This paper describes SentencePiece, a language-independent subword tokenizer and detokenizer designed for Neural-based text processing, including Neural Machine Translation. It provides open-source C++ and Python implementations for subword units. While existing subword segmentation tools assume that the input is pre-tokenized into word sequences, SentencePiece can train subword models directly from raw sentences, which allows us to make a purely end-to-end and language independent system. We perform a validation experiment of NMT on English-Japanese machine translation, and find that it is possible to achieve comparable accuracy to direct subword training from raw sentences. We also compare the performance of subword training and segmentation with various configurations. SentencePiece is available under the Apache 2 license at sentencepiece.
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Subword units are an effective way to alleviate the open vocabulary problems in neural machine translation (NMT). While sentences are usually converted into unique subword sequences, subword segmentation is potentially ambiguous and multiple segmentations are possible even with the same vocabulary. The question addressed in this paper is whether it is possible to harness the segmentation ambiguity as a noise to improve the robustness of NMT. We present a simple regularization method, subword regularization, which trains the model with multiple subword segmentations probabilistically sampled during training. In addition, for better subword sampling, we propose a new subword segmentation algorithm based on a unigram language model. We experiment with multiple corpora and report consistent improvements especially on low resource and out-of-domain settings.
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Multilingual pretrained models are effective for machine translation and cross-lingual processing because they contain multiple languages in one model. However, they are pretrained after their tokenizers are fixed; therefore it is difficult to change the vocabulary after pretraining. When we extend the pretrained models to new languages, we must modify the tokenizers simultaneously. In this paper, we add new subwords to the SentencePiece tokenizer to apply a multilingual pretrained model to new languages (Inuktitut in this paper). In our experiments, we segmented Inuktitut sentences into subwords without changing the segmentation of already pretrained languages, and applied the mBART-50 pretrained model to English-Inuktitut translation.
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This paper presents the OPUS ecosystem with a focus on the development of open machine translation models and tools, and their integration into end-user applications, development platforms and professional workflows. We discuss our on-going mission of increasing language coverage and translation quality, and also describe on-going work on the development of modular translation models and speed-optimized compact solutions for real-time translation on regular desktops and small devices.
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We describe an open-source toolkit for neural machine translation (NMT). The toolkit prioritizes efficiency, modularity, and extensibility with the goal of supporting NMT research into model architectures, feature representations, and source modalities, while maintaining competitive performance and reasonable training requirements. The toolkit consists of modeling and translation support, as well as detailed pedagogical documentation about the underlying techniques.
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Neural machine translation (NMT) models typically operate with a fixed vocabulary, but translation is an open-vocabulary problem. Previous work addresses the translation of out-of-vocabulary words by backing off to a dictionary. In this paper, we introduce a simpler and more effective approach, making the NMT model capable of open-vocabulary translation by encoding rare and unknown words as sequences of subword units. This is based on the intuition that various word classes are translatable via smaller units than words, for instance names (via character copying or transliteration), compounds (via compositional translation), and cognates and loanwords (via phonological and morphological transformations). We discuss the suitability of different word segmentation techniques, including simple character ngram models and a segmentation based on the byte pair encoding compression algorithm, and empirically show that subword models improve over a back-off dictionary baseline for the WMT 15 translation tasks English→German and English→Russian by up to 1.1 and 1.3 BLEU, respectively.
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Neural Machine Translation (NMT) is an end-to-end learning approach for automated translation, with the potential to overcome many of the weaknesses of conventional phrase-based translation systems. Unfortunately, NMT systems are known to be computationally expensive both in training and in translation inference -sometimes prohibitively so in the case of very large data sets and large models. Several authors have also charged that NMT systems lack robustness, particularly when input sentences contain rare words. These issues have hindered NMT's use in practical deployments and services, where both accuracy and speed are essential. In this work, we present GNMT, Google's Neural Machine Translation system, which attempts to address many of these issues. Our model consists of a deep LSTM network with 8 encoder and 8 decoder layers using residual connections as well as attention connections from the decoder network to the encoder. To improve parallelism and therefore decrease training time, our attention mechanism connects the bottom layer of the decoder to the top layer of the encoder. To accelerate the final translation speed, we employ low-precision arithmetic during inference computations. To improve handling of rare words, we divide words into a limited set of common sub-word units ("wordpieces") for both input and output. This method provides a good balance between the flexibility of "character"-delimited models and the efficiency of "word"-delimited models, naturally handles translation of rare words, and ultimately improves the overall accuracy of the system. Our beam search technique employs a length-normalization procedure and uses a coverage penalty, which encourages generation of an output sentence that is most likely to cover all the words in the source sentence. To directly optimize the translation BLEU scores, we consider refining the models by using reinforcement learning, but we found that the improvement in the BLEU scores did not reflect in the human evaluation. On the WMT'14 English-to-French and English-to-German benchmarks, GNMT achieves competitive results to state-of-the-art. Using a human side-by-side evaluation on a set of isolated simple sentences, it reduces translation errors by an average of 60% compared to Google's phrase-based production system.
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关于阿塞拜疆的神经机器翻译(NMT)的研究很少。在本文中,我们将阿塞拜疆 - 英语NMT系统的性能基于一系列技术和数据集的性能。我们评估哪种细分技术在阿塞拜疆翻译上最有效,并基准了阿塞拜疆NMT模型在几个文本领域中的性能。我们的结果表明,虽然Umigram细分改善了NMT的性能,而Azerbaijani翻译模型则比数量更好,但跨域泛化仍然是一个挑战
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The BERT family of neural language models have become highly popular due to their ability to provide sequences of text with rich context-sensitive token encodings which are able to generalise well to many NLP tasks. We introduce gaBERT, a monolingual BERT model for the Irish language. We compare our gaBERT model to multilingual BERT and the monolingual Irish WikiBERT, and we show that gaBERT provides better representations for a downstream parsing task. We also show how different filtering criteria, vocabulary size and the choice of subword tokenisation model affect downstream performance. We compare the results of fine-tuning a gaBERT model with an mBERT model for the task of identifying verbal multiword expressions, and show that the fine-tuned gaBERT model also performs better at this task. We release gaBERT and related code to the community.
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评论是源代码的重要组成部分,是文档的主要来源。这引起了人们对使用大量注释的兴趣训练或评估消耗或生产它们的工具,例如生成甲骨文,甚至是从注释中生成代码,或自动生成代码摘要。这项工作大部分对评论的结构和质量做出了强烈的假设,例如假设它们主要由适当的英语句子组成。但是,我们对这些用例的现有评论的实际质量知之甚少。评论通常包含在其他类型的文本中看不到的独特结构和元素,并且从中过滤或提取信息需要额外的谨慎。本文探讨了来自GitHub的840个最受欢迎的开源项目和Srilab数据集的8422个项目的Python评论的内容和质量,并且Na \“ Ive vs.深入过滤的影响都可以使用现有注释来用于使用现有注释。培训和评估产生评论的系统。
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音译是NLP域中的一项任务,其中输出单词是使用任何外语字母编写的类似单词。如今,该系统已针对多种语言对开发,涉及英语作为源或目标单词,并在Google Translate和聊天机器人等多个地方部署。但是,在指示语言的领域进行的研究很少进行,将其译为其他指示语言。本文展示了一个基于变压器(具有一些修改)的多语言模型,该模型比该域中的所有现有模型都可以显着更高的性能和准确性,并且比最先进的模型获得了更好的结果。本文显示了一个模型,该模型可以在以下五种语言之间进行任何一对 - 英语,印地语,孟加拉语,卡纳达语和泰米尔语之间的音译。它适用于语言在任何书面任务中都是通信的障碍的情况。该模型击败了最先进的(对于上述五种语言中的所有对 - 英语,印地语,孟加拉语,卡纳达语和泰米尔语),并获得了80.7%的前1位准确性得分,比比当前最佳结果。此外,该模型在语音准确性方面达到了93.5%(音译主要是基于语音/声音的任务)。
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Pre-training is an effective technique for ensuring robust performance on a variety of machine learning tasks. It typically depends on large-scale crawled corpora that can result in toxic or biased models. Such data can also be problematic with respect to copyright, attribution, and privacy. Pre-training with synthetic tasks and data is a promising way of alleviating such concerns since no real-world information is ingested by the model. Our goal in this paper is to understand what makes for a good pre-trained model when using synthetic resources. We answer this question in the context of neural machine translation by considering two novel approaches to translation model pre-training. Our first approach studies the effect of pre-training on obfuscated data derived from a parallel corpus by mapping words to a vocabulary of 'nonsense' tokens. Our second approach explores the effect of pre-training on procedurally generated synthetic parallel data that does not depend on any real human language corpus. Our empirical evaluation on multiple language pairs shows that, to a surprising degree, the benefits of pre-training can be realized even with obfuscated or purely synthetic parallel data. In our analysis, we consider the extent to which obfuscated and synthetic pre-training techniques can be used to mitigate the issue of hallucinated model toxicity.
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We propose a simple solution to use a single Neural Machine Translation (NMT) model to translate between multiple languages. Our solution requires no changes to the model architecture from a standard NMT system but instead introduces an artificial token at the beginning of the input sentence to specify the required target language. The rest of the model, which includes an encoder, decoder and attention module, remains unchanged and is shared across all languages. Using a shared wordpiece vocabulary, our approach enables Multilingual NMT using a single model without any increase in parameters, which is significantly simpler than previous proposals for Multilingual NMT. On the WMT'14 benchmarks, a single multilingual model achieves comparable performance for English→French and surpasses state-of-the-art results for English→German. Similarly, a single multilingual model surpasses state-of-the-art results for French→English and German→English on WMT'14 and WMT'15 benchmarks, respectively. On production corpora, multilingual models of up to twelve language pairs allow for better translation of many individual pairs. In addition to improving the translation quality of language pairs that the model was trained with, our models can also learn to perform implicit bridging between language pairs never seen explicitly during training, showing that transfer learning and zero-shot translation is possible for neural translation. Finally, we show analyses that hints at a universal interlingua representation in our models and show some interesting examples when mixing languages.
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在本文中,我们描述了三星研究的提交菲律宾-Konvergen AI团队为WMT'21大规模多语言翻译任务 - 小轨道2.我们向共享任务提交标准SEQ2Seq变压器模型,没有任何培训或架构技巧,主要依靠我们的数据预处理技术来提高性能。我们的最终提交模型在Flores-101 DevTest集中筹集了22.92平均Bleu,并在比赛的隐藏试验集上获得了22.97平均平均Bleu,整体排名第六。尽管只使用标准变压器,我们的型号在印度尼西亚排名第一的javanese,表明数据预处理的重要事项,如果不是更多的,而不是切割边缘模型架构和训练技术。
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