful causal relationships. This problem is particularly serious in application domains affected by aspects such as race, gender, and age. To prevent models from incurring on unfair decision-making, the AI community has concentrated efforts in correcting algorithmic biases, giving rise to the research area now widely known as fairness in AI. In this survey paper, we provide an in-depth overview of the main debiasing methods for fairness-aware neural networks in the context of vision and language research. We propose a novel taxonomy to better organize the literature on debiasing methods for fairness, and we discuss the current challenges, trends, and important future work directions for the interested researcher and practitioner.
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Language use changes over time, and this impacts the effectiveness of NLP systems. This phenomenon is even more prevalent in social media data during crisis events where meaning and frequency of word usage may change over the course of days. Contextual language models fail to adapt temporally, emphasizing the need for temporal adaptation in models which need to be deployed over an extended period of time. While existing approaches consider data spanning large periods of time (from years to decades), shorter time spans are critical for crisis data. We quantify temporal degradation for this scenario and propose methods to cope with performance loss by leveraging techniques from domain adaptation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first effort to explore effects of rapid language change driven by adversarial adaptations, particularly during natural and human-induced disasters. Through extensive experimentation on diverse crisis datasets, we analyze under what conditions our approaches outperform strong baselines while highlighting the current limitations of temporal adaptation methods in scenarios where access to unlabeled data is scarce.
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自杀是主要的公共卫生危机。每年有超过20,000,000多次自杀企图,对自杀意图的早期发现有可能挽救数十万生命。传统的心理健康筛查方法是耗时的,昂贵的,而且弱势群体通常无法获得;使用机器学习对自杀意图的在线检测提供了可行的替代方法。在这里,我们介绍了迄今为止最大的非关键字生成的自杀语料库Robin,包括超过110万个在线论坛发布。除了其前所未有的规模外,罗宾还专门构建了各种自杀文本,例如自杀丧亲和轻率的参考文献,更好地促进了对罗宾进行培训的模型,以学习表达自杀构思的文本细微差别。实验结果通过传统方法(例如逻辑回归(F1 = 0.85))以及大规模的预训练的语言模型(例如BERT)(F1 = 0.92),实现了自杀文本分类的最新性能。 。最后,我们公开发布Robin数据集作为机器学习资源,有可能推动下一代自杀情绪研究。
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构建用于仇恨语音检测的基准数据集具有各种挑战。首先,因为仇恨的言论相对少见,随机抽样对诠释的推文是非常效率的发现仇恨。为了解决此问题,先前的数据集通常仅包含匹配已知的“讨厌字”的推文。然而,将数据限制为预定义的词汇表可能排除我们寻求模型的现实世界现象的部分。第二个挑战是仇恨言论的定义往往是高度不同和主观的。具有多种讨论仇恨言论的注释者可能不仅可能不同意彼此不同意,而且还努力符合指定的标签指南。我们的重点识别是仇恨语音的罕见和主体性类似于信息检索(IR)中的相关性。此连接表明,可以有效地应用创建IR测试集合的良好方法,以创建更好的基准数据集以进行仇恨语音。为了智能和有效地选择要注释的推文,我们应用{\ em汇集}和{em主动学习}的标准IR技术。为了提高注释的一致性和价值,我们应用{\ EM任务分解}和{\ EM注释器理由}技术。我们在Twitter上共享一个用于仇恨语音检测的新基准数据集,其提供比以前的数据集更广泛的仇恨覆盖。在这些更广泛形式的仇恨中测试时,我们还表现出现有检测模型的准确性的戏剧性降低。注册器理由我们不仅可以证明标签决策证明,而且还可以在建模中实现未来的双重监督和/或解释生成的工作机会。我们的方法的进一步细节可以在补充材料中找到。
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Xenophobia is one of the key drivers of marginalisation, discrimination, and conflict, yet many prominent machine learning (ML) fairness frameworks fail to comprehensively measure or mitigate the resulting xenophobic harms. Here we aim to bridge this conceptual gap and help facilitate safe and ethical design of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. We ground our analysis of the impact of xenophobia by first identifying distinct types of xenophobic harms, and then applying this framework across a number of prominent AI application domains, reviewing the potential interplay between AI and xenophobia on social media and recommendation systems, healthcare, immigration, employment, as well as biases in large pre-trained models. These help inform our recommendations towards an inclusive, xenophilic design of future AI systems.
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Social media has been one of the main information consumption sources for the public, allowing people to seek and spread information more quickly and easily. However, the rise of various social media platforms also enables the proliferation of online misinformation. In particular, misinformation in the health domain has significant impacts on our society such as the COVID-19 infodemic. Therefore, health misinformation in social media has become an emerging research direction that attracts increasing attention from researchers of different disciplines. Compared to misinformation in other domains, the key differences of health misinformation include the potential of causing actual harm to humans' bodies and even lives, the hardness to identify for normal people, and the deep connection with medical science. In addition, health misinformation on social media has distinct characteristics from conventional channels such as television on multiple dimensions including the generation, dissemination, and consumption paradigms. Because of the uniqueness and importance of combating health misinformation in social media, we conduct this survey to further facilitate interdisciplinary research on this problem. In this survey, we present a comprehensive review of existing research about online health misinformation in different disciplines. Furthermore, we also systematically organize the related literature from three perspectives: characterization, detection, and intervention. Lastly, we conduct a deep discussion on the pressing open issues of combating health misinformation in social media and provide future directions for multidisciplinary researchers.
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少数群体一直在使用社交媒体来组织社会运动,从而产生深远的社会影响。黑人生活问题(BLM)和停止亚洲仇恨(SAH)是两个成功的社会运动,在Twitter上蔓延开来,促进了抗议活动和活动,反对种族主义,并提高公众对少数群体面临的其他社会挑战的认识。但是,以前的研究主要对与用户的推文或访谈进行了定性分析,这些推文或访谈可能无法全面和有效地代表所有推文。很少有研究以严格,量化和以数据为中心的方法探讨了BLM和SAH对话中的Twitter主题。因此,在这项研究中,我们采用了一种混合方法来全面分析BLM和SAH Twitter主题。我们实施了(1)潜在的DIRICHLET分配模型,以了解顶级高级单词和主题以及(2)开放编码分析,以确定整个推文中的特定主题。我们通过#BlackLivesMatter和#Stopasianhate主题标签收集了超过一百万条推文,并比较了它们的主题。我们的发现表明,这些推文在深度上讨论了各种有影响力的话题,社会正义,社会运动和情感情感都是两种运动的共同主题,尽管每个运动都有独特的子主题。我们的研究尤其是社交媒体平台上的社会运动的主题分析,以及有关AI,伦理和社会相互作用的文献。
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Current research on users` perspectives of cyber security and privacy related to traditional and smart devices at home is very active, but the focus is often more on specific modern devices such as mobile and smart IoT devices in a home context. In addition, most were based on smaller-scale empirical studies such as online surveys and interviews. We endeavour to fill these research gaps by conducting a larger-scale study based on a real-world dataset of 413,985 tweets posted by non-expert users on Twitter in six months of three consecutive years (January and February in 2019, 2020 and 2021). Two machine learning-based classifiers were developed to identify the 413,985 tweets. We analysed this dataset to understand non-expert users` cyber security and privacy perspectives, including the yearly trend and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. We applied topic modelling, sentiment analysis and qualitative analysis of selected tweets in the dataset, leading to various interesting findings. For instance, we observed a 54% increase in non-expert users` tweets on cyber security and/or privacy related topics in 2021, compared to before the start of global COVID-19 lockdowns (January 2019 to February 2020). We also observed an increased level of help-seeking tweets during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our analysis revealed a diverse range of topics discussed by non-expert users across the three years, including VPNs, Wi-Fi, smartphones, laptops, smart home devices, financial security, and security and privacy issues involving different stakeholders. Overall negative sentiment was observed across almost all topics non-expert users discussed on Twitter in all the three years. Our results confirm the multi-faceted nature of non-expert users` perspectives on cyber security and privacy and call for more holistic, comprehensive and nuanced research on different facets of such perspectives.
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