This paper introduces WeChat's participation in WMT 2022 shared biomedical translation task on Chinese to English. Our systems are based on the Transformer, and use several different Transformer structures to improve the quality of translation. In our experiments, we employ data filtering, data generation, several variants of Transformer, fine-tuning and model ensemble. Our Chinese$\to$English system, named Summer, achieves the highest BLEU score among all submissions.
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This paper introduces the joint submission of the Beijing Jiaotong University and WeChat AI to the WMT'22 chat translation task for English-German. Based on the Transformer, we apply several effective variants. In our experiments, we utilize the pre-training-then-fine-tuning paradigm. In the first pre-training stage, we employ data filtering and synthetic data generation (i.e., back-translation, forward-translation, and knowledge distillation). In the second fine-tuning stage, we investigate speaker-aware in-domain data generation, speaker adaptation, prompt-based context modeling, target denoising fine-tuning, and boosted self-COMET-based model ensemble. Our systems achieve 0.810 and 0.946 COMET scores. The COMET scores of English-German and German-English are the highest among all submissions.
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本文概述了NVIDIA Nemo的神经电机翻译系统,用于WMT21新闻和生物医学共享翻译任务的受限数据跟踪。我们的新闻任务提交英语 - 德语(EN-DE)和英语 - 俄语(EN-RU)是基于基于基于基线变换器的序列到序列模型之上。具体而言,我们使用1)检查点平均2)模型缩放3)模型缩放3)与从左右分解模型的逆转传播和知识蒸馏的数据增强4)从前一年的测试集上的FINETUNING 5)型号集合6)浅融合解码变压器语言模型和7)嘈杂的频道重新排名。此外,我们的BioMedical任务提交的英语 - 俄语使用生物学偏见的词汇表,并从事新闻任务数据的划痕,从新闻任务数据集中策划的医学相关文本以及共享任务提供的生物医学数据。我们的新闻系统在WMT'20 en-de试验中实现了39.5的Sacrebleu得分优于去年任务38.8的最佳提交。我们的生物医学任务ru-en和en-ru系统分别在WMT'20生物医学任务测试集中达到43.8和40.3的Bleu分数,优于上一年的最佳提交。
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我们描述了JD Explore Academy对WMT 2022共享的一般翻译任务的提交。我们参加了所有高资源曲目和一条中型曲目,包括中文英语,德语英语,捷克语英语,俄语 - 英语和日语英语。我们通过扩大两个主要因素,即语言对和模型大小,即\ textbf {vega-mt}系统来推动以前的工作的极限 - 进行翻译的双向培训。至于语言对,我们将“双向”扩展到“多向”设置,涵盖所有参与语言,以利用跨语言的常识,并将其转移到下游双语任务中。至于型号尺寸,我们将变压器限制到拥有近47亿参数的极大模型,以完全增强我们VEGA-MT的模型容量。此外,我们采用数据增强策略,例如单语数据的循环翻译以及双语和单语数据的双向自我训练,以全面利用双语和单语言数据。为了使我们的Vega-MT适应通用域测试集,设计了概括调整。根据受约束系统的官方自动分数,根据图1所示的sacrebleu,我们在{zh-en(33.5),en-zh(49.7)(49.7),de-en(33.7)上获得了第一名-de(37.8),CS-EN(54.9),En-CS(41.4)和En-Ru(32.7)},在{ru-en(45.1)和Ja-en(25.6)}和第三名上的第二名和第三名在{en-ja(41.5)}上; W.R.T彗星,我们在{zh-en(45.1),en-zh(61.7),de-en(58.0),en-de(63.2),cs-en(74.7),ru-en(ru-en(ru-en)上,我们获得了第一名64.9),en-ru(69.6)和en-ja(65.1)},分别在{en-cs(95.3)和ja-en(40.6)}上的第二名。将发布模型,以通过GitHub和Omniforce平台来促进MT社区。
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We present Charles University submissions to the WMT22 General Translation Shared Task on Czech-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-Czech machine translation. We present two constrained submissions based on block back-translation and tagged back-translation and experiment with rule-based romanization of Ukrainian. Our results show that the romanization only has a minor effect on the translation quality. Further, we describe Charles Translator, a system that was developed in March 2022 as a response to the migration from Ukraine to the Czech Republic. Compared to our constrained systems, it did not use the romanization and used some proprietary data sources.
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本报告介绍了在大型多语种计算机翻译中为WMT21共享任务的Microsoft的机器翻译系统。我们参加了所有三种评估轨道,包括大轨道和两个小轨道,前者是无约束的,后两者完全受约束。我们的模型提交到共享任务的初始化用deltalm \脚注{\ url {}},一个通用的预训练的多语言编码器 - 解码器模型,并相应地使用巨大的收集并行进行微调数据和允许的数据源根据轨道设置,以及应用逐步学习和迭代背翻译方法进一步提高性能。我们的最终提交在自动评估度量方面排名第一的三条轨道。
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Simultaneous machine translation (SiMT) is usually done via sequence-level knowledge distillation (Seq-KD) from a full-sentence neural machine translation (NMT) model. However, there is still a significant performance gap between NMT and SiMT. In this work, we propose to leverage monolingual data to improve SiMT, which trains a SiMT student on the combination of bilingual data and external monolingual data distilled by Seq-KD. Preliminary experiments on En-Zh and En-Ja news domain corpora demonstrate that monolingual data can significantly improve translation quality (e.g., +3.15 BLEU on En-Zh). Inspired by the behavior of human simultaneous interpreters, we propose a novel monolingual sampling strategy for SiMT, considering both chunk length and monotonicity. Experimental results show that our sampling strategy consistently outperforms the random sampling strategy (and other conventional typical NMT monolingual sampling strategies) by avoiding the key problem of SiMT -- hallucination, and has better scalability. We achieve +0.72 BLEU improvements on average against random sampling on En-Zh and En-Ja. Data and codes can be found at
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Neural machine translation(NMT) has aroused wide attention due to its impressive quality. Beyond quality, controlling translation styles is also an important demand for many languages. Previous related studies mainly focus on controlling formality and gain some improvements. However, they still face two challenges. The first is the evaluation limitation. Style contains abundant information including lexis, syntax, etc. But only formality is well studied. The second is the heavy reliance on iterative fine-tuning when new styles are required. Correspondingly, this paper contributes in terms of the benchmark and approach. First, we re-visit this task and propose a multiway stylized machine translation (MSMT) benchmark, which includes multiple categories of styles in four language directions to push the boundary of this task. Second, we propose a method named style activation prompt (StyleAP) by retrieving prompts from stylized monolingual corpus, which needs no extra fine-tuning. Experiments show that StyleAP could effectively control the style of translation and achieve remarkable performance. All of our data and code are released at
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本文介绍了我们针对IWSLT 2022离线任务的端到端Yitrans语音翻译系统的提交,该任务从英语音频转换为德语,中文和日语。 Yitrans系统建立在大规模训练的编码器模型上。更具体地说,我们首先设计了多阶段的预训练策略,以建立具有大量标记和未标记数据的多模式模型。然后,我们为下游语音翻译任务微调模型的相应组件。此外,我们做出了各种努力,以提高性能,例如数据过滤,数据增强,语音细分,模型集合等。实验结果表明,我们的Yitrans系统比在三个翻译方向上的强基线取得了显着改进,并且比去年在TST2021英语 - 德国人中的最佳端到端系统方面的改进+5.2 BLEU改进。根据自动评估指标,我们的最终意见在英语 - 德国和英语端到端系统上排名第一。我们使代码和模型公开可用。
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本文介绍了亚当·米基维奇大学(Adam Mickiewicz University)(AMU)提交的《 WMT 2022一般MT任务》的踪迹。我们参加了乌克兰$ \ leftrightarrow $捷克翻译指示。这些系统是基于变压器(大)体系结构的四个模型的加权合奏。模型使用源因素来利用输入中存在的命名实体的信息。合奏中的每个模型仅使用共享任务组织者提供的数据培训。一种嘈杂的反向翻译技术用于增强培训语料库。合奏中的模型之一是文档级模型,该模型在平行和合成的更长序列上训练。在句子级的解码过程中,集合生成了N最佳列表。 n-最佳列表与单个文档级模型生成的n-最佳列表合并,该列表一次翻译了多个句子。最后,使用现有的质量估计模型和最小贝叶斯风险解码来重新列出N最好的列表,因此根据彗星评估指标选择了最佳假设。根据自动评估结果,我们的系统在两个翻译方向上排名第一。
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在任何翻译工作流程中,从源到目标的域知识保存至关重要。在翻译行业中,接收高度专业化的项目是很常见的,那里几乎没有任何平行的内域数据。在这种情况下,没有足够的内域数据来微调机器翻译(MT)模型,生成与相关上下文一致的翻译很具有挑战性。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新颖的方法,用于域适应性,以利用最新的审计语言模型(LMS)来用于特定于域的MT的域数据增强,并模拟(a)的(a)小型双语数据集的域特征,或(b)要翻译的单语源文本。将这个想法与反翻译相结合,我们可以为两种用例生成大量的合成双语内域数据。为了进行调查,我们使用最先进的变压器体系结构。我们采用混合的微调来训练模型,从而显着改善了内域文本的翻译。更具体地说,在这两种情况下,我们提出的方法分别在阿拉伯语到英语对阿拉伯语言对上分别提高了大约5-6个BLEU和2-3 BLEU。此外,人类评估的结果证实了自动评估结果。
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Multilingual pretrained models are effective for machine translation and cross-lingual processing because they contain multiple languages in one model. However, they are pretrained after their tokenizers are fixed; therefore it is difficult to change the vocabulary after pretraining. When we extend the pretrained models to new languages, we must modify the tokenizers simultaneously. In this paper, we add new subwords to the SentencePiece tokenizer to apply a multilingual pretrained model to new languages (Inuktitut in this paper). In our experiments, we segmented Inuktitut sentences into subwords without changing the segmentation of already pretrained languages, and applied the mBART-50 pretrained model to English-Inuktitut translation.
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Neural Machine Translation (NMT) has obtained state-of-the art performance for several language pairs, while only using parallel data for training. Targetside monolingual data plays an important role in boosting fluency for phrasebased statistical machine translation, and we investigate the use of monolingual data for NMT. In contrast to previous work, which combines NMT models with separately trained language models, we note that encoder-decoder NMT architectures already have the capacity to learn the same information as a language model, and we explore strategies to train with monolingual data without changing the neural network architecture. By pairing monolingual training data with an automatic backtranslation, we can treat it as additional parallel training data, and we obtain substantial improvements on the WMT 15 task English↔German (+2.8-3.7 BLEU), and for the low-resourced IWSLT 14 task Turkish→English (+2.1-3.4 BLEU), obtaining new state-of-the-art results. We also show that fine-tuning on in-domain monolingual and parallel data gives substantial improvements for the IWSLT 15 task English→German.
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本文介绍了我们提交给WMT21共享新闻翻译任务的受限轨道。我们专注于三个相对低的资源语言对孟加拉,从印地语,英语往返Hausa,以及来自Zulu的Xhosa。为了克服相对低行数据的限制,我们使用采用并行和单晶体数据的多任务目标训练多语言模型。此外,我们使用后退转换增强数据。我们还培养了一种双语模型,包括后退转换和知识蒸馏,然后使用序列到序列映射来组合两种模型。我们看到迄今为止英语和来自Hausa的Bleu Point的相对收益约为70%,以及与双语基线相比,孟加拉和从Zulu的孟加拉和从Zulu的相对改善约25%。
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本文介绍了使用术语在机器翻译的WMT21共享任务的Lingua Custodia的提交。我们考虑三个方向,即英语到法语,俄语和中文。我们依靠基于变压器的架构作为构建块,我们探索了一种对处理术语来引入标准过程的两个主要变化的方法。第一个包括在这种方式增强培训数据,以鼓励模型在遇到术语约束条款时学习复制行为。第二个变化是约束令牌掩蔽,其目的是为了简化复制行为学习并改善模型泛化。经验结果表明,我们的方法满足大多数术语限制,同时保持高翻译质量。
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