While human evaluation is the most reliable metric for evaluating speech generation systems, it is generally costly and time-consuming. Previous studies on automatic speech quality assessment address the problem by predicting human evaluation scores with machine learning models. However, they rely on supervised learning and thus suffer from high annotation costs and domain-shift problems. We propose SpeechLMScore, an unsupervised metric to evaluate generated speech using a speech-language model. SpeechLMScore computes the average log-probability of a speech signal by mapping it into discrete tokens and measures the average probability of generating the sequence of tokens. Therefore, it does not require human annotation and is a highly scalable framework. Evaluation results demonstrate that the proposed metric shows a promising correlation with human evaluation scores on different speech generation tasks including voice conversion, text-to-speech, and speech enhancement.
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我们介绍Audiolm,这是具有长期一致性高质量音频产生的框架。 Audiolm将输入音频映射到一系列离散令牌,并将音频生成作为此表示空间中的语言建模任务。我们展示了现有的音频令牌如何在重建质量和长期结构之间提供不同的权衡,我们提出了一个混合代币化计划来实现这两个目标。也就是说,我们利用在音频中预先训练的蒙版语言模型的离散激活来捕获长期结构和神经音频编解码器产生的离散代码,以实现高质量的合成。通过培训大型原始音频波形,Audiolm学会了在简短的提示下产生自然和连贯的连续性。当接受演讲训练时,没有任何笔录或注释,Audiolm会在句法和语义上产生可行的语音连续性,同时还为看不见的说话者保持说话者身份和韵律。此外,我们演示了我们的方法如何通过产生连贯的钢琴音乐连续性来超越语音,尽管受过训练而没有任何象征性的音乐代表。
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在这项工作中,我们介绍了SOMOS数据集,这是第一个大规模的意见分数(MOS)数据集,该数据集由完全神经文本到语音(TTS)样本组成。它可以用于训练专注于现代合成器评估的自动MOS预测系统,并可以刺激声学模型评估的进步。它由LJ语音语音的20k合成话语组成,LJ语音是一个公共领域的语音数据集,是建立神经声学模型和声码器的常见基准。来自200 TTS系统(包括香草神经声学模型以及允许韵律变化的模型)产生的话语。 LPCNET VOCODER用于所有系统,因此样品的变化仅取决于声学模型。合成的话语提供了平衡,足够的域和长度覆盖范围。我们对3个英国亚马逊机械土耳其人地点进行了MOS自然评估,并共享实践,从而为这项任务提供可靠的人群注释。我们为SOMOS数据集上的最先进的MOS预测模型提供了基线结果,并显示了该模型在评估TTS话语时所面临的局限性。
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Speech quality assessment has been a critical component in many voice communication related applications such as telephony and online conferencing. Traditional intrusive speech quality assessment requires the clean reference of the degraded utterance to provide an accurate quality measurement. This requirement limits the usability of these methods in real-world scenarios. On the other hand, non-intrusive subjective measurement is the ``golden standard" in evaluating speech quality as human listeners can intrinsically evaluate the quality of any degraded speech with ease. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end model structure called Convolutional Context-Aware Transformer (CCAT) network to predict the mean opinion score (MOS) of human raters. We evaluate our model on three MOS-annotated datasets spanning multiple languages and distortion types and submit our results to the ConferencingSpeech 2022 Challenge. Our experiments show that CCAT provides promising MOS predictions compared to current state-of-art non-intrusive speech assessment models with average Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) increasing from 0.530 to 0.697 and average RMSE decreasing from 0.768 to 0.570 compared to the baseline model on the challenge evaluation test set.
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Human speech can be characterized by different components, including semantic content, speaker identity and prosodic information. Significant progress has been made in disentangling representations for semantic content and speaker identity in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and speaker verification tasks respectively. However, it is still an open challenging research question to extract prosodic information because of the intrinsic association of different attributes, such as timbre and rhythm, and because of the need for unsupervised training schemes to achieve robust large-scale and speaker-independent ASR. The aim of this paper is to address the disentanglement of emotional prosody from speech based on unsupervised reconstruction. Specifically, we identify, design, implement and integrate three crucial components in our proposed speech reconstruction model Prosody2Vec: (1) a unit encoder that transforms speech signals into discrete units for semantic content, (2) a pretrained speaker verification model to generate speaker identity embeddings, and (3) a trainable prosody encoder to learn prosody representations. We first pretrain the Prosody2Vec representations on unlabelled emotional speech corpora, then fine-tune the model on specific datasets to perform Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) and Emotional Voice Conversion (EVC) tasks. Both objective and subjective evaluations on the EVC task suggest that Prosody2Vec effectively captures general prosodic features that can be smoothly transferred to other emotional speech. In addition, our SER experiments on the IEMOCAP dataset reveal that the prosody features learned by Prosody2Vec are complementary and beneficial for the performance of widely used speech pretraining models and surpass the state-of-the-art methods when combining Prosody2Vec with HuBERT representations. Some audio samples can be found on our demo website.
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Direct speech-to-speech translation (S2ST), in which all components can be optimized jointly, is advantageous over cascaded approaches to achieve fast inference with a simplified pipeline. We present a novel two-pass direct S2ST architecture, {\textit UnitY}, which first generates textual representations and predicts discrete acoustic units subsequently. We enhance the model performance by subword prediction in the first-pass decoder, advanced two-pass decoder architecture design and search strategy, and better training regularization. To leverage large amounts of unlabeled text data, we pre-train the first-pass text decoder based on the self-supervised denoising auto-encoding task. Experimental evaluations on benchmark datasets at various data scales demonstrate that UnitY outperforms a single-pass speech-to-unit translation model by 2.5-4.2 ASR-BLEU with 2.83x decoding speed-up. We show that the proposed methods boost the performance even when predicting spectrogram in the second pass. However, predicting discrete units achieves 2.51x decoding speed-up compared to that case.
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在这项研究中,我们提出了一种跨域多目标语音评估模型,即MOSA-net,可以同时估算多个语音评估度量。更具体地,MOSA-Net旨在基于作为输入的测试语音信号来估计语音质量,可懂度和失真评估分数。它包括用于表示提取的卷积神经网络和双向长短期存储器(CNN-BLSTM)架构,以及每个评估度量的乘法注意层和完全连接的层。此外,来自自我监督学习模型的跨域特征(光谱和时域特征)和潜在的表示用作将丰富的声学信息与不同语音表示相结合的输入,以获得更准确的评估。实验结果表明,MOSA-Net可以精确地预测语音质量(PESQ),短时间客观可懂度(STOI)和语音失真指数(SDI)分数的感知评估,并且在噪声下进行了测试,并且在任何看法测试下都有增强的语音话语条件(测试扬声器和训练集中涉及的噪音类型)或看不见的测试条件(其中测试扬声器和噪声类型不参与训练集)。鉴于确认的预测能力,我们进一步采用了MOSA网的潜在表示来引导语音增强(SE)过程,并导出了质量清晰度(QI)-AWARE SE(QIA-SE)方法。实验结果表明,与客观评估指标和定性评估测试相比,QIA-SE与基线SE系统相比提供了卓越的增强性能。
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In this paper, we present a novel method for phoneme-level prosody control of F0 and duration using intuitive discrete labels. We propose an unsupervised prosodic clustering process which is used to discretize phoneme-level F0 and duration features from a multispeaker speech dataset. These features are fed as an input sequence of prosodic labels to a prosody encoder module which augments an autoregressive attention-based text-to-speech model. We utilize various methods in order to improve prosodic control range and coverage, such as augmentation, F0 normalization, balanced clustering for duration and speaker-independent clustering. The final model enables fine-grained phoneme-level prosody control for all speakers contained in the training set, while maintaining the speaker identity. Instead of relying on reference utterances for inference, we introduce a prior prosody encoder which learns the style of each speaker and enables speech synthesis without the requirement of reference audio. We also fine-tune the multispeaker model to unseen speakers with limited amounts of data, as a realistic application scenario and show that the prosody control capabilities are maintained, verifying that the speaker-independent prosodic clustering is effective. Experimental results show that the model has high output speech quality and that the proposed method allows efficient prosody control within each speaker's range despite the variability that a multispeaker setting introduces.
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我们介绍了一种无线文字语音转换(S2ST)系统,可以将来自一种语言的语音转换为另一种语言,并且可以在不需要任何文本数据的情况下构建。与文献中的现有工作不同,我们解决了模拟多扬声器目标语音的挑战,并用现实世界的S2ST数据训练系统。我们方法的关键是一种自我监督的单位语音标准化技术,该标准化技术将预先训练的语音编码器具有来自多个扬声器的配对声音,以及单个参考扬声器,以减少由于复印件引起的变化,同时保留词汇内容。只有10分钟的语音标准化的配对数据,我们在培训\ vp〜s2st数据集上的S2ST模型时获得平均3.2 BLEU增益,而不是在未标准化的语音目标上培训的基线。我们还将自动开采的S2ST数据纳入并显示额外的2.0 BLEU增益。据我们所知,我们是第一个建立无线的S2ST技术,可以用真实世界的数据培训,并为多种语言配对工作。
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We study the capabilities of speech processing systems trained simply to predict large amounts of transcripts of audio on the internet. When scaled to 680,000 hours of multilingual and multitask supervision, the resulting models generalize well to standard benchmarks and are often competitive with prior fully supervised results but in a zero-shot transfer setting without the need for any fine-tuning. When compared to humans, the models approach their accuracy and robustness. We are releasing models and inference code to serve as a foundation for further work on robust speech processing.
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Modern speech enhancement (SE) networks typically implement noise suppression through time-frequency masking, latent representation masking, or discriminative signal prediction. In contrast, some recent works explore SE via generative speech synthesis, where the system's output is synthesized by a neural vocoder after an inherently lossy feature-denoising step. In this paper, we propose a denoising vocoder (DeVo) approach, where a vocoder accepts noisy representations and learns to directly synthesize clean speech. We leverage rich representations from self-supervised learning (SSL) speech models to discover relevant features. We conduct a candidate search across 15 potential SSL front-ends and subsequently train our vocoder adversarially with the best SSL configuration. Additionally, we demonstrate a causal version capable of running on streaming audio with 10ms latency and minimal performance degradation. Finally, we conduct both objective evaluations and subjective listening studies to show our system improves objective metrics and outperforms an existing state-of-the-art SE model subjectively.
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神经文本到语音研究的最新进展是利用低级中间语音表示(例如MEL-光谱图)的两阶段管道主导的。但是,这种预定的特征从根本上受到限制,因为它们不允许通过学习隐藏表示形式来利用数据驱动方法的全部潜力。因此,已经提出了几种端到端方法。但是,这样的模型更难训练,并且需要大量具有转录的高质量录音。在这里,我们提出了WavThruvec-一种两阶段的架构,通过使用高维WAV2VEC 2.0嵌入作为中间语音表示,可以解决瓶颈。由于这些隐藏的激活提供了高级语言特征,因此它们对噪音更强大。这使我们能够利用质量较低的注释语音数据集来训练第一阶段模块。同时,由于WAV2VEC 2.0的嵌入已经进行了时间对齐,因此可以在大规模未转录的音频语料库上对第二阶段组件进行培训。这导致了对量表词的概括能力的提高,以及对看不见的说话者的更好概括。我们表明,所提出的模型不仅与最新神经模型的质量相匹配,而且还介绍了有用的属性,可以实现语音转换或零弹性合成的任务。
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我们提出了一项对基于自我监督的语音表示(S3R)语音转换(VC)的大规模比较研究。在识别合成VC的背景下,S3RS由于其替代昂贵的监督表示的潜力,例如语音后验(PPG),因此很有吸引力,这些表示是由最先进的VC系统采用的。使用先前开发的开源VC软件S3PRL-VC,我们在三种VC设置下提供了一系列深入的目标和主观分析:内部/跨语义的任何一对一(A2O)和任何对象 - 使用语音转换挑战2020(VCC2020)数据集。我们在各个方面研究了基于S3R的VC,包括模型类型,多语言和监督。我们还研究了通过K-均值聚类的滴定过程的效果,并展示了其在A2A设置中的改进。最后,与最先进的VC系统的比较证明了基于S3R的VC的竞争力,并阐明了可能的改进方向。
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Prior works on improving speech quality with visual input typically study each type of auditory distortion separately (e.g., separation, inpainting, video-to-speech) and present tailored algorithms. This paper proposes to unify these subjects and study Generalized Speech Enhancement, where the goal is not to reconstruct the exact reference clean signal, but to focus on improving certain aspects of speech. In particular, this paper concerns intelligibility, quality, and video synchronization. We cast the problem as audio-visual speech resynthesis, which is composed of two steps: pseudo audio-visual speech recognition (P-AVSR) and pseudo text-to-speech synthesis (P-TTS). P-AVSR and P-TTS are connected by discrete units derived from a self-supervised speech model. Moreover, we utilize self-supervised audio-visual speech model to initialize P-AVSR. The proposed model is coined ReVISE. ReVISE is the first high-quality model for in-the-wild video-to-speech synthesis and achieves superior performance on all LRS3 audio-visual enhancement tasks with a single model. To demonstrates its applicability in the real world, ReVISE is also evaluated on EasyCom, an audio-visual benchmark collected under challenging acoustic conditions with only 1.6 hours of training data. Similarly, ReVISE greatly suppresses noise and improves quality. Project page: https://wnhsu.github.io/ReVISE.
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