In a spoofing attack, an attacker impersonates a legitimate user to access or tamper with data intended for or produced by the legitimate user. In wireless communication systems, these attacks may be detected by relying on features of the channel and transmitter radios. In this context, a popular approach is to exploit the dependence of the received signal strength (RSS) at multiple receivers or access points with respect to the spatial location of the transmitter. Existing schemes rely on long-term estimates, which makes it difficult to distinguish spoofing from movement of a legitimate user. This limitation is here addressed by means of a deep neural network that implicitly learns the distribution of pairs of short-term RSS vector estimates. The adopted network architecture imposes the invariance to permutations of the input (commutativity) that the decision problem exhibits. The merits of the proposed algorithm are corroborated on a data set that we collected.
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给定有限数量的训练数据样本的分类的基本任务被考虑了具有已知参数统计模型的物理系统。基于独立的学习和统计模型的分类器面临使用小型训练集实现分类任务的主要挑战。具体地,单独依赖基于物理的统计模型的分类器通常遭受它们无法适当地调整底层的不可观察的参数,这导致系统行为的不匹配表示。另一方面,基于学习的分类器通常依赖于来自底层物理过程的大量培训数据,这在最实际的情况下可能不可行。本文提出了一种混合分类方法 - 被称为亚牙线的菌丝 - 利用基于物理的统计模型和基于学习的分类器。所提出的解决方案基于猜想,即通过融合它们各自的优势,刺鼠线将减轻与基于学习和统计模型的分类器的各个方法相关的挑战。所提出的混合方法首先使用可用(次优)统计估计程序来估计不可观察的模型参数,随后使用基于物理的统计模型来生成合成数据。然后,培训数据样本与基于学习的分类器中的合成数据结合到基于神经网络的域 - 对抗训练。具体地,为了解决不匹配问题,分类器将从训练数据和合成数据的映射学习到公共特征空间。同时,培训分类器以在该空间内找到判别特征,以满足分类任务。
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In this article we present SHARP, an original approach for obtaining human activity recognition (HAR) through the use of commercial IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) devices. SHARP grants the possibility to discern the activities of different persons, across different time-spans and environments. To achieve this, we devise a new technique to clean and process the channel frequency response (CFR) phase of the Wi-Fi channel, obtaining an estimate of the Doppler shift at a radio monitor device. The Doppler shift reveals the presence of moving scatterers in the environment, while not being affected by (environment-specific) static objects. SHARP is trained on data collected as a person performs seven different activities in a single environment. It is then tested on different setups, to assess its performance as the person, the day and/or the environment change with respect to those considered at training time. In the worst-case scenario, it reaches an average accuracy higher than 95%, validating the effectiveness of the extracted Doppler information, used in conjunction with a learning algorithm based on a neural network, in recognizing human activities in a subject and environment independent way. The collected CFR dataset and the code are publicly available for replicability and benchmarking purposes.
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When used in complex engineered systems, such as communication networks, artificial intelligence (AI) models should be not only as accurate as possible, but also well calibrated. A well-calibrated AI model is one that can reliably quantify the uncertainty of its decisions, assigning high confidence levels to decisions that are likely to be correct and low confidence levels to decisions that are likely to be erroneous. This paper investigates the application of conformal prediction as a general framework to obtain AI models that produce decisions with formal calibration guarantees. Conformal prediction transforms probabilistic predictors into set predictors that are guaranteed to contain the correct answer with a probability chosen by the designer. Such formal calibration guarantees hold irrespective of the true, unknown, distribution underlying the generation of the variables of interest, and can be defined in terms of ensemble or time-averaged probabilities. In this paper, conformal prediction is applied for the first time to the design of AI for communication systems in conjunction to both frequentist and Bayesian learning, focusing on demodulation, modulation classification, and channel prediction.
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Effective and adaptive interference management is required in next generation wireless communication systems. To address this challenge, Rate-Splitting Multiple Access (RSMA), relying on multi-antenna rate-splitting (RS) at the transmitter and successive interference cancellation (SIC) at the receivers, has been intensively studied in recent years, albeit mostly under the assumption of perfect Channel State Information at the Receiver (CSIR) and ideal capacity-achieving modulation and coding schemes. To assess its practical performance, benefits, and limits under more realistic conditions, this work proposes a novel design for a practical RSMA receiver based on model-based deep learning (MBDL) methods, which aims to unite the simple structure of the conventional SIC receiver and the robustness and model agnosticism of deep learning techniques. The MBDL receiver is evaluated in terms of uncoded Symbol Error Rate (SER), throughput performance through Link-Level Simulations (LLS), and average training overhead. Also, a comparison with the SIC receiver, with perfect and imperfect CSIR, is given. Results reveal that the MBDL receiver outperforms by a significant margin the SIC receiver with imperfect CSIR, due to its ability to generate on demand non-linear symbol detection boundaries in a pure data-driven manner.
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低成本毫米波(MMWAVE)通信和雷达设备的商业可用性开始提高消费市场中这种技术的渗透,为第五代(5G)的大规模和致密的部署铺平了道路(5G) - 而且以及6G网络。同时,普遍存在MMWAVE访问将使设备定位和无设备的感测,以前所未有的精度,特别是对于Sub-6 GHz商业级设备。本文使用MMWAVE通信和雷达设备在基于设备的定位和无设备感应中进行了现有技术的调查,重点是室内部署。我们首先概述关于MMWAVE信号传播和系统设计的关键概念。然后,我们提供了MMWaves启用的本地化和感应方法和算法的详细说明。我们考虑了在我们的分析中的几个方面,包括每个工作的主要目标,技术和性能,每个研究是否达到了一定程度的实现,并且该硬件平台用于此目的。我们通过讨论消费者级设备的更好算法,密集部署的数据融合方法以及机器学习方法的受过教育应用是有前途,相关和及时的研究方向的结论。
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第五代(5G)网络和超越设想巨大的东西互联网(物联网)推出,以支持延长现实(XR),增强/虚拟现实(AR / VR),工业自动化,自主驾驶和智能所有带来的破坏性应用一起占用射频(RF)频谱的大规模和多样化的IOT设备。随着频谱嘎嘎和吞吐量挑战,这种大规模的无线设备暴露了前所未有的威胁表面。 RF指纹识别是预约的作为候选技术,可以与加密和零信任安全措施相结合,以确保无线网络中的数据隐私,机密性和完整性。在未来的通信网络中,在这项工作中,在未来的通信网络中的相关性,我们对RF指纹识别方法进行了全面的调查,从传统观点到最近的基于深度学习(DL)的算法。现有的调查大多专注于无线指纹方法的受限制呈现,然而,许多方面仍然是不可能的。然而,在这项工作中,我们通过解决信号智能(SIGINT),应用程序,相关DL算法,RF指纹技术的系统文献综述来缓解这一点,跨越过去二十年的RF指纹技术的系统文献综述,对数据集和潜在研究途径的讨论 - 必须以百科全书的方式阐明读者的必要条件。
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Visible light positioning has the potential to yield sub-centimeter accuracy in indoor environments, yet conventional received signal strength (RSS)-based localization algorithms cannot achieve this because their performance degrades from optical multipath reflection. However, this part of the optical received signal is deterministic due to the often static and predictable nature of the optical wireless channel. In this paper, the performance of optical channel impulse response (OCIR)-based localization is studied using an artificial neural network (ANN) to map embedded features of the OCIR to the user equipment's location. Numerical results show that OCIR-based localization outperforms conventional RSS techniques by two orders of magnitude using only two photodetectors as anchor points. The ANN technique can take advantage of multipath features in a wide range of scenarios, from using only the DC value to relying on high-resolution time sampling that can result in sub-centimeter accuracy.
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我们考虑从多个移动设备收集的测量预测蜂窝网络性能(信号映射)的问题。我们制定在线联合学习框架内的问题:(i)联合学习(FL)使用户能够协作培训模型,同时保持其培训数据; (ii)由于用户移动随着时间的推移,并且用于以在线方式用于本地培训,因此收集测量。我们考虑一个诚实但很好的服务器,他们使用梯度(DLG)类型的攻击深泄漏来观察来自目标用户的更新,并使用深度泄漏(DLG)类型的攻击,最初开发的是重建DNN图像分类器的训练数据。我们使应用于我们的设置的DLG攻击的关键观察,Infers Infers Infers批次的本地数据的平均位置,因此可以用于以粗糙粒度重建目标用户的轨迹。我们表明,已经通过梯度的平均来提供适度的隐私保护,这是联合平均所固有的。此外,我们提出了一种算法,该算法可以在本地应用,以策划用于本地更新的批次,以便在不伤害实用程序的情况下有效保护其位置隐私。最后,我们表明,参与FL的多个用户的效果取决于其轨迹的相似性。据我们所知,这是第一次研究DLG攻击在众群时空数据的环境中。
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Link-Adaptation(LA)是无线通信的最重要方面之一,其中发射器使用的调制和编码方案(MCS)适用于通道条件,以满足某些目标误差率。在具有离细胞外干扰的单用户SISO(SU-SISO)系统中,LA是通过计算接收器处计算后平均值 - 交换后噪声比(SINR)进行的。可以在使用线性探测器的多用户MIMO(MU-MIMO)接收器中使用相同的技术。均衡后SINR的另一个重要用途是用于物理层(PHY)抽象,其中几个PHY块(例如通道编码器,检测器和通道解码器)被抽象模型取代,以加快系统级级别的模拟。但是,对于具有非线性接收器的MU-MIMO系统,尚无等效于平衡后的SINR,这使LA和PHY抽象都极具挑战性。这份由两部分组成的论文解决了这个重要问题。在这一部分中,提出了一个称为检测器的称为比特 - 金属解码速率(BMDR)的度量,该指标提出了相当于后平等SINR的建议。由于BMDR没有封闭形式的表达式可以启用其瞬时计算,因此一种机器学习方法可以预测其以及广泛的仿真结果。
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Communication and computation are often viewed as separate tasks. This approach is very effective from the perspective of engineering as isolated optimizations can be performed. On the other hand, there are many cases where the main interest is a function of the local information at the devices instead of the local information itself. For such scenarios, information theoretical results show that harnessing the interference in a multiple-access channel for computation, i.e., over-the-air computation (OAC), can provide a significantly higher achievable computation rate than the one with the separation of communication and computation tasks. Besides, the gap between OAC and separation in terms of computation rate increases with more participating nodes. Given this motivation, in this study, we provide a comprehensive survey on practical OAC methods. After outlining fundamentals related to OAC, we discuss the available OAC schemes with their pros and cons. We then provide an overview of the enabling mechanisms and relevant metrics to achieve reliable computation in the wireless channel. Finally, we summarize the potential applications of OAC and point out some future directions.
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In recent years, mobile devices are equipped with increasingly advanced sensing and computing capabilities. Coupled with advancements in Deep Learning (DL), this opens up countless possibilities for meaningful applications, e.g., for medical purposes and in vehicular networks. Traditional cloudbased Machine Learning (ML) approaches require the data to be centralized in a cloud server or data center. However, this results in critical issues related to unacceptable latency and communication inefficiency. To this end, Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) has been proposed to bring intelligence closer to the edge, where data is produced. However, conventional enabling technologies for ML at mobile edge networks still require personal data to be shared with external parties, e.g., edge servers. Recently, in light of increasingly stringent data privacy legislations and growing privacy concerns, the concept of Federated Learning (FL) has been introduced. In FL, end devices use their local data to train an ML model required by the server. The end devices then send the model updates rather than raw data to the server for aggregation. FL can serve as an enabling technology in mobile edge networks since it enables the collaborative training of an ML model and also enables DL for mobile edge network optimization. However, in a large-scale and complex mobile edge network, heterogeneous devices with varying constraints are involved. This raises challenges of communication costs, resource allocation, and privacy and security in the implementation of FL at scale. In this survey, we begin with an introduction to the background and fundamentals of FL. Then, we highlight the aforementioned challenges of FL implementation and review existing solutions. Furthermore, we present the applications of FL for mobile edge network optimization. Finally, we discuss the important challenges and future research directions in FL.
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