This paper introduces SigMaNet, a generalized Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) capable of handling both undirected and directed graphs with weights not restricted in sign nor magnitude. The cornerstone of SigMaNet is the Sign-Magnetic Laplacian ($L^{\sigma}$), a new Laplacian matrix that we introduce ex novo in this work. $L^{\sigma}$ allows us to bridge a gap in the current literature by extending the theory of spectral GCNs to (directed) graphs with both positive and negative weights. $L^{\sigma}$ exhibits several desirable properties not enjoyed by other Laplacian matrices on which several state-of-the-art architectures are based, among which encoding the edge direction and weight in a clear and natural way that is not negatively affected by the weight magnitude. $L^{\sigma}$ is also completely parameter-free, which is not the case of other Laplacian operators such as, e.g., the Magnetic Laplacian. The versatility and the performance of our proposed approach is amply demonstrated via computational experiments. Indeed, our results show that, for at least a metric, SigMaNet achieves the best performance in 15 out of 21 cases and either the first- or second-best performance in 21 cases out of 21, even when compared to architectures that are either more complex or that, due to being designed for a narrower class of graphs, should -- but do not -- achieve a better performance.
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网络在许多现实世界应用程序中无处不在(例如,编码信任/不信任关系的社交网络,由时间序列数据引起的相关网络)。尽管许多网络都是签名或指示的,或者两者都在图形神经网络(GNN)上缺少统一的软件包,专门为签名和定向网络设计。在本文中,我们提出了Pytorch几何签名的指示,这是一个填补此空白的软件包。在此过程中,我们还提供了简短的审查调查,以分析签名和定向网络的分析,讨论相关实验中使用的数据,提供提出的方法概述,并通过实验评估实施方法。深度学习框架包括易于使用的GNN模型,合成和现实世界数据,以及针对签名和定向网络的特定任务评估指标和损失功能。作为Pytorch几何形状的扩展库,我们提出的软件由开源版本,详细文档,连续集成,单位测试和代码覆盖范围检查维护。我们的代码可在\ url {}上公开获得。
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图表神经网络(GNNS)在各种机器学习任务中获得了表示学习的提高。然而,应用邻域聚合的大多数现有GNN通常在图中的图表上执行不良,其中相邻的节点属于不同的类。在本文中,我们示出了在典型的异界图中,边缘可以被引导,以及是否像是处理边缘,也可以使它们过度地影响到GNN模型的性能。此外,由于异常的限制,节点对来自本地邻域之外的类似节点的消息非常有益。这些激励我们开发一个自适应地学习图表的方向性的模型,并利用潜在的长距离相关性节点之间。我们首先将图拉普拉斯概括为基于所提出的特征感知PageRank算法向数字化,该算法同时考虑节点之间的图形方向性和长距离特征相似性。然后,Digraph Laplacian定义了一个图形传播矩阵,导致一个名为{\ em diglaciangcn}的模型。基于此,我们进一步利用节点之间的通勤时间测量的节点接近度,以便在拓扑级别上保留节点的远距离相关性。具有不同级别的10个数据集的广泛实验,同意级别展示了我们在节点分类任务任务中对现有解决方案的有效性。
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Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) and their variants have experienced significant attention and have become the de facto methods for learning graph representations. GCNs derive inspiration primarily from recent deep learning approaches, and as a result, may inherit unnecessary complexity and redundant computation. In this paper, we reduce this excess complexity through successively removing nonlinearities and collapsing weight matrices between consecutive layers. We theoretically analyze the resulting linear model and show that it corresponds to a fixed low-pass filter followed by a linear classifier. Notably, our experimental evaluation demonstrates that these simplifications do not negatively impact accuracy in many downstream applications. Moreover, the resulting model scales to larger datasets, is naturally interpretable, and yields up to two orders of magnitude speedup over FastGCN.
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Deep learning has revolutionized many machine learning tasks in recent years, ranging from image classification and video processing to speech recognition and natural language understanding. The data in these tasks are typically represented in the Euclidean space. However, there is an increasing number of applications where data are generated from non-Euclidean domains and are represented as graphs with complex relationships and interdependency between objects. The complexity of graph data has imposed significant challenges on existing machine learning algorithms. Recently, many studies on extending deep learning approaches for graph data have emerged. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive overview of graph neural networks (GNNs) in data mining and machine learning fields. We propose a new taxonomy to divide the state-of-the-art graph neural networks into four categories, namely recurrent graph neural networks, convolutional graph neural networks, graph autoencoders, and spatial-temporal graph neural networks. We further discuss the applications of graph neural networks across various domains and summarize the open source codes, benchmark data sets, and model evaluation of graph neural networks. Finally, we propose potential research directions in this rapidly growing field.
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Graph Neural Networks (graph NNs) are a promising deep learning approach for analyzing graph-structured data. However, it is known that they do not improve (or sometimes worsen) their predictive performance as we pile up many layers and add non-lineality. To tackle this problem, we investigate the expressive power of graph NNs via their asymptotic behaviors as the layer size tends to infinity. Our strategy is to generalize the forward propagation of a Graph Convolutional Network (GCN), which is a popular graph NN variant, as a specific dynamical system. In the case of a GCN, we show that when its weights satisfy the conditions determined by the spectra of the (augmented) normalized Laplacian, its output exponentially approaches the set of signals that carry information of the connected components and node degrees only for distinguishing nodes. Our theory enables us to relate the expressive power of GCNs with the topological information of the underlying graphs inherent in the graph spectra. To demonstrate this, we characterize the asymptotic behavior of GCNs on the Erdős -Rényi graph. We show that when the Erdős -Rényi graph is sufficiently dense and large, a broad range of GCNs on it suffers from the "information loss" in the limit of infinite layers with high probability. Based on the theory, we provide a principled guideline for weight normalization of graph NNs. We experimentally confirm that the proposed weight scaling enhances the predictive performance of GCNs in real data 1 .
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作为建模复杂关系的强大工具,HyperGraphs从图表学习社区中获得了流行。但是,深度刻画学习中的常用框架专注于具有边缘独立的顶点权重(EIVW)的超图,而无需考虑具有具有更多建模功率的边缘依赖性顶点权重(EDVWS)的超图。为了弥补这一点,我们提出了一般的超图光谱卷积(GHSC),这是一个通用学习框架,不仅可以处理EDVW和EIVW HyperGraphs,而且更重要的是,理论上可以明确地利用现有强大的图形卷积神经网络(GCNN)明确说明,从而很大程度上可以释放。超图神经网络的设计。在此框架中,给定的无向GCNN的图形拉普拉斯被统一的HyperGraph Laplacian替换,该统一的HyperGraph Laplacian通过将我们所定义的广义超透明牌与简单的无向图等同起来,从随机的步行角度将顶点权重信息替换。来自各个领域的广泛实验,包括社交网络分析,视觉目标分类和蛋白质学习,证明了拟议框架的最新性能。
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Clustering is a fundamental problem in network analysis that finds closely connected groups of nodes and separates them from other nodes in the graph, while link prediction is to predict whether two nodes in a network are likely to have a link. The definition of both naturally determines that clustering must play a positive role in obtaining accurate link prediction tasks. Yet researchers have long ignored or used inappropriate ways to undermine this positive relationship. In this article, We construct a simple but efficient clustering-driven link prediction framework(ClusterLP), with the goal of directly exploiting the cluster structures to obtain connections between nodes as accurately as possible in both undirected graphs and directed graphs. Specifically, we propose that it is easier to establish links between nodes with similar representation vectors and cluster tendencies in undirected graphs, while nodes in a directed graphs can more easily point to nodes similar to their representation vectors and have greater influence in their own cluster. We customized the implementation of ClusterLP for undirected and directed graphs, respectively, and the experimental results using multiple real-world networks on the link prediction task showed that our models is highly competitive with existing baseline models. The code implementation of ClusterLP and baselines we use are available at
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光谱图神经网络是基于图信号过滤器的一种图神经网络(GNN)。一些能够学习任意光谱过滤器的模型最近出现了。但是,很少有作品分析光谱GNN的表达能力。本文理论上研究了光谱GNNS的表现力。我们首先证明,即使没有非线性的光谱GNN也可以产生任意的图形信号,并给出了两个条件以达到普遍性。它们是:1)图Laplacian的多个特征值和2)节点特征中没有缺失的频率组件。我们还建立了光谱GNN的表达能力与图形同构(GI)测试之间的联系,后者通常用于表征空间GNNS的表达能力。此外,我们从优化的角度研究了具有相同表达能力的不同光谱GNN之间的经验性能差异,并激发了其重量函数对应于光谱中图信号密度的正交基础的使用。受分析的启发,我们提出了Jacobiconv,该雅各比基的正交性和灵活性使用了雅各比的基础,以适应广泛的重量功能。 Jacobiconv抛弃了非线性,同时在合成和现实世界数据集上都超过了所有基线。
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最近,图形神经网络(GNN)通过利用图形结构和节点特征的知识来表现出图表表示的显着性能。但是,他们中的大多数都有两个主要限制。首先,GNN可以通过堆叠更多的层来学习高阶结构信息,但由于过度光滑的问题,无法处理较大的深度。其次,由于昂贵的计算成本和高内存使用情况,在大图上应用这些方法并不容易。在本文中,我们提出了节点自适应特征平滑(NAFS),这是一种简单的非参数方法,该方法构建了没有参数学习的节点表示。 NAFS首先通过特征平滑提取每个节点及其不同啤酒花的邻居的特征,然后自适应地结合了平滑的特征。此外,通过不同的平滑策略提取的平滑特征的合奏可以进一步增强构建的节点表示形式。我们在两个不同的应用程序方案上对四个基准数据集进行实验:节点群集和链接预测。值得注意的是,具有功能合奏的NAFS优于这些任务上最先进的GNN,并减轻上述大多数基于学习的GNN对应物的两个限制。
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In the last few years, graph neural networks (GNNs) have become the standard toolkit for analyzing and learning from data on graphs. This emerging field has witnessed an extensive growth of promising techniques that have been applied with success to computer science, mathematics, biology, physics and chemistry. But for any successful field to become mainstream and reliable, benchmarks must be developed to quantify progress. This led us in March 2020 to release a benchmark framework that i) comprises of a diverse collection of mathematical and real-world graphs, ii) enables fair model comparison with the same parameter budget to identify key architectures, iii) has an open-source, easy-to-use and reproducible code infrastructure, and iv) is flexible for researchers to experiment with new theoretical ideas. As of December 2022, the GitHub repository has reached 2,000 stars and 380 forks, which demonstrates the utility of the proposed open-source framework through the wide usage by the GNN community. In this paper, we present an updated version of our benchmark with a concise presentation of the aforementioned framework characteristics, an additional medium-sized molecular dataset AQSOL, similar to the popular ZINC, but with a real-world measured chemical target, and discuss how this framework can be leveraged to explore new GNN designs and insights. As a proof of value of our benchmark, we study the case of graph positional encoding (PE) in GNNs, which was introduced with this benchmark and has since spurred interest of exploring more powerful PE for Transformers and GNNs in a robust experimental setting.
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图形神经网络(GNN)在许多基于图的学​​习任务中表现出很大的优势,但通常无法准确预测基于任务的节点集,例如链接/主题预测等。最近,许多作品通过使用随机节点功能或节点距离特征来解决此问题。但是,它们的收敛速度缓慢,预测不准确或高复杂性。在这项工作中,我们重新访问允许使用位置编码(PE)技术(例如Laplacian eigenmap,deepwalk等)的节点的位置特征。 。在这里,我们以原则性的方式研究了这些问题,并提出了一种可证明的解决方案,这是一类用严格数学分析的钉子的GNN层。 PEG使用单独的频道来更新原始节点功能和位置功能。 PEG施加置换量比W.R.T.原始节点功能并施加$ O(P)$(正交组)均值W.R.T.位置特征同时特征,其中$ p $是二手位置特征的维度。在8个现实世界网络上进行的广泛链接预测实验证明了PEG在概括和可伸缩性方面的优势。
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图形神经网络(GNN)已被证明可以实现竞争结果,以解决与图形相关的任务,例如节点和图形分类,链接预测和节点以及各种域中的图形群集。大多数GNN使用消息传递框架,因此称为MPNN。尽管有很有希望的结果,但据报道,MPNN会遭受过度平滑,过度阵型和不足的影响。文献中已经提出了图形重新布线和图形池作为解决这些局限性的解决方案。但是,大多数最先进的图形重新布线方法无法保留该图的全局拓扑,因此没有可区分(电感),并且需要调整超参数。在本文中,我们提出了Diffwire,这是一个在MPNN中进行图形重新布线的新型框架,它通过利用LOV \'ASZ绑定来原理,完全可区分且无参数。我们的方法通过提出两个新的,mpnns中的新的互补层来提供统一的图形重新布线:首先,ctlayer,一个学习通勤时间并将其用作边缘重新加权的相关函数;其次,Gaplayer是优化光谱差距的图层,具体取决于网络的性质和手头的任务。我们从经验上验证了我们提出的方法的价值,并使用基准数据集分别验证了这些层的每个层以进行图形分类。 Diffwire将通勤时间的可学习性汇集到相关的曲率定义,为发展更具表现力的MPNN的发展打开了大门。
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Pre-publication draft of a book to be published byMorgan & Claypool publishers. Unedited version released with permission. All relevant copyrights held by the author and publisher extend to this pre-publication draft.
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图形卷积网络(GCN)类似于卷积神经网络(CNN),通常基于两个主要操作 - 空间和点的卷积。在GCN的背景下,与CNN不同,通常选择基于图形laplacian的预定的​​空间操作员,通常只允许学习点的操作。但是,学习有意义的空间操作员对于开发更具表现力的GCN以提高性能至关重要。在本文中,我们提出了PathGCN,这是一种从图上的随机路径学习空间操作员的新方法。我们分析方法的收敛及其与现有GCN的差异。此外,我们讨论了将我们所学的空间操作员与点卷积相结合的几种选择。我们在众多数据集上进行的广泛实验表明,通过适当地学习空间和角度的卷积,可以固有地避免诸如过度光滑的现象,并实现新的最先进的性能。
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