Structure-guided image completion aims to inpaint a local region of an image according to an input guidance map from users. While such a task enables many practical applications for interactive editing, existing methods often struggle to hallucinate realistic object instances in complex natural scenes. Such a limitation is partially due to the lack of semantic-level constraints inside the hole region as well as the lack of a mechanism to enforce realistic object generation. In this work, we propose a learning paradigm that consists of semantic discriminators and object-level discriminators for improving the generation of complex semantics and objects. Specifically, the semantic discriminators leverage pretrained visual features to improve the realism of the generated visual concepts. Moreover, the object-level discriminators take aligned instances as inputs to enforce the realism of individual objects. Our proposed scheme significantly improves the generation quality and achieves state-of-the-art results on various tasks, including segmentation-guided completion, edge-guided manipulation and panoptically-guided manipulation on Places2 datasets. Furthermore, our trained model is flexible and can support multiple editing use cases, such as object insertion, replacement, removal and standard inpainting. In particular, our trained model combined with a novel automatic image completion pipeline achieves state-of-the-art results on the standard inpainting task.
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最近的图像入介方法取得了长足的进步,但在处理复杂图像中的大孔时,通常很难产生合理的图像结构。这部分是由于缺乏有效的网络结构可以捕获图像的远程依赖性和高级语义。我们提出了级联调制GAN(CM-GAN),这是一种新的网络设计,由编码器组成,该设计由带有傅立叶卷积块的编码器组成,该块从带有孔的输入图像中提取多尺度特征表示,并带有带有新型级联全球空间调制的双流式解码器在每个比例尺上块。在每个解码器块中,首先应用全局调制以执行粗糙和语义感知的结构合成,然后进行空间调制以进一步以空间自适应的方式调整特征图。此外,我们设计了一种对象感知的培训方案,以防止网络在孔内部幻觉,从而满足实际情况下对象删除任务的需求。进行了广泛的实验,以表明我们的方法在定量和定性评估中都显着优于现有方法。请参阅项目页面:\ url {}。
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Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have made great success in image inpainting yet still have difficulties tackling large missing regions. In contrast, iterative algorithms, such as autoregressive and denoising diffusion models, have to be deployed with massive computing resources for decent effect. To overcome the respective limitations, we present a novel spatial diffusion model (SDM) that uses a few iterations to gradually deliver informative pixels to the entire image, largely enhancing the inference efficiency. Also, thanks to the proposed decoupled probabilistic modeling and spatial diffusion scheme, our method achieves high-quality large-hole completion. On multiple benchmarks, we achieve new state-of-the-art performance. Code is released at
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最近,Deep Models已经建立了SOTA性能,用于低分辨率图像介绍,但它们缺乏与现代相机(如4K或更多相关的现代相机)以及大孔相关的分辨率的保真度。我们为4K及以上代表现代传感器的照片贡献了一个介绍的基准数据集。我们展示了一个新颖的框架,结合了深度学习和传统方法。我们使用现有的深入介质模型喇嘛合理地填充孔,建立三个由结构,分割,深度组成的指南图像,并应用多个引导的贴片amatch,以产生八个候选候选图像。接下来,我们通过一个新型的策划模块来喂食所有候选构图,该模块选择了8x8反对称成对偏好矩阵的列求和良好的介绍。我们框架的结果受到了8个强大基线的用户的压倒性优先,其定量指标的改进高达7.4,而不是最好的基线喇嘛,而我们的技术与4种不同的SOTA配对时,我们的技术都会改善每个座椅,以使我们的每个人都非常偏爱用户,而不是用户偏爱用户。强大的超级分子基线。
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自由格式介绍是在任意二进制掩码指定的区域中向图像中添加新内容的任务。大多数现有方法训练了一定的面具分布,这将其概括能力限制为看不见的掩模类型。此外,通过像素和知觉损失的训练通常会导致对缺失区域的简单质地扩展,而不是语义上有意义的一代。在这项工作中,我们提出重新启动:基于deno的扩散概率模型(DDPM)的内部介入方法,甚至适用于极端掩模。我们采用预定的无条件DDPM作为生成先验。为了调节生成过程,我们仅通过使用给定的图像信息对未掩盖的区域进行采样来改变反向扩散迭代。由于该技术不会修改或调节原始DDPM网络本身,因此该模型可为任何填充形式产生高质量和不同的输出图像。我们使用标准面具和极端口罩验证面部和通用图像的方法。重新粉刷优于最先进的自动回归,而GAN的方法至少在六个面具分布中进行了五个。 github存储库
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Figure 1: Free-form image inpainting results by our system built on gated convolution. Each triad shows original image, free-form input and our result from left to right. The system supports free-form mask and guidance like user sketch. It helps user remove distracting objects, modify image layouts and edit faces in images.
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Nowadays, the need for user editing in a 3D scene has rapidly increased due to the development of AR and VR technology. However, the existing 3D scene completion task (and datasets) cannot suit the need because the missing regions in scenes are generated by the sensor limitation or object occlusion. Thus, we present a novel task named free-form 3D scene inpainting. Unlike scenes in previous 3D completion datasets preserving most of the main structures and hints of detailed shapes around missing regions, the proposed inpainting dataset, FF-Matterport, contains large and diverse missing regions formed by our free-form 3D mask generation algorithm that can mimic human drawing trajectories in 3D space. Moreover, prior 3D completion methods cannot perform well on this challenging yet practical task, simply interpolating nearby geometry and color context. Thus, a tailored dual-stream GAN method is proposed. First, our dual-stream generator, fusing both geometry and color information, produces distinct semantic boundaries and solves the interpolation issue. To further enhance the details, our lightweight dual-stream discriminator regularizes the geometry and color edges of the predicted scenes to be realistic and sharp. We conducted experiments with the proposed FF-Matterport dataset. Qualitative and quantitative results validate the superiority of our approach over existing scene completion methods and the efficacy of all proposed components.
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我们提出了一种从单个图像中推断360 {\ deg}视野的方法,该图像允许用户控制的综合外部绘制内容。为此,我们建议改进现有的基于GAN的镶嵌体系结构,以进行底漆全景图表。我们的方法获得了最先进的结果,并且优于标准图像质量指标的先前方法。为了允许受控的外部修饰的合成,我们引入了一个新型的指导共调整框架,该框架通过常见的鉴别模型驱动图像生成过程。这样做可以保持生成的全景图的高视觉质量,同时在推断的视野中启用用户控制的语义内容。我们在定性和定量上展示了我们方法的最新方法,从而提供了对我们新颖的编辑功能的彻底分析。最后,我们证明我们的方法受益于在照片中对高光泽对象的影片虚拟插入。
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Generic image inpainting aims to complete a corrupted image by borrowing surrounding information, which barely generates novel content. By contrast, multi-modal inpainting provides more flexible and useful controls on the inpainted content, \eg, a text prompt can be used to describe an object with richer attributes, and a mask can be used to constrain the shape of the inpainted object rather than being only considered as a missing area. We propose a new diffusion-based model named SmartBrush for completing a missing region with an object using both text and shape-guidance. While previous work such as DALLE-2 and Stable Diffusion can do text-guided inapinting they do not support shape guidance and tend to modify background texture surrounding the generated object. Our model incorporates both text and shape guidance with precision control. To preserve the background better, we propose a novel training and sampling strategy by augmenting the diffusion U-net with object-mask prediction. Lastly, we introduce a multi-task training strategy by jointly training inpainting with text-to-image generation to leverage more training data. We conduct extensive experiments showing that our model outperforms all baselines in terms of visual quality, mask controllability, and background preservation.
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现代形象染色系统,尽管取得了重大进展,往往与大型缺失区域,复杂的几何结构和高分辨率图像斗争。我们发现这是一个主要原因之一是缺乏染色网络和损失功能的有效的接受领域。为了减轻这个问题,我们提出了一种称为大面膜修正(LAMA)的新方法。喇嘛基于i)一种新的侵略网络架构,它使用具有图像宽接收领域的快速傅里叶卷曲(FFC); ii)高接受领域感性损失; iii)大型训练面具,可解锁前两个组件的潜力。我们的批准网络在一系列数据集中改善了最先进的,即使在具有挑战性的情况下也能实现出色的性能,例如,完成定期结构。我们的模型令人惊讶地展现得比在火车时间高于所看到的决议,并在比竞争性基线更低的参数和时间成本实现这一目标。代码可用于\ url {https:/}。
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Image-based head swapping task aims to stitch a source head to another source body flawlessly. This seldom-studied task faces two major challenges: 1) Preserving the head and body from various sources while generating a seamless transition region. 2) No paired head swapping dataset and benchmark so far. In this paper, we propose an image-based head swapping framework (HS-Diffusion) which consists of a semantic-guided latent diffusion model (SG-LDM) and a semantic layout generator. We blend the semantic layouts of source head and source body, and then inpaint the transition region by the semantic layout generator, achieving a coarse-grained head swapping. SG-LDM can further implement fine-grained head swapping with the blended layout as condition by a progressive fusion process, while preserving source head and source body with high-quality reconstruction. To this end, we design a head-cover augmentation strategy for training and a neck alignment trick for geometric realism. Importantly, we construct a new image-based head swapping benchmark and propose two tailor-designed metrics (Mask-FID and Focal-FID). Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our framework. The code will be available:
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语义图像编辑利用本地语义标签图来生成所需的内容。最近的工作借用了Spade Block来实现语义图像编辑。但是,由于编辑区域和周围像素之间的样式差异,它无法产生令人愉悦的结果。我们将其归因于以下事实:Spade仅使用与图像无关的局部语义布局,但忽略了已知像素中包含的图像特定样式。为了解决此问题,我们提出了一个样式保存的调制(SPM),其中包括两个调制过程:第一个调制包含上下文样式和语义布局,然后生成两个融合的调制参数。第二次调制采用融合参数来调制特征图。通过使用这两种调制,SPM可以在保留特定图像的上下文样式的同时注入给定的语义布局。此外,我们设计了一种渐进式体系结构,以粗到精细的方式生成编辑的内容。提出的方法可以获得上下文一致的结果,并显着减轻生成区域和已知像素之间的不愉快边界。
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Figure 1: Example inpainting results of our method on images of natural scene, face and texture. Missing regions are shown in white. In each pair, the left is input image and right is the direct output of our trained generative neural networks without any post-processing.
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对于多个实际应用,例如对象删除和图像编辑,图像介入是必不可少的任务。基于GAN的Deep Models大大改善了孔内结构和纹理的覆盖性能,但也可能产生意外的伪像,例如破裂的结构或颜色斑点。用户认为这些工件可以判断涂料模型的有效性,并修饰这些不完美的区域,以再次在典型的修饰工作流程中涂漆。受此工作流程的启发,我们提出了一项新的学习任务,以自动对知觉伪像的自动分割,并将模型应用于介入模型评估和迭代精致。具体而言,我们首先通过在最新的介入模型的结果中手动注释感知工件来构建一个新的镶嵌工件数据集。然后,我们在此数据集上训练高级细分网络,以可靠地将贴有映像的插入式伪像。其次,我们提出了一个称为感知伪影比率(PAR)的新的可解释的评估度量,该度量是令人反感的被涂料区域与整个原始区域的比率。 PAR证明了与实际用户偏好的密切相关性。最后,我们通过将我们的方法与多种最新涂料方法相结合,进一步将生成的掩码用于迭代图像介入。广泛的实验表明,在不同方法中,伪影区域的始终减少和质量改进。
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